Chapter 1271

The two F-16s, which climbed vertically, were approaching the huge fleet of aircraft in the sky at high speed.

The fleet flying forward remained unchanged.

The pilots on both sides sweated nervously on their foreheads.

But no one is willing to bow their heads to each other, even if it is very dangerous. Tu Lang and others knew that the Greek Air Force engaged in such moths just to save their face.

“Don’t be nervous, keep the flying formation! Our face is not important, don’t lose the face of the Air Force!” Tu Lang’s forehead was also sweaty.

He was at the forefront of the fleet, tilting his head and still seeing the situation of the Greek fighters.

The brain is constantly calculating the distance between the Greek fighter plane and the fleet…

“These bastards! Captain, this won’t be a problem, right? Don’t be time…” Xie Kai was a little worried.

The cockpit of the passenger plane can see two F-16s climbing vertically in the distance. If the other side does not change direction, it is very likely that they will eventually crash into this way. Xie Kai’s heart thumped, his heart bursting out of his chest.

According to his estimation, if both parties do not back down, there will be only one result in the end, one that no one wants to see.

“Don’t worry, they don’t dare.” Tian Xinggui’s forehead also burst into a fine cold sweat.

He wasn’t sure if the other party would dare.

But he knew that they could not give in or move. Even if a plane collision happened or the plane was destroyed or killed, they could not make any concessions. The other party obviously wanted to embarrass them. Once they gave up, they would lose the face of the country.

Xie Kai also knew this, so he did not order the pilot to evade.

In a dense formation, if the fighters outside do not maneuver to make room first, the three large planes flying in a zigzag pattern will easily collide together.

This is what the Greek Air Force pilots want to achieve with this maneuver.

Dense beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of all the pilots. There was no unified action and something was going to happen. Therefore, no one moved and kept the plane’s stable flight attitude and heading. Now it is up to who can bear the pressure better.

Although they are not active pilots of the Air Force, they are only test flight pilots belonging to the 404. These pilots are carefully selected from the entire Chinese Air Force. No matter their flight experience or flight time, other pilots cannot match.

At this moment, they are calm and calm, and they are all ready to evade. Once they are ordered, they will leave their current formation position at maximum speed to make enough space for the three large planes in the middle that are very close. Let them evade the distance.

No one speaks, but everyone is waiting.

“Boss!” Julius’s forehead had sweat bead the size of a bean.

Although he often violates regulations and flies various dangerous maneuvers when he catches the opportunity, he has never encountered such a thing. If he encounters crazy Soviet pilots, not only will the opponent not maintain a stable flying attitude, Even daring to bump into them.

The Chinese pilots are not as crazy as the Soviet pilots, but judging from the current situation, this is particularly disturbing.

If the other party does not evade, they can only evade, or else they will run into it?

Which bastard is saying that the Chinese will evade without any danger?

Julius had decided that in the last five seconds, even if Elendt did not order to evade, he would avoid it.

Life is precious, nothing is so high.

“Evasion! Evasion! These bastards! Are their transport aircraft and fighter pilots of such high quality?”

In the command room of an air force base in Greece, through ground radar and the recorder carried on the F-16 fighter, the data link clearly transmitted the image back to the command center.

The senior level of the Greek Air Force, from the beginning playfully waited for the Chinese pilots to make operational mistakes to the final disappointment, and then to panic now. The complexity of their minds is really not easy for ordinary people to understand.

“Evade! Damn Americans, these Chinese pilots are crazier than Soviet pilots!”

“Aren’t they afraid of death?”

“Are they really not afraid of death?” Seeing that the distance between the two parties is less than one kilometer, and within five seconds, they will collide at the predetermined position, and Ellente’s hand holding the operating lever has been smashed. , Staring at nothing, as if not finding their fleet, a little desperate in his heart.

The calmness of the Chinese pilot has even begun to cast a shadow in his heart.

Seeing that there was no movement from the other party, the final safe distance was about to be reached, Ellente still insisted.

“avoid!”(Read more @

Finally, he still couldn’t hold it.

During this process, the opponent’s fleet, whether it is the outer escort fighter plane or the large passenger plane in the middle, has not even the slightest shake of the fuselage!

This Nima is desperate.

More deadly than Soviet pilots.

Can’t play anymore.

At the same time he heard this sentence, Julius suddenly pulled the joystick low, and his heart relaxed for no reason.

The fighter plane loaded with ammunition was under the control of the pilot. The fighter plane that was originally vertically upward, the nose continued to lean back, until the belly of the fighter plane was finally up, the pilot pushed the joystick forward, and it was less than two hundred meters below the aircraft group. From the distance, the belly of the plane is flying upside down…

The two fighters are like copy and paste, and all their maneuvers are almost the same.

When the flight attitude was just stabilized, the fleet roared past two F-16s that were flying upside down.

“The dog said, expose his belly to show us the bombs!” Tu Lang’s heart also relaxed, but when he passed over the opponent’s fighter, he saw two F-16s full of ammunition under their belly and wings. accurate.

“Boss, they are showing us flying stunts!”

“That is, the price of the violent vertical climb is inverted. The two fighters are very consistent and have very good technology. Boss, or, let’s fly to them together?”

Now that the danger is gone, the unhappy fighter pilots simply want to let the Greek Air Force pilots see it.

Tu Lang was very excited.

Having been a pilot for so many years, he has always been the only one to cause trouble. As a result, he was bullied by the uninfluenced air force of the Greek Air Force when he left the country. Who suffered this kind of aggrievedness?

“All fly honestly! Their air force is watching!” Xie Kai heard these conversations, even if he was aggrieved in his heart, but in order to avoid problems, he could not let Tu Lang and others play with the Greek Air Force.

After the two F-16s flew upside down for a certain distance, they shook their wings to both sides, turned over, and then pulled up from both sides of the fleet.

“Welcome to Greece!”

As if nothing happened.

“What do they say?” Xie Kai doesn’t understand Greek, even if he knows a lot of foreign languages, even Pakistani Urdu.

I have never had any contact with Greeks at all.

The others shook their heads.

English is only the international lingua franca. Originally, Greek is a minor language. It was arranged before, and no Greek translation was seconded to the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Who knows that the Greeks want to cheat them and use it directly. Greek?

“Contact them on the tower and tell them the situation…” Xie Kai became more and more angry with the Greeks.

What’s so awesome about a country that can bankrupt its own country?

Soon, the control tower sent a message to let the fleet follow the two F-16 fighters.

“Ellente, try them again! Chinese fighters can perform in the same field as F-16s. F-16s are a little behind in maneuverability and even crashed. Try the performance of Chinese fighters!” In the command room, a Chinese fighter Will directly give orders to Ellente.

“General, is this appropriate?” someone asked.

This is not the way of hospitality.

“Unless they can stay silent forever. This is also an understanding of the Chinese Air Force.” The lieutenant general did not think there was anything inappropriate.

“Received!” After receiving the news, Ellente replied calmly.

He doesn’t believe it. Normally, Chinese pilots have short training time and lag behind their fighters. They can still be more maneuverable than F-16s.

The F-16 is the most advanced fighter.

Any pilot hopes that the fighter he pilots is the best in the world. What’s more, the F-16 was originally the most advanced fighter, and it was the latest and improved F-16C!

After receiving the news, the two F-16s, which were still on both sides of the fleet just now, were reluctant to communicate at all. They just shook their wings and accelerated to the front of the fleet.

“Don’t bother them, keep flying!” Xie Kai understood.

The Greek pilots are really going to do things.

But participating in the air show is more important, not when you are angry.

Can only let Tu Lang and other guys who like to make troubles endure it.

Tu Lang and the others were extremely unhappy, and they knew what impact it would eventually cause if something went wrong.

However, they backed down and maintained a stable flight attitude. The formation of the entire fleet did not even change. However, the two F-16s in Greece did not back down, and even made an inch.

Two fighters, while approaching the aircraft group during the flight, wanted to squeeze into the formation, while the wings flicked and flew over the aircraft group sideways, or a somersault turned directly from the rear of the aircraft group to the aircraft group; otherwise, it was flying. Go to the front, rush towards the fleet, and finally leave with a broken S maneuver…

It is even more excessive for the two fighters to play drum maneuvers around the fleet.

It’s like showing off their aerobatics in front of Super-7A fighters.

But this slight carelessness will cause collision…

All the pilots were so nervous that sweat soaked their clothes, which not only put a severe test on their concentration, but also demanded high physical strength. In the process of high tension, it is necessary to keep the fighter plane flying smoothly.

The flying speed in the air is very fast, hundreds of meters per second. If you are just a little dazed, there will be problems.

“What a bully!” Xie Kai was angry, “Tu Lang, lead them away! Since they want to play, just play with them. Remember, just try your mobility!”

Xie Kai decided he couldn’t bear it anymore.

People are good to be deceived, horses are good to be rided.

Do they think they can become the best air force in the world with a few broken F-16s?

If the Soviets were here, they would have been given an aerial scalpel long ago.

The Soviets are tough, but the Chinese are not tough?

“Received!” Tu Lang trembled with excitement in his voice, and finally had the opportunity to show his face in front of the NATO Air Force!

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