Chapter 1478

“Major, the headquarters has called and ordered us to prepare for retreat. The tactical missile support battalion will launch missiles to strike the Iraqi armored cluster on the opposite side and cover our evacuation… At the same time, the air force will be prepared to cover our evacuation to the second lane. Line of defense.”

The communications staff reported to Major Najnon.

The major felt incredible when he heard it.

“Where do we get the tactical support missile?”

He really didn’t know where Kuwait’s tactical support missiles came from.

In the past, even if it was a single-soldier missile, Kuwait basically didn’t have much.

The only thing the United States provides is the AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile used by the A-4 attack aircraft.

Except for this stuff, even air-to-surface missiles are unwilling to provide them.

The communications staff was naturally unclear, and could only shake his head.

Najnon pondered for a while, but couldn’t think of where these missiles came from.

Knowing that the most important thing up to now is to preserve strength and continue to fight the Iraqis on the second line of defense.

Immediately ordered: “Collect all vehicles that can move and prepare for evacuation.”

After large-scale shelling by the Iraqis, there are now not many people on the entire Kuwaiti defense line.

Although a large number of military vehicles were bombed by Iraqi artillery, there are still many that can be used, whether it is a civilian vehicle or a civilian vehicle.

The Iraqis on the opposite side have yet to launch a general offensive, and the Kuwaiti do not know what they are waiting for.

Lieutenant Colonel Hazak is not as eager as before.

For the entire forward force of the Tikrit Division Youth Officer Corps, one battalion lost nearly 20 tanks, and only less than half of the number remained. It must be ensured that there would be no previous accidents.

There is no need to fight for achievements in battle.

Feidun-359 shot down twelve Kuwaiti fighters, which is already a very prominent combat exploit.

Even if it wasn’t the Flying Shield-359 shot down, it was also shot down by the Tikrits Young Officer Corps armored man carrying anti-aircraft missiles.

It’s all the credit of the entire young officer corps.

Seeing that the newly aided National Defense Forces stopped when they were approaching the front line, and did not even contact him, Lieutenant Colonel Hazak naturally didn’t bother to pay attention to them.

An order was issued to the remaining armored units and supply vehicles of the entire young officer regiment: “Complete the supply as soon as possible, and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive…Be careful of air defense!”

The second armoured regiment of the Wehrmacht, newly aided, came to a halt when it rushed to the border.

The commander did not contact the Youth Corps, but asked Colonel Tillard.

Colonel Tillard introduced the situation they encountered to the other party, reminding them that Kuwait had anti-tank missiles that attacked from the sky. The quantity was uncertain, so that the second regiment did not dare to advance.

Although military merit is important, preserving strength is more important.

The losses were too much, and the National Defense Forces simply could not bear the pressure of the President.

Wafura, a small city on the southern border of Kuwait.

This area has never been too busy.

There are not many oil fields in this region, and it is close to the border of Saudi Arabia. The relationship between the two countries has always been friendly, and Kuwait has no armed forces stationed in this region.

However, with the arrival of a mysterious force a few days ago, the surrounding town began to become lively.

Not far from the town, near the sand dunes along the highway connecting Kuwait with Saudi Arabia.

A temporary camp appeared in the desolate desert.

There are no fixed barracks in the barracks, only military tents.

This barracks is different from other barracks. Artillery and a large amount of military materials are hardly visible. There are a large number of military vehicles parked in the camp.

The tops of most vehicles are covered with a thick camouflage net, and it is impossible to see what purpose these vehicles are from the outside.

Even the soldiers in the barracks are different from other armed forces, and even the barracks are equipped with very few guns.

In the area close to the military camp, many no-passing signs have been set up, and there are a large number of military personnel patrolling, and outsiders are not allowed to approach.

Inside the barracks, a minor correctional officer is listening to the report of the communications staff.

“Major, Prince Fahd has ordered us to support the battle at the border. The area around Route 80 belongs to the previously set attack area No. 8.”

The major nodded after listening.

“When to attack?”

The communications staff reported, “His Royal Highness asks to wait for orders.”

After listening, the major immediately issued an order.(Read more @

“All units, enter the combat state, and be ready for launch.”

With the transmission of the major’s order, the originally quiet barracks became active in an instant.

The officers and soldiers who didn’t know where they were hiding came out and ran towards these vehicles with thick camouflage nets.

The brown-yellow camouflage net was lifted, revealing the full view of the vehicle.

Many vehicles carry two huge silver-white missiles on the back.

On the silver-white missile, there are black fonts of “DHQ-1” in several capital English letters.

Anyone who knows it all knows that this is the Hongqi-1 ground-to-ground tactical support missile.

All missiles are improved from the Hongqi-2 air defense missile. The sharp combat part of the top of the missile has become a round warhead, and a booster rocket is installed at the tail.

Kuwait did not buy the Red Flag missiles from Xie Kai. At the time, Xie Kai sold them but was rejected by Samako.

And what appeared here at this moment was a battalion that Prince Fahd borrowed from Saudi Arabia just in case.

“Quick! Quick! Quick! Enter the battle state immediately!”

Under the orders of commanders at all levels, all officers and soldiers began to get busy.

The radar car and the power supply car are connected with the surrounding missile launching car and start to start at the same time.

There are a total of 18 launch vehicles in the entire camp, each with two huge missiles on its back.

In a salvo, 36 missiles will fly towards the target area.

These missile-launching vehicles, which could enter the combat state within a few minutes, waited more than half an hour in the hands of untrained Kuwaiti soldiers before slowly entering the combat state…

During the entire process, Prince Fahd has urged several times to request the missile battalion to launch missiles.

How to launch the missile without completing the preparations?

The commanding major was also helpless.

On the border, after understanding the situation, the reinforcements of the Iraqi Defense Forces launched a tentative offensive.

After being hit by anti-tank missiles on the defensive line, they stepped back and continued to shell Kuwait positions.

After the saturated shelling lasted for half an hour, troops were sent to attack again, and this time the number of missiles launched by the Kuwaitis was even smaller.

“They don’t have anti-tank missiles anymore. The whole army attacked and rushed to kill them!”

The commander, Colonel Camora, roared suddenly.

However, Colonel Tillard suspected fraud.

The young officer regiment at the rear was still replenishing ammunition and fuel, and even the previous shelling was not added.

There were only a few tanks left, and if they were to be lost, the reputation of the youth officer corps would be completely destroyed.

Even if there are only more than 20 tanks left, as long as they are the first to enter Kuwait City in the end, they are also heroes.

After Colonel Tillard and Colonel Camora joined forces, hundreds of tanks, accompanied by armored vehicles, began to slowly advance towards the Kuwaiti position.

The Kuwaiti at this time are already desperate.

The missile attack described by the superior commander did not arrive, and the air force unit that covered it did not appear.

Kuwaiti soldiers only have rifles and a few anti-tank rockets in their hands…

If guns can deal with tanks armed to the teeth, there is hope for Kuwaitis.

These bullets can’t pose any threat to the thick-skinned tank.

“Samako, immediately order the missile forces to respond. If you wait, the frontline soldiers will be wiped out by the Iraqi army.”

Samak looked at the prince roguely.

“His Royal Highness, I have been urging, but the preparations for the missile battalion are too slow, and it is not yet ready to be completed… Or else send fighter planes to cover, keep the fighter planes at a distance from the Iraqi army, use machine guns to harass, and cover the withdrawal of the troops… ”

Prince Fahd looked at his most loyal subordinate, but nodded helplessly.

Several of the remaining 24 A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft are still patrolling in the air.

Even if there were 12 aircraft in the previous battle, the entire squadron was wiped out by Iraq, which was a serious blow to the entire Kuwaiti Air Force. In such a severe situation, no one in the Air Force flinched.

The pilots still wanted to go to the front line and threw the aerial bombs under the wing of the fighter plane into the Iraqis armored cluster.

After receiving support orders, the remaining Kuwaiti Air Force fighters took off in turn and headed towards the border. They began to harass the opposing armoured units with machine guns in an area a few kilometers away.

The armored unit of the Iraqi Defense Forces, which was slowly advancing, stopped advancing when they saw Kuwaiti fighter planes coming up.

Lieutenant Colonel Mazak, the young officer corps behind the team, directly ordered the troops to retreat several kilometers.

This makes the National Defense Forces angry!

The national defense forces have no air defense capabilities, and tanks can only be used as targets when attacked by fighters.

The damn Tikrit Division youth officer regiment, with anti-aircraft missiles, is not coming up!

They have no way to ask for support…

For a time, the offensive troops with hundreds of tanks dared not advance.

Kuwaiti warplanes in the air did not come to bomb them either.

Colonel Tillard roared: “Where has our air force gone and why hasn’t it come yet?”

Not only him, but the entire National Defense Forces are scolding the Air Force.

Air force support is needed. Where did the powerful Iraqi Air Force go?

The war has been going on for such a long time, just come up to send a wave of heads, and they no longer appear.

The powerful Iraqi Air Force ranks sixth in the world!

When the army needed support, such a powerful air force did not appear…

Look at the Kuwaiti opposite, there are only 36 fighters in total, 12 have been killed before, and they are still coming up to cover their troops…

“Major, our fighter plane is here.”

The staff reminded Najnon.

Najnon looked at the Iraqi who stopped advancing on the opposite side, and decisively ordered.

“Everyone withdrew from their positions and went to the second line of defense.”

When the Iraqi Defense Forces saw many people fleeing from the opponent’s position, they could only intercept them with tanks and guns.

The opponent has air force cover, and they do not dare to catch up without air defense.

The Iraqi Air Force has not yet appeared.

In the end, it can only be seen that the Kuwaiti withdraw from the position.

Colonel Tillard couldn’t help it any longer, and he couldn’t take care of other things. He immediately ordered: “The whole army will attack and pursue the damned Kuwaitis.”

At the command of the regiment commander, the crippled Tillard regiment moved into full force, with more than 20 remaining tanks and more than 10 armored vehicles chasing the Kuwaiti.

At this moment, Samako finally received a report from the missile battalion and was ready to launch at any time…

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