Chapter 496

“Why sell MiGs? Because the Arbat Military Region has no money!” Khail Simonov said calmly, “They hope to get funds from the Chinese Air Force orders. Not only that, but also India, North Korea, Persia and other countries. …”

“We didn’t get any opportunities before. If we continue to remain silent, all opportunities will have nothing to do with us. Comrades, there has been no wages for three months on the Komsomolsk side! Outside their factory buildings, they Full of fighters, waiting for the Ministry of National Defense to take the money to receive…” The chief designer spoke very quickly.

Everyone was shocked.

Grabbing orders from the MiG and the people above?

“Don’t worry, as long as China insists on buying only our fighters, the above will agree.” As the helm of Sukhoi, Hail Simonlov knows a lot of inside information. “Many of the plans of the Ministry of National Defense have cut off funding sources. They need funds… General Manager Mikhail Pogosang is now working hard to export our fighter jets to China…”

“Boss, tell me what to do.” Chervakov asked with beaming eyes.

At this moment, he thoroughly understood the purpose of the boss who arranged him to be the business manager.

Mikhail Pogosanna is Sukhoi’s general manager. He is not here. The chief designer said that he is working hard, and he must be trying to persuade the senior management to communicate with the senior executives who have good relations with Sukhoi.

“Chervakov, you know Chinese, so I assigned you to the business manager of the Department of External Public Relations to get in touch with them! You are familiar with Chinese people and understand their needs… You are the best in the whole plan. Important member.” The chief designer said. “Your most important task is to teach me how to greet the other chief teachers in Chinese in the shortest time; second, to find out where and itinerary the Chinese are staying in the shortest time. Before the flight show, They introduced the performance of Su-27…”

A series of orders were issued from the mouth of Khail Simonov.

In the half-hour meeting, under the arrangement of the chief designer, everyone found their own position and the required work procedures. His opinion was clear and unmistakable—we must grab the orders from the Chinese Air Force. Get it.

Even this is just the beginning.

In the future, we will have to grab orders from Indians and Persians, but that is not the immediate priority.

People in the Chinese delegation have been waiting for the arrangement of the Soviets.

The work efficiency of the Soviets was unexpectedly low. At least the members of the Chinese delegation thought so. They said that arrangements would be made soon, but they waited for several days.

I finally waited for the news, and I can see it tomorrow morning, and the negotiation will start in the afternoon.

“Chief, there is a person outside who claims to be the business manager of Sukhoi’s Public Relations Department to ask to see you. Look…” When General Lin Hu was about to rest, the secretary knocked on the door of his room.

“Sukhoi?” The general frowned, but he reacted quickly, “Invite him in.”

The secretary was a little embarrassed, and the general frowned and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“He invites you to go out and talk.” The secretary’s face was full of worries. “It’s late now. Security issues…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go take a look.” General Lin Hu said.

Sukhoi’s people are looking for themselves so late, it is impossible to have no purpose.

“General, I’m very sorry, but please come out so late…” Chervakov saw that the head of the Chinese Air Force delegation came out alone, apologizing, “But this is also nothing.”

Regarding Chervakov’s ability to speak Chinese, although his accent was a little weird, General Lin Hu was also very surprised.

“You are looking for me so late, I don’t know what to advise…” General Lin Hu was puzzled by the other party’s intention, and he had a vague idea in his heart, but he couldn’t believe it.

“I don’t know if the general knows the Su-27?” Chervakov directly explained his intentions. Seeing General Lin Hu nodded, he said directly, “We think it is most suitable for your needs, with a large combat radius and good mobility. A large amount of ammunition…”

It was not long for Chervakov to meet with General Lin Hu, only a few minutes.(Read more @

However, these few minutes have once again given General Lin Hu a more detailed understanding of the performance of the Su-27.

The next day, after arriving at the Kozhdub Aviation Technical Equipment Exhibition Center, General Lin Hu finally knew why the Sukhoi people were looking for themselves in the middle of the night. In the Soviet delegation, they were drinking officials and MiGs, and none of them belonged to Sukhoi.

“It seems that the competition among these units in the Soviet Union is also fierce. What Sukhoi did seems to be similar to the tank order you intercepted from Pakistan?” General Lin Hu asked Xie Jianguo with a smile.

Xie Jianguo could only smile awkwardly, “Chief, the Soviet economy is sluggish, many units produce weapons and equipment, and their Ministry of National Defense has no money to receive…”

He didn’t know what happened when Xie Kai grabbed the 617’s tank order, let alone what Sukhoi did.

Kirov and others led the members of the Chinese delegation towards the site where the fighter planes were placed.

The MiG-23, the iron-lumped MiG-25, and the Su-25 corresponding to the American A-10 attack aircraft, all appeared in front of everyone.

These are all seen before.

“General, we have already seen these fighters. I don’t know the MiG-29 and Su-27…” General Lin Hu frowned and asked. “Moreover, the performance parameters of these fighters have also been introduced. Although they are more advanced than those used in our country, they are not in line with the development of our air force…”

The Soviets were not sincere, and the MiG-29 was not shown to them.

I want to continue selling things that are already technologically backward. Are the Chinese taking advantage of them?

The J-7, J-8II and other aircraft have been remodeled, which is not much different.

Why spend money if you can produce it yourself?

“The MiG-29 will appear directly in the air…” A lieutenant general led the Chinese delegation towards the viewing position. “After the air flight is over, it will land here for everyone to take a closer look and learn about the detailed parameters. .”

Soon after sitting in the auditorium, a small dot appeared in the sky, followed by the roar of the engine.

Everyone looked towards the sky with telescopes prepared on the table in front of the auditorium.

On the flying MiG-29, three missiles of different sizes are hung under the wings on both sides, and under the central axis of the abdomen, there is a huge thing that does not know whether it is a bomb or a missile…

The heavily armed fighter plane flexibly performs various maneuvers in the air. The dual-engine MiG-29 is like a light swallow in the air. Various tactical movements are extremely smooth. The Chinese delegation sees the sky doing it. Various mobile MiG-29s also showed shocked expressions.

“Oh my God…”

Suddenly, thick black smoke came out from behind an engine at the tail of the MiG-29 that was being pulled up at a large angle in the sky. The commander at the scene hadn’t asked the pilot what was wrong, but only heard the pilot yelling and ejecting in horror. After the failure, the fighter plane that was still agile at the beginning was like a kite with a broken line. It lost control and fell crookedly towards the ground…


A ball of fire rose from the ground far away…

Watching the scene, the needle drop can be heard.

The Chinese staff, who were still excited at the beginning, were stunned.

The eyes of the Soviets were also about to fall off.

Especially the faces of Nikolai Skobrin and Alexei Federov were so gloomy that they were about to drip.

“Asshole! What’s the matter? Didn’t they check before the plane took off? How do you sell to the Chinese in the current situation?” Alexei Federov, who had sufficient self-confidence, roared.

He didn’t even bother to ask about the pilot’s situation.

Nikolai Skobrin didn’t say anything, and ordered people to contact the technical staff of the design bureau and the manufacturing plant to find out the cause of the crash.

Before everyone could react, there was again a louder roar than the MiG-29 engine in the sky, and a small black spot was quickly coming here.

The Chinese grabbed the telescope and continued to look into the air. A fighter aircraft with a shape and aerodynamic layout somewhat similar to that of the MiG-29 appeared in the air. From a distance, there is little difference in appearance.

However, the weapons on the wings and abdomen were stunned.

The Chinese personnel obviously did not expect that the Soviet designers were so crazy that not only a series of missiles were hung under the wing of this fighter, but also there were hanging points under the center line of the belly and the engines on both sides.

The Su-27, which is covered in racks, highlights the violent aesthetics of the Soviets incisively and vividly.

“Two pylons on each wing, plus a wingtip pylon, can mount up to 6 medium and short-range air-to-air missiles; there is a hanging point under each of the inlets on both sides, and two hanging points are connected in series under the center. Mount heavy anti-ship missiles, aerial bombs, long-range air-to-air missiles, etc…” The deputy commander of the Air Force sitting in General Lin Hu briefed General Lin Hu.

“Why is there no hanging point at the root of the wing?” As the deputy commander of the Air Force, with excellent fighter piloting ability, General Lin Hu, who has studied many fighters from various countries, asked while watching the Su-27, which is more flexible than the MiG-29 in the air. .

“There is a problem with the strength structure. As long as it is resolved, the number of weapon attachment points can be increased to 12…” the Soviet Air Force Deputy Commander explained. “The most basic model, that is, the prototype, has only six hanging points and can carry more than two tons of bombs…”

General Lin Hu listened to this and glanced thoughtfully at the deputy commander of the Soviet Air Force next to him. Perhaps, the fall of the MiG-29 was not accidental or accidental.

This is the case on such an important occasion.

“Look at the sky!” The deputy commander of the Air Force reminded General Lin Hu.

I saw the plane flying horizontally in the sky suddenly raised its head suddenly, but did not raise the altitude, but continued to fly forward, the angle of attack increased-90 degrees, 100 degrees, 110 degrees, 120 degrees, the aircraft flying “tail forward”, flying The speed instantly decreased to almost stagnant, and then changed to level flight, returning to the original flight state…

It’s quiet again…

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