Chapter 1247

Xie Kai rolled his eyes directly at the gloating old guy.

In the hangar, everyone is busy doing the final preparations for this long-distance transfer flight. The Yun-10 exhibited in Qin Fei’s assembly workshop for overhaul and surface modification.

“Xie Xie, do you see any improvements? These fighters have been overhauled several times…” Yue Lin asked Xie Kai, hoping Xie Kai could provide some suggestions.

The 7 Super-7A aircraft that participated in the air show are neatly arranged in the hangar. If there is no F-14 next to it, it will indeed give people a very advanced feeling.

Compared with the F-14, these aircraft are much smaller in size.

No matter how you look at it, I feel that something is missing.

There is no sharp feeling of weapons and equipment at all. A few planes on the ground are lined up, and the display is completely different than the feeling of flying in formation in the sky and making various maneuvers.

Fighters, that are used for combat.

Even if it is a light fighter, which is mainly used as an advanced trainer, it can still carry more than one ton of ammunition. For many small countries, this is already very powerful.

As a combat unit, you have to be strong.

“What about the missile? The weapon system is not installed?” Xie Kai finally found the problem.

Looking at other fighter planes, it is because the hanging points under the wings and belly of the fighter plane are full of various large and small missiles. The addition of these missiles to the fighter’s deterrence cannot be underestimated.

“Install a weapon system? We have to fly through the airspace of multiple countries, so that definitely won’t work…” Wang Guilin hurriedly shook his head.

Xie Kai’s attitude of thinking out is one out, it’s a must.

“Yes, we also want to show the various weapons loaded, but during the negotiation, some countries simply disagree. Pakistan also mentioned that the negotiation is useless. If we want to load the weapon system, we can’t have their airspace. Passed.” Yue Lin also explained to Xie Kai.

It was really impolite for a fighter plane to fly through other people’s airspace with a weapon on it.

At an international aerospace exhibition such as the Paris Air Show, if a fighter aircraft is not equipped with a weapon system and does not allow customers to see its combat capabilities intuitively, it will be difficult to gain customers’ favor, and it will be difficult to obtain market orders.

If it is the Soviet Union and the United States, as long as the fighter plane is there, everyone knows that this is an advanced thing.

But China has always made people feel that it is a technologically backward country. Putting a fighter plane on it can’t change anything.

Xie Kai knows better than anyone that the reason why the J-8II participated in the Paris Air Show and did not get any international orders is not because the technical performance is too backward. With backward technical performance, it is impossible for the Western world to exclaim. The real reason is that the J-8II was not equipped with a weapon system when it was displayed.

The weapons that the J-8 is equipped with will not be shown to the world at home. The J-8II prototypes that the Americans helped China improve have not yet been completed. They are not yet a full-form J-8II fighter.

What’s more, this Paris Air Show is almost the last swan song of the Soviet Union, which is so powerful that the Western world trembles.

Whether it is the Blizzard space shuttle, the An-225, the aircraft with the largest take-off weight and the largest payload for decades, or the shockingly powerful Su-27, and even some Soviet missiles, have appeared.

The things displayed by the Soviet Union make China’s J-8II equipment that is not part of the world’s cutting-edge technology not dazzling.

At the same time, this Paris Air Show has also become the last swan song in the Soviet aerospace field.

What Xie Kai has to do is to make people remember Made in China and remember China’s military technology. Otherwise, he wouldn’t want to fight for the naming rights of the maneuver with Su-27.

The US Secretary of Defense confirmed that this would tell the Soviets that the Cobra maneuver is no longer appropriate. The Chinese dragon’s head up is the name of this maneuver.

Another advantage of fighting for the naming rights of maneuvers is that any fighter that makes such maneuvers will think that the Chinese invented this…

The dragon raised its head, which also meant that the eastern dragon had started to wake up from its sleep state.

“If there is no weapon system, our aircraft display will be greatly reduced.” Xie Kai solemnly emphasized, “There is no need for live ammunition display. Models can be used. If fighters can’t be mounted and fly over, at least they can. Air freight is over.”

Xie Kai really hopes to give a deeper memory to the Western world.

Without a weapon system, the Western world will soon forget the equipment made in China like the J-8II.

Fighters are nothing else, only more national military equipment will have greater influence.

“Use a model?” Yue Lin looked at Zheng Yucheng.

He thinks Xie Kai’s joke is a bit bigger.

Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai with the same puzzlement, “What’s the use of a model? I can’t tell others that we can still maintain the maximum range under our ammunition load?”

“That’s not the case. At the Paris Air Show, it is divided into dynamic display and static display. Dynamic display only shows the maneuverability of the aircraft; static display, most of which are models…” Xie Kai explained.

Put the model aside, whether it is an air-to-air missile, a ground-attack missile, or even an anti-ship missile such as C-801 and a ground-attack rocket launching nest, displayed together with the combat platform, the effect bonus is definitely not a little bit. of.

“This works?”

“There is no problem at all. At the air show, it was originally a display, and no one would ask the weapon to be tested to see the effect.” Xie Kai said.

For the air show, Zheng Yucheng, Yue Lin and others knew better than him.(Read more @

Even during the National Day military parade, weapons and equipment such as missiles are all 1:1 models, not weapons that can be used directly in warfare.

Safety performance must be considered.

If it is only a transport model, there is no danger at all.

What’s more, the fighter planes in the show are equipped with models to make maneuvers, so that people can see the performance situation more clearly.

After Xie Kai introduced these benefits, Zheng Yucheng and Yue Lin were both moved.

“It can be installed directly in the cargo hold of the exhibitor’s -10. No one will say anything.” Zheng Yucheng has the kind of character that does what it says. What’s more, during training, the fighter plane needs to be fully loaded for flight tests and cannot be carried. In the case of live ammunition, a 1:1 model ammunition will be used.

He went to discuss with Wang Guilin about getting this stuff, while Yue Lin took Xie Kai to visit the hangar next to the airport.

Said it is a hangar, it is actually an aircraft assembly factory.

More than half of the entire building is inside the mountain, and nothing can be seen from the outside. Dozens of excavators have been working for a long time, almost completely hollowing out the nearby hill.

On the outside, you can’t see the inside at all.

“As for the drone, the base has already cut its funding…” Yue Lin tested Xie Kai’s attitude.

The drone project was proposed by Xie Kai.

Xie Kai said that the development of drones in the future will become the mainstream, especially artificial intelligence and other aspects as the mainstream of the future development of the base, but now because of the reform of the base, military products are separated from civilian products, the base has begun to tighten financially, and the progress of various projects Are all affected.

To build an aircraft production plant at the base is not to build a production line for fighter aircraft and large transport aircraft, but to build an unmanned aerial vehicle assembly line.

But now, the drone project has been affected.

As the person in charge of this aspect, Yue Lin couldn’t help but worry.

At the same time, as an outsider, he cannot act too eagerly.

“The drone project is now subject to processor technology. Once the processor technology has a breakthrough, the investment will be the largest in the entire base.” Xie Kai did not guarantee anything.

Intelligence and automation will be the mainstream of future development.

Now he is not trying to force anything, nor is he seeking investment in this area at the base, just because the Gulf War is about to start, Xie Kai is not in a hurry.

In the entire history of wars in the world, the Gulf War has been a highlight, because it was a war that changed the history of world wars and also changed the direction of the development of military science and technology around the world.

The war did not break out, and Xie Kai said no more.

After the Gulf War, the whole world discovered that the steel torrent of the Soviet Union is outdated. Under the war situation of the new era, the steel torrent can only become a target.

Air supremacy, sea supremacy, and out-of-sight wars have all been brought into full play in this short war.

Xie Kai is waiting for the Gulf War, waiting for this war to shock the high-level domestic military, and also waiting for this war to change the views of the high-level base.

Regarding intelligent things, Zheng Yucheng, Wang Guilin and others are not very cold.

According to the ideas of the high-level base of the base, what should be done more now is to invest in areas where there is a gap between domestic and foreign countries, and then succeed and shorten the gap. What really should be developed is the torrent of steel fighting in the Soviet Union.

Xie Kai is unable to change this.

Even if it is admitted on the surface, it will not be regarded as a big deal in reality.

The factory next to the base’s airport has been built for several years, and Zheng Yucheng and others have not invested much in the technical fields related to the drone project. Xie Kai mentioned it several times, whether it was Zheng Yucheng or Wang Guilin, they all dealt with it.

Not to mention that the people at the base could not think of it, even the Americans engaged in information technology are very suspicious of their own path.

Neither the quantity of equipment nor the combat capability can compare with the Soviet Union.

The Western-81 military exercise made the whole world tremble.

The steel torrent of the Soviets, which no country can resist, even the Americans cannot resist in front of this steel torrent, unless mushroom bombs are used to prevent the Soviets from attacking the road.

But the Soviets couldn’t compare with the Soviets in terms of the quantity or quality of mushroom bombs.

Great Ivan’s things that are against the sky have developed to the point that they dare not even experiment on the earth, which is unmatched by the Americans.

“At present, the construction of our side is basically completed, and the production line needs to wait until there is a breakthrough in technology research and development, and make improvements according to the situation…” Yue Lin did not say too much.

From being transferred in, he knew what the base was like.

“Don’t talk about it, the Yun-10 and Super-7A are flying together. There is a lot of logistical pressure. During the flight, there must be no problems. Otherwise, Pakistan will have something to say, and even the previous orders will be seriously affected. .” Xie Kai reminded Yue Lin.

This time participating in the air show, Super-7A is the highlight.

If nothing else, the MiG-29 would still crash, making a very vivid advertisement for the Soviet catapult system; only one Su-27 performed a flight show.

“That’s not a problem.” Yue Lin signaled Xie Kai to rest assured, “If there is a chance to show Super-7B, it is the most suitable. That is the real fighter.”

“I’ll talk about that later if I have a chance.” Xie Kai shook his head and sighed.

It is estimated that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

The Zhuhai Air Show will not start until a few years later. In the future, it is estimated that the country will not agree to the international exhibition of domestic equipment due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the changes in the international situation.

Xie Kai also knows that the country does not approve of real machine participation, which is also a helpless choice.

No matter how advanced domestic fighter jets and missiles are provided to participate in international exhibitions, NATO countries will not be able to purchase them.

Without an order, it is obviously inappropriate to show off his newly developed weapons and equipment.

The real customers are countries that cannot buy advanced equipment from Western countries, whether it is because of their poor economic strength or Western countries’ excessive prices.

For these customers, Chinese weapons and equipment do not need to go to exhibitions in the European world at all, just go directly to China.

“Now all kinds of preparations have been completed, and the simulated bombs are also ready. They are all 1:1 models, no matter in terms of shape, volume or weight. No loading during flight…”

“It’s okay to make such maneuvers when flying with full load, right?” Xie Kai was still a little worried.

He doesn’t worry about logistical support or anything.

Two Yun-10 and one Yun-8 can send all the logistics and maintenance personnel to France.

Equipment or something, all the military airports of various countries are contacted along the way. Civil airports will not agree to the landing of Chinese fighter planes, which will cause some unnecessary troubles.

The real trouble is that Xie Kai has never seen the dragon head up maneuver when the Super-7A is flying with full load.

“It’s not a problem. Although the Super-7A has a small combat radius and a small ammunition load, Tu Lang and others have tested it before. At a height of 400 meters, they can make such a maneuver with a full load of weapons.” Yue Lin The words make everyone feel at ease a lot.

Super-7A can be regarded as a domestically produced fighter independently developed by those who have gone abroad in the true sense of the country.

The J-7 is not only a copy of the product, it went abroad before, but more of it was military aid, and foreign countries didn’t give much money.

“If there is no problem, you can prepare to set off. The Paris Air Show will open in a few days… The J-8II is already there…” Zheng Yucheng glanced at Xie Kai, and when he saw Xie Kai shook his head, he said that he has no comments. , Said.

There are not ten days left until the Paris Air Show, so it is time to set off.

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