Chapter 1434

Xie Kai’s problem is straightforward, without any obscurity.

Given his personal relationship with Ibrahim, there is no need to go around in circles.

Ibrahim looked at Xie Kai, the corners of his mouth moved, and in the end he just nodded without saying anything.

Xie Kai thought so.

Seeing that not far from the outbreak of the Gulf War, it is no wonder that the Iraqis are so anxious.

Xie Kai looked at Ibrahim and said sincerely: “Old Yi, you’d better persuade the president about this matter. The Americans are not at ease. They have always wanted to expand their presence in the Middle East and control the entire Middle East oil…”

Xie Kai reminded Ibrahim that it was not out of good intentions for him to find a way to persuade President Silly Omu not to do anything to Kuwait.

It is a historical necessity for Americans to act on Iraqis.

If the United States wants to gain greater rights and interests in the Middle East and further control the world’s oil depots, it will control the lifeline of the global economy.

You can only choose to do something against Iraq.

Iraq is also the best target for the United States, with weak combat effectiveness, heavy equipment consumption, and abundant oil resources.

Once Iraq is defeated, the world’s largest oil exporters, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq, will all be under the control of the United States.

Ibrahim looked around, saw no one, and then whispered to Xie Kai: “I persuaded the president before, but the president ignored it. Kuwait is constantly collecting debt… Now my country’s oil production None of them have returned to their pre-war levels, oil production is not much, and economic pressure is great…”

Ibrahim told Xie Kai about the difficulties Iraq is currently facing.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to persuade.

In Iraq, anyone who wants to persuade the president to give up the war against Kuwait has been deprived of his rights by the president.

The more serious ones were thrown into prison or disappeared.

Xie Kai looked at Ibrahim. He didn’t expect Kuwait to collect debts from Iraq. Isn’t this looking for death?

“Kuwait keeps collecting debts, is there someone behind them fanning the flames?”

Xie Kai asked Ibrahim, and Ibrahim did not comment on the matter.

Seeing that the other party didn’t want to say more, Xie Kai could only click to the end.

Although sympathetic to the Iraqis who lost the silly President, the country is extremely chaotic.

And if Iraq does not fall, the Americans will certainly not be happy.

In the end, he intervenes too much and the country will be blamed.

Xie Kai didn’t do anything about betraying national interests.

The two have a very good personal relationship, and Ibrahim is also quite satisfied with the cooperation with Xie Kai.

Xie Kai has brought him a lot of benefits, and his personal worth is more than 300 million U.S. dollars.

The crab mercenary group is continuously providing high profits to Ibrahim.

Ibrahim was unwilling to continue on this matter, and instead asked Xie Kai, “Xie Kai, the CIA in the United States is contacting the mercenary group and hopes that the mercenary group will help them solve the relevant persons in charge of the Soviet Union’s Vantaa Project.”

Xie Kai listened and looked incredible.

Ibrahim didn’t say it, he didn’t even know about it.

The U.S. government actually asked the River Crab Mercenary Corps to help them solve the Vanta project leader who was arrested in the Soviet Union.

According to the international quarrel between the two countries, Xie Kai knew that some people in the Vantaa plan were arrested, but did not know how many people were arrested by the Soviet Union and what news he had learned from these people.

The Vantaa plan has been proven by history to be faked.

The Soviet Union’s 27.5 trillion dollars of wealth cannot be taken away silently in this way.

Now Xie Kai knows that the Vantaa plan exists, and the secret economic war between the United States and the Soviet Union also exists. The only thing that does not exist is that Vantaa and a few people have stolen the wealth accumulated by the Soviet Union for decades.

As the major shareholder behind the Crab Mercenary Corps, Ibrahim naturally understands the business of the Crab Mercenary Corps.

Now being deposed by the fool, Ibrahim concentrates on finding international business for the river crab mercenary group.

The more business, the more profit he can get, isn’t it?

“I couldn’t get in touch with you some time ago. Liao Dong asked me to ask what you mean. The CIA is willing to pay a high price to allow Soviet members in the mercenary regiment to enter the Soviet Union to resolve the matter.”

Xie Kai figured out from Ibrahim that the CIA hoped that the mercenary group would come forward to help them kill those who were captured by the Soviet KGB…

When Ibrahim said things, Xie Kai couldn’t help but wonder.(Read more @

As the head of the mercenary group, Liao Dong did not report to Xie Kai in such a situation.

The real boss of the mercenary group is Xie Kai hiding behind the scenes.

No one reported, but heard from Ibrahim, how Xie Kai didn’t wonder.

Ibrahim’s remarks made Xie Kai think of many possibilities.

In any case, Xie Kai couldn’t think of what happened to Liao Dong and didn’t let anyone report it to him.

Betray yourself?

It is possible to change to someone else, but Liao Dong is not possible.

“What’s the matter? What did you talk to Ibrahim, and you looked wrong when you came back.” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai in the car back.

Wang Guilin also looked at Xie Kai with concern.

“Iraq is about to take action against Kuwait, oil prices are going to rise, the base has to let Song Yanjin start to deploy international oil futures…I also have to inform Qi Zhengshan and Simlet about their deployment…” Xie Kai said quietly.

“This is not a good thing, we are short of money, so Silly Damu launched a war to increase oil prices. Silly Damu is a good comrade.” Zheng Yucheng said with a smile on his face.

Most of Xie Kai’s money is collected in the international financial market.

Before Song Yanjin didn’t listen to Xie Kai, he lost hundreds of millions of dollars to 404, and Zheng Yu Chengdu was so angry that he was going to kill Song Yanjin himself.

It was also fortunate that Song Yanjin followed Xie Kai’s instructions to recover the loss.

Now Song Yanjin dare not stop Xie Kai.

He is one of the few people who knows that Xie Kai was the biggest winner in the US stock market crash in 1987, and he dare not say anything about it.

“Do you think there is nowhere to spend this money?” Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai’s expression is wrong.

Xie Kai shook his head. “Ibrahim said that the CIA is looking for the crab mercenary group to prepare the river crab mercenary group to deal with the person in charge of Vantaa in the Soviet Union. Liao Dong didn’t let anyone come back to report…”

Knowing that Wang Guilin was still worried about going abroad, Xie Kai was helpless.

He cannot go abroad and is absolutely unsafe.

“What’s this?” Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai.

Seeing him nodding, Wang Guilin breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai and said, “You still have to blame yourself for this. Since the foreign spy organization was wiped out last year, the domestic counterintelligence department has been very strict in prevention… You almost had an accident in Paris before, plus you The kid got so many secret scientific and technological information from the Soviet Union and the United States… The order was given. Any foreigner who enters the country with an overseas background must find out… Those people from the mercenary group can’t get in at all… …”

Xie Kai was speechless.

He really didn’t know what this matter had to do with him.

Zheng Yucheng’s words reminded him that he opened his mouth to talk about the military secrets of other countries, which caused a high degree of tension among the domestic security agencies, and worried that foreign intelligence agencies would also easily obtain domestic intelligence.

For Xie Kai in China, 404 is originally the largest confidential unit in China, and Xie Kai is considered the most influential person in 404. Xie Kai knows all kinds of projects, so naturally it is not bad for him.

There have been no leaks in so many years.

“We have to send a contact person to Xiangjiang, otherwise the news will be bad in the future.” After Xie Kai understood the reason, the whole person became happy.

What he fears most is being betrayed.

After all, if Liao Dong and others betrayed, not only would it pose a great threat to the people around him, but even the country might give him a backstory.

“When will the Soviets arrive?” Xie Kai changed the subject.

Both China and Iraq are concerned about when the expert team sent by the Soviet Union to investigate the cause of the malfunction will arrive.

“The Soviets must be urged to arrive as soon as possible. Iraq is very anxious now. The more obvious the intention of war in Iraq, the more international oil prices will rise, the easier it will be to solve the financial problems that plague us.”

The higher the international oil price, the more oil futures can make.

Although the senior management of 404 has been arranging the industry, now they are also starting to like playing capital.

Using money to make money is much faster than doing business.

What’s more, Xie Kai has a keen sense of smell. It is easy to make money by letting the investment team under 404 follow Xie Kai’s hands.

The interest rate is much higher than that of bank deposits.

It is now necessary to urge the team of Soviet experts to arrive as soon as possible.

It was determined whether the Super-7A crash was due to a design problem or a defective engine in order to be quickly delivered to Iraq.

Li Mingshan and others also attached great importance to the crash of Super-7A.

Directly find Huo Haiyuan, the chief teacher, to report.

“Various inspections and analyses have been done, and there is no problem with the design. Otherwise, it has been exposed in various previous flight tests.”

The Super-7 team is quite confident about the fighter they designed.

The technology of the Super-7A fighter comes from the dismantled J-9.

Before the J-9 was dismounted, it had almost entered the prototype manufacturing stage.

In order to make the performance of the fighter more mature, coupled with the short development time and heavy tasks, the design team has adopted a large number of mature technologies of the J-7 and strengthened its structural strength. The aerodynamic layout has been improved, and various wind experiments have been increased. A lot.

There were no accidents during all the experiments, which is enough to prove that there is no problem with the super-7A design.

Compared with the J-7, the Super-7 is more advanced in terms of power system and avionics system.

At the urging of the Chinese side, the Soviet expert team arrived soon.

The people in Iraq have never left, and they have to wait for China to deliver the fighter planes to them.

After the Soviet experts conducted a detailed inspection of the engine, they told the Chinese and Iraqi members that there was no problem with the engine…

The Iraqi side, who can’t wait, finally made a decision—“No matter what the cause of the failure is, the produced fighter must be delivered to us immediately! If there is any problem, we will solve it while training. The Iraqi Air Force must immediately install the Super-7A.

The Iraqis really can’t wait any longer.

Even fighters with hidden troubles are required.

“General, I am very sorry! We cannot agree to your request.”

Xie Kai faced Kazim’s request to deliver the fighter aircraft to Iraq no matter what the hidden trouble, but refused.

Even if this is an absolute good thing for 404.

It is not time for the Gulf War to begin.

He hasn’t notified Qi Yuanshan and Simlet and the others to make arrangements, how can it be done?

Besides, these fighters still have potential safety hazards.

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