Chapter 294

“As long as aerospace agrees, we can borrow the resources equivalent to their entire system. Of course, we can’t be too selfish. If they agree, our technology will also be open to them.” Xie Kai said.

They are completely swallowing elephants.

Aerospace is an elephant, and 404 is just a snake.

Others have no opinion on the cooperation between the two parties.

They don’t think there is much market for the modified Hongqi-2 missile. With this opportunity, they can fully enrich the 404’s technical foundation and talent reserve system.

“Then I will talk to Chief Long and the others.” Seeing no one objected, Zheng Yucheng nodded in response.

“How is the negotiation with the Iranian military training? If it’s okay, let them leave. Our tanks and guns have not been tested, they are here…” Wang Guilin suddenly proposed that the Iranians leave.

Many things are really inconvenient for the Iranians in the base.

“What about the Pakistanis? According to the previous agreement, their technicians should have come.” Xie Kai asked curiously.

Pakistanis have invested money in it, but there is no shadow.

When the money comes, it doesn’t matter whether it comes or not.

The problem is that if they don’t come, Xie Kai has no confidence in his heart.

“The technicians have already entered our country through the Karakoram Highway, and they will be there in a few days.” Wang Guilin said, “Why do you think of asking about the situation of the Pakistanis? If they don’t come, isn’t it better for us?”

“No, since we are cooperating, we have to execute in accordance with the contract.” Xie Kai said.

Pakistan has paid out money here. If they cheat them too hard, it will be difficult to find people to cooperate and invest in future projects.

“Then wait for their personnel to arrive before communicating. The others continue as they were originally scheduled. Anyway, what they need is a production line.” Zheng Yucheng said indifferently, “Xiao Xie, you are close to the Iranians, what do they think? ?”

Zheng Yucheng did not have enough patience with Iranians.

Not demanding, but stingy.

“Lack of money, high demands.” Xie Kai has no other words to describe Iranians.

The Iranians are now very frustrated.

Oil exports have dropped sharply, and war consumption has caused their foreign exchange reserves to shrink rapidly.

Saddam is also facing the same situation, but behind him is the support of a group of local tyrants in the Middle East.

“They are dragging like this, but they can’t. Even if the missile is out, they don’t have much money to purchase.” Zheng Yucheng reminded Xie Kai not to waste too much energy on Iranians.

“Iran has the resources we need.” Xie Kai thought about Iranian oil. China doesn’t need much at present. After more than ten years, this kind of thing is too important.

“We have a vast land and abundant resources in China, but what kind of resources?” Zheng Yucheng was unhappy.

China is rich in resources, all in elementary school textbooks.

For a long time, China’s foreign exchange has almost been obtained by exporting resources.

“What about our per capita resources? In order to allow Iranians to make decisions faster, I think it is necessary for them to change payment methods.” Xie Kai is also considering the issue of paying cash for Iranians in the current situation.

For 404, paying cash is the most reasonable.

But at present, the Iranians have not made any statement about their orders for weapons and equipment except for 1,000 avant-garde air defense missiles.

The Iranians don’t want it?

It’s not.

The Iranians want it, but they have no money to pay.

“Do you want the Iranians to use all kinds of resources to repay our purchases? Are you crazy? Their biggest output is oil, and the crude oil output of several major domestic oil fields can’t be used up…” Zheng Yucheng understood what Xie Kai meant.

The Iranians have raised the issue of swapping oil for weapons and equipment or even other mechanical equipment before.

The people at 404 base didn’t think about it, so they refused.

Just kidding, although domestic demand for oil has continued to grow, there is still ample supply of oil.(Read more @

The domestic proven crude oil reserves have been steadily increasing.

“Or just drag it like this? They need to sell oil, and we need to sell weapons.” Xie Kai looked at the management committee. The old guys were not interested in this trading model. “It’s really not possible. We can also let them use various mineral resources. The domestic infrastructure has been expanding over the years, but it still cannot adequately supply the market.”

Exchange of resources for weapons and equipment is a beneficial choice for both parties.

“That’s too much trouble. The funds we need, not the resources, are we importing these resources and then building related production plants?” Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai.

He is responsible for logistics. Once such cooperation is launched, the funds that the Iranians use in exchange for their equipment will become various resources.

They must be turned into commodities before they can be marketed. As a result, they need too many people and time to recover funds.

“We don’t need to do such a thing. There are a lot of domestic units that need various mineral resources. Especially many of them are brother units that have cooperation with us…” Xie Kai said.

After a few decades, China’s domestic resources are indeed extremely rich, but the various imported raw materials make the whole world feel crazy.

Hundreds of millions of tons of iron ore are imported every year, hundreds of millions of tons of crude oil are imported, and various resources…

“That’s also troublesome. We need a dedicated department to communicate!” Wang Guilin was the one who resisted Xie Kai’s desire to exchange resources for equipment the most.

The same is true for Zheng Yucheng, Qi Yuanzhi and others.

The exchange of resources for equipment is not of great benefit to China.

“Xiao Xie, there is no need to mention this. We only need cash. If the base grows too large, it is difficult to manage. Now as the number of projects increases, management becomes more difficult than before.” Zheng Yucheng also spoke. “If they have something that our country lacks, it’s not a problem. Hundreds of millions of dollars, how much is it?”

No matter what Xie Kai said, the base management committee has only one attitude.


Disagree with the exchange of equipment for resources.

They only need money.

“What’s the matter? You are frowning? Now Chen Yixin hasn’t haunted you?” Xie Kai went home in the evening and found that his old lady had returned rarely.

The old man sat on the sofa with a tired face, rubbing his temples with his head while reading the information.

“Mom, why are you back?” Xie Kai was a little surprised.

There is no home atmosphere at home.

The other neighbors’ homes downstairs became quieter as the base became busy. No matter how quiet, there were voices.

Xie Kai didn’t want to go home. The silence at home made him feel terrified.

Even if he had been like this for decades.

That kind of loneliness, loneliness, is always constantly magnifying.

“Look at what you said, this is our house, can’t your dad and I come back?” Liu Xu was a little embarrassed when he heard his son’s question.

I was too negligent about my son in normal times.

“What’s wrong with my dad? If you are not healthy, go to the hospital for a check.” Xie Kai looked at his father’s face and rubbed his head from time to time.

Working overtime for a long time without getting enough rest can easily cause problems.

“It’s okay. I’ve been too tired during this period. Just take a break.” Xie Jianguo said, “There are too many things in Hongqi Factory during this period.”

“You can make arrangements any more, Dad, you are the chief engineer, responsible for the overall check, not a separate technology development!” Xie Kai sat on the opposite side of his father with a small stool, and said to him seriously.

Then looked at the old lady.

In the previous life, he didn’t know the specific work situation of the father.

As a result…

“You don’t need to look at me, it’s useless how many times I have said it.” Liu Xu said helplessly, “you father and son are stubborn, no one says it’s useless!”

“…” Both father and son were speechless.

“Didn’t all the excavators start to be delivered?” Xie Kai hasn’t been to the Hongqi Machinery Factory for a while, and has been mixed with Iranians all day, and he doesn’t know the specifics.

“Isn’t there still the development of a five-axis numerical control system? There is also the design of civil excavators, etc…. These things, your father has to do it himself! Before, there was no chief engineer who wandered around various projects at any time. You have to intervene if you have the ability…” Liu Xu said dissatisfiedly.

“Dad, this can’t be done. The body is the capital of the revolution. If the body breaks down, there is nothing left!” Xie Kai knew that Dad was a workaholic.

It only takes 20 minutes to walk from Hongqi Factory to home.

Dad didn’t come back much.

“Stop talking about me, you have gone to class for one day this semester…” Xie Jianguo didn’t want to hear her son cause her daughter-in-law to criticize herself, and set the fire on Xie Kai.

Sure enough, when he said this, Liu Xu looked at Xie Kai with an uncomfortable expression.

Xie Kai wanted to slap herself.

Dad has always been unreliable, and in front of my mother, he has never shown the generosity of a father.

“Mom, don’t look at me like this. Although I didn’t go, I didn’t fall behind in my studies. During this period of time I learned Persian with Iranians. Listen, I will give you a few words%……##¥%……” In front of his parents, Xie Kai finally has the capital to not be exposed by them.

“Are you Persian?” Liu Xu looked at Xie Jianguo suspiciously.

“I don’t understand Persian. He talks nonsense, and we don’t know.” Xie Jianguo said with a smile, “He fooled you in French before…”

“Mom, really, you can ask if you don’t believe it, don’t do it…” Seeing that Liu Xu was about to get a feather duster, Xie Kai jumped up.

The old man is really not authentic.

That was because I was amused before. My mother asked. He said that he would learn French with whom and whom, but he didn’t know that Xie Jianguo knew so many sentences. Liu Xu asked him a few simple daily expressions. Xie Kai casually pinched…

“Really?” Liu Xu didn’t believe it.

“This is negotiating with the Iranians. Lao Zheng, they can testify, I promise Chairman Mao!” Xie Kai didn’t brag, “I’m worried about their affairs today.”

“You bother me, you really think of yourself as a character. The base can’t function without you, right?” Liu Xu looked at Xie Kai and measured the credibility of his words.

“Really. The Iranians are terribly poor and want equipment, but they don’t have money. They proposed to use oil for equipment, Lao Zheng, they disagree, and they want money.” Xie Kai explained hurriedly.

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