Chapter 1243

Xie Kai’s words made the crowd excited.

Drag sonar, many people have seen, that thing is several kilometers long at every turn, if you get a one with a length of more than one thousand meters, can’t it sell for more than 100,000?

With more than one hundred thousand, you can change to a bigger boat, then make more, sell more money, sell a larger fishing boat, and then go further and get more things…just like a sheep-herding kid. The purpose of the sheep-herding kid is to marry his daughter-in-law and give birth to sons, give birth to sons and then raise more sheep, and then give birth to more sons and raise more sheep…

Of course, this business is far more reliable than herding sheep.

It’s even easier to get rich than fishing.

“Do you want the wreckage of the plane?” Suddenly, someone in the crowd asked Xie Kai loudly.

When Xie Kai heard it, there was actually an airplane wreckage?

I just don’t know if it’s an old-fashioned airplane from World War II. That thing is useless.

Now he also knows that even if it’s useless, he can’t say no. Buying horse bones for money is just the beginning. It is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of these fishermen to get all kinds of things in the sea.

No matter how good the fishermen are, they won’t fish for their own navy, don’t they?

“Yes! But you have to pay for things. The fighter jets that fell into the sea during World War II have been soaked in the sea for almost half a century. They can’t even make scrap iron. They must be worthless…” Xie Kai said.

“No. How can I find you then?” the fisherman asked Xie Kai.

The sky was already dark now, but not only did the people around him not disperse, but more and more.

Li Qingmin and others have not rushed over, and even Tan Lin’s men here have not rushed over.

It’s impossible for Xie Kai to stay here to collect these tatters.

“Wait a minute, our people will come over right away. In the future, we will not only set up an acquisition point here, but also other large fishing ports. However, it may be slower later, and we must determine the value through our people. …” Xie Kai explained.

Everyone is naturally aware of these situations.

It is impossible to get the money immediately like this.

If it wasn’t for Mo Qi to eat seafood, if it wasn’t for her to eat badly, her son would have to go hungry. If it wasn’t for Xie Kai just to be upset and want to go out for a walk, he encountered the sea where he didn’t know how to fish it. The drag sonar, there is no such thing.

While waiting for Li Qingmin and others to send the money, Xie Kai introduced some of the purchased items in more detail. Anyway, as long as they are valuable items, they will be purchased, and even the materials in the sunken ship under the sea will be purchased. .

Before the sky was completely dark, Tan Lin’s men finally arrived.

A middle-aged man in his forties and wearing a suit drove a Volga over, which made the fishermen who had been waiting to see if Xie Kai really paid off the sonar that bought the boat owner for 20,000 yuan to speculate about Xie Kai. identity of.

“Mr. Xie, my name is Wei Haiqing.” The middle-aged man went directly to Xie Kai and said respectfully.

Xie Kai doesn’t know him, but he knows Xie Kai, although he doesn’t know the specific identity of Xie Kai.

After things like Mao Wenfeng happened, Tan Lin would naturally rectify his subordinates. He didn’t trust him absolutely, and he would definitely not let Xie Kai come in contact with him. Otherwise, there would be no way to explain what happened when the time came.

“Arrange for someone to set up a point here in the future to buy these things.” Xie Kai pointed to the pile of sonars next to him and said.

Wei Haiqing didn’t ask what he was doing, he just asked what the acquisition was.

Xie Kai’s answer is simple, just buy what they get.

Of course, this is something useful in addition to seafood and marine garbage thrown into the sea by humans.

Wei Haiqing naturally knew what Xie Kai was referring to.

Xie Kai introduced Wei Haiqing to the fishermen, and Wei Haiqing will be responsible for these things in the future. Whether he is going out on his own or looking for someone from his staff, it has nothing to do with Xie Kai. If you encounter something, you can find a professional person. It’s okay.

Wei Haiqing, who stayed here, was originally a reliable assistant to the business before Tan Lin.

Wei Haiqing didn’t talk too much nonsense, it directly explained that Tian was here to get a work station and arrange for someone to stay here all the time.

Li Qingmin and Gu Baolong also came over, along with a few technicians.

Seeing so many people, the fishermen onlookers naturally doubted Xie Kai’s identity even more.

Besides, the people who came were all cadres wearing four pockets. Although the cadres were not as scary as before, at least they believed Xie Kai’s rhetoric even more.

When they saw the sonar that had been removed from the bow of the ship, the technicians’ eyes suddenly lit up. After some observation, they excitedly said to Li Qingming: “This is the drag sonar from abroad.”

“Here is 20,000 yuan.” When Xie Kai handed the two new and unopened old heads from Li Qingmin to the ship owner, the ship owner still didn’t believe it was true.

“Everyone, as long as you can find all kinds of metal things, you can find us. Here, we will set up a special purchase point… In addition, if you don’t believe the purchase point here, you can also send it directly to Shanghai. East Shipyard, we will pay the price based on what you get.” Gu Baolong announced this in public.

Hudong Shipyard, the fishermen here have naturally heard of it.

Although it does not produce small boats, the distance is not too far, is it?

When the Hudong Shipyard was in a downturn before, it would also undertake the maintenance of some large fishing vessels.

When he saw the boat owner smirking with two stacks of old people’s heads, the middle-aged man in the crowd asked if he wanted the wreckage of the Xie Kai plane. He boarded a small fishing boat, and soon the boat went out to sea…

“Didn’t you give him back a thousand dollars before?” Mo Qi asked Xie Kai.

She thought Xie Kai had forgotten.

No matter how rich you have, you can’t waste it like this, right?

Xie Kai looked at her, smiled and shook his head, “Daughter-in-law, this is a lot of money for horse bones.”

It’s not that Xie Kai doesn’t want it, but Xie Kai doesn’t want it on purpose.

As the first person to eat crabs, naturally you can get more benefits.(Read more @

After returning, Xie Kai sent Mo Qi home and went directly to the strictly guarded workshop in the shipyard.

Inside the workshop, the airplane and various electronic equipment beside the airplane are being dismantled.

Tian Jiwei saw that Xie Kai was here now, and worried that Xie Kai would let them throw the wreckage of the plane back into the sea.

Tomorrow morning, the rescue ship J101 will go out to sea again to continue searching for the wreckage of EP-3, but the Americans paid a lot of salvage fees.

“Mr. Tian, ​​get a few core parts that are not important. I will find someone to throw it into the sea…” When Xie Kai saw Tian Jiwei, he said his request.

To make Americans give up, they must also think that the wreckage of the plane has fallen apart.

Only when it falls apart can it be carried everywhere by the ocean currents and cannot be found at all.

Looking for?

There is no problem, as long as the money is given, the salvage team will always salvage according to their ideas.

For the salvage team with outdated equipment, it is hoped that someone will pay for them to update their preparations and improve their salvage level and experience.

“Isn’t that all the planes were taken back? Is there anything wrong?” Tian Jiwei was anxious.

I managed to get through Xie Kai’s ideological work before.

At this moment, although I just told them to throw away some unimportant parts…

“No, it just made the Americans give up and let them know that they can’t get it back…Even the wreckage of the plane and some of the main structural parts have to be thrown into the sea…”

Knowing what Tian Jiwei was worried about, Xie Kai directly stated his plan.

Tian Jiwei was stunned, and looked at Xie Kai like a monster, “Thank you for thinking of such an idea. In this way, even if Americans don’t believe it, they have to believe the facts…”

“I went to the dock today, and someone caught a drag sonar…” Xie Kai smiled triumphantly.

The sonar has no copper, and it is useless to steal it.

This sentence makes Xie Kai’s memory too deep.

Some fishermen buy fishing boats, but just to fish for this stuff.

This thing is far more valuable than fishing a boat in the sea. If you have money, who doesn’t want to make it?

“Arrange for people to select the unimportant things, as well as the equipment we can make, so that the personnel here who study the structure of the aircraft will dismantle the wreckage of the aircraft according to the accident…”

Tian Jiwei knew the purpose of Xie Kai, so naturally he didn’t unwilling to arrange it happily.

“Three days?” Wei Hua looked at Xie Kai puzzled.

Xie Kai told Wei Hua what he had prepared, and at the same time told him that the Americans would either add money to allow them to continue to expand the scope of the search, or they would completely abandon the salvage mission.

No matter how the Americans choose, it is a good thing for the salvage team.

Wei Hua also had no reluctance.

The salvage vessel J101 has been operating at sea for a long time, and there were many failures. This time it was a complete overhaul. The Americans can’t say anything no matter how unhappy it is.

Until the third day, under Xie Kai’s arrangement, several helicopters dropped various parts and debris into the sea in several directions.

The main structure of the aircraft, which was artificially corroded by personnel specializing in aircraft design, was also taken by the salvage vessel J101 to the intended sea area.

Xie Kai used 21,000 to buy more than two hundred meters of drag sonar on the dock, and it spread to the surrounding waters in just a few days.

On the fourth day, a small fishing boat returned to work. There was no fish or shrimp on the fishing boat, only some aircraft metal plates, a cylindrical shell and some unknown equipment.

“What is this?” Wei Haiqing arranged here for a thin middle-aged man in his thirties, You Yu, nicknamed Squid.

You Yu looked at the pile of debris in front of him and couldn’t help frowning.

If it weren’t for Wei Haiqing’s special explanation, he would even let people come to get out with these things.

“The wreckage of the plane, the young man said at the beginning that you want valuable things, Manager You, you can see this thing…” The fisherman in his forties had a nervous smile on his face.

He himself doesn’t know whether these things are worth money.

I caught it in the first place, but it was just thrown away as rubbish. A boat, a few partners, did not fish or prawns for several days, specifically fishing for this stuff.

If it is not worth the money, he will be in great trouble.

In order to persuade the other crew members, he promised that if there is no value, he would personally compensate the partners according to the usual income.

The ship is not big, but a few partners pooled together money to buy it.

“Excuse me, please wait, I’ll call someone to take a look…” You Yu remembered Wei Haiqing’s request. According to his opinion, this is definitely a pile of rubbish, not worth any money.

Don’t dare to do anything bad, you can only call Hudong Shipyard.

“Someone can get something so soon?” Xie Kai was a little weird.

Although there are many shipwrecks under the sea, he said, there is no need for value.

There are too many sunken ships in the Yangtze River estuary, many of which were sunk before the founding of New China.

“Said it is the wreckage of the plane. At present, only your team has experts…” Gu Baonong looked at Xie Kai helplessly. “There has been a lot of sinking in the Yangtze River Estuary. The fishermen are all old sailors who have gone to sea for many years. In the shallow waters, almost everyone knows where there is…”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as it is valuable, you might as well give more at the beginning. Maybe you can really get some good things.” Xie Kai said indifferently.

Anyway, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the fishermen, it does not matter to spend more money.

The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit.

“It just happens that I don’t have anything to do. I will go and have a look with you, in case there is something good…” I heard that Xie Kai is going to the dock again, and Tian Jiwei also wants to follow Xie Kai to have a look.

Xie Kai did not refuse, and asked three technicians to go to the dock.

Seeing Xie Kai coming again, the fishermen in their forties became more worried.

Especially when Xie Kai frowned when looking at this pile of things.

“This is the tail of the plane, the vertical tail and the horizontal tail are all…” a technician said, “I don’t know what plane it is, the wreckage is not visible at all.

“Looking at the degree of corrosion, it should have been dropped into the sea not long ago. I haven’t heard of a recent airplane crash and crashed into the sea, unless…” Another technician reminded several others.

Tian Jiwei and Xie Kai looked at each other.

Without waiting for Xie Kai to say anything, Tian Jiwei rummaged in the pile of wreckage, as did the other technicians.

Only the American EP-3 reconnaissance plane fell into the sea recently.

“Where did you get this?” Xie Kai asked the fisherman.

The fisherman looked at Xie Kai and talked about the location of the salvage. Xie Kai didn’t know where it was.

“It’s more than 80 kilometers away from that area…” Gu Baonong reminded Xie Kai.

As the secretary of the Hudong Shipyard, he would often follow the warships for sea trials to the sea. Gu Baonong still knows the surrounding waters well.

“So far?” A smile appeared on Xie Kai’s face.

It was more than 80 kilometers away from the crash point, and further away from the position where the vertical tail was bombed.

Xie Kai has made up his mind to reward the fisherman no matter whether there is value in it or not.

The news must be made known to the Americans.

The Americans will definitely find these fishermen to confirm the authenticity of the news.

“50,000?” The fisherman looked at Xie Kai in disbelief.

Even You Yu looked at Xie Kai incredulously.

If a pile of scrap iron is not a thing, just give 50,000?

What is this criterion?

Tian Jiwei did not think that the money Xie Kai gave was expensive, but that it was worth it, because they found something valuable in it-the antenna!

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