Chapter 441

With Liu Dongsheng’s reluctance, the family meeting made the final decision, with three votes in favor and one abstention, deciding how unpopular Liu Dongsheng will work in the future.

Liu Dongsheng returned to the guest house in silence. Xie Kai originally wanted to follow to the guest house, leaving time and space for parents who had not been together for a long time.

But Xie Jianguo had a lot of things to talk to him, and Liu Xu also felt that he needed to communicate some future details with his son, so Xie Kai stayed.

“Wang Guilin’s daughter-in-law said that she was going to introduce me to someone…” Xie Kai wanted to ask if the marriage between the old man and the old woman was arranged above. “Dad, Mom, I hope you can tell me the truth, whether you had an organizational marriage back then.”

Xie Kai’s problem caught Xie Jianguo and his wife by surprise, and their expressions became extremely unnatural.

Never thought of such a problem before.

Xie Kai used to be mischievous, and the couple felt that it was impossible to get there.

Later, Xie Kai kept appearing, and both Xie Jianguo and Liu Xu were worried, so Liu Xu wanted to act first and not give the base such a chance. Only then did Chen Yixin and Xie Kai’s blind date, and even Chen Yixin entered the base’s children’s school, Xie Jianguo Both husband and wife worked hard.

In the second half of last year, Xie Kai stopped fooling around with the gang of people on the base management committee, and the base didn’t interfere with anything. There was a huge conflict with Zheng Yucheng, and the couple breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, when they didn’t think it would happen, the base would take action.

Xie Jianguo and Liu Xu had a very good relationship, and after Xie Jianguo entered the base, he no longer had the opportunity to go abroad. Naturally, the responsibilities that Liu Xu had originally assumed were gone.

In addition, Xie Jianguo has always been a chief engineer who is not responsible for the project because of the experience of studying in the Soviet Union.

Now in charge of various projects, after so many years of assessment, the organization has fully trusted him.

“Is it true?” Xie Kai was a little disappointed. “Are you all acting in front of me for so many years?”

“No, although I didn’t have feelings with your mother before we got married, but after so many years of living… How many people married in that era did they get married after they had feelings?” Xie Jianguo persuaded Xie Kai, “Your mother arranged for you last year. Going on a blind date with Chen Yixin, and even wanting you to go abroad, is just worrying about such things.”

Liu Xu was a little stunned, and at this time he also reacted, “This is why I don’t want you to stay. With such a job, you will lose a lot, but you will only get your own spiritual satisfaction.”

“Mom, just this year of Kaisheng Game Machine Company has brought me money that countless people can’t earn in their lives. I am not short of materials…” Xie Kai sighed secretly.

It really is so.

“It’s not just a matter of material and spirituality. It’s no longer what you used to be. Although the environment you grew up in is better than ours, but the world is no longer what we used to be…” Xie Jianguo asked Xie Kai to think clearly, “This One point, you need to figure it out.”

“Actually, it is not that there is no other way to make Mo Qi the person who goes on a blind date with you.” Liu Xu suggested.

“No!” Xie Kai firmly shook his head.

It seems that the old lady knows about him and Mo Qi.

He understands Mozi, if those people find Mozi, in the name of the country’s needs, it will make Mozi completely unfamiliar, which is not in line with his original intention.

Mozi is no longer Mozi, what’s the point?

Moreover, Mozi is very principled.

In order not to affect Mo Qi, Xie Kai even restrained herself.

“They know my attitude. If they mess around, I will end up as before, and everything in the base has nothing to do with me.” Xie Kai said firmly.

“Let’s talk about it, anyway, you are still young now, maybe things are turning for the better.” Xie Jianguo changed the subject, many things, they can not do the main thing, “about going to the Soviet Union in the next year, the attitude of the base, how much do you know? ”

“It’s for that plan, but also for the engine. People in Pakistan need to wait until the engine contract is signed, and even the first batch of engines will be available before joining the plan.” Xie Kai said.(Read more @

As long as there are no accidents from the Soviet Union, all 200 engines will be delivered before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was easier to build engines, and most of the countries in the country almost collapsed.

In particular, the Russian economy that adopts shock therapy will have a more urgent need for foreign exchange.

“What if they don’t join in? The Super Seven Project has a budget of 500 million U.S. dollars!” Xie Jianguo was a little anxious.

Xie Kai looked at him, “Dad, did you not pay attention to this before?”

“The Organization Department talked to me.” Xie Jianguo sent a message to Xie Kai.

“The base, or the military?” Xie Kai immediately became happy, and finally heard good news.

Liu Xu was a little bit savory, “Old Xie, you have been promoted a bit faster these past two years.”

“It’s all about the cultivation of the organization.” Xie Jianguo said unceremoniously.

“Fart, if it wasn’t for my old mother to give birth to a good son, you would be an ordinary engineer eight hundred years later…” Liu Xu looked jealous.

“Mom, this is my dad’s hard work, and it has nothing to do with me.” Xie Kai said hurriedly, “Well, my dad is also a senior technical talent who is studying in the Soviet Union and proficient in several foreign languages.”

“Okay, don’t flatter each other, I wash my feet and go to bed, you talk.” Liu Xu felt a little upset, relying on his son, why Xie Jianguo was promoted so quickly, and she, even the base cadres, can’t be counted , Just a person who went to the sea to do business and stayed without pay.

Xie Kai saw that his old lady was lost, and didn’t know how to console her.

Xie Jianguo didn’t know what to say for a while.

“In the next year, you will definitely go abroad to the Soviet Union to implement the engine plan. As for whether the Pakistanis invest, it has become irrelevant. As long as the Iraqis’ order is taken, the project can be fully supported by our family alone. .”

The profit brought by the number of tanks needed by Iraq is enough to support the Super Seven Project.

The Super Seven Project, on the one hand, is for the technical verification of the J-10 fighter of the Rongfei No. 10 project. On the other hand, Xie Kai hopes to integrate domestic talents in the field of aircraft design and manufacturing, train the team, and launch the J-20 ahead of schedule.

Stealth fighters are the mainstream of the future.

The American stealth bomber F-117 has been in service for many years. More advanced B-2 stealth bombers, F-22 stealth fighters, and prototypes have already begun to be produced.

Domestic stealth fighters have not even begun pre-research.

If nothing else, it would have to wait until the Gulf War. The U.S. used F-117 stealth bombers to blow up the air defense system carefully constructed by Shao Damu into blind and deaf people, causing Baghdad, which is known as the world’s most advanced defense system, to be bombed by U.S. fighters. Was in ruins.

The domestic stealth H-20 will have to wait until the 21st century to have a real plan.

There are rumors that the reason why domestic stealth fighters made rapid breakthroughs was that when the U.S. imperialism bombed the Yugoslavia, an F-117 stealth fighter was shot down. The Chinese embassy was accidentally bombed by U.S. fighters because it was accidentally bombed by U.S. fighters. The wreckage of the downed F-117 fighter plane was in the basement of the embassy, ​​and even the technical experts urgently mobilized by China were in it, and it was precisely “blown up” by the frenzied Americans.

Of course, the rumors are just rumors. In particular, Xie Kai used to be just an ordinary technician and had no chance to get in touch with these secrets.

“Our family supports? Without orders, what’s the project prospect… Xie Kai, Xie Kai!” Xie Kai, who was thinking about it, didn’t hear it, and was awakened by Xie Jianguo several times in a row.

“Dad, what are you talking about?” Xie Kai was a little embarrassed.

Xie Jianguo said it again.

“There is really no order, just treat it as a practice. If it’s just research and development, it won’t cost half a billion dollars.” Xie Kai said for the so-called, “Domestic fighter design has a long way to go.”

“In this case, you still buy so many engines! Aren’t you cheating me?” Xie Jianguo became angry.

Feelings are not distressed when selling Ye Tian.

I bought two hundred engines and spent more than 200 million U.S. dollars. Now I don’t know where the more than 200 million U.S. dollars came from. Xie Kai actually said that it should be used to practice hands and accumulate experience…

This is the first big project Xie Jianguo is responsible for negotiating!

“Dad, don’t worry, even if Pakistan doesn’t pay the bill and the fighter planes are produced, our air force will ask for it, at most it will only make a little less money.” Xie Kai assured Xie Jianguo, but Xie Jianguo can feel relieved now.

Over 200 million U.S. dollars, China’s current foreign exchange reserves are only three to four billion U.S. dollars.

“What method do you use to get the Air Force to pay? The price is expensive, the Air Force does not need it, the performance is not advanced, and the Air Force does not. Even if they want it, the quantity will not be too much.” , The Air Force will not pay the bill.”

“A new generation of more advanced fighter designs. When the Super Seven Project was launched, Rongfei’s No. 10 project was also launched. I think they can also start the pre-research work on the next generation of fighters, and the military will be interested in this. Yes.” Xie Kai didn’t understand what he said to Dad.

Anyway, it is to let Xie Jianguo rest assured.

As long as the engine is available, it is impossible for the Pakistanis to avoid it, not to mention that this is a project that the technology is also jointly owned by both parties.

The technology of Super Seven Project is more attractive than the 359 tank.

Which country does not want to be able to manufacture all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment in its own country? Not to mention the cost price, just not being troubled by the cooperating countries is enough to make people tempted.

Pakistan is the pain of conservative and breach of contract.

In the third India-Pakistan War, the Americans had treached their promises. If it weren’t for China’s unconditional assistance, they might have been beaten by those curry-eaters.

“Colonel, what is your country’s attitude towards the Super Seven Project? If it is later, we will figure it out by ourselves. It will not be easy to acquire the technology at that time.” Early the next morning, Xie Kai said I found Musharraf and asked about the attitude of Pakistan. “We have got the engine, and when the engine comes back, we are almost ready to start the prototype production work for technical verification.”

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