Chapter 249

Huaqing University!

Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University.

Xie Kai didn’t even dare to think about it, even reborn, remembering his own college entrance examination questions in that year in his mind, he couldn’t guarantee that he would be admitted to this school.

All the top students in the country can only enter after a brutal fight.

Of course, if you are a student from the capital, it is another matter. The score does not need to be that high to get in.

“Director Chen, take this seriously?” Zheng Yucheng no matter what Xie Kai thinks, they hope that Xie Kai will enter Huaqing University and cooperate with them on a large press project. The additional condition is to let Xie Kai enter.

The terms have not yet begun to be negotiated.

“I’m definitely not kidding.” Chen Mingshan said seriously, “Although I have only heard some news from him before, I know that he has a very good foundation in certain fields. It is only his understanding of big presses. If the basic knowledge is solid Some, better grades in math and physics…”

“That’s not a problem. In this final exam, he got full marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry… Only the language score has dropped a lot…” Zheng Yucheng said hurriedly.

Xie Kai was really moved by entering the best school in the country, and then entering the best major.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University is a top-level field in the entire world. Think about the appearance of the design drawings of the 160,000-ton large press, and you know how deep they have technical background in this field.

More importantly, if you mix into the mechanical department of this school, you can fool a bunch of classmates who have no friends to enter the 404 base to contribute to their military projects.

“Director Chen, this surprise is too big, I have to think about it.” Xie Kai suppressed his excitement.

“Consider a fart! I quickly agreed. I’d better go to university next year. Then I will learn majors related to large presses and accumulate experience for our follow-up 65,000-ton large press manufacturing…” Zheng Yucheng patted Xie Kai on the back of his head. a slap.

Chen Mingshan’s eyes lit up when he heard what he said.

“Are you still going to get a 65,000-ton press?”

“This, let’s talk about it…” Zheng Yucheng smiled and started selling off.

As long as Huaqing University has an idea, then everything is easy to operate.

Zheng Yucheng knows how high the scores Huaqing University needs for enrollment in the country. He even wanted to find a relationship to get Xie Kai’s student status to the capital, but he was worried that Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan would find out.

Chen Mingshan looked at Xie Kai hesitated, but didn’t urge.

Shen Hong next to him continued to introduce the large press bidding project, which was completely inconsistent with the original plan and had to wait for the project plans of each unit to come out.

This will take some time.

“Specifically, you can first seek a general contractor, and then the general contractor will divide the project. In this way, the responsibilities will be more specific and the work will be easier to implement…” Tang Zhisheng said, “This project, whether it is us One family is still a double, and it is difficult to be a single family. Therefore, we hope to join forces with the second to become a general contractor.”

Tang Zhisheng publicly stated that he hoped to cooperate with Erzhong.

As a result, the people of Erzhong became a little passive. They were originally going to become general contractors, and most of the business was left to them.

“Comrade Zhisheng’s proposal is very good. The 45,000-ton large press is the most technically difficult and most precise project encountered in the domestic manufacturing industry so far. I hope that comrades can put aside all unnecessary ideas. Work together and work together to accomplish…” Shen Hong said to everyone.

Chu Guorong never thought that Tang Zhisheng would say to cooperate with them in public, so he could only express his consent first.

From time to time, Ma Fengshan and Cheng only raise requirements for large press projects, focusing on when they can be used.

The battle that Xie Kai originally wanted to see, after adopting the bidding method, it seems impossible to see it.

They can completely ignore the specific collaborative work.

Erzhong and Yizhong, the two domestic units with the strongest technical strength and sufficient funds, join forces. It is naturally impossible for other units to become general contractors again.(Read more @

They can only accept this fact and take business in the hands of Erzhong and Yizhong.

“Minister Shen, you will bother with this matter.” Zheng Yucheng doesn’t care so much, just implement it. “I hope to start work soon…”

“Don’t worry, the two of them are united, the technical force is stronger, and the production is not a problem. The infrastructure work on your side has to start. Time is tight.” Shen Hong said.

Zheng Yucheng nodded, saying that on the way back, he would go to the Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Commission for National Defense, and they would be responsible for the infrastructure work.

“Are we finished now?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng when he was about to leave.

“Otherwise, what do you want? They will discuss the specific cooperation details. Then we will only pay for it. Minister Shen will check it out. What are you worried about?”

“By joining forces with Yizhong, the original competition is gone. Together they propose a higher price. We can only accept it.” Xie Kai said.

It’s not that he treats a gentleman’s belly with a villain’s heart.

In the process of marketization, all units will be guided by profit.

“Let go of your heart. If Shen Hong didn’t come forward, I would worry about them doing this.” Zheng Yucheng said with a smile, “If you have him, don’t worry about it. He is responsible for the design and construction of the nine major domestic industrial equipment sets. Yes, the cost is much lower than expected. So…”

“That’s why you slapped and pityed his old man to come forward?” Xie Kai despised Zheng Yucheng.

“Isn’t that, he will come forward? Although it is for our project, is it to benefit the country and the people? The country needs such a big press. It is a pity that they still gave it a trick.” Zheng Yucheng sighed. Tone.

The 65,000-ton large press eventually became 45,000-ton, and the achievable manufacturing strength was greatly reduced.

“In fact, this is quite good. After all, in the short term, this one can satisfy our use.” Xie Kai comforted.

“We need to invest later!” Zheng Yucheng is worried about money.

“Isn’t this good? You were worried that there was no project before, and our funds would be beaten by the brothers…” Xie Kai rolled his eyes and said. “Old Zheng, I think we should all reflect on it.”

“It really should be introspection. Things are going too smoothly, we feel that nothing is a problem anymore.” Zheng Yucheng understands what Xie Kai said.

The matter of the big press poured a pot of cold water with icy slag on their inflated self-confidence, and they all began to pay attention.

Otherwise, in the future, the entire base will be brought to the point where they will be invincible.

In Zheng Yucheng’s 404 base management committee, one person has the final say, and it is difficult for others to even influence him.

Xie Kai has always been taken by Zheng Yucheng to show his face outside, paving the way for him in the future.

In order to smoothly hand over the rights of the base, Zheng Yucheng will definitely suppress all kinds of opposition before Xie Kai takes over the base. Whoever is not in line with the base will be kicked out.

This is dangerous.

The two went directly from Chengdu to Feifeng City. Regarding the cooperation project between the Iraqis and the 132 factory in Chengdu, they needed an engine.

They need to understand the situation of the bass engine.

Otherwise, 404 reaches out to the fighter project, it is also very difficult to get it out.

Of course, first of all, they have to find people from the Science, Technology and Industry Commission for National Defense. The large press project is about to start, and the infrastructure investment must also be taken care of by people from the Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense of Shaanxi Province.

“Rare guest, rare guest, what gust of wind has brought you, the God of Wealth?” Du Shengfeng looked at Zheng Yucheng with a funny expression on his face.

The humorous component in the tone is also very high.

“Director Du, don’t ridicule me. Now we have put our lifeblood on your turf…” Zheng Yucheng knew that Du Shengfeng was dissatisfied that 404 took advantage of them.

“The project of the big press has been implemented?” Du Shengfeng was overjoyed when he heard it, “Will it be placed on Erzhong’s side?”

“It’s in Qin Fei’s forging plant, but all the basic investment…” Zheng Yucheng didn’t sell it.

“We will do it! It will be implemented immediately, but the funds are already in place.” Du Shengfeng said hurriedly, “Sixty-five thousand?”

“Forty thousand five!” Zheng Yucheng said, annoyed.

“Director Du, when we are building the infrastructure of the forging workshop, we hope we can consider future development issues…” Xie Kai said with a smile on the side, “We, Director Zheng, are not reconciled to only having a 45,000-ton press. ”


“Is there a fake! Our chip manufacturing base, large aircraft are all on your site. Moreover, in the Guanzhong Plain, there are two factories, Xifei and Qinfei, not far from Rongcheng… We will be transported for the 10th package. Of course, there may be some fighter projects…” Zheng Yucheng said calmly. “So, what we hope is to establish a large-scale aviation die forging and machining supporting base!”

“Are you going to be so big?” Du Shengfeng’s mouth twitched, his excitement was overwhelming.

Whether it is Qin Fei, Xi Fei, or even the aerospace units in Shaanxi Province, they need such a supporting package.

“This was originally a dense area for aircraft manufacturing companies. So we think that the establishment of better supporting facilities will be beneficial to the development of our aircraft manufacturing industry.” Zheng Yucheng nodded and said, “After the 45,000-ton press is released, if we still have enough We will continue to invest in 65,000-ton large presses. To form a huge forging base…”

They don’t want to invest in this thing anyway.

The more complete the various supporting facilities, the easier it will be to engage in 404 aircraft projects in the future.

You can have a complete package in one area, so you don’t need to waste too much thought.

Just transportation costs can reduce them a lot.

“I need to report this matter to my superiors. I have to listen to the ideas of other units.” Du Shengfeng knows how much the construction of a large-scale aviation forging manufacturing base will play a role in the domestic aviation manufacturing industry.

Zheng Yucheng did not urge, “Director Du, how much do you know about the turbofan-9 engine?”

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