Chapter 443

“Fifty million!”

The two sides spoke almost in unison.

However, the tone of the two sides is completely opposite. Zheng Yucheng gritted his teeth and became furious, as if he was given fifty million, which really cost him his life; while Xiong Hongyuan’s face was helpless, wronged, fifty million, it was already. The lowest limit they can compress to.

Xie Kai sighed, fifty million, really not much.

Especially in a warplane project with billions or tens of billions, 50 million will be invested in it, and there will be no splashes.

“Fifty million, really not much.” Xie Kai said a fair word. “The base should give this fifty million.”

“Xie Kai!” Zheng Yucheng’s face became more ugly, exactly like Grande who was pointing at the oil lamp before he died.

As he said, the people at Factory 132 are not asking for money, but for his life.

“Xie Kai, there will be a lot of money for the base in the next year. It was originally said to be cooperating with Pakistan, but now Pakistan has not given a reply, and the attitude is ambiguous…” Wang Guilin also reminded Xie Kai. “Our unit cannot support such a large project, and the military has no interest in this project. They have the No. 10 project, and it is impossible to support the simultaneous development of two fighters with similar performance.”

Speaking of Project 10, both Xiong Hongyuan and Huo Haiyuan were a little helpless.

The No. 10 project has been approved so far, and the technical indicators have not been fully determined. In addition, the military cannot give too much in the budget. This makes the progress of the No. 10 project very slow.

“This is different from the No. 10 project, which was originally for export. The No. 10 project is a fighter for domestic use.” Xie Kai said.

“Yes, one is for foreign users, and the other is for our own troops.” Huo Haiyuan also agreed with this statement.

“Without users, we will give more than one billion to this project unless there is a problem with the head.” Zheng Yucheng did not back down, “more than one billion, how many projects can be done? Even if it is just a basic project, tens of thousands of tons of big press , Can produce a lot of units to make Yunshi, maybe several improved models can be made.”

Instead of investing money in projects that have seen no benefits for a long time, it is better to use them directly in projects that have already achieved results.

The prototype of Yunshi has been produced, and the test flight is still in progress. Next, a lot of money will also be needed to manufacture the prototype for the continued flight test.

The demand for passenger aircraft in the civil aviation market is far greater than that of the Super Seven Project, a project that the domestic military does not look at.

Both Huo Haiyuan and Xiong Hongyuan showed disappointed expressions on their faces.

“The Yunshi project is also applying for funding to continue manufacturing a prototype, otherwise the large aircraft production system built since the project was established will have to go bankrupt, close down, or restructure because there is no business…” Wang Guilin reminded Xie Kai, ” Next year will be a very difficult year, and there will be too many places for funding.”

It was for this project to take over Yunshi at the beginning, but also to preserve the integrity of the domestic large aircraft industry chain.

Xie Kai knew that Yunshi was a pit and the project was full of flaws, so he finally agreed to take over Yunshi, and even for the completeness of the large aircraft industry chain, he directly fiddled with Zheng Yucheng on the big press.

Now the big press has reached the most expensive stage, various parts and components have been produced, and the plant where the big press is installed, the ground hardening project has been started for several months.

Fifty million, invested in Yunshi, can make another prototype.

“The funding for Yunshi cannot be broken either.” Xie Kai nodded and said, “Capacity must be reserved.”

“The funding is limited. Pakistan’s funding has come in, there is no big problem, but now their attitude is not clear…”

Pakistan provided 250 million U.S. dollars in funding, only half of the base.

Now that all the bases are released, the management committee will naturally have to consider more.

Xie Kai can understand them. In recent years, a single company engaged in such a large project is unique across the country.

In addition, other units invest money in the state, not the unit itself raising funds.

“Don’t worry about Pakistan. The Air Force and officials from related departments will come over after a while?” Xie Kai asked.

Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin looked at each other. Wang Guilin shook his head, obviously not knowing what Xie Kai said.

“Your kid opened his mouth and said nonsense. Who said that the senior Pakistani officials are coming over?” Zheng Yucheng asked, “They have never given a positive answer.”

“359 tanks, Pakistan has invested, this time the order of 500 vehicles, thinking they don’t know?” Xie Kai said, “They hope to use the fighter project to get part of the profit in tank production.”

“Didn’t their production lines have not been completed?” Zheng Yucheng asked.

Then he shut up.

It is not a good thing that Xiong Hongyuan and Huo Haiyuan know this.

“Pakistan needs this kind of fighter, can obtain technology, can produce it at any time, build its own production line, why not do it?” Xie Kai explained the reason why Pakistan could not refuse the Super Seven Project cooperation, “The Americans signed a contract with Pakistan. There are hundreds of contracts for F-16 fighters, but don’t forget, what is the purpose of the Americans providing fighters-to curb the expansion of the Soviet Union that has occupied Afghanistan.”

The Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, it was Chiguoguo’s invasion.(Read more @

Moreover, Soviet fighters continued to pass through the border to investigate Pakistan, and continued to provide various advanced weapons and equipment to the three brothers.

Once Afghanistan invades Pakistan again, they will open the way into the Indian Ocean from the land. It will not be easy for the United States to contain the Soviet Union.

“The Soviet Union in Afghanistan has been unable to effectively resolve the resistance, and it can even be said to have fallen into the quagmire of war in Afghanistan. In addition to the domestic economic downturn, it is even more difficult to maintain in Afghanistan, and it consumes huge military expenditure every year… Under such circumstances, the Soviet Union How can I have spare energy to go south?” Xie Kai asked everyone, “Everyone knows what happened to the mountains and refugee camps hidden by the Afghan guerrillas in the north of Pakistan…”

This is not a military research center. Most people come from war. You don’t need to analyze it too thoroughly, and you know what’s going on.

The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan mainly because the geographical location of Afghanistan was too important.

If the U.S. imperialism later invaded Iraq for oil, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and got some worthless things like copper ore. In the end, Afghanistan also caused the Soviet Union to consume a huge amount of funds. Some people even think that the Afghan War accelerated the Soviet Union The speed of disintegration.

“Therefore, the American F-16 fighters provided to Pakistan is not very happy. Up to now, I have not seen a few. And the old opponents continue to purchase advanced fighters. The quantity is already at a disadvantage. No matter how good the quality is. Can’t keep up, if another India-Pakistan war breaks out, how can we fight it?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng and others.

What do they know about Zheng Yucheng?

“How do they fight? What does it have to do with us? I care about whether the other party pays. As long as you give the money, it’s easy to say.” Zheng Yucheng’s expression is obviously more relaxed, “Is your news reliable?”

“Is it reliable? I won’t know in a few days?” Xie Kai rolled his eyes and said.

“Then talk about funding the Super Seven Project in a few days.” Zheng Yucheng said helplessly.

Xie Kai looked at the old guys. Obviously, they didn’t see rabbits or scatter eagles.

Xiong Hongyuan and Huo Haiyuan couldn’t say anything.

They are here to ask for money, even if the project belongs to 404, in the end it will be researched and designed by 611, and manufactured by 132 factory?

“I think our base needs to establish a team in the area of ​​fighter development. In this way, it will be able to connect with the project undertaker… Even some scientific research projects that the base can afford can be carried out in our base.” Xie Kai Said suddenly.

Zheng Yucheng and others couldn’t figure out the purpose of Xie Kai for a while.

Originally, the management committee wanted to do this at the base. Xie Kai disagreed. Even the Yunshi team was placed in Qin Fei, borrowing other people’s sites, and worried about being annexed by them at any time, and would not even say a thank you. .

Xie Kai proposed at this time, apparently to establish a fighter research team in the 404 base.

What do you mean?

Xiong Hongyuan and Huo Haiyuan didn’t know the inside story, and thought Xie Kai was helping them.

The 404 base paid for it, and it must be unwilling.

If a part of the people go to 404, both parties are responsible for some parts, and even some projects are mainly here, and the 611 and 132 factories are the contractors, the face of the 404 management committee will be much better.

“Comrade Xie Kai’s proposal is good, and I think it is more appropriate. In this way, the base can keep track of the progress of the project at any time, and some core parts can not be fully disclosed in front of the Pakistanis.” Xiong Hongyuan raised his hands to support Xie Kai’s proposal.

He couldn’t think of what Xie Kai’s calculations were.

If he knew it, he wouldn’t agree to kill him.

Xie Kai took this opportunity to dig people from Factory 132 and Factory 611.

“The Super Seven Project requires a supercomputer with a computing speed of hundreds of millions of times per second. Let’s install it in the base. Not many units in the base underground research institute are vacant? Let’s install the supercomputer underground… Super Seven If the project requires simulation calculation, we will do it directly on our side. In this way, a lot of money can be saved…” Xie Kai continued.

Huo Haiyuan suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what Xie Kai was planning.

The supercomputer was originally said to be invested in the Super Seven Project for simulation calculations. It was installed in 611 and can be used on the No. 10 Project. The model established by the Super Seven Project has made the No. 10 project cheaper and more advanced. fast.

Putting it inside 404 is not so convenient.

Xiong Hongyuan doesn’t know much about supercomputers either.

That gadget costs 20-30 million. 404 has been reluctant to let go of it. Even Zheng Yucheng and others think that supercomputers are useless.

It is a good thing for the entire 132 factory and the 611 institute to make a team in 404, and also do the work of the Super Seven Project. Even the No. 10 project can be thrown here. 404 will bear part of the funds.

Is it really that simple?

Zheng Yucheng and others couldn’t understand the purpose of Xie Kai. Seeing that the time was almost noon, they announced a suspension and continued the discussion in the afternoon.

As for the Chinese New Year tomorrow, neither of them cares.

The New Year is a matter for other cadres and employees, and the leaders are more busy during the New Year.

“What are you thinking about? We were going to get the Yunshi team to the base before and let the base grow. You don’t agree. Now we are starting to do something like this again.” After coming down, Zheng Yucheng directly called Xie Kai to Zheng Yucheng. The office directly asked Xie Kai to explain.

The same is true for Qi Zhiyuan and Bai Yanjun.

Xie Kai did not answer, but directly asked Wang Guilin, “Director Wang, the 541 base lent our technicians, are they planning to go back?”

“I didn’t say anything, what’s the matter?” Wang Guilin was puzzled.

Zheng Yucheng and others are even more puzzled.

“If the people at Base 541 now ask them to go back, are these people still willing to go back?” Xie Kai continued to ask.

“The 359 tank has undergone high-intensity tests for more than half a year, and the finalization work is about to end, but it does not mean that the entire project is over. There are not too many scientific research projects in the hands of the 541 base, and there is no place for these people to go back.

“What if there is a project in 541 base?” Xie Kai continued to ask.

“Unless the 541 project has more advanced performance and greater improvement than our project, otherwise, when seeking personal opinions, they will not be willing to give up continuing to transform the 359 tank. At the same time, after our 359 tank project is completed, it will definitely continue There are more advanced projects. Even if not, I think, based on the experience accumulated in the development of the 359 tank, I wish the boss will assign some projects to us.” Wang Guilin explained, “What is the purpose of you asking these?”

The third-generation tanks of Mr. Zhu had originally passed the 359 tank project as some technical verification.

The rapid development of the 359 has something to do with the design proposal proposed by Xie Kai. The greater support is the technical support from the father of the three generations of tanks in China, the one-armed chief master and the boss team.

With the design drawings, if you want to go from the drawings to the usable weapons and equipment, you definitely can’t make them directly.

In the 541 base, most of the production capacity is shifted to civilian production. The third-generation tank manufacturing may be divided into parts, but R&D is absolutely nothing to them.

The people involved in the design were all taken to the armored research institute of the base by the 404 people.

“You ask so much, what do you want to do? That’s money!” Zheng Yucheng’s eyes narrowed.

Qi Zhiyuan and Bai Yanjun obviously also wanted to figure out the purpose of Xie Kai.

“If we engage in a more advanced fighter project, in the end, will the people of the 611 Institute still want to go back?” Xie Kai stated his purpose, “The new generation of stealth bombers in the United States are already in service; and their stealth fighters already have The prototype…”

“What the hell?”

Everyone was shocked.

“Don’t be so surprised. If we want to do it, we will be big, always catching up with the world’s advanced. It is not interesting. It is better to start designing and researching the fourth-generation fighters of the Western world and the fifth-generation fighters of the Soviet standard.” Xie Kai His face is calm.

Once you are born again, you have to be crazy.

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