Chapter 442

“I heard that the Iraqis placed an order for 500 359 tanks?” Musharraf did not answer Xie Kai’s question, but asked about the contract between Xie Kai base and Iraq.

The expression on his face is not happy.

“How many orders are you going to give to Pakistan’s tank production line?” Musharraf didn’t wait for Xie Kai’s response, and didn’t make a roundabout.

According to the previous agreement, when China has obtained foreign orders, it will provide part of the order to Pakistan to subsidize Pakistan’s previous investment in tanks.

Xie Kai looked at Musharraf and couldn’t really offend the guy in front of him.

“Colonel, the contract has not been signed yet. In addition, the tank production line in your country seems to have not been completed until now and cannot be put into production.” Xie Kai’s words made Musharraf’s face a little gloomy. Then, Xie Kai The words made Musharraf happy, “This time the order, the other party requested a very short delivery period. If your country’s production line can start, it will be very important to us.”

“But you are not going to divide the order for us.” Musharraf said.

“Who said that?” Xie Kai looked angry, “In order to win the order, we even plan to cooperate with 617 base to produce! 359 tank, although it is modified from the 59 type of my country’s first main battle tank, but the inside A lot of technical equipment, production is very difficult…”

The nasty between 404 base and 617 tank factory, Musharraf, who has been in China for almost a year, cannot be unaware.

Pakistan was originally prepared to cooperate with 617 to develop tanks. The two Chinese tank production units, 541 have not been completed, and a large amount of production capacity has been transformed for the production of civilian products; there is only 617 left.

As a result, a 404 was killed on the way, a unit that had never engaged in tanks at all, and the business of 617 was cut.

The contradiction between the two parties has arisen since then.

Mass production, the 617 with the 359 tank engine has been reluctant to provide it.

Fortunately 541 can produce.

“Engine problem, how do you solve it?”

“It’s all trivial. Although we have conflicts, are we all brothers?” Xie Kai cleverly avoided this problem. Zheng Yucheng and others were in charge of negotiating with 617. They didn’t say anything, and Xie Kai didn’t ask.

If the base dares to agree, there must be a solution.

Even if it is the new style of looking for Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan and others to use the superior order, it has to be resolved, right?

“Colonel, I came to you not only for the Super Seven Project, but also for your country’s ardent hope that your country can speed up the construction of the production line and put it into production as soon as possible. This time the order is just the beginning, Persia People also have a large number of orders.” Xie Kai flicked Musharraf and saw that he didn’t believe it. Xie Kai continued, “Perhaps Libya will purchase a batch. Our base does not have much production capacity, and The production capacity of 541 is seriously insufficient, and the main production of 617 is the order of our military equipment…”

“Libya? Are you kidding?” If Xie Kai didn’t talk about Libya, Musharraf would still believe some. “After Gaddafi came to power, over the past ten years, he has purchased more than six billion U.S. dollars worth of weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union, including more than 2,000 Soviet tanks and armored vehicles. Their total army does not exceed 100,000!”

“Is it right? I’ll see it in a few days. Colonel, I’ve violated the rules by saying this.” Xie Kai was shocked.

He really didn’t know that Gaddafi had purchased such a large number of armored vehicles from the Soviet Union.

If it is true, then the people of Gaddafi will not buy tanks this time.

The question is, what are the people from Gaddafi doing at the base?

Doubts in my heart, I can’t show it in front of Musharraf, right?

When Musharraf saw Xie Kai’s calm face, he was also wondering, could it be that what this kid said was true?

“The general and the people from the Air Ministry will come to China in a few days to have an in-depth discussion on the fighter project.” Musharraf’s words made Xie Kai relieved.

After some random nonsense, Xie Kai found a plan and left.

Not long after he came out, he saw Zhu Mingguang walking towards him with an anxious look, “Xie Kai, where did your kid go? I’m easy to find!”(Read more @

“Brother Zhu, what’s the matter?” Xie Kai didn’t understand what Zhu Mingguang was asking for.

“Rongfei’s people arrived last night. Now they are going to have a meeting, so I’m leaving you.” Zhu Mingguang took Xie Kai towards the headquarters office building, making Xie Kai even more confused.

“They have meetings and meetings, what does it have to do with me?” Xie Kai was speechless. “This old fellow Zheng Yucheng can’t see me idle? But am I idle? Besides, it will be the Chinese New Year tomorrow, and Rongfei’s people will not be young? They must come at this time?”

“Rongfei’s people’s design plan has come out. The next step is to produce prototypes and conduct wind tunnel tests… Anyway, it’s just one. They are here to ask for money.” Zhu Mingguang took Xie Kai to walk and explained quickly.

Xie Kai’s disrespect for Zheng Yucheng was directly filtered by Zhu Mingguang.

When Rong Fei’s people came to ask for money, Xie Kai understood.

He wondered that the budget work after the year should have come out long ago, and Rongfei should have already come out the budget for the super-seven project of the base, right?

How come to the base to ask for money during the Chinese New Year?

“During the previous budget work, because I didn’t know whether the engine problem could be solved, I gave a design cost budget of two million…” Zhu Mingguang’s words made Xie Kai almost have the urge to curse.

To engage in fighter planes, give a design budget of 2 million?

Isn’t this a joke?

With a budget of 2 million, what can you do for fighter design?

Buy drawings and pencils, drawing tools?

“Director Zheng and they are also not sure whether this project can be completed, the base does not require expenditure everywhere, and the large press will start the production of parts and components this year, and there is more money needed…” With an ugly face, he hurriedly helped Zheng Yucheng and others explain.

This is also impossible.

The base was not originally a unit engaged in the fighter jet project. Now Rongfei is undertaking this project and Pakistan’s attitude is not very clear. Even if it has a good prospect, it is not so urgent for the base.

Zheng Yucheng and others hope that they can continue to invest in projects that have achieved results and obtain output as soon as possible.

“Don’t explain to them, that old guy is short-sighted! Only value immediate benefits.” Xie Kai was so angry, and even in front of Secretary Zheng Yucheng, he opened his mouth and cursed, “If we want to invest in fighter projects, we won’t give money. Can it be done? You don’t need to spend money on all the calculations in the design process? Don’t you say, let’s buy a supercomputer for the Super Seven Project?”

The Yinhe No. 1 supercomputer with a computing capacity of 100 million times per second was successfully developed on December 22, 1983. In particular, the 691 factory successfully realized the mass production of 68000 chips. Xie Kai felt that the supercomputer should be introduced into The base is in the development project.

The huge analog computing power of supercomputers will speed up the research work of various research projects, save a lot of calculation time, and even save too much in terms of project development costs.

People in this era have far less knowledge of computers than Xie Kai, who came back from the Internet age.

“Director Wang asked the National University of Defense Technology that the price of their Galaxy 1 is too expensive. It is almost the same as a base supercomputer with a calculation speed of millions of times per second…” Zhu Mingguang said this. Observing Xie Kai’s reaction, the voice is also very small, “Director Zheng said, you are not in charge and you don’t know how much firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. That stuff is not very useful. The money for the base must be used for the blade.”

Xie Kai even had the urge to hit someone.

Supercomputers are useless!

The top leaders of the country have said that the four modernizations cannot be done without supercomputers.

These words, Xie Kai can’t tell Zhu Mingguang.

Zhu Mingguang kept emphasizing to Xie Kai that Xie Kai should not rashly agree to Rong Fei’s funding request for a while.

Xie Kai didn’t answer.

He wondered whether Zheng Yucheng should also add a supercomputer with a computing speed of 100 million operations to the base. It would take many years to wait for the Galaxy 2 with a computing speed of one billion operations.

“Brother Zhu, how much does a Galaxy No. 1 cost? Lao Zheng thinks it is expensive?” Xie Kai felt that he still asked the price.

“25 million.” Zhu Mingguang looked at Xie Kai, “A supercomputer with a processing speed of one million times is only more than 100,000. Director Zheng meant that it would be enough to buy a few million more 151 machines. After all, our country’s Wangyuan survey ship uses 151, which is enough…”

Xie Kai didn’t want to talk to someone like Zhu Mingguang.

The 151 supercomputer in the base is used to run games like Street Fighter, which is not bad.

It can be used to design airplanes and missiles. The difference is too far.

“Comrade Xiao Xie, you are here.” Xie Kai entered the meeting room, and Rong Fei’s deputy factory director Xiong Hongyuan had a happy expression when he saw his relatives.

Huo Haiyuan also let out a sigh of relief.

404 These old guys are more stingy than the old landlords before liberation. For a design fund, just give two million. What can they do?

The next step is to build a model machine, have to blow holes, and spend more money.

Just count on Xie Kai, a sensible young man, to give more money.

“What’s wrong with everyone? It’s the New Year’s Eve, why are you sullen?” As soon as Xie Kai entered the meeting room, he felt that the atmosphere inside was not right.

“We are just discussing the issue of funding…” Huo Haiyuan said bitterly, “The theoretical design work of the Super Seven Project is almost complete, and prototype tests are needed to verify the design and modify the design…”

“You are asking for money? That is our life! Our base can’t break the capital chain for a project that is not clear about the future, isn’t it?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t care about his identity.

“Director Zheng, that money is already the most economical budget…”

Listening to these words, Xie Kai couldn’t help being curious, “How much did Rongfei ask for?”

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