Chapter 495

“Your Excellency, the Chinese side just proposed to visit, and it doesn’t necessarily have to buy our Su-27.” Kirov felt sad, and he told Lin Hu yesterday and had to stand up at this time.

“What about our secrecy system?” Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov asked with an angry look. “What if they offer to buy it?”

“Your Excellency, the Su-27 has the same performance as the American F-15. They are both twin-engine, long-range heavy fighters. The price of the American F-15 is more than 60 million US dollars. If the Chinese have to offer to buy the Su-27, we will ask for it. They pay 60 million U.S. dollars each…” said the major general who told Lin Hu that the Soviet Union had no Su-27 fighters.

China’s military expenditure is less than four billion U.S. dollars a year, and the Chinese Air Force simply cannot afford to offer 60 million U.S. dollars.

Four billion U.S. dollars in military expenditure is divided among the millions of navy, army, and air forces throughout the country!

“Your Excellency, for the weak Chinese Air Force, the MiG-29 is enough. The same amount of money can allow them to buy three times the number of Su-27…” In the eyes of the Soviets, the Chinese Air Force has MiG-29 enough. Up.

While the Soviets were discussing countermeasures, General Lin Hu was also talking to Xie Jianguo.

“How much do you know about Su-27?”

Before Xie Jianguo came, he heard Xie Kai talk about the situation of Su-27, so he told him what Xie Kai told him again. Many of the performances were not told to Lin Hu by Kirov.

Whether it is advantages or disadvantages.

“Chief, if our air force wants to buy fighters, we really have to buy Su-27. With advanced performance and large combat radius, both avionics and power systems are far better than MiGs…” Xie Jianguo finished speaking and suggested.

“Since you know they have better engines, why should you buy MiG-29 engines?” General Lin Hu is a little curious about why people who are curious about 404 have better ones, they have to buy the backward ones, and they still haven’t sold one. In the case of airplanes, I bought 200 units.

“AL-31, it’s not that we don’t want to buy, but they don’t want to sell. We don’t even quote the price.”

“Su-27 is still in secret, will they sell it?” General Lin Hu felt that it was very difficult for the Soviets to sell their most advanced fighters.

“The next-generation improvement of the Su-27 is progressing very quickly…Moreover, our Air Force doesn’t necessarily have to buy it now, right?” Xie Jianguo said lightly.

His words made General Lin Hu stare at him for a long time.

The source of Xie Jianguo’s information is wider than that of the military and very reliable.

“Indeed, the Air Force does not have much money to buy new fighters, and the relationship between the two countries has not completely improved…” General Lin Hu sighed. “After all, our military cooperation with the Soviet Union has been broken for more than 20 years.”

The military cooperation between China and the Soviet Union has been broken for many years, and cooperation has not been formally established. 404 is an opportunity to cooperate with the Soviet engine.

It is indeed not an easy task to buy Su-27.

The Soviet Union waited for two days and finally got the result. The Soviet high-level officials agreed to China’s request and arranged for the Su-27 and MiG-29 to fly together.

“We need to find two Chinese translators from the Soviet Union.” Xie Jianguo reminded General Lin Hu.

General Lin Hu wondered, “Aren’t many people in your team speak Russian? Why are you looking for a Soviet translator?”

“We do all understand Russian, the heads, many times, the pronunciation of a word is slightly different, or the word has different letters, it may have two meanings… Many professional vocabulary, we may not know it.” Xie Jianguo also Nothing to be embarrassed.

There are many professional vocabularies in foreign languages.

Although they all understand Russian, they have not used it for more than 20 years, and they don’t have many opportunities to use it in normal times, so they are naturally unfamiliar.

There is no problem with daily conversation. Some professional vocabulary has long been forgotten in the Arctic Circle.(Read more @

“But where are we going to find?” General Lin Hu was a little embarrassed.

Originally considering that Xie Jianguo and others had a background of studying in the Soviet Union, the people of the delegation had been waiting for their contract to be signed before coming over.

“You should be able to find it on Frunze Street.” Xie Jianguo has been in the Soviet Union for a long time, and Xie Jianguo knows the Soviet Union better.

The top Soviet leaders agreed to show the Su-27 to the Chinese side, which caught the people of MiG by surprise. Originally, the MiG-29 entered the Chinese Air Force’s combat sequence as a certainty, but now it has changed.

Although they still believe, the advantage is great.

Even Alexei Federov did not have the same self-consciousness as before. “Everyone, don’t worry too much. The above will not agree to sell the Su-27, even if the Chinese are cruel to buy it! We must use all our relationships to ensure that the Chinese bring MiG home.

The various domestic systems in the Soviet Union are linked by interest. In order to obtain the larger interests, many departments or the units supported by different leaders of the same department are also different.

The MiG-29 can equip a large number of troops not by its excellent performance, but by its strong network and public relations capabilities.

If the performance of the MiG-29 is good enough, perhaps the Su-27 will not be included in the army.

However, this is only if.

The performance of the Su-27 is something that the MiG-29 simply cannot look up to.

It was already ten o’clock in the morning, Moscow time. In a luxurious villa on the outskirts of Likhoslavli, Kaliningn Region, a burly Slav in her fifties was lying lazily on top of Simmons imported from Europe, letting the sun shine. Sprinkle on him.

“Ring Ling Ling…”

The phone ringing outside the room that lasted for a long time floated in, and the person on the bed seemed to have not heard it.

“Chervakov, what are you doing? In case it’s your boss’s call…” An obese Russian aunt pushed open the door and looked at her husband who was lying lazily on the bed without answering the phone, and said worriedly .

“What about my boss? Look at what he has done!” The man sat up suddenly and roared, “He actually asked me to be the business manager of the External Public Relations Department! Is there anything I overdone Is it? Or what hasn’t been done? If it’s true, he can speak out and I can correct it! Arrange such an embarrassing position for me!”

“My dear, maybe your boss has arranged this way and has more important tasks for you.” The woman knows why her husband is like this.

“Important tasks? What are the important tasks? We are engaged in warplanes. Only the corrupt bourgeoisie needs to engage in advertising and public relations! In the Soviets, the higher-level leaders will naturally arrange everything.” Chervakov was even more angry. “Only those guys who are considered to be unrealistic will be arranged to engage in networking or public relations! Who am I?

“My dear, how could you be that kind of person.” The woman sighed.

The Soviets really do not need to engage in public relations, but now Sukhoi has a hard time, and the whole Soviet Union has a hard time.

The phone’s ringing stopped, and after a while, it rang again.

Persuaded by his wife, Chervakov finally answered the phone.

“Chervakov, what did you do? The Chinese Air Force delegation is looking for a Chinese interpreter on Frunze Street!” As soon as the call was connected, an angry voice came.

“Boss, representative of the Chinese Air Force? What are they going to do?” Chervakov was a little stunned for a while, and he was forgotten about his original plan to argue with the boss.

“What else can they do besides buying fighter jets? Get out of here! Arrange for you to be a business manager because you understand Chinese!” He hung up after speaking on the other side.

It was not because he was not considered capable of being arranged to engage in public relations, but as his wife said, he had more important tasks assigned to him.

“My dear, thank you!” After reacting, Chervakov rushed to the door like crazy, kissed his wife who didn’t know what happened, and then took her hand, “I must go back to the design bureau immediately. ”

When Chervakov parked his car and entered the design bureau sweatingly, he found his subordinates waiting at the door: “Boss, the big boss is waiting for your meeting.”

Chervakov nodded and hurried to the boss on the roof to run the company.

When he entered the spacious and bright office of the boss, he found that several bosses from the design bureau, the experimental production plant and the batch production plant were all there, so he was left behind.

With a look of embarrassment, he looked at the boss, Mikhail Simonov, the chief engineer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau and the deputy minister of the Aviation Industry Department. The latter just waved and said, “Everyone, please come today There is news to inform everyone, both good and bad.”

Looking at the core bosses under him, Khail Simonov put his hands on the table, picked up a document, and said with a serious expression, “Let’s talk about the bad news first. The Ministry of National Defense last year and the year before. The funds owed to us are still missing, and it is said that it may be settled within this year.”

After speaking, there was a pause, and the skeptical expressions of his several vice presidents made his face even more gloomy.

“Boss, the Ministry of Defense says this every year! MiG-like garbage can be settled…” Chervakov complained, “Where did they settle the money for us?”

Khail Simonov glanced at Chervakov and cleared his throat, “This year our original order will be cut by 20%, but they even stopped at the factory for the fighter aircraft they ordered last year… With the current financial situation, I don’t know when they will be delayed…”

“Boss, what’s the good news?” Everyone knows the situation. Anyone has a hard time these days.

Even if it is a MiG fighter plant with a superior bias, it’s better than just relative.

“The good news is that the Chinese Air Force is ready to purchase fighters from our country to enhance the combat strength of their air force! Although the MiG and the military industry committee have been blocking this news before, they want to sell the MiG to the Chinese Air Force! And China The Air Force knew about the existence of the Su-27…”

Having said that, the chief designer paused and slammed his fist on the office desk. “So, our opportunity is here! As long as the Chinese know the performance of our fighters, we don’t need to say, they know how to choose .”

“Boss, will those guys agree to sell our fighters? This is strictly confidential until now…”

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