Chapter 1435

Regardless of the quality of the fighter, as long as Iraq receives it and China completes the delivery, the contract will be completed.

Even Iraqi accusations are useless.

Xie Kai did not want to do this.

Honesty is the basic principle of life, not to mention that it is related to the reputation of Chinese military manufacturing in the world.

Really handing over the warplanes with hidden troubles to Iraq will only affect the reputation that 404 has accumulated so hard.

The Soviet technical experts are here. If there is a problem with the engine, it will definitely be checked.

The engine is okay, and the Chinese design is flawed. Under the full inspection of the Chinese and Soviet technical personnel, the problem can also be found.

“Thanks, we don’t care. What do you care about? Don’t worry… Even if there are problems with the engine, after you find out, you can solve these problems through our domestic technicians and our THA-25 factory, and directly replace the engine and zero The parts are not a problem.”

Kazim said indifferently.

Iraqi Minister of Military Industry Kanram also reminded Xie Kai, “The produced fighters will be delivered first. When you check out the problem, you only need to provide spare parts and send them to our country to build production lines and train our technical personnel to help replace them. …It won’t have any impact, it’s a good thing for both parties.”

The Minister of Military Industry said so, and the Minister of Logistics, Harry Mossan, naturally did not object.

Iraq now urgently needs fighters to enhance its air force.

They are worried that China is just refusing to deliver the aircraft for random reasons, just to hand over the fighter plane to other countries.

Iraq paid the money two years ago.

This year, it is the uncle who owes the debt.

Regardless of whether he has any problems, get them first. If there are problems, people with 404 will solve them for the sake of fame.

Xie Kai shook his head firmly.

“Everyone, I’m really sorry! Please wait a minute, we will find out the cause of the failure as soon as possible and come up with a solution. If there is no failure after inspection, these fighters will be shipped immediately and delivered to you.”

Wang Guilin also assured the Iraqis that the production line of Super-7A fighter jets at Factory 132 will not be suspended and will continue to be produced.

Faced with the eagerness of the Iraqis, Xie Kai was speechless.

No wonder there is no relevant person in charge of the Iraqi Air Force in the delegation. If the Iraqi Air Force officials are here, it is estimated that they will fight on the spot with these bigwigs who do not pay attention to the lives of Air Force pilots.

Kazim was originally just the commander of the southern theater.

Although Kanram is the Minister of Military Industry, how much equipment can the Iraqi military industry manufacture?

Harry Mossant was the head of the logistics department. When Xie Kai met him, he was only a school officer. In just a few years, Harry Mossand climbed to the head of the Iraqi military’s logistics because of him. Is the president’s fellow.

After finally pacifying the Iraqis who desperately wanted to get the fighters, Xie Kai and others sat down again with the Soviets to discuss.

Skolnev, deputy chief designer of Klimov Design Bureau, Bervska, overall structural designer, Kashenmov, director of Chernyshev Machinery Manufacturing Plant, which manufactures RD-33 engines, and chief technical engineer Vishnyak and other senior members of the Soviet expert group are all listed.

The Soviet side also attaches great importance to this matter.

As the director of the RD-33 engine manufacturing plant, Kashenmov was very dissatisfied when seeing the Chinese people looking at them with a serious face.

The Chinese side is pushing the cause of the failure to their engine. Who can be comfortable?

When the Chinese side was still talking, Kashenmov took the initiative to speak to the Chinese side, “Everyone, all the process documents of the production process have also been inspected by your technicians. The process drawings, quality tracking cards, inspection records… all the information is complete. Yes, the data also meets the technical requirements…Through the inspection and analysis of the engine production process data and process documents, we believe that the RD-33 engine does not have any quality failures.”

As the director of a huge engine manufacturing plant, Kashenmov once again emphasized to the Chinese that the crash of the Chinese fighter plane was not caused by the quality of Soviet production.

Wang Guilin shied away from responsibility as soon as he saw the other party, his face was pale.

“Everyone, we are now looking for the cause of the failure, not to pursue the responsibility. If the cause of the failure that caused the crash of the fighter cannot be found, it is not only us that suffers, but the orders for thousands of engines will be cancelled.”

Wang Guilin warned the Soviets that everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

Super-7A fighter orders are affected. To whom will the RD-33 engine be sold?

Fighters cannot be sold, and 404 cannot purchase engines and pile them there to rust.(Read more @

Seeing that the Soviets disagree, Xie Kai snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

“Everyone, please don’t forget that the Israelis are improving the Super-7A, the same fighter, using engines from the United States…”

His words immediately embarrassed the Soviets.

Almost scolded angrily.

Is there such a shameless person?

Use Americans to threaten them.

But the Soviets wouldn’t do if they didn’t accept the threat. They also knew that the United States had provided China with a large amount of technology, which is currently being delivered…

Zheng Yucheng felt quite relieved to see the attitude of the Soviets changed.

“That’s right, everyone is sitting together to discuss the cause of the failure and solve the problem. First, it is meaningless to pick yourself up. It is normal for technical problems, and if there is a problem, the first thing to do is to solve it.”

Huo Haiyuan and others had only face-to-face contact with Soviet engine production units for the first time during this period.

These days, the Chinese technical team has checked the technical documents of both sides with Soviet experts and analyzed the cause of the failure, which can be considered as an understanding.

Unexpectedly, the arrogant Soviets in front of them were eaten to death by Zheng Yucheng.

The design of the RD-33 engine has not taken a long time from project approval to finished product production, but the engine technology is also quite mature.

The MiG-29 also uses this engine. The Soviet Union produces hundreds of equipment units in the country, and it is also exporting to the world.

A lot of flight training has not heard of how many crashes, which proves that the engine design is okay.

Super-7A production chief Cui Yuanjia expressed his views.

“In the production process of Super-7A, there was no problem with using your previous batch of engines, and it flew until the engine was overhauled, and even some of the engines had been scrapped, and there was no failure, let alone the crash. The assembly of the crashed Super-7A The engine of the new batch is provided by you, and you have made improvements, and it does not affect the performance… The previous batch of engines has no problem, but the new engine will fail if it is installed…”

When Scornev heard this, he angrily refuted Cui Yuanjia: “Although our engine has been improved, it is also to increase the service life. The overhaul time has been increased from the original 300 hours to the current 800 hours, and the appreciation and maintainability are also Improved a lot…”

As the deputy chief designer of the Klimov Design Bureau, Krnev is even more dissatisfied with China’s shirking of responsibilities.

I said before that they shirk their responsibilities.

The RD-33 engine transaction has already indicated specific details such as parameters in the technical standards attached to the contract.

Technical experts from the Soviet Union also gave a detailed technical introduction to the Chinese personnel.

The price of the RD-33 engine has risen because of the improved design that has resulted in a longer service life.

The Chinese technicians also personally visited the Red October plant in Moscow, the Chernyshev Machinery Manufacturing Plant, to inspect the improved engine experiments and production, and to inspect the engine quality.

“Uncle Zheng, this is not the way to go, or just let it go to the scene, where the noisy and noisy results will not come out.”

Xie Kai saw that the two parties could not discuss the problem at all while sitting here, and both shirk their responsibilities, accusing each other of the failure of the other party and causing the crash.

This is not in line with the original intention of the meeting.

Now is not the time to discuss attribution of responsibility.

Propose directly to the production site.

Of the 60 engines, more than 30 have been assembled on the fighters.

The assembled fighters are parked on the side of the runway outside the 132 factory assembly shop.

Stop here, just to find out the cause of the malfunction and directly solve the hidden trouble on the fighter.

The remaining engines are also in the warehouse of the assembly workshop of the 132 factory, many of which are on the assembly site, and some have been installed on the fighters.

Most of the Soviet expert team has been looking for the cause of the problem at the production site of the 132 factory.

Super-7A technicians have been actively cooperating with all units of the 132 factory.

If it is not resolved, production cannot be sustained.

Zheng Yucheng knows the seriousness of the matter. Discussing the cause of the fault has turned into shirking responsibility. What’s the point?

Zheng Yucheng waved his hand and said to the people sitting on both sides: “Go directly to the production site, learn about the specific situation from the site, and see if our technical investigators have new discoveries…”

The Soviets naturally did not oppose such a proposal.

Discussion on the spot is more useful.

A group of technical tycoons and high-level managers drove to the super-7A assembly workshop of the 132 factory.

A row of more than ten Super-7A fighters that are being assembled are placed in the entire workshop. These fighters have different levels of assembly, and all of them are in pulsation trial production.

For the fighter aircraft that has been assembled with engines, all the tail engines have been disassembled and placed aside. The body before the engine has not been assembled is still being assembled continuously.

Even if there was an accident before, the 132 factory’s production has not stalled.

When the angry Iraqis saw the huge number of fighters on the production line of the workshop, they were naturally no longer angry.

With the arrival of Soviet experts, the entire production workshop finally stopped.

As soon as the group arrived at the production workshop, Xiong Hongyuan and others hurried over after receiving the news.

As soon as Xiong Hongyuan saw Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng and others, he whispered to Xie Kai, “The Pakistanis are here.”

Xie Kai curled his lips, “Come here, do you want us to meet? This fighter was jointly developed by both sides, and it failed. Their people are only coming now…”

Pakistanis did not participate much in the entire R&D process, and only took on some basic tasks.

Pakistani technicians come to China to learn the detailed process of fighter design and R&D process, so as to enhance Pakistan’s fighter R&D technical strength.

In the process of cooperation, their main role is to give money.

Now that there is a problem with the fighter plane, the profits are affected, and the Pakistanis are not even concerned.

When the fighter plane crashed, the Pakistanis got the news for the first time. It was almost ten days before they hurriedly sent their technical team over. It is strange that Xie Kai can be angry.

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