Chapter 498

“The investment in the military industry is too large, and the economic development has fallen into recession… Especially their investment in the aerospace industry, which is not very rewarding. The service life of the Soviet satellites is mostly only half a year. The United States competes, they can only continuously launch satellites…”

Xie Jianguo has been in the Soviet Union for so long and knows a lot of news.

It is also very clear to understand the current economic situation in the Soviet Union.

“Don’t they know the situation?” General Lin Hu sighed, “It is entirely possible to follow our country to carry out economic reforms.”

“Why doesn’t the Soviet Union know? It really wants to reform, but they can’t be as bold as our country, dare to stop the research and development of military technology, everything is invested in economic construction?” Xie Jianguo asked General Lin Hu.

The general shook his head.

The Soviet Union did not have such courage, nor did it dare.

Over the years, the US-Soviet struggle for hegemony has been continuous, and it has now developed from the ground to the sea, and then to outer space. Once the Soviets followed the example of China in carrying out economic reforms, they also surrendered to the United States.

“So, under such circumstances, what they want to sell, absolutely cannot ask. You can take this opportunity to talk to them about the introduction of the Su-27. The more difficult the Soviet Union’s economy is, the more opportunities we have. Many.” Xie Jianguo proposed, “Even if the Soviet Union does not agree, it can take the opportunity to pressure the Americans or French.”

General Lin Hu glanced at Xie Jianguo again, “Aren’t you trying to sell to the Air Force the Super Seven developed by your 404 and 611,132?”

Xie Jianguo shook his head, then smiled and said, “General, if I tell the truth, don’t be angry.”

“Talk about it?” The general looked at Xie Jianguo with interest.

He really didn’t understand what Xie Jianguo could say would make him angry.

“The goal of Super Seven Project from the beginning was not for the domestic market, but for the overseas market. Like other weapons and equipment we developed, they were all for foreign orders…” Xie Jianguo said while looking at Lin Hu.

General Lin Hu was stunned, “You are really different from other units in the country.”

“The national policy is here, the military expenditure is so small, the military is too poor, and the people who promote various projects say that they can’t look at the military’s money…” Xie Jianguo has been staring at General Lin Hu’s expression, seeing the general as expected. I was angry and stopped talking.

After a long time, General Lin Hu gave a wry smile, “That’s right, the military is really poor…Who said this? It’s not a small tone.”

Naturally, Xie Jianguo did not dare to answer that Xie Kai said it, and he did not think of the consequences like Xie Kai did, so he could just find someone to come out. If you change to Xie Kai, you will definitely say that Zheng Yucheng said it without hesitation.

“I heard that your 404 tanks and missiles are very popular, and many units are very jealous.” The general changed the subject and began to inquire about the 404 situation.

“The specifics are not quite clear. Before I came here, it seemed that I had just signed a contract of more than two billion US dollars…” Xie Jianguo was eager to change the subject. Anyway, there is nothing to hide about this matter. General Lin Hu wants to know. , It will be clear after a little inquiries.

“So much?” The general was a little shocked.

When the general said a lot, Zheng Yucheng looked at the Libyans with contempt, “Do you still want to pay for such a small order with oil? You even want our cloud bomb technology? Even, he asked us to stop talking to Tanzania. Cooperation? General Mufta, do you think it is appropriate?”

“Zheng, this is already a lot! More than 600 million US dollars of orders!” The Arab who was despised by Zheng Yucheng emphasized.

600 million U.S. dollars, a huge order.

“If you give cash, you can negotiate. Of course, we are required to suspend cooperation with Tanzania on the grounds of order, General, I think this is not appropriate. China has a traditional friendship with Libya, and it also has brotherhood with other African countries.” Zheng Yucheng Still disdain.

The arrival of the Libyans is indeed a bit surprising, but for the base, it is nothing.

Anyway, as long as they come to buy missiles, they are all customers of the base, right?

“But you sold them missiles, threatening the safety of Africa…” another colonel said solemnly.

Libya has always regarded itself as the big brother of Africa, and the African brothers are threatened, so naturally they can’t just ignore it.

“We sell missiles so that the African brothers can truly feel safe, and there will be fewer wars.” Zheng Yucheng was too lazy to fight each other, “Well, I have something to do in a while, you can go back and think about it first.”(Read more @

After speaking, he stopped speaking and asked the translator to tell the other party to get out.

The interpreter looked at the two with embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

He even wanted to persuade the bullish leader to think again. After all, this is a friend of China. If he is not paying attention, he will have to affect the diplomatic relationship between the two parties, which is too troublesome.

“What are you doing in a daze? It’s not that our base doesn’t have an Arabic translation, but I’m just too lazy to trouble, or else you’ve lost your job. So stupid, why did you send you as an interpreter?” Seeing that the interpreter didn’t speak, Zheng Yu became angry.

He sent the fire to the translator.

The demands of the Libyans are too much.

He also purchased more than one hundred tanks and several hundred missiles, and was so embarrassed to request 404 to terminate the contract with Tanzania, and he had to pay for it with oil.

Zheng Yu Chengdu didn’t bother to talk to them.

Oil payment is too much trouble, and it is far less real than the money, especially now that Xie Kai’s project in Africa is already very troublesome. I have already looked at the site and everything. It was originally said that Xie Kai was not allowed to take care of it. Just show him the results, now it’s a matter of the base.

“Let’s talk about this after he takes the college entrance examination. It will take the college entrance examination in less than a month.” Wang Guilin shook his head and said, “It really doesn’t work. After he finishes the exam, let him go there for a while.”

“Can do it? The ban on his footing hasn’t expired yet, right?” Zheng Yucheng said.

“Going to Africa is not anywhere else. When the time comes, he will fly directly to Tanzania. If he can stay in Africa, he won’t be able to…” Wang Guilin said, “Comrade Xie Jianguo has returned and is currently in the capital… …According to the news, the country is preparing to purchase fighters from the Soviet Union…”

“Didn’t our Super Seven have already begun prototype assembly? The Air Force really doesn’t plan to ask for it?” Zheng Yucheng asked. “I don’t care about this matter, how did Xie Kai’s volunteer report?”

“I don’t know, I have filled in my volunteers in the past two days, and I didn’t ask him. The test results were a mess…” When he said this, Wang Guilin was also worried. “Although Huaqing agrees, it also requires him not to be too far away from the admission line…”

“That’s nonsense. The question is how many schools have we contacted? This is what is important. We must never let him enter a school that we have nothing to do with us, otherwise we can’t help if he won’t come back then.” Zheng Yucheng asked.

What school Xie Kai attends, since the Chinese New Year, has been the heart disease of the management committee.

I’m afraid he won’t come back in the end.

“I have only contacted more than a hundred institutes now, except for the military system. I don’t think we can do this, so I just wait until he fills out his volunteers.” Wang Guilin has a big head. “If we go like this, we have to hook up with all the universities.”

“The problem is that we don’t know which school he volunteers for, and what major he is going to take.” Zheng Yucheng’s brow wrinkled into a word “Chuan”.

This problem not only troubled him, but also troubled Xie Kai herself.

Also troubled Mozi.

“Report to Huaqing University!” Xie Kai said dryly when Mo Qi Shui Lingling’s big eyes were staring at him, and he was a little hairy, “Just fill in Huaqing University!”

“Huaqing University? Their admission scores are the highest in the country. Even my test scores are worse than a few dozen. You…” Mo Qi was so angry that Xie Kai laughed, and even mists of water rose in his eyes. “Xie Kai, don’t you want to go to college?”

“Mo Qi, you have so little confidence in me?” Xie Kai was a little speechless.

This time, he did a poor test.

He didn’t even enter the first twenty of the entire grade.

Since history, the base has no precedent for being admitted to Huaqing University.

He now says that he is going to be admitted to the university with the highest admission score in the country. Why is it not surprising?

Mo Qi looked at Xie Kai with complicated thoughts, “Xie Kai, it’s not that I don’t have confidence in you. It’s that the facts are right before our eyes. I think we can still be together when we go to a normal university…”

“No, just Huaqing.” Xie Kai insisted, “Not only we went to Huaqing, Luo Feng and others, but also Huaqing…”

Xie Kai is crazy.

At least, Mozi thinks so.

“Xie Kai, you want to take the exam to the best school in the country. The teacher is very supportive of you, but in your situation, I think it is best to keep your feet on the ground and review for a year. That is a waste of a year of youth…” For Xie Kai Filled with Huaqing University, and the major is the top control science and engineering, Li Li does not know how to describe her feelings.

Xie Kai’s grades fluctuate greatly.

I have been in the classroom for the past few months, but this time I only passed twenty people in the final test.

This is the ranking of the whole school.

“Ms. Li, what major and what school to apply for is my choice. I made such a heavy decision after thorough analysis based on my academic performance…” Xie Kai said firmly.

There are some things that can’t be said at all.

Did you tell Li Li that you memorized all the questions in the college entrance examination?

Even if some questions are not memorized, they still remember the body shape, right? Perhaps this is the benefit God gave him to be born again.

“This matter, you should think about it. Xie Kai, once the first choice is not accepted, the following volunteers can be a little troublesome.” Li Li didn’t know it was because of the relationship with Fatty Qian. I still really hope that students will not go overboard.

Gives Xie Kai a lot of advice.

However, Xie Kai didn’t listen at all.

“Xie Kai, do you really want to fill Huaqing University as your first choice?” Mo Qi obviously knew that the class teacher’s persuasion was useless, and gritted his teeth at Xie Kai.

Obviously, she is waiting for Xie Kai’s reply, and Xie Kai’s reply is related to some of her decisions.

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