Chapter 1246

This Paris Air Show is a huge opportunity for Chinese equipment. After this time, Chinese equipment units rarely have real machines to participate in the exhibition, and there will be none in the future.

Xie Kai has always hoped to show the equipment made in China to the world.

Whether in the military or civilian markets, there is a huge demand for aircraft products, but the technical threshold is high and competition is fierce. China’s market share in the international arena is almost negligible.

“You don’t care about these things?” Tian Jiwei looked at Xie Kai, a little worried.

Xie Kai didn’t understand what he was worried about. “Mr. Tian, ​​all the equipment is shipped directly by train, and then loaded and transported by plane. Everything is arranged…”

“What about the follow-up research?” Tian Jiwei asked Xie Kai.

Instead, Xie Kai will promise funding or something right away, but now he has learned to be smart, and said to Tian Jiwei, “For the follow-up situation, I will transport it back first. Director Zheng and the others will make a decision. I can’t take charge of this matter. , You can only ask Director Zheng.”

The base is now rectifying various projects, and then adding projects, it must be cautious and cautious.

What’s more, when things are returned, the Air Force should also provide some research funds.

Although this is an electronic reconnaissance aircraft used by the U.S. Navy, it is also required for the Air Force’s AWACS program. The transfer to the military for the tenth transfer was originally not much funded, and the research has fallen into a bottleneck. There is a chance to break through and more funds are needed. Before the replacement, no one would object to the increase in investment in the 404.

But now the situation has changed.

Qin Fei is also involved in this project, and the Air Force also participates. The Air Force does not provide any funding, which is inappropriate.

“Mr. Tian, ​​you don’t have to worry too much. It will take two to three months for these equipment to be transported back safely and secretly. Don’t worry too much, as long as it doesn’t affect the progress of our project.” Xie Kai sees Tian Jiwei at all. Dispel the worries, continue to say.

Tian Jiwei looked at Xie Kai, but in the end he only sighed secretly without saying anything.

I’ve already talked about this, and what else I said would be a little inappropriate.

“Xie Kai, the salvage of the ship…” Hearing that Xie Kai was leaving soon, Wei Hua was also anxious.

Xie Kai said at the time that Hudong Shipyard can set up a separate project team to develop more advanced salvage vessels, and cooperate with the naval technical department to design and research diving equipment such as deep-sea diving bells.

So far, there is no result.

It seems that Hudong Shipyard has no experience in the design and construction of salvage ships.

“Captain Wei, you can rest assured that although Hudong Shipyard has no experience in designing and building salvage ships, it is also a design and production unit of dual-use equipment. Both Director Li and Secretary Gu nodded in agreement. As long as the Americans leave, this will happen. You can start, and the salvage boat will be designed and built according to your needs…” Xie Kai did not lie about the salvage boat.

For Hudong Shipyard to develop, it must involve more types of ships.

These are all necessary special work boats. A design team does not need too many people.

The entire shipyard can share infrastructure such as production factories and docks, except for the design team.

“For shipyards to develop, they must have stronger technical strength. How can they have stronger technical strength? The only way is to have the design and manufacturing capabilities of more types of ships. Or the old rules, design and manufacture in accordance with modularity, For example, the power system, ships with similar tonnages, use the same type of power system…” Xie Kai saw that Gu Baonong, Li Qingmin and other shipyard leaders still had some concerns and persuaded them.

Gu Baonong looked at Xie Kai with a wry smile, “You said these are easy, but they are not easy things to do. There are too many design fields, and it is a very big pressure for our existing design capabilities. Now that we have separated military products from civilian products, designers are already scarce.”

“Yes, Xie Kai, there is not much demand for salvage ships. Our current energy should be devoted to the design of large civil transport ships. Whether it is an oil tanker, a natural gas transport ship, or even an ore ship, the large ones are for us It’s more difficult…” Li Qingmin added.

Hudong Shipyard is now rapidly expanding in scale, and it should be a happy thing for any manager.

Especially senior managers like Li Qingmin.

But they are worried now.

There is no other reason. Hudong Shipyard is now expanding to make Li Qingmin and the others a little worried.

Many projects are just a shelf and need more technical staff to enrich. If the staff cannot keep up, the funds will need to be consumed, and the number of staff will be insufficient, and the results will naturally be extremely slow. As for the assessment of these high-level cadres, the results need to be looked at.

“Manpower matters are easy to solve, Director Wang and they will find a way. Although there are not too many orders for rescue ships, what we need now is not a huge order, but a technical reserve. The navy currently lacks funds, and the local administration is also inadequate. Our country has millions of square kilometers of territorial waters, and the demand for rescue ships is also huge…” Xie Kai does not have a long-term vision, but knows what will happen in twenty years.

Invest in research in this area now. Twenty years later, Hudong Shipyard is also a leader in this area.

Rescue boats are dual-use for both military and civilian use. Both military and local administration require a lot of equipment.

“You can do it slowly without rushing to produce results. The size of the team does not need to be too large…” Seeing that the two still have concerns, Xie Kai said, “The salvage team has collected tens of millions of dollars from the Americans this time. , Nearly 50 million, how can it be divided into 30 million to the salvage ship, the preliminary design does not require much money…”

Thirty million is not enough to build an advanced large-scale salvage ship.(Read more @

But it can support the preliminary research work.

Hudong Shipyard needs to have more ship types in order to get more orders internationally.

In the next few decades in China, the demand for various types of ocean-going ships will increase sharply.

Once the domestic manufacturing is not possible, the orders will be from foreign shipyards. Both the price and other conditions will be very high, and there is not much room for bargaining.

Xie Kai explained the things here, and sent Mo Qi mother and son on the flight back to the capital. He didn’t return to the capital by himself, but waited for the plane to pick him up back to the base.

Seeing that there are only a few days left for this Paris Air Show, although many things in history have not happened, the situation in the Soviet Union and other countries is still the same. The Blizzard Space Shuttle will definitely appear, and the An-225 will be shocked. Globally, even Su-27 can still fly the Cobra maneuver.

It’s just that China’s only real aircraft exhibiting at the exhibition will no longer be the only J-8II, but a fully-sealed Y-8 regional passenger aircraft model, as well as the Super-7A that can also fly the Cobra, and even export. The super-7B twin-engine fighter model…

The J-8II transported by sea is estimated to have arrived in France by this time.

“Your kid is finally back. We were still discussing when you can come back. We wanted to ask you, but we were afraid of affecting things over there.” When Xie Kai returned to the base, Zheng Yucheng’s face was full of smiles. “The route and logistics to Paris have been arranged. Yun-8 will also go with us, but this speed affects a little…”

“It’s not a big problem.” Xie Kai also knew that the speed of a propeller plane like Yun-8 could not be so fast.

Even a reconnaissance aircraft like the EP-3 can reach a maximum speed of 740 kilometers per hour, but it can’t be reached by the transport -8.

“We don’t have an aerial refueling machine. Although Super-7A has aerial refueling capabilities, it is a follow-up model, and we have not tested it…” Xie Kai was a little regretful.

While talking, he walked towards the hangar next to him.

There are five Super-7A planes in the flight show. In order to ensure that there are no problems with the flight show, two spare planes are also prepared. If there are no problems, the two spare planes will be displayed on the ground statically.

“There will be an aerial tanker sooner or later. The aerial tanker of Xifei should be almost done, although it was only modified with the H-6.” Xie Kai comforted them.

Pakistan has air tankers provided by the United States, but those aircraft are strictly guarded by personnel sent by the United States, and it is impossible for China to study imitations.

The problem of insufficient range of Super-7A is a big problem in itself. The joint development of China and Pakistan is mainly related to the technology provided by China. Pakistani technicians will improve and introduce the US air refueling system so that Super-7A can pass through Pakistan. Air refueling aircraft equipped by the Air Force to refuel, thereby increasing the range and combat radius.

The most complicated aerial refueling device is the tanker, and the refueling system of the fighter is not too complicated.

Although the Navy has equipped the J-8II with a combat radius of 800 kilometers, it is still not enough to cover the Nansha Islands.

If you want to cover the Nansha Islands, you must either develop a fighter with a larger combat radius, or equip an aerial tanker to increase its ability to stay in the air by refueling the fighter jets in the air…

“Not to mention these disturbing things, this time we go to the Paris Air Show, it can be regarded as showing up. We all say that our domestic aircraft manufacturing technology is not good, let the whole world take a good look, is it true? I don’t want to talk about aerial tankers.

Xifei has just started to build an aerial tanker on the other side.

It is still in the stage of technical demonstration, and even the design sketches have not yet begun to be drawn.

“There is no problem with the status of these planes? Don’t be like when the Thunderbirds are performing in our country…” Xie Kai asked.

He knew that such a situation was impossible.

But for the Super-7A, which is designed and produced at the same time, there is no emergency product that has not been carried out for a long time in tests such as structural strength. He really has no bottom in his heart.

These Super-7A aircraft at the base have been doing flight tests, various large maneuvers, and often maneuvers such as dragon raising their heads, which is a very severe test for structural strength.

Moreover, the service life of the RD-33 engine produced in the Soviet Union is not long. No aircraft flies for at least two hours a day, even more than 1,000 hours a year…

Several Super-7A aircraft at the base have not been replaced since they were produced.

“No problem. The technical team has been following up. Export fighters, any air force training, it is impossible for us to fly all kinds of big maneuvers like ours every day…” Yue Lin’s words gave Xie Kai a lot of peace of mind. .

Near the departure, the total range of this transition flight exceeds 10,000 kilometers, and unlike other countries, there is sufficient time for maintenance after each transition. The most detailed inspection must be done before departure. All the planes are parked in the hangar, and the pilots are resting.

Seeing Xie Kai coming, the pilots of the base all greeted him with a smile.

The captain of the flight team, Tu Lang, looked at Xie Kai, and even came up directly and put his arms around Xie Kai’s shoulders, with a smile on his face, “Brother, we have to thank you for this, otherwise, I don’t have the chance to fly so many countries in this life .”

“You have to thank Director Zheng and the others. They applied to their superiors. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to participate in the Paris Air Show.” Xie Kai rolled his eyes when he saw Zheng Yucheng and said quickly.

Tu Lang didn’t buy Zheng Yucheng’s account at all.

Even Yue Lin, his immediate boss, is not waiting to see him.

The pilots of this flight team are basically stingers, who were originally hired to fly the F-14.

“If we drive the big guys over there, it will definitely be more comfortable, although in the air because of the heavy weight, the operation is not so flexible.” Tu Lang saw Xie Kai looking at the F-14s next to him, and he was a little sorry. . “If the F-14 can be as flexible as the Super-7A in the air, it will be comfortable to fly.”

If he wants to fly those planes again, he must give up flying Super-7A.

He wants to drive Super-7A, and he also wants to drive F-14.

However, bear’s paw is like a fish, you can’t have both.

When Xie Kai heard this, he rolled his eyes.

MMP, it’s so easy to make an airplane!

The F-14 is the originator of the three generations of fighters in the world. It was in service in the 1970s, and it has not lagged behind.

The Americans abandoned the F-14 and chose the FA-18, which has worse performance. The reason is that the maintenance cost of the F-14 variable-sweeping aircraft is too high. But in the end facts proved that the maintenance cost of FA-18 aircraft is even higher.

That was just the result of a secret contest among the domestic military industry giants in the United States.

“Don’t worry, Super-7B will have a test flight soon.” Xie Kai said.

“Cut, you are a liar. That thing is gone early…” Tu Lang curled his lips, “What’s more, our engines haven’t been fixed…”

He really doesn’t believe that Super-7B can be made so quickly.

Even if the test flight is successful, it will take a long time to produce in small batches.

Xie Kai can only roll his eyes at this grandson.

This is all about which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted.

“Aren’t we doing engine PR? If we do it in the future, we won’t let you open that.”

Tu Lang just shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

“I told you a long time ago, ignore this kid, ignore him, you can only find yourself awkward, you must not listen.” Zheng Yucheng saw Xie Kai languishing and gloated with misfortune.

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