Chapter 444

“Do you know, how much does it cost to build that stuff? It’s painful for us to build a third-generation fighter in China. You have to be so lofty!” Zheng Yucheng was amused by Xie Kai.

Stealth fighters, based on the current domestic basis, simply cannot be used.

Zheng Yucheng doesn’t know what kind of technology the stealth fighter needs, but he knows that across one or two generations, it is a natural moat.

Otherwise, the level of domestic equipment is so much behind the world?

“Xie Kai, our domestic foundation, you know.” Wang Guilin also wryly smiled. “Let’s not talk about how much money is needed. We don’t know what technical indicators are just for such a fighter. It is estimated that there is no one who understands it in China. ”

Xie Kai’s ideas have always been wild and unconstrained, and it is difficult to conduct cross-generation fighter research under domestic conditions.

“Others don’t understand, don’t I understand?” Xie Kai shrugged. He knew even more about stealth fighters than ordinary fighters. It was used for pre-research and proposed various technical indicators. It was not a problem at all. “It’s a long time in the early stage, and it doesn’t even cost much. After all, we are now doing it, not a formal project, but a pre-research…”

The domestic electronic system is not good, and the computer industry is not Xie Kai getting a chip. It is also painful. As for the pneumatic layout of the stealth design, it is even more painful.

How can Xie Kai not understand?

Start Zhang Luo stealth fighter early, not to let the American F-22 Dugu be defeated, let alone their stealth bombers to be proud of the world.

In the third-generation fighter project, there are still many countries in the world capable of research and development.

When it comes to stealth fighters, even the traditional European industrial powers such as Britain, Germany and France are powerless. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it took a T-50 to build a T-50. I don’t know how much time has not been seen in service. My brother’s family is almost empty.

Only in China are two stealth fighters, the J-20 and J-31, appearing at the same time, although the J-31 is a junk.

The stealth bomber, except that the U.S. possessed the B-2, the F-117A was not able to compete with the Chinese H-20 because of its poor performance. Lao Maozi’s stealth bomber hadn’t even seen a shadow, and could only be used for a long time The Tu-160 white swan was pulled out and walked around the world.

The domestic technology research and development capabilities are not as good as imagined, nor as bad as imagined. As long as time is given, it can be obtained.

Set up the project more than ten years in advance, even if it takes a few more years, you can make a stealthy fighter earlier, isn’t it?

Xie Kai’s idea is very simple.

“Pre-research?” Zheng Yucheng frowned and asked Xie Kai, “Can you make things that simple?”

It’s not that they don’t know about the pre-research.

The domestic scientific research work has begun to form a system since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Unlike foreign scientific research, equipment is not developed.

The scientific research ideas of one generation of production equipment, one generation of trial production, and one generation of pre-research were put forward after the reform and opening up.

Especially in the development of rockets and missiles for the most sophisticated aerospace system in China.

“Yes, it is pre-research. Even if we want to establish a project, we have to wait until various technical indicators are available to measure our domestic production capacity and industrial foundation?” Xie Kai said.

If possible, he would like to start making stealth fighters now.

Really made it out, maybe it can be exported to the Soviet Union before the Soviet Union disintegrates.

However, one can only think about it.

The engine is not good, let alone the vector engine that the stealth fighter needs, the domestic do not even know how to start, even the ordinary turbofan engine has not been done yet.

The avionics system does not work, the fire control radar does not work, and even the design of the aerodynamic layout does not have the slightest experience in this aspect…

“Do you know what their next-generation fighters look like?” Wang Guilin couldn’t directly refute Xie Kai, fearing that Xie Kai would choose her.

“Of course I know that the next-generation fighters, air superior fighters are obviously eliminated. The ultra-high-speed and ultra-high-altitude fighters are currently not in line with the mainstream development; what can break through is the following points. I summarized it as 4S for short, namely Stealth; SuperSonicCruise; SuperManeuverability; SuperiorAvionicsforBattleAwarenessandEffectiveness. Of course, there may be other aspects, but I haven’t thought of it at the moment, anyway, I just have some ideas…”

Xie Kai shamelessly said that he had summarized it himself.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk about the summary from abroad, but that only the American imperial family is currently researching this thing. All the data are highly confidential, and even the Soviet Union has not received any news.

“How about it, please tell me.” Zheng Yucheng and others frowned. Xie Kai pulled English, which was a bit of a headache, but Qi Zhiyuan was interested.

“First of all, let’s talk about stealth. This is not the real stealth of the fighter, but the reflection cross section of the radar as small as possible. Not only does the aerodynamic layout and shape design work hard to make the plane reflection area of ​​the aircraft as small as possible; it also has to be studied to absorb the radar emission. For the stealth coating that detects radio waves, the weapon must be built into the fighter, not mounted under the wing or abdomen of the fighter… Even the tail engine needs to be simplified by infrared radiation…”

Stealth fighters have extremely small radar reflection cross-sections.

This can be achieved through a variety of means, not only the design of the aerodynamic layout, but also the built-in magazine and the engine on the tail.

There are too many things involved.

What a non-professional person like Xie Kai can know is what can be known on the Internet.

In theory, there is no problem with these statements.(Read more @

“Supersonic cruise capability, this thing doesn’t need to be explained too much, right?”

“You don’t need to say more about this.” Everyone else understood.

The J-9 fighter project that was dismantled before the Super Seven Project not only requires supersonic cruise, but also requires higher performance.

Xie Kai is not going to waste time on this.

This not only needs to consider the shape and aerodynamic layout design of the fighter, but also has requirements for the entire power system. Just like the super-maneuverability, it places harsh requirements on the power system.

“As for the super maneuverability, this is related to the excellent aerodynamic layout design, but also a better engine.” Xie Kai is hesitant to talk about the vector engine.

The new generation of stealth fighters must use a vector engine to provide greater maneuverability.

There is a rigid requirement for the super maneuverability of the fourth-generation fighters, that is, the ability to post stall maneuverability, that is, the maneuverability at high angles of attack.

The vector engine can ensure that the extra steering torque provided by the thrust vector is used to control the maneuvering of the aircraft when the aircraft is maneuvering at low speed and high angle of attack and the control rudder surface is almost invalid.

Before Xie Kai finished speaking, Wang Guilin interrupted him, “We don’t even have the most basic turbofan engines. You don’t know the problem of heart disease in the domestic aviation industry. If there is an engine, even the J-9 does not need it Dismounted…”

“Yeah, Xiao Xie, this problem is indeed very serious. You don’t want to let Rongcheng Engine Factory develop new engines for this project, do you?” Qi Zhiyuan asked Xie Kai, frowning as well.

The investment in research and development of aero-engines is too great.

And I don’t know when the results will be obtained.

Any engine, especially an engine with higher performance requirements, will have a serious impact on the capital chain of the entire base once it is started without national financial support.

404 is now involved in aviation projects, none of the projects have an engine, if the Super 7 engine is not imported from the Soviet Union, it will also face the problem of no engine.

In order to exceed seven projects, Xie Kai purchased two hundred engines at a time.

“Sooner or later, we have to make up lessons here.” Xie Kai said quietly.

Without mentioning the engine problem, everyone can continue to communicate happily.

Who doesn’t know the heart disease problem in China’s aviation industry?

Or, in the entire Chinese industrial system, engine technology is lacking. On the one hand, it is the international blockade of China; on the other hand, China’s foundation is too poor.

When New China was founded, there were few things that China could make.

Later, with the assistance of the Soviet Union, the industrial foundation was established…

“But if you start this project, we will need supporting engine projects. Whether it is the Yun-10 engine or the current Super Seven project engine, it can’t be completed in a short amount of money or within a short period of time. Three engine projects.” Wang Guilin looked serious, “The base’s finances simply cannot support the funding for more advanced engine research.”

It’s not that the base management committee doesn’t want to, but it doesn’t dare to think about it.

Everyone knows the investment in engine R&D and the basic situation in China.

Even with the introduction of a full set of production technology, the localization of bass engines has not been completed for more than ten years.

“Didn’t I say it, it’s just a pre-research?” Xie Kai didn’t say anything about the vector engine.

He knew that once he said he needed this kind of engine that has not even been heard of in China, the entire project would be boycotted.

Engine problem, can only wait.

Either wait for the introduction of the old Maozi after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, or wait for the domestic engine technology to improve.

Stealth fighters are only in the blueprint design stage, and cannot be made in a short time when there is no domestic foundation at all.

Take one step at a time, and you can’t wait until you have an engine before you start studying stealth fighters, right?

“Don’t interrupt, let him finish.” Zheng Yucheng, who had not spoken all the time, asked Xie Kai to continue the introduction.

He is already interested in the fighter Xie Kai said.

“Super information advantage. This is the core thing. Whether it is stealth or super maneuverability, it is relatively easy to solve. This fighter originally took into account the development of future equipment, just like our 359 tank reserved. The upgrade performance is the same, the data processing capability is more demanding, and it can even be said to be a mobile supercomputer…”

Under such requirements, radar, infrared, data link, electronic warfare systems, and warning systems will be integrated into a complete battlefield perception system.

Whether it is electronic technology or information processing technology, the requirements are very high.

In China, even the third generation of fighters has not been resolved. The avionics system and the radar system do not even have the most basic look-down. If new ones are required, the difficulty will be greater and the challenge will be even higher.

Xie Kai didn’t even dare to say everything he knew.

Once you say it, you will be resisted because it is too difficult, or you can’t even see the hope of success, and the indicators are too high.

A large number of domestic weapons projects that were dismantled in the 1980s almost all have one thing in common-the performance indicators are too high, the funds required are too large, and the foundation is too weak…

“This kind of project, even the pre-research work, is very difficult.” After Xie Kai finished speaking, everyone in the management committee was silent for a long time before Zheng Yucheng spoke.

Xie Kai nodded, “It is true. After all, there is no reference for this. The United States has already started such research projects in the 1970s; the Soviet Union seems to have it too.”

F-117A is about to show its face on the battlefield.

“What other people do has nothing to do with us. The base’s wealth is not enough to withstand too much toss.” Wang Guilin was not happy.

Zheng Yucheng likes to do big projects, and Xie Kai’s heart is bigger than Zheng Yucheng.

“It’s not that we are going to do it now. We want people from the 132 factory and the 611 just to have our own aircraft design team? The reason why the 132 factory and the 611 have no objection is that people are on our side, and they are more It’s good.” Xie Kai brought the topic back.

Seeing that it was not too early, Zheng Yucheng asked Lu Yang to go to the cafeteria and beat some people to the office, and they continued the discussion.

“I think Comrade Xie Kai’s proposal is very good. Few of the projects currently involved in the base are entirely their own, which is equivalent to a position for supplying funds, which is very unfavorable for future development.” Zheng Yucheng supports Xie Kai’s proposal.

404 base, so far, there are not many core technical research teams.

All projects are done in cooperation with others, and technology research and development are all undertaken by the cooperative team. Once there is a problem, there will be no 404 at all.

“The base can engage in other projects, and even bring back the Yunshi design team.” Wang Guilin naturally disagrees.

The purpose of Xie Kai is not only to want someone, but to introduce so many, obviously want to do this kind of project on its own.

Bai Yanjun had been listening sullenly all the time, he wanted to ask when the base would be involved in the naval equipment project. Obviously, it is inappropriate now.

“Why don’t you think about other things after the Super Seven Project is over?” Qi Zhiyuan asked. “In the early stage, according to Xiao Xie’s proposal, a group of core backbones can be obtained from the 132 factory and 611, and even other domestic aircraft design research institutes, to do the preliminary preparations.”

The old guy’s words don’t offend anyone on both sides at all.

Preparatory work will naturally not cost much money. This has fulfilled Xie Kai’s intentions, and at the same time, Wang Guilin will no longer object.

“That’s no problem. I’m just a suggestion anyway.” Xie Kai knows that it is impossible to launch the project directly. “The future development of the base itself is based on research and development, which we discussed before Isn’t the problem? Stealth fighters, I think they will definitely be developed in China, but sooner or later, the sooner we study, and when the military has ideas and funds, the more likely we will be to win the project.”

“Perhaps, you can ask the Air Force what it thinks, maybe you can get some funding…”

“It’s for the military’s expenses!” Xie Kai’s answer made everyone stunned.

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