Chapter 250

“What? Do you want Turbofan-9 to be used on Yunshi? Isn’t the progress of Turbofan-8 the same as Turbofan-9?” Du Shengfeng was a little confused.

Military engines are completely different from civilian engines.

It is not suitable for military bass engines at all.

“No, for transport ten, we are still planning to use turbofan eight. We now have a new military fighter project that requires military engines like bass engines…” Zheng Yucheng said.

His words made Du Shengfeng frowned.

“Because the British did not provide technical development manuscripts or provide designer consulting services for the imitation of the bass engine, progress has been very slow.” Du Shengfeng has a very clear understanding of the technical projects of their units.

Bass Engine imported a full set of technical drawings and production processes from the UK, but it is difficult to digest and complete.

“Isn’t anyone in our country ever working at Rolls-Royce Engine Company, their bass engine is designed and developed based on his theory?” Xie Kai asked.

In the early 1950s, Wu Zhonghua published the thesis “The General Theory of Ternary Flow in Axial Flow, Radial Flow, and Mixed Flow Type Subsonic and Supersonic Impeller Machinery”. This is called “Wu’s General Theory” internationally and is widely used in advanced engines. the design of.

Wu Zhonghua has not received much attention in China, and this old man seems to be unable to live for a few years.

If Mr. Wu Zhonghua participates in the imitation of the bass engine, it will definitely not be the current situation.

At the time of the negotiations, the British side did not give too much trouble because of the involvement of Mr. Wu Zhonghua at the end.

In the 1970s, China spent more than 500 million pounds on the introduction of bass engines!

500 million pounds, how much is this?

Especially the 500 million pounds in the 1970s.

“You said Mr. Wu?” Du Shengfeng looked at Xie Kai, a little embarrassed.

Zheng Yucheng doesn’t know who Elder Wu in the two populations is, but he knows that none of the people Xie Kai said is not a professional expert.

“Yes. Mr. Wu used to work for Rolls-Royce Engine Company. The introduction of the bass engine played a big role, right? Even the British call him a teacher!” Xie Kai nodded and said.

“Master Wu has no time to do this…” Du Shengfeng’s eyes were a little dodgy.

Zheng Yucheng is puzzled, but Xie Kai knows it.

History is always so cruel.

“We want to know the specific situation.” Xie Kai said, “If the bass engine can not provide mature products, I think our fighter project will be severely restricted.”

If Xiaolong does not have a domestically-made engine, it will not be able to produce it in a short period of time.

We can only wait until the disintegration of the Soviet Union and seek the RD-93 engine through the way of the MiG Design Bureau.

Don’t think about the American engine, China.

Xie Kai also hopes to equip Xiaolong with an F404 engine. The question is, will the Americans be happy?

Just think about this kind of thing.

During the honeymoon period, the relationship between the two parties would not be too harmonious. The Americans never thought of really helping the Chinese develop military technology.

During the honeymoon, only the cooperation of Black Hawk helicopters was reached. China imported dozens of Black Hawk helicopters, especially the civilian version.

For civilian things, Xie Kai has no interest at all.

The difference between civilian and military technology is definitely not a little bit.

Even military technology is also divided into self-use and export sales.

“I’ll go to West Air with you.” Du Shengfeng couldn’t answer Xie Kai’s question, so he could only take them to Fengcheng Aviation Engine Company.(Read more @

This company is responsible for the localization of bass engines.

West Air is on the outskirts of Fengcheng, not too far away from the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.

Du Shengfeng called them before going. When taking Zheng Yucheng with Xie Kai, the director of West Air, Tian Rui, secretary Li Bingkun, and chief engineer Wang Kunnan were all waiting at the entrance of the factory.

After some greetings, Zheng Yucheng asked directly, “Director Tian, ​​when will your turbofan-9 be available?”

His question made the leaders of West Air and his party do not know how to answer.

“Director Zheng, we are currently stepping up the localization work. In 1980, the British Rolls-Royce company had already passed the assessment…” Wang Kunnan said embarrassedly.

Xie Kai couldn’t help but smile when he heard what he said, “Is the ground test passed?”

“The aerial test is also qualified.” For such a young man, Li Bingkun felt that the other party was too much, but he didn’t say much.

The questions asked by others are professional.

“Everyone, to be honest, if we need you to provide the finished product of the turbofan-9 engine, when can we provide it? Or, when can we provide it?” Zheng Yucheng knows that, rather than inconspicuous, it is better to ask them when. Provide finished products.

“Director Zheng, I don’t know about you…” Tian Rui didn’t understand what Zheng Yucheng meant.

Turbofan-9 engine, this is the engine supporting the JH-7.

“We are going to develop a new fighter…” Zheng Yucheng said calmly, “We need a medium-thrust engine. There are currently three models in China, and only your project can meet our needs.”

If they had a choice, they would not choose a domestic engine.

“…” Hearing this, the people of Xihang didn’t know how to answer.

“Let’s go to the engine workshop first.” Xie Kai said.

This can also ease the embarrassment of the leaders of West Air.

Originally, the bass engine was prepared to be delivered to Shenfei Engine Factory, but the people of Shen Fei were worried that it would affect the future of their turbofan-6 project. In the end, they resolutely resisted, and the relationship there is good enough, so the project was given to Xifei. Supporting factories.

The turbofan-9 engine is regarded as the most advanced military engine in the country. Before that, British engineers and technicians helped localize it.

In the 1980s, three domestically-made turbofan-9s passed ground tests, high-altitude tests, and 20 hours of test flights. In the end, the British believed that China could successfully imitate them, leaving them alone and returning home.

In the engine workshop, nothing advanced was seen.

Even the core components such as turbine disks are imported from the United Kingdom, and the domestic Southwest Aluminum Plant’s 30,000-ton press cannot provide processing.

The pressure is too small, and the deformation after forging is a bit large, which is not suitable for use.

“The British did not give any design manuscripts. We seem to have completed the localization, but there are many technical details. Even under the premise of a full set of production processes and drawings, we cannot completely imitate successfully…” Seeing the engine In the production workshop, when the number of engines being assembled was not large, Tian Rui made an explanation.

“In other words, we can’t independently produce engines now?” Xie Kai asked, “We introduced this engine technology, but gave us 500 million pounds!”

His words, the people of West Air, don’t know how to answer.

“Many production processes, such as turbine disks require at least 35,000 tons of large press for extrusion molding, but we only have 30,000 tons of die forging machines… The high temperature powder metallurgy of the overall turbine disk, we cannot manufacture such a large diameter single crystal turbine disk in China. ……” Wang Kunnan said with some embarrassment.

It’s not that we don’t work hard, but that the domestic supporting facilities can’t keep up.

“If we can provide a large press of more than 35,000 tons for the overall forging of turbine disks, can you produce a usable engine?” Xie Kai asked unceremoniously.

“This also requires the monocrystalline turbine disk integral molding technology.” Wang Kunnan is even more embarrassed.

“So, you haven’t done much work for so many years, right?” Zheng Yucheng said, without any consideration of offending people. “It seems that our fighter jet project can only look for other engines.”

His words are very uncomfortable.

The people of West Air had no way to refute it.

The localization of bass engines has been going on all the time, and until now, there has been no way to fully provide them.

The key components still have to be imported from the UK, and the cost of each engine is very high.

The JH VII has been waiting for the engine.

It’s not that they didn’t work hard. The British provided hundreds of thousands of technical materials. Up to now, it has taken almost ten years to complete the translation.

“Director Zheng, we still have a lot of process equipment that cannot be designed and manufactured. The technical information provided by the British only has drawings and related processes, but no process equipment. We have to design and manufacture everything by ourselves…” Wang Kunnan Youyou He said, “So far, we still have at least 8,000 process equipment that have not been designed and manufactured!”

“How many in total?” Zheng Yucheng asked.

“More than thirty-four thousand sets.” Wang Kunnan did not hide it. “Let’s not say anything else, it is only titanium alloy hot forming technology, etc. They only gave the material and the required strength, and there is no relevant information to introduce the titanium alloy heat. How does the molding achieve the purpose we need… In terms of materials, there are at least 76 key technologies, and they only gave formulas, no crafts…”

What Wang Kunnan said is the truth.

The British sold a set of engine technology to China, but this set of technology does not have any relevant craftsmanship and design manuscripts.

As a result, they had to design tooling and production processes in accordance with the drawings provided by the British after they had completely digested the technology provided by the British.

It’s not that they don’t work hard, but the gap is too big.

Everything needs time and needs to be studied step by step.

“What should we do?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai.

There is no engine, but also a fart fighter.

How can they intervene in the cooperation between the Iraqis and the 132 factory?

“How much money do you need, and how long will it take to provide fully localized engines? We need a large number, at least hundreds, maybe hundreds!” Xie Kai looked serious.

He hoped that people from West Air would tell him that they would be able to provide it in three to five years.

This was just his imagination, and the people from West Air had to tell him personally that at this time, the people of West Air, whether it was the factory manager, secretary, or chief engineer, were all bowing their heads and didn’t know how to answer his questions.

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