Chapter 1477

The Tikrit Division’s youth officer regiment was the first Iraqi army to receive heavy weapons and equipment from the 404.

The weapons and equipment of the 359 tank and Feidun-359 are all conducted by the young officer corps for combat experiments. They are the first to familiarize themselves with the equipment and then train other armored units. Many officers are even sent to other units as chief officers.

Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Tazak naturally understood these weapons and equipment from China very clearly.

The entire young officer corps is also very proficient in the use of these equipment, not only has a lot of training in peacetime, but even participated in actual combat when it was first obtained.

Under such circumstances, there is no long-range air defense radar and no intelligence provided by the frontline command.

Kuwait’s border is too small. After the fighter plane takes off, just add some fuel and it will be able to reach the battlefield in a short time.

A distance of tens of kilometers is too short for a very fast fighter.

If you get a warning from the rear at the beginning, knowing that Kuwait’s sparse air force is participating in the war, and first deploy the Flying Shield-359 to prepare for air defense, you will not be afraid of air strikes like the A-4 backward attack aircraft.

No one expected that the Kuwaiti dared to send a handful of fighters to block the progress of the iron torrent in Iraq.

A series of missiles flew into the sky with 12 A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft.



“Anti-aircraft missiles! Pull up…”

Colonel Ahmed discovered the anti-aircraft missiles rising from the ground for the first time.

The whole person became frightened.

The bombs started to explode very well, forgetting that the Iraqis had anti-aircraft firepower.

Pull the control stick to the end subconsciously, let the nose up, prepare to climb, in order to get out of this area as soon as possible.

The reaction speed of other fighters was much slower.

When Colonel Ahmed was not completing the acceleration operation of the fighter, a large number of air defense missiles had already been raised on the ground.

The colonel tried his best to maximize the throttle, trying to make the fighter faster.

Relative to the speed of the incoming missile, the speed of the A-4 attack aircraft is too slow.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom…”

A series of explosions sounded in the air.

Countless clusters of sparks just bloomed in the air.

The A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft purchased from the United States suffered a devastating intensive attack from ground-based air defense missiles during the first actual combat.

The A-4 attack aircraft has been equipped with the Kuwait Air Force for more than ten years, and the pilots have long been familiar with the performance of these fighters.

But at this moment, the Kuwaiti pilots discovered that these fighters could not escape in the shortest time.

Even if the decoy bombs are continuously released, these decoy bombs cannot lure away the ground and rise up, the numerous anti-aircraft missiles.

The 12 A-4 Skyhawk attack aircrafts quickly turned into fireballs after the dense anti-aircraft missiles lifted off on the ground.

The burning wreckage continued to fall to the surrounding area…

The intensive aerial bombs just dropped blasted Iraqi armored forces everywhere, and many tanks were blown over.

In the face of air strikes, the Iraqis no longer cared about shelling the opponent’s position.

All officers and soldiers on the Kuwaiti defense line took advantage of this to drill out of air-raid shelters to watch the air force crush the Iraqi tanks and armored units.

All of a sudden, Kuwait’s morale rose.

The battlefield situation changed suddenly, and all the 12 A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft in the sky turned into fireballs. This made the happy Kuwait soldiers smile and cheer stiff.

The atmosphere of the entire battlefield instantly solidified.

Regardless of whether the Kuwaiti or the armored units of the Iraqi Defense Forces, they did not expect that the Tikrit Division’s youth officer regiment was equipped with so many anti-aircraft missiles!

Colonel Najnon looked at the scene before him, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

This was also the case when they used avant-garde air defense missiles to fight Iraq’s invading fighters and bombers.

At least, several Iraqi fighters escaped.

An attack formation of 12 fighters had just dropped bombs, and after destroying dozens of Iraqi tanks and armored vehicles, they all suffered a devastating blow in an instant.

This strike alone caused the Kuwait Air Force to lose 13 fighters.

Najnon reacted quickly and immediately issued an order to the communications staff: “Report to the command headquarters immediately to stop the attack aircraft from attacking the intruder. They are equipped with too many anti-aircraft missiles.”

“Your Highness, we need support, otherwise we can’t stop the invaders from attacking.”(Read more @

The communications staff was in a hurry.

Najnon was so angry that he almost drew his gun to kill the communications staff.

“You still don’t understand this situation? Do you think the Iraqis have only these air defense missiles? These years, they have been purchasing weapons and equipment everywhere. We don’t even know how many air defense missiles have been purchased…”

Seeing the despair of his men around him, Najnon gritted his teeth and said: “I immediately report to the headquarters and request a retreat across the board.”

Seeing that the officers did not respond, Najnon was even more angry.

“Our air force is too small, and we lost 13 of its strength at once, and it is impossible to withstand any loss! It is impossible to get the support of the air force in the future… we must not let the air force be completely lost in the first place!”

Najnon knew that he could no longer continue to send the air force to the front line and become a target for Iraqi anti-aircraft missiles.

One of his subordinates plucked up the courage to say to the major: “His Royal Highness, even if we retreat now, the Iraqi armored forces are behind, and we cannot withdraw to the second line of defense… Many of our vehicles have been hit by their shelling. Damage… Without cover, it is impossible to evacuate.”

Despair rose on everyone’s faces.

Najnon understands that it is not easy to evacuate.

Once the Iraqi armored forces catch up, their two legs can’t run these steel monsters.

Najnon was also desperate in his heart, but he was a member of the royal family, and he must not show any desperate expression in front of his subordinate officers.

“Brothers, the only way to reimburse the country is now! Those who are willing to stay, join me to cover the retreating brothers…”

But no one left.

Everyone knows that there must be a deadly battle.

Instead of being crushed into a pile of meat sauce by the tanks of the Iraqi invaders on the way out, it is better to continue to block the Iraqis here.

Kill one is enough, kill two to earn.

They want to let the invaders know that Kuwaiti people are not so bully.

In the Iraqi team, Colonel Tillard did not care to count his losses.

The current scene allowed him to see very clearly how severe the troop loss was.

An armored regiment has nearly a hundred tanks and dozens of armored vehicles. Just for a while, now his commander mobilizes no more than 20 tanks, and the number of armored vehicles is even smaller.

Almost the entire regiment was annihilated.

I can’t explain it when I go back.

Now he also knows where the gap between the Wehrmacht and Tikrit Division lies.

Not only the difference in equipment performance, but also the weapons that are equipped.

Faced with bombing from the air, there was no armored regiment with an air defense company, and there was almost no response.

As a forward force, you can only count on the Air Force to suppress the opposing fighters.

The air force was hit by the opponent from the beginning, and the ground support troops have not come here until now.

Kuwaiti fighter jets were completely exploiting the loopholes and eventually dealt a severe blow to the armored forces that crossed the border.

However, the Tikrit Division’s youth officer regiment was able to kill the opponent’s 12 Skyhawk attack aircraft in an instant, which was equivalent to helping them take revenge.

Khafata looked at Colonel Tillard with a solemn expression.

“Head, now we must solve the immediate problem. Otherwise, we will…”

He did not say what punishment would be imposed.

Needless to say, everyone knows it.

What they have to face is not only a military court trial, they are likely to be shot directly without trial.

The losses were so heavy that they could not explain to their superiors.

Now, the only way to go forward is to attack.

Tillard understood the meaning of Khafatta.

“Report to the headquarters immediately, urging the Air Force to immediately strike against Kuwaiti targets, and wait for the second regiment to come up and attack with them.”

Khafata nodded and immediately reported to the front command.

The second regiment has reached the border.

When bombed by the Kuwaiti Air Force, the Second Regiment stopped to prepare for air defense on the spot.

In the end, all 12 fighters were shot down by air defense fire on the ground, and the Second Armored Regiment moved slowly and crossed the border.

The Tikrit Division’s Youth Officer Corps had previously emptied all the grenades in the entire bomb bay, and is now quickly replenishing the tank with ammunition and fuel through the supply vehicle.

The avant-garde air defense missiles need to be supplemented. Even the air defense missiles equipped with Feidun-359 have been shot out, and they must be supplemented to continue operations.

The National Defense Forces saw that the Tikrit Division’s youth officer regiment had such equipment, and while envying them, they were even more angry with the president.

However, they also know that nothing can be changed.

Why is the National Defense Force not the president’s direct line of troops?

All the officers and soldiers of the Tikrit Division are from the president’s hometown and nearby areas, and they are more trusted by the president than them.

“What, the first attack echelon was all shot down! How could it be possible!”

Prince Fahd could not accept such news.

Not long after the warplanes were dispatched, they were completely wiped out by Iraq.

Their air force has been trained for more than ten years, and even if they have not experienced actual combat, it is impossible for them to be wiped out so easily.

Is it an ambush?

Samak Abdul shook his head sadly.

“His Royal Highness, it was not the Iraqi Air Force that participated in the war. The first echelon ground air defense fire was shot down… Iraq purchased a large amount of weapons and equipment from China a few years ago. It is likely that the same air defense missiles that we use…”

“Major Najnon asked the air force to return and no longer support it. The major also promised to fight to the end…”

Prince Fahd roared suddenly.

“Let them retreat, they must retreat immediately.”

Samak Abdul looked at Prince Fahd and knew why he was so gaffe.

“His Royal Highness, it is not that Major Najnon is unwilling to retreat, nor is he disregarding the lives of the soldiers. The Iraqi reinforcements have arrived, more than the size of an armored regiment, and more and more Iraqi troops are coming…Once they are withdrawn, Will be pursued by these armored forces…most of the frontline vehicles are destroyed…”

Prince Fahd knew the situation immediately.

It’s not that the frontline doesn’t want to withdraw.

It cannot be withdrawn at all.

“Immediately order the missile forces to attack the Iraqi armored clusters in the border area of ​​Highway 80 and cover the withdrawal of frontline troops…”

Iraqis can defend against fighters and missiles, but they can’t!

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