Chapter 1273

“What we need is a modern air force, not a low-priced air force. In the new battlefield situation, our air force needs equipment that can meet the needs of national defense and ensure airspace safety…” Constantin said solemnly.

Although Greece is poor, it must not compromise because of lack of money and purchase a bunch of useless fighters!

After the three large planes landed, the super-7A will land in sequence.

Just borrow it, add some gas, do a simple maintenance, the pilot takes a rest, and he will leave after a bit of food.

A lieutenant general led the team to greet him, which really made Xie Kai and others wonder what the Greeks wanted to do.

Are these bastards ashamed in the air, ready to find them on the ground?

“Welcome all of you to come to Greece as a guest! I’m the Chief of Defense Staff Dimitnidas…” The lieutenant general who led the team stretched out his hand to the head of the Chinese delegation with a smile on his face.

Bai Yanjun was puzzled in his heart, and he did not lose his courtesy, and smiled and held the opponent’s hand.

Xie Kai kept looking at this guy, the chief of staff of the Greek Air Force. The power is not small. If this guy makes trouble, it will be in trouble…

The Chinese people have such thoughts, calm on the surface, but nervous in their hearts.

But the Greek personnel showed no signs of trouble at all.

“Everyone, your fighters are very good. I don’t know if you can invite you to introduce your country’s fighters.” Dimitnist saw that these Chinese fighters with strange appearance and aerodynamic layout have already landed. Too much time.

He needs to understand whether the Super-7A is advanced and whether it can be used by their air force.

Bai Yanjun and Xie Kai looked at each other, not knowing what each other meant.

Does Greece have a fancy to Super-7A?

This is impossible!

As soon as this thought flashed in his mind, Xie Kai was thrown a thousand miles away.

Greece is a NATO country.

The weapons and equipment of NATO countries are in the same standard. China’s Super-7A is obviously not a NATO standard. If it is really purchased from China, it will not be easy for Greece to obtain supplies from NATO allied countries.

More importantly, the NATO leaders will certainly not tolerate such a thing.

The purpose of NATO is to realize the integration of military command and avoid the inability to organize a unified resistance when the evil Soviet empire invades.

“It’s a great honor!” Bai Yanjun said calmly.

As long as the other party doesn’t ask for trouble, what’s more, these fighters were originally intended to be sold to the world when they participated in the Paris Air Show.

Regarding C-910 and Yun-8, the Greeks didn’t even look at them.

What they need is a fighter plane, not a transport plane. Civil aviation passenger planes have nothing to do with military procurement.

In this way, the group of people passed the three large planes parked in front, and walked towards the 7 Super-7A that just landed.

The super-7A pilots did not leave directly even though they were tired, but communicated with the ground crew who had already got off the C-910.

The Greeks have not seen a large delta fighter plane. The Mirage-2000 they are equipped with is such an aerodynamic shape.

But the large delta wing also has canard wings. The wing-body fusion is adopted in the middle, the nose is slightly downward, and the fighter plane with air intake in the belly. This seems a bit weird, and it is not in line with the mainstream at all.

“The Super-7A fighter project is a multi-purpose light fighter jointly developed by us and Pakistan. It also serves as an advanced trainer. It uses canards to compensate for the maneuverability and operability of the delta wing design at low altitude and low speed…” Ge Minglang was originally the vice president of Super-7A, and he knew everything about the performance of the fighter.

He introduced in detail the various parameters that can be revealed by the fighter, and also introduced the fire control radar and the avionics system.

The fire control radar and avionics system imitated the F-14, although the function is much worse than that of the F-16, where does the price control.

“Your design…” Dimitridas was a little surprised when he heard the maximum take-off weight and range introduced.(Read more @

The combat radius is only 500 kilometers, which is much less than the F-16.

Then he looked at the F-16 pilot Elent and Julius, who had not left, with murderous eyes, making them afraid to look up.

MMP, knowing that the Chinese have such a small combat radius, they shouldn’t be frightened by the super maneuvers they have never seen before.

If you have been playing chasing games with Chinese fighters in the air, the Chinese fighter will continue to fly various large maneuvers and increase fuel consumption, and it is even possible that problems will occur due to insufficient fuel.

At that time, it was the Chinese fighters who were ashamed.

However, there is no if.

Don’t mention the regrets of the two.

Xie Kai also saw these two Greek pilots holding flight helmets, which are not two good things.

Fortunately, Tu Lang knew that they didn’t have much fuel, they didn’t entangle with each other too much, and the maneuvers like the dragon raising its head were too shocking. The two Greek pilots gave up and continued to pester their planes to play in the air. confrontation.

After listening to the technical introduction of the Chinese personnel in detail, and understanding the various basic flight parameters, Dimitnidas had an intuitive understanding of the Super-7A in his mind.

“This voyage is too short…”

“General, our fighter aircraft is itself positioned as an advanced trainer with comprehensive combat capabilities… What is really developed for combat is an improved model and a dual-engine model…” Xie Kai is a little uncertain about the opponent’s purpose, see Ge Minglang looked at himself and explained.

What if Greece really wants to purchase Super-7A?

However, Super-7A can only carry 900 kilograms of ammunition, even if the model is improved, it only has 1,500 kilograms, which is really no combat effectiveness.

The real combat effectiveness is the Super-7B. If equipped with a turbofan-6 engine, the performance will be even stronger.

Compared with the overall performance of the F-16, especially the avionics system and fire control radar, which are technical and equipment fields that are China’s weak points, it is much worse. The super maneuverability of Super-7B still exists, even faster.

The current project, although it seems that there are only single-engine and dual-engine, the two fighters have completely different configurations, equipped with different versions of turbofan-6 engines or RD-33 engines.

What can be sold is Super-7B, but the current engine gap is too big.

“Improved model? Dual-engine model?” Dimitridas, who had already given up his mind, became interested.

“Yes.” Seeing Xie Kai winking at himself, Ge Minglang understood what he meant, “The twin-engine is Super-7B, the maximum take-off weight is 24 tons, the range is 2740 kilometers, and the combat radius is 800 kilometers… Compared with -7A, the avionics system has been upgraded…”

Such data is still a lot worse than F-16.

But for a country like Greece with an area of ​​less than 140,000 square kilometers, it is enough.

Xie Kai has been watching the reaction of the other side. Although it is difficult for Greece to purchase Chinese fighters because of the problems of NATO member states, for now, because nothing happened in history, the cooperation between China and the West. It is relatively pleasant, and Greece may indeed be the key for Chinese equipment to pry open the door to the NATO market.

Who makes Greece too poor?

The Super-7 is sold to Greece, and it is definitely necessary to improve the design so that the Super-7 fighter can be equipped with NATO-standard air-to-air missiles and aerial bombs.

This will be a huge opportunity.

“Not developed yet?” Dimit Nidas frowned.

Did not develop what to say!

“The first flight is about to take place.” Ge Minglang said.

Indeed, the Super-7B prototype will soon be tested on the ground, and within this year, the first flight should be no problem.

Originally, there was only one more engine than the Super-7A, and the shape and aerodynamic layout were not modified much. The internal avionics system and the airborne radar were the same.

“What about the price?”

“No more than 22 million US dollars.” Xie Kai quoted such a price without waiting for Ge Minglang to speak.

“Isn’t it just one more engine?” a colonel asked uncomfortably.

The Chinese are totally fooling around.

The price of multiple engines has risen by 10 million US dollars.

“Although there are only more engines, there are also some changes in the shape and aerodynamic layout. The expansion of the body needs to be tested. At present, it is only an estimated cost and will be reduced after mass production…” Xie Kai has determined that the Greeks are against the Super-7 Interested in.

Nor did he act too urgently.

The Greeks did not speak any more, but only asked some more about the Super-7B, and arranged for someone to stay in charge of entertaining the Chinese personnel, and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force left.

“What do they mean?” Bai Yanjun couldn’t believe it. “The NATO members are interested in our fighters?”

“Be confident. Why should NATO members not be interested in our fighters?” Xie Kai affirmed Bai Yanjun’s guess.

Ge Minglang is even more pleased, “The NATO member countries cannot produce weapons and equipment. They have always only purchased European and American weapons. This is also because of NATO standards. If we can get orders from Greece, the future market prospects of Super-7 will be Bigger!”

He is a technical person, and he naturally knows what benefits he will bring after knocking on the door of the NATO fighter plane market.

Not all NATO members are rich countries.

For countries with strong technological power such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, these countries are their wool.

No matter how poor, they can only purchase at high prices.

“General, the Chinese fighters do not meet our needs. Especially the Super-7A, which is cheap and has poor combat capabilities; and the Super-7B that has not been seen, who knows if what they introduced is true? The fighter planes are more advanced than those of the Soviet Union.” The assistant reminded him, knowing the mind of the chief of staff.

Another colonel also said: “The Chinese have no fighters to intercept the Soviet Backfire fighters, so they turned to the United States to cooperate in the J-8II. If they had such capabilities, how could they spend such a high price to cooperate with the United States?”

After all, they still don’t believe in Chinese technology.

“Once a Chinese fighter is purchased, the NATO Military Commission will not agree.”

For NATO, China, like the Soviet Union, cannot cooperate.

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