Chapter 295

“Oil? What do you want that thing for? We still have oil exports in China!” Liu Xu said disdainfully. “We have a vast land and abundant resources in China, but don’t have any resources? Why do you spend the wrong money?”

“Indeed, after the discovery of the Daqing Oilfield, we took off the label of oil-poor countries in our country, and there has always been oil exports…” Even Xie Jianguo believes that Iranian oil is of little use to China.

Xie Kai looked at his parents and did not want to debate with them whether Iranian oil is useful for China.

He is a past person, and he knows exactly how terrifying the speed of China’s economic development will be in the future. Even with the world financial crisis, the speed of China’s economic development will not stop.

This is a miracle of human history.

But now, it’s too early to talk about the future.

It is estimated that even high-level national leaders will not have sufficient confidence in the world miracle that China’s economy will create.

At present, the domestic private car market can be said to have not started. Ten thousand households are already top talents. A car can cost tens of thousands, and the number of imported cars is hundreds of thousands.

Under such circumstances, who would believe that in the next 30 years, China has the largest road network in the world and is still experiencing traffic jams at any time?

With fewer cars, the fuel needed will naturally be less.

What’s more, domestic thermal power plants use coal. Not many people in China will realize that they can dig it out. The Japanese didn’t dig in China for many years, and it is said that they were enough for two hundred years.

“Mom, Zhou Rong didn’t look for you again, right?” Xie Kai changed the subject.

“Still talking! Zhou Rong came in between the sports car every three and five points, saying that you were bullying her girl…” When it came to Chen Yixin, Liu Xu didn’t get angry. “Your dad has to be taken care of. Chen Yixin’s girl is also good, she can take care of others.”

“Huh? She will take care of people? Mom, are you kidding? Chen Yixin can cook? Will feel sorry for others?” Xie Kai felt that the old lady was blinded by this matter.

“Yeah. You know that your father has a bad stomach, and he doesn’t want to let the cafeteria open a small stove. Sometimes on weekends, she does it and sends it over…” Liu Xu explained.

Xie Kai was struck by lightning.

What is that woman doing?

Roundabout route?

“Mom, now we are advocating free love. Arranged marriages are the remnants of feudalism!” Xie Kai didn’t want to have any intersection with Chen Yixin.

“Children’s affairs, let the children decide on their own!” Xie Jianguo looked at his son’s opposition, and felt that Liu Xu was going too far. “Aren’t we also in free love back then?”

“Can he make people worry like you?” Liu Xu glared at Xie Jianguo.

Xie Jianguo nodded hurriedly, “That’s true too.”

What else can Xie Kai say besides rolling his eyes?

He decided not to talk to his parents about this matter. Chen Yixin’s woman would not only be tossing, but also scheming, and definitely not to provoke her.

“Dad, you can go to the hospital to check it. The working model of the base has to be revised.” Xie Kai was afraid of his father’s health problems.

Originally, the mother did not say much about the reason for the death of his father.

Overwork makes it easy for things to happen.

In the domestic military industry system, there are definitely not a few people who have fallen to work.

In the world of these people, there is only work but no life.

Xie Jianguo just nodded, Liu Xu assured his son, “Just don’t let us worry about it. I’m staring at your dad.”

Xie Kai didn’t say anything.

The base management committee disagrees with the Iranian oil-for-equipment plan, and Xie Kai has nothing to do now.

The current layout is not early.

“Or, think of a way to set up an agency company?” It is impossible to intervene in the domestic energy market, but it is possible to engage in oil fields in Iran and Iraq.

After thinking about it, Xie Kai finally gave up.

Unless the base establishes a company by itself and plays this privately, it will deceive itself to death.

Not to mention that there is not so much capital, and there is not so much energy.(Read more @

The next day Xie Kai didn’t go to Iranian, and went to school honestly.

Every time he entered the classroom, he felt strange. What he didn’t expect was that Wang Hao also appeared in the classroom magically.

The two truant kings of the entire children’s school appeared, and the undercurrent surging in the calm classroom, I thought I could see the excitement.

In the end, it was surprising that Wang Hao and Xie Kai hooked up and smoked together, talking and laughing when get out of class was over.

“Brother, what’s the matter with that grandson?” The most dissatisfied are Xie Kai’s hardcore boys.

The two sides have been working for so many years, and the eldest brother who took the lead actually shook hands and made peace.

This will not work.

“What’s the matter?” Xie Kai looked at Luo Feng, knowing what they thought, “Fighting, is it interesting?”

Luo Feng watched Xie Kai for a long time, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

“Sun Juan, it seems that the literature and art department of our school has been quiet.” Xie Kai knew that it was all boring.

There have been no cultural activities in the base for many years.

It’s not uncommon. Movies that are shown once a week are considered cultural activities. And each unit takes turns…

It’s just that the base’s movies are all old-fashioned, and no one is watching this stuff anymore.

“What cultural activities?” Sun Juan didn’t understand what Xie Kai meant.

“Don’t you think our life is too monotonous?” Xie Kai sighed, “People need not only study and work, but also life.”

Inside the base, there is only study, work, and no life.

“Isn’t this good now?” Sun Juan didn’t know what Xie Kai thought. “We have been here since we were young.”

Xie Kai didn’t know what to say.

Sun Juan should be difficult to understand now, or that people are accustomed to the status quo.

“Brother, if you are really bored, we can go to the Shazao Lin this weekend. Luo Feng and the others don’t have to play on the weekend. They were still talking last time. Let’s talk to Hongqi Factory. You can play with the game console,” Sun Juan said.

Sun Juan’s words made Xie Kai suddenly realize that her brother-in-law did not seem to come to the base all the time.

“The game console? It’s all shipped away, now it’s estimated that it has been changed to US dollars…” Xie Kai ran to ask about the game console. Wang Guilin looked at him in surprise, “Your brother didn’t contact you?”

“When did he return to the base?” Xie Kai’s eyes came out.

Liu Dongsheng never came back. He was thinking about it before, and then thinking all day about how to get the Iranian money out.

As a result, the game console was also transported away, I don’t know yet.

“The contract has been signed, and now the game consoles produced by Hongqi Machinery Factory are supplied to them.” Wang Guilin really didn’t know what happened to Xie Kai and Liu Dongsheng. “Your mother was with your brother-in-law.”

“It’s over!” Xie Kai immediately understood that the old lady had robbed her own small vault again.

“What’s the end? The factory in Shenzhen City is under construction very fast. Your brother-in-law talked with that side a year ago, and the construction of the factory will begin after the Spring Festival.” Wang Guilin was puzzled. Xie Kai is not that kid. Should be very clear about this kind of thing?

Xie Kai felt that something was wrong in her heart, and ran out of Wang Guilin’s office in a hurry, to go to Hongqi Machinery Factory to find her mother for verification.

If my old lady pinches his economic lifeline, it will be really troublesome in the future.

My uncle is too unreliable to do things.

“Your uncle? You came just a few days after the Spring Festival, that’s the time when you went out with Zheng Yucheng.” Liu Xu looked at Xie Kai and said calmly, “What do you want to ask? Money or equity?”

“Nothing, I’ll just ask about my brother-in-law…” Xie Kai licked his dry lips.

“This is your salary passbook, 300 yuan a month, more than my and your dad combined, this, you keep it for yourself…” Liu Xu gave Xie Kai a passbook with a smile on his face.

Xie Kai looked at the passbook in his old mother’s hand, wishing to cry without tears.

How could I be stupid in the first place, tell me the truth?

My old lady is a money fan.

The small treasury that the old man was in charge of was always dry, and his biggest income was pinched by the old woman.

“Chen Yixin is preparing to study accounting at university.” The next words of my old lady made Xie Kai feel that the sky was falling.

The old lady really fell in love with Chen Yixin?

“What did you promise her all the time?” Xie Kai felt that he had to show off with his mother.

Tell her that she has cabbage, and for a girl like Chen Yixin, let her go to the Western world to pursue a better life.

“She doesn’t know. Kaisheng Game Company, I am the general manager, and your uncle is the vice president. He is accustomed to him. I take care of the money. I have to let me see what happens in the future!” Liu Xu looked at his son very much. Calmly said, “Your kid is very good, and your courage is getting bigger and bigger. With such a large sum of money, you won’t let your old lady know. If I lied to your uncle, he would have to hide it from me! Tell me about you. What are you doing against your mother? How much did you give to your father?”

Xie Kai has a big head.

Deny it quickly.

It seems that from year to year, the old man borrowed a lot of money from himself.

“Mom, I really don’t! The rewards of the base have been invested in the game console company.” Xie Kai hurriedly explained, I hope that Zheng Yucheng and the catering company they set up for themselves in Jinling don’t know.

Otherwise, it would be really inconvenient to do what you do in the future.

“Your dad has a liver problem. Since you got the first bonus from the base last year, you have been hurting your dad.” Liu Xu looked at Xie Kai with a reproach in his tone, “His money, except for smoking and drinking. No other expenses…tobacco and alcohol will kill him.”

“What’s wrong with my dad?” Xie Kai was anxious.

The old man asked him for money. He knew what it was for. He always drank during overtime work with his coworkers.

“The problem is not serious now, no smoking, no drinking. I checked it out some time ago. I controlled all his money, and he still has money to buy alcohol!” Liu Xu looked at his son.

She didn’t know that the father and son conspired to scam pocket money before.

Xie Kai has no money now, and Xie Jianguo has no source of small treasury, plus Liu Xu has been guarding it, and it is difficult to drink and smoke anymore.

Xie Kai also gave the money to his father because his father said poorly.

“Mom, don’t hide it from me.” Xie Kai was really anxious. “Dad came back the night before, and I thought he looked wrong.”

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