Chapter 416

“Uncle driver, please rest assured, these news are currently unknown to the United States and Western countries.” After Xie Kai finished speaking, seeing that the other’s face was ugly, he said comfortingly. “Even in our country, we know very little, including my father, don’t know this.”

Xie Kai told the truth, but no one believed it.

In this era, Du Niang did not appear.

No one would have thought that in a few decades, anyone who can access the Internet will know these things.

Using these to defraud the Soviets, I did not expect the effect to be so good.

“I just don’t know whether we can get the RD-33 engine. Of course, if your country is willing to sell the technology, I think we are also very happy.” Xie Kai will not mention it before the change.

The Soviets were really willing to sell, and 404 couldn’t afford it.

As long as the Soviets sell it, go back to digest it while improving, and develop directly in the direction of RD-93. Although the old Maozi’s heart is very dark, the performance of the RD-93 provided to the Xiaolong fighter is not even as good as the RD-33 used by the MiG-29, but it is much better than the domestic one.

However, it is impossible for Lao Maozi to sell a complete set of engine technology, let alone a production line.

Even they sold the production lines of Su-27 and Su-30. The core components such as the engine did not sell technology. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Lao Maozi sold engines to China for more than 20 years.

This situation was not changed until the Taihang used by the Jianshi succeeded.

Even the F-20 was an imported engine at the beginning, and finally changed history when the turbofan-15 was successfully developed.

For these engines, the Russians even bound their junk fighter SU-35!

Xie Kai knows better than anyone that there is not much possibility of obtaining a full set of Soviet engine technology.

“Selling technology is not within our consideration. As for the engine, the price is right and can be negotiated.” Kaletovsky cleared up his mood and asked, “How many quantities do you need?”

“Old driver, the technology is really not discussed?” Xie Jianguo also wanted technology.

The latter shook his head directly, without any hesitation.

“Can the RD-33 engine be sold?” Xie Jianguo continued to ask.

For a moment, Kaletowski was stunned.


The father and son said so much, isn’t it just for the RD-33 engine?

Xie Jianguo, the bastard, actually sang double reel with his son, he was still the insidious and cunning person, and the years have not changed him a little bit.

“Can the RD-33 engine be sold?” Xie Jianguo asked again, with a smile on his face. “We came with sincerity.”

“One set is $3 million.” Kaletovsky didn’t talk any more nonsense, and directly doubled the original price.

He wants the Chinese to pay the price.

“It’s not so easy to grab money? Uncle driver, we don’t look at your friendship with my father, but also see the impact of this transaction on the improvement of relations between the two countries?” Xie Kai understands that the Soviets are so active Land expressed its willingness to provide engines just to improve the relationship between the two parties.

The RD-33 engine has 50 kN without thrust, and the maximum thrust with added thrust is only 81.4 kN. The maximum thrust of a single engine is only 8300 kg.

For such an engine, the Soviets were so embarrassed that they would cost 3 million US dollars each.

Xie Kai relentlessly reported the performance data of the RD-33 engine accurately.

Even threats were raised.

If it cannot be reached, it is likely to affect the plan of skilled seeking to improve the relationship between the two countries.

“If you are not sincere, there is no need to go on talking. Since you are old friends, you can eat and drink together and go home separately.” Xie Jianguo also became angry.

He doesn’t know the true or false of the specific performance parameters Xie Kai said, but it can be seen from the other’s facial expressions.

Such an engine, a fighter with a capacity of 3 million and a super-seven project, needs to be equipped with such an engine. According to the performance index of Xie Kai, one needs two in any case.

Even, neither of them can make the takeoff weight more than 16000 kg.(Read more @

Carrying 7 tons of ammunition is tantamount to a fantasy.

I’m so embarrassed to ask for $3 million each.

“This is one of the most advanced fighter engines in the world!”

“Bullying us don’t understand?” Xie Jianguo said disdainfully, “Forget it, don’t talk about it. Have a meal together in the evening and go home tomorrow. We are still more reliable to talk to Americans or French.”

“Don’t!” Kaletovsky knew that Xie Jianguo was pretending to do so on purpose.

But he couldn’t really make things happen.

What if someone really went to talk to the American or French?

The Soviet Union knows about the warplane cooperation project between China and the United States.

Eggs are not placed in the same basket, which is a common practice of the Chinese.

“Such a price, we cannot accept. We must know that what we are developing is only a medium-sized air superior fighter. The price of each aircraft is not more than 20 million US dollars. Your engine will account for one-third of the cost…” Xie Jianguo sighed .

Xie Kai’s eyes widened.

When did Dad learn to fool people? Isn’t he always disdainful of running trains?

Xie Kai felt that running the train with his mouth full was not changed because of rebirth, but inherited from his father.

Really blow.

“Uncle driver, your country is in contact with Persia to negotiate, and a MiG-29 fighter is only quoted at 23 million, right?” Xie Kai seemed to think that the other party was not shocked enough. “Even so, the Persians are too expensive. According to our news, the cost of a basic MiG-29 model is only about 8 million U.S. dollars, equipped with weapons and equipment, plus some advanced avionics systems, the cost is also But 15 million dollars…”

Obviously, the price Xie Kai said is close to the truth.

The performance of the MiG is far worse than that of the F-16.

The international price is generally only 20 to 30 million U.S. dollars.

The heart is dark enough to quote the engine to US$3 million.

Even in the 1990s, the AL-31 engine was exported to China at a price of more than two million to three million US dollars per unit, which was still the price after inflation.

“Of course, if your country is willing to sell AL-31, I think the price is lower, we can cooperate very happily.” Xie Kai advances by retreat.

Even if the AL-31 engine is bought, it does not seem to be of much use.

Unless you start the J-10 project now.

Rongfei is already doing it, but there shouldn’t be any specific plans yet.

“Let’s talk about RD-33. Don’t you have a saying in China called asking prices, don’t you pay back after landing?” Kaletovsky said.

His hair made Xie Kai roll his eyes.

The aircraft engine is not a Chinese cabbage, and it is so expensive that it will be paid back on the ground.

But thinking of the Soviets’ problems, he could understand.

When the little devil talked to the Soviets about Toshiba’s five-axis machine tools, the Soviets only bargained 20% of the price, which made the little devil jump for joy.

According to the habits of the Soviets, they are bargaining, bargaining, and bargaining.

The little devil knows that it is a miracle that the Soviets are still 20% in the negotiation process, and it is already very good to be able to make a 50% deal.

Because of this, Toshiba exported five five-axis machining centers to the Soviets, each quoting 5 million U.S. dollars. Because the risk is too high, the little devil is ready to stop negotiations directly because the Soviets bargained too hard. As a result, the Soviets only killed 20% of the price.

This thing is too important to the Soviet Union’s huge nuclear submarine force.

“Each unit is US$500,000. We purchased 100 units in the first batch.” Xie Kai countered the offer.

Xie Jianguo’s eyes widened.

“Are you kidding? This is not Chinese cabbage, it is the most advanced turbofan engine in the world!” Chekov jumped up.

They cut the prices of others by themselves, but Pakistan had to pay them, and others would even post them upside down. Now they are faced with other people’s bargaining, so they can’t stand it when they encounter this situation.

“It wasn’t Uncle Ski who said that, asking for a price, and paying it back?” Xie Kai said calmly.

It was the Soviets’ turn to be unhappy, “Even if you bargain, you can’t bargain like this. You have no sincerity. As your father said, let’s have a meal together in the evening, and then go back to each house…”

The price paid by Xie Kai is not even enough for the cost.

Such an engine costs half a million dollars. Wherever it is sold, the Soviet Union still wants it.

“Mr. Kaletovsky, if you really want to cooperate, I think you need to give a sincere quotation. It will not do any good for both parties.” Xie Jianguo said calmly.

The Soviet offer is too high.

If the engine reaches this level, if one is produced, one will be lost.

“Moreover, the thrust of your engine cannot be used in our project. To achieve the design parameters, you must make design modifications and use dual engines… If you are willing to provide an AL-31 vector engine, I think We can give a price of $2.2 million for each engine.” Xie Kai once again used engines that the Soviets could not sell.

At his psychological price, an RD-33 engine can never exceed $1.2 million.

If you use two engines, two engines, and the entire Xiaolong fighter, it will cost 2.4 million US dollars.

“The RD-33 is not only low in thrust, but also very high in fuel consumption. I don’t think I need to explain this point?” Xie Kai felt that the shortcomings of this engine must be pointed out.

Chekov laughed, “Young man, you can’t just make up excuses and reasons just to keep prices down!”

“Yes, who said that our RD-33 engine has very high fuel consumption? Except for its lower thrust, it is very fuel-efficient in the same type of fighter engine.”

“There is no engine of the same type that is more fuel-efficient than the RD-33 engine.”

The other Soviets rushed to refute Xie Kai’s words.

“Really?” Xie Kai sneered. “The equipped RD-33 MiG-29 has a maximum range of 2,100 kilometers, but its combat radius seems to be less than 580 kilometers. I don’t know if our news is wrong! , MiG-29 can be called the short-legged king of the same type of fighter…”

“Bang!” Xie Kai’s words caused Kaletovsky to pat the table with a distorted face and stand up.

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