Chapter 415

The scene changed too quickly, and Xie Kai couldn’t react.

The old driver was still driving, and suddenly became serious.

“What is your attitude?” Xie Jianguo doesn’t have the mindset of Xie Kai. He knows Kaletovsky quite well.

Kaletovsky was no longer as serious as before, but looked at Xie Jianguo, “Really need it?”

“It’s definitely not fake.”

“Don’t the Americans provide you with advanced avionics systems and related engines?” The Soviets’ questions are very real and acute. “Even the whole of Europe is carrying out all-round military cooperation with you.”

This style of painting has changed too quickly.

The opposite is really the legendary Soviet man who made the whole world tremble?

“That is a matter for our government and has nothing to do with us. Old driver, I think you should be clear that we only represent our own unit, not the country.”

Xie Jianguo said seriously.

After speaking, without waiting for the other party’s response, he went straight back to the negotiating table and sat in his place.

Everyone on both sides knows that the negotiation has already begun without comment.

“We can provide the engine, but it depends on what engine you need and the price you can give.” Kalevtosky also sat in his place.

If it weren’t for the inconspicuousness of the previous two, Xie Kai even felt that the other party was a serious person.


The legends are so deceptive.

“The Americans are willing to provide their engines. You should be aware of this. But we don’t want to put all the eggs in the same basket. In addition, our unit has independent accounting and independent projects. Therefore, this time the introduction of engines is just Unit-unit cooperation.” Xie Jianguo emphasized.

The Sino-Soviet relationship has not fundamentally changed.

The Soviet Union has yet to admit their mistakes, and the Vietnamese have occupied the entire Cambodia without withdrawing their troops.

“Understood. We are only negotiating with you on behalf of the company.” Kalevtoski said with a smile, “I don’t know which engine you need?”

“Uncle driver, I don’t know which company you represent.” Xie Kai asked curiously.

The Soviets are joking?

“What kind of engine do you need, we represent which company.” Kalevtosky continued to smile, “Satisfied with this situation, right?”


Xie Kai is very satisfied and pleasantly surprised.

The question is, can the Soviets have such a good talk?

“Really any engine can be provided?” Xie Kai asked.

Knowing in my heart that this is impossible at all.

He wanted to see how shameless the old Soviet man, who was so many times uglier than his father, was in front of him.

“Of course, as long as you want it, you can discuss it. As for whether it can be provided, we cannot guarantee it. Domestic approval is required.” Karivtosky’s words are not leaking.

It can be discussed, but it will never be sold.

Xie Kai curled his lips and remained silent.

Xie Jianguo wanted to speak, but saw that Xie Kai was using his eyes to beckon him not to worry. Some did not understand. Isn’t the engine needed for the Super Seven project very clear from the beginning?

“What kind of engine do you need? Or tell us the data. How about we recommend it?” Karevtoski saw that his father and son were silent, showing an extremely friendly look.

The Soviets under him were all sitting in jeopardy and did not speak.(Read more @

Xie Kai felt puzzled, it’s better to talk to Karevtosky alone.

“Aero engines with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 8 or more have a maximum thrust of more than 15000kg…” Before Xie Kai finished speaking, he was interrupted by a burly Soviet.

“This is impossible! China simply does not have such a fighter design capability. Neither the United States nor other countries can provide it.”

“Shut up, Chekov! No manners at all.” Karevtosky scolded his subordinates, and then said to Xie Kai with a smile, “Young people, we really want to help with your needs, but we There is no such engine in China.”

“The U.S. has it, but the Soviet Union?” Xie Kai looked contemptuous.

I keep saying that I can discuss everything I want, but when I hear the need, I don’t even need face.

The Soviets are not good people either.

“Although, in many respects, we have dumped Americans for decades, but in terms of aviation engines, we are not the same as their pursuits. Therefore, our development is definitely not the best, but it is the most suitable for us.” Card Levtowski was clearly putting polish on their own faces.

The Soviets are incomparable to the Americans in some areas, but in most areas, they have been catching up with the Americans.

It was even dragged to death by the American space war plan.

“Really?” Xie Kai curled his lips and said, “The relationship between the United States and us is very good now.”

“Then why don’t you go to the Americans and go around such a big circle to find us?” Chekov spoke again.

Perhaps this old man is boring.

“Because this project is only our independent operation, it has nothing to do with many domestic aviation companies.” Xie Kai said, “Plus the Americans ask for too high a price, and an engine dare to ask for 3 million US dollars!”

“This is indeed a bit high. I’m sorry, we can’t provide what you need…”

“Is it really not? The single-seater Su-27 heavy fighter developed by Sukhoi now has hundreds of them in your army, right?” Xie Kai said casually.

The expressions of all the Soviets became wonderful.

The existence of Su-27 is still kept secret in the international arena. Although Western countries know it, they don’t know the specific performance at all.

However, this kind of news is only shocking. Kaletovsky does not think that the Chinese have a more detailed content.

“That is a fighter from both sides, and the engine cannot meet your requirements.”

“This is indeed true. The AL-31 engine used by the Su-27 has an afterburner thrust of only 12,500 kilograms, which really cannot meet our needs. However, I heard that Lulica-Saturn is developing a new generation of AL-41. Something, maybe it can meet our needs. Uncle driver, or, let’s talk about this?” Xie Kai’s innocent smile on his face made Kaletovsky almost jump out of his heart.

He hastened to deny, “You must have been cheated. We don’t have an AL-31 engine at all, and the thrust is not that big.”

It’s not that the Soviets don’t want face, but it is related to the most advanced fighter data that has not yet been made public.

Knowing the engine performance, you can infer the specific data and combat performance of the entire fighter based on these data. As a result, Su-27’s confidential work was wasted.

Kaletovsky quickly calmed down, guessing the source of the Chinese data.

“No?” Xie Kai was a little disappointed.

He turned over with a smile in his heart.

Xie Jianguo was watching, he didn’t know if Xie Kai was squeaking.

“Definitely not.”

“So, can the MiG-29 engine, RD-33, provide it? Although this engine has poor performance, it barely meets our needs…” Xie Kai knew from the beginning that AL-31 was impossible. Get it now.

The Klimov RD-33 engine used by the MiG-29 was the original goal.

Xie Kai was able to understand AL-31, perhaps by accident, but now he has asked for the RD-33 engine, which makes the Soviets unable to sit still.

This is the engine of the two most advanced fighter jets in the Soviet Union.

“Uncle Ski, we have great sincerity and hope to get help from your country. Although we do not represent the country, but our unit, now the senior leaders of your country are seeking to improve their relations with our country. I think this is a very Good start.”

“How did you know?” Kaletovsky asked Xie Jianguo awkwardly.

Xie Jianguo knows a fart.

When I was in the Soviet Union, the Soviets didn’t start this plan. Neither fighters nor engines started research and development.

“This is not too concealed. In the 1960s, the Americans launched the FX program. In response, your country also launched the PFI program for advanced tactical fighters. In the end, this program evolved into two heavy fighter SU-27s. , Used to counter the American F-15; the light fighter MiG-29, used to counter the American F-16……” Xie Kai said calmly.

Both the Soviets and the base representatives were extremely shocked.

The Soviets didn’t know why Xie Kai knew their intelligence plan so well, and they began to suspect that China’s intelligence capabilities in the Soviet Union exceeded the KGB’s imagination.

They don’t know how much information the Chinese have, and the things in front of them completely exceed their imagination.

The engines to be supplied to China are neither of these two types.

The base representative is the source of news that shocked Xie Kai.

Could it be that they are just a foil, and Xie Kai is the main force in the negotiation?

Isn’t it just fooling around?

“The Yakovlev Design Bureau’s Yak-45 light fighters and Yak-47 heavy fighters were all eliminated back then. Wasn’t it just to make the Soviet Air Force use only two fighters like the United States in the 1980s? Fighters use uniform main equipment and weapons…” Xie Kai knew that the Soviets were guessing how much intelligence they had.

Simply, just picking up some important things.

Whether it is Su-27 or MiG-29, it is extremely familiar to Chinese people.

China has introduced heavy fighters from the Soviet Union, Su-27 and Su-30, and even introduced the production lines of these two fighters! Finally, in China, the use of these two fighters to improve the design, research into a more advanced J-11, J-16.

How is Xie Kai unclear?

The only one is the MiG, which is still familiar to Chinese people. The J-7 is the miG-21 preventive model. It has been the main fighter of the Chinese Air Force for many years!

The MiG-29 is almost the last advanced fighter of the Mikoyan Design Bureau, and it is also used to compare with the domestic F-10 and the American F-16.

The more I said, the more ugly the faces of the Soviets became.

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