Chapter 1272

“Pay attention to the scale.” Xie Kai emphasized.

“Is this too inappropriate? They obviously want to embarrass us.” Tian Xinggui regretted not stopping Xie Kai.

He didn’t want to stop either.

“What’s not appropriate? Just talk about it, and treat it as an aerial maneuver for the Greeks. It’s not impolite to come and go. They have been performing for so long, so it’s our turn to perform?” Xie Kai frowned , The Greeks obviously want to see the performance of Super-7A.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t do it like this.

It is not in line with the way of hospitality at all, and it will make international jokes if it is spread out.

“Do they have enough fuel? If it is too fierce, it will be a problem if the fuel is insufficient.” Tian Xinggui reminded Xie Kai.

The fuel on the fighter aircraft is calculated based on calculations. The shortcomings of the super-7A range are exposed during the long-distance transition, and there is no air refueling function, and it can only rely on the ground base to refuel to maintain continuous endurance. Otherwise, bring the air nurse, if the fuel is not enough, let the nurse give the milk a bite, and you can fly directly from Egypt to Paris without such trouble.

“Tu Lang is an old pilot, he will pay attention to this problem.” Xie Kai said.

The 02 aircraft piloted by Tu Lang and the aircraft number 05 next to the aircraft shook the wing slightly, and then separated from the flight formation, then turned on the afterburner, and slammed forward.

Seeing two fighters flying out of the fleet and speeding up, the two F-16s that achieved the goal no longer continued to harass the fleet, and also increased the throttle to catch up with the two Super-7A that had separated from the fleet.

The two dual-aircraft formations are moving quickly in the sky, and the fleet behind still maintains the original speed and course. However, the original Super-7A formation on the periphery has changed. , The remaining one flew into the air 100 meters below the big plane.

“Catch up with them!” Ellente got the order from his superior to force the Super-7A to show all the flight characteristics, just as the opponent gave them a favorable position.

In close-range aerial dogfights, whoever is behind often has the advantage of attack.

However, the two fighters flying in the front are not flying in a straight line, but are constantly doing various maneuvers, making it difficult for the two F-16s chasing behind to get the opportunity to attack. The super-7A flight trajectory is very coquettish. -16 can’t even lock it.

“It’s five or six kilometers behind, it’s almost there.” Tu Lang glanced back, and he was far enough away from the fleet. The fleet was very slow. They used the afterburner again and moved forward at the maximum speed.

Raising his left hand, he made a gesture to the wingman following the left.

The two fast-flying Super-7As actually started to decelerate at this moment.

“What do they want? Don’t you know that we want to lock them down?” Julius was puzzled when seeing that the other party didn’t keep going up and down like before.

If you continue to do this, you can kill the opponent with a machine gun.

“It doesn’t matter, rush forward! They must be forced to show flight characteristics.” Ellente didn’t care about that much.

The speed is very fast, several kilometers in an instant.

The two F-16 fighters quickly approached the super-7A fighter that had already decelerated in front. On the radar display, the red dot represented by the super-7A was constantly being aimed at by the fire control radar. The cross-frame was about to fit the super-7A in front. In the 7A fighter, the distance between the two sides has been shortened to less than one kilometer, and the distance is shortened by more than 200 meters per second.

“Play this hand again?” Julius was puzzled.

This time he couldn’t be fooled, he didn’t have any advantage to slow down, and he was ready to lock the opponent.

But before he pressed the lock button, the super-7A in front began to raise its nose dreamily, and the upward angle of the nose increased in the process of continuous advancement.

“Damn it!” Both Julius and Ellente watched this action.

Julius, who was chasing Tulang 02, was afraid to pull the joystick to make the fighter start to climb, so he could only rush straight ahead.

“What are you doing?” Ellente in the side and rear clearly saw that the Super-7A chased by Julius just raised its nose suddenly, and the nose angle became larger and larger, even exceeding 110°, even Hovering in the air, Julius’ F-16 passed straight through about thirty meters below the tail of the opponent’s fighter.

After the Super-7A passed the F-16 from below, the backward nose did not continue to rise, but began to fall.

In just a few seconds, the fuselage remained level. At this time, Julius’s fighter was already in front, and it was about one kilometer away from the Super-7A.(Read more @

After Julius rushed past, he felt bad, kept the fighter plane flying, turned his head and looked back, and saw in horror that the opponent’s fighter plane had leveled off.

Offensive and defensive moments mean.

If this is a battle, the opponent absolutely locked his fighter plane at this moment and launched an air-to-air missile.

When he realized this, Julius was horrified. The wings flipped and rolled to the side, but Super-7A didn’t mean to chase him at all, which made Julius irritated again.

People disdain!

“This…” Ellente was stunned, and didn’t even have the thought of chasing another fighter.

This kind of maneuver, even with wool, it is impossible to aim and lock…

The master moves, one move is the winner.

The Super-7A, which briefly fought against the F-16, would definitely have attacked if it were in actual combat. Unless the other pilot is a rookie.

Can a rookie fly such a maneuver?

For a time, Ellente also gave up the opportunity to chase the opponent, and it is estimated that the opponent will calculate the same way to change the situation.

Unless he doesn’t catch up.

The two Super-7As scattered in the air began to move closer and ignored each other. Instead, it slowed down and waited for the aircraft behind to come up; the shocked Greek pilot also did not move anymore. Piloted honestly.

“Hole three, hole three, have you recorded it?” Xie Kai asked the Super-7A who was leading the front.

“It’s recorded, no HD codes!”

Hearing this, Xie Kai almost spit out old blood.

Just record it, Super-7A and F-16 play, and change the situation instantly, when the time comes, some customers are interested in Super-7A, just show them the video directly.

In the Greek Air Force base, nothing could be seen through radar, and even real-time images uploaded by Julius fighter jets, so that they only saw the Chinese fighter plane’s nose tilted back, and then there was no picture.

The picture uploaded from the Airent fighter plane allows them to see the situation clearly-Super-7A is just such a maneuver that allows offensive and defensive translocation, and the F-16, which originally maintained its advantage, loses its advantage in an instant.

Everyone in the entire command center who saw this picture became silent.

“We need such a fighter!” A lieutenant colonel broke the silence.

“The Chinese fighter plane is stronger than the world’s most advanced fighter plane?”

“This is impossible! We must be dazzled…”

There was a discussion in the command center, and no one could believe what was happening in front of them, but the facts made them have to believe.

“General, are you still testing?” the assistant asked the lieutenant general in a soft voice.

Everyone stared at the general, not knowing how the general would answer.

The general was also shocked. In his opinion, the purpose of sending the two strongest F-16s in Greece was to show their advanced fighters to the Chinese and tell the Chinese that their fighters were not good.

The results of it?

“When the Chinese fleet arrives, I will greet it myself.” The lieutenant general only said such a sentence.

After that, he walked to the office next to him and ordered no one to come in. He went to the desk, picked up the phone on it, and directly dialed the phone of the Chief of Defense Staff’s office.

When someone answered the call, the Lieutenant General said in a very serious tone: “General Constantine, our air force needs Chinese fighter jets!”

When Konstantin heard this, he was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong, “Lieutenant General Dimitnidas, what are you kidding? Chinese fighters? The Chinese themselves need to introduce fighters, even the older generation of the Soviet Union. Fighters can’t handle it…”

“This is not a joke. Just now, the Chinese fighter…” Lieutenant General Dimitnidas described the scene he saw very seriously.

It was Constantine, the chief of defense staff who didn’t believe it and had to believe it.

As the chief of staff of the Air Force, Dimitnidas cannot be joking.

Greece urgently needs to introduce a large number of fighters to upgrade its backward air force. However, the F-16 provided by the Americans is too expensive, and the financial pressure of Greece is very tight. The search for a fighter with excellent performance and low price is what the Greek Ministry of Defense urgently needs.

However, whether it is Mirage-2000 or F-16, the price is too high.

Earlier, the Greek Ministry of Defense received news that the American Thunderbirds performed in China, which made the Chinese fighters lose face, and the Chinese military also rejected advanced fighters such as the F-1679 specially designed for them.

It’s just that there has been no specific news.

The Greek side also felt that it would be impossible for China to develop advanced fighters, otherwise it would not cooperate with the Americans to develop a “peace model.”

Now, the Chinese fighter plane is coming.

“Their fighter planes are really such excellent? You can find out the specific situation with them first to get the specific parameters and prices…” If the Chinese fighter planes are really so good and the price is still cheap enough, why not buy it?

Greece’s annual military expenditure is more than one billion U.S. dollars. To purchase F-16s, the entire Ministry of Defense needs several years to save enough without eating or drinking.

For the Air Force to prevent other arms from upgrading equipment, this is a problem. Only relying on the Air Force to save money, God knows how many years…

“It’s best to discuss with the president and other generals. Egypt purchased a batch of them. It is said that the price is 12 million US dollars. 100 aircrafts are only 1.2 billion US dollars, which is 2.4 billion US dollars less than the Americans! The money saved is completely acceptable. Buy another batch of F-16s, fifty, so…” The words of Dimitridas made Constantine, the chief of defense staff, also tempted.

It saves money, the number is much larger, and the combat effectiveness will not be bad.

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