Chapter 1479

“Order, the ground red flag support battalion, immediately launch missiles to block the advance of the Iraqi armored clusters and support the retreat of the frontline troops!”

Prince Fahd finally waited for Samak’s report.

Almost immediately, the order was issued.

“His Royal Highness, please rest assured, Prince Nagnon will not have a problem, the air force has blocked their attack…”

Seeing the prince’s worried face, Samak Abdul comforted the prince.

Najinon, the nephew of Prince Fahd!

“I’m not worried about Nagnon, but I hope that our troops will not have too many casualties. If we can retain a strength, there will be a strength…Samako, staring at the missile battalion, although they have all studied in Saudi Arabia, but They are too rusty…”

After King Fahd gave the order, he turned to the palace again.

He must persuade the king to go to Saudi Arabia.

The frontline army simply cannot hold back the Iraqi army for long.

The missile unit at Wafra is finally ready.

After receiving the order from the Minister of Defense, the young major issued an order again, “Attention all units, strike the area XXXX, XXXX…”

“Report, Air Force Communications.”

The communications staff reported to the major.

“Does the Air Force have a new target location?” The major immediately ordered access to communications.

The Air Force transferred the situation reported by the front-line fighters.

The remnants of Kuwait’s frontline resistance were quickly retreating under the cover of air force fighters. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the Iraqis finally couldn’t stand it and began to pursue the Kuwaiti routs.

“What? Has gone deep into the border?”

The commander of the missile battalion was a little confused when he heard the news.

Their operation speed is too slow.

Up to now, the best opportunity has been lost. Iraq’s armored forces are advancing rapidly, pursuing the retreating officers and soldiers in Kuwait.

“His Royal Highness, those damn Iraqis are running too fast…”

The commander of the missile battalion is about to cry, and can only report to His Royal Highness, they can’t tell…

“Asshole! I have been studying in Saudi Arabia for so long, and at the moment of national crisis, I actually told me that I can’t aim at the enemy!” Prince Fahd’s anger can be imagined.

Before, he sent a group of noble officers to Saudi Arabia for training, on the one hand, to let them understand the missiles that they can be used as strategic weapons more clearly, on the other hand, to let them learn that once they are purchased, they can have them immediately. Combat effectiveness.


“His Royal Highness, what do you do now?” Samak knew that the prince was angry.

But now is not the time to get angry.

Must be resolved.

“Let them aim at the area in front of the second line of defense!”

The prince thought for a while and gave the order.

The first line of defense is only five kilometers away from the second line of defense, and there is a small town there.

Samako was a little worried, and wanted to say something, but in the end only his lips moved, or he didn’t say anything, and instead gave orders to the outside.

“Major, the prince has an order, aim at Area 2…”

Finally, the major of the missile battalion got the order and knew how he did it.

News from the Air Force kept coming from the front line, and the team chasing by the other side stretched very long, and they didn’t know how to aim before.

Otherwise, if the missile is launched, it will not produce much effect in the end, and his battalion commander must be dismissed.

He doesn’t even know how to hit moving targets with missile support. After all, he doesn’t think he knows a lot about this stuff…

“Order, all combat units enter the coordinates of area 2 according to the predetermined plan…”

The operating officers and soldiers in the missile launcher were busy again.

But now there is much less panic than before, and there is no need to change the strike coordinates at any time…



The shells of the tank gun kept falling on Highway 80 and the sides, not only left potholes on the road, but also overturned Kuwaiti vehicles or soldiers that were evacuating rapidly…(Read more @

“Boom boom boom…”

The cannons of the A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft poured artillery shells at the distant tanks in the sky several kilometers away, regardless of the distance between these cannon shells and the Iraqi tanks.

Previously, 12 avant-garde air defense missiles were killed by the Iraqis in an instant, and the Kuwaiti Air Force left 24 A-4s. If a few more were lost, the air force would be disabled.

Even if the Air Force Commander Colonel Ahmed died for the country, they dare not step forward to avenge.

Damn Chinese!

Selling so many missiles to Iraqis!

“Da da da……”

The anti-aircraft machine guns on the Iraqi tanks are also firing at those fighters that dare not approach in the sky.

They were not only worried that the Kuwaiti who were being pursued in front would launch the Sky Arrow anti-tank missile, but they were also afraid of the aerial bombs dropped by the warplanes in the air.

The Kuwaiti forces evacuating toward the second line of defense quickly evacuated under the cover of the air force, and the front line was also very long.

The Iraqi tank unit pursuing from behind, marched along Highway 80 while firing at the front.

Major Najnon, who commanded at the front, kept paying attention to his team.

Seeing that he had seen the second line of defense, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, there is a sky arrow.

Although the number is small, there are at least dozens of them.

“Tillard, why should we stop us from catching up?”

Behind the team pursuing Kuwait, Colonel Camora, the commander of the armored regiment, was very dissatisfied.

“Those damned Kuwaiti Air Forces don’t dare to come down at all!”

“Camora, we don’t have the Tikrit Division’s anti-aircraft missiles… Kuwaiti have missiles that attack the top from the sky. Otherwise, how could we have suffered such a heavy loss? We must wait for the air force to bomb…” Tillard told Camorra had a good personal relationship, and if he was replaced by another officer, he wouldn’t care about him at all.

The greater the loss of others, the less punishment they will receive.

“Air force? To deal with the Kuwaiti army, which does not have much combat capability, do you need the waste of the air force? What else can they do besides harassment? Run away if you lose a bomb…”

Obviously, Colonel Camora was very dissatisfied.

If it had not been reported by the front-end investigative team and had seen the Kuwaiti second line of defense, his dissatisfaction would have been even greater.

“Tillard, what anti-aircraft missiles are equipped by the Young Officer Corps? Why are we not equipped?” Khalifa, the second regiment’s staff officer, asked in a deep voice.

Tillard couldn’t explain it at all.

He doesn’t know either.

“The equipment of Division Tikrit is far stronger than ours. Only they know how many good things there are…” Khafata looked lonely.

The remaining Kuwaiti soldiers in front have entered the line of defense, and the team on the line of defense is also ready.

A T-72 tank chasing at the forefront chased too fast, and when it was still three kilometers away from the defense line, it was destroyed by a sky arrow that fell from the sky.

The armored forces pursued by Iraq can only stop moving forward.

“What to do? Is it just being dragged like this?”

Colonel Camora is not a fool.

He saw the attack pattern of Sky Arrow with his own eyes.

“Airstrike! Waiting for the command headquarters to carry out airstrikes on the entire defense line, and under the cover of the air force, quickly break through their defense lines…” Halfa Tower suggested, “Only under airstrikes, it will work, otherwise we will go up, their anti-tank missiles, It will prevent us from being able to…”

Thinking of the Sky Arrow anti-tank missile in the opponent’s hand, Al Fata felt a little weak.

A tank regiment, nearly a hundred tanks, most of them were buried under the Sky Arrow tank.

“Air Force, it is estimated that Air Force Commander Onemocha has been killed by the President…”

Both Camora and Khalifa were speechless.

As soon as the Air Force came up, it lost 6 Tu-16 bombers and 3 MiG-23s. Can the President accept it?

It was only knocked down by Kuwait ground air defense fire!

At this moment, Silly Damu had no idea about the situation on the front line.

It has not been long since the start of the war. According to the results of the analysis given to him by the General Staff, the 140,000 troops attacked in three directions, and within 15 hours at most, they could occupy the entire Kuwait and control the situation.

Therefore, the silly Damu at this time is planning whether to kill the damned Saudis easily.

The air force command is bleak.

General Onimoka, the Air Force commander who had been in office for less than four months, was even more trembling.

“Commander, General Ainajid of the front-line command requires the Air Force to fully deploy to carry out saturation strikes on key targets throughout Kuwait, especially their defensive positions…”

The communications staff also knew what the commander was worried about.

During their battle with the Persians, due to fear that the air force generals would launch a coup, Damu cleaned the entire air force.

In 1986, the powerful Persian offensive made the Iraqi army almost unable to handle it.

Eventually under pressure, the President agreed to delegate power to the Air Force.

From 1986 to 1988, all three Iraqi armed forces were reorganized, and training was strengthened, and a large number of new weapons were put in place. Finally, in 1988, the Iraqi army broke out with unparalleled combat effectiveness.

In particular, the Air Force continued to bomb the economic facilities of the Persians, eventually forcing the Persians to agree to a truce.

After the war, the President cleaned the air force again…

Onemoka was also incompetent to take the position of commander of the Iraqi Air Force.

“Did you report our battle plan to the president?” Onemoka’s voice was trembling.

“It has been submitted…”

At this time, Sha Damu had already seen the Air Force’s combat plan.

“Send more than three hundred fighters to launch an air raid on Kuwait?” Silly Damu was furious when he saw the plan. “Onimoka bastard, what does he think? Does he think bombs don’t need money, or fighters don’t need to burn oil? or It is believed that the oil fields of Kuwaitis were blown up? Now it is blown up. After we occupy it, will we spend money on construction again?”

The president’s anger made the reporting deputy commander’s legs tremble.

I was afraid that the angry president suddenly pulled out a gun and killed himself.

At this time, he dared not report the loss of the Air Force to the President.

Fortunately, at this moment, Kazim entered with a serious face.

“Your Majesty, the troops on Route 80 were blocked. The Kuwaiti purchased a large number of Sky Arrow anti-tank missiles from the Chinese. The attacking Defense Forces First Regiment was almost wiped out; the front battalion of the Youth Army Corps lost nearly 20 tanks. Commander Ma Lieutenant Colonel Taji and Lieutenant Colonel Herald were martyred…”


Kazim’s report made the president jump with anger.

Even the deputy commander of the Air Force next to him, his calves trembled even more…

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