Chapter 499

Looking at Mo Qi, Xie Kai felt a little complicated.

Mo Qi’s attitude was obvious to him, and he obviously didn’t want him to be overpowered and joking about his future with his future.

But can you explain this matter?


Therefore, he can only nod his head firmly. If Mo Qi doesn’t apply for Huaqing University with him, he really doesn’t know what to do. Mo Qi didn’t even know that all the college entrance examination questions for this year had already been explained to her in different ways. I don’t know how many times. It is absolutely not a problem to go to Huaqing University.

Unless Mozi didn’t remember these questions.

Mo Qi looked at Xie Kai resolutely. He wanted to persuade Xie Kai to give up and choose another school, but finally gave up. The expression turned serious, “I will be with you! If you fail this time, I hope you can give up this idea in the college entrance examination next year.”

Xie Kai was stunned.

He thought that Mo Qi would let herself toss and go to a certain school by herself.

“Mo Qi, don’t worry, if we really fail to pass the exam this time, isn’t there another school for our first choice?” Xie Kai took a step back, he knew that for Mo Qi, reviewing for a year means late Participate in work for one year.

Originally, he was only going to fill in a volunteer, and he was not willing to deploy professionally.

“Not only I will accompany you crazy once, but also Sun Juan, Luo Feng and others…” Mo Qi said to Xie Kai solemnly.

“They too…” Xie Kai didn’t know what to say.

Childhood playmates, brothers and sisters who grew up, are willing to accompany him to go crazy when they know that there is no chance. How can this not be moved?

He remembers once, but now, the friends who grew up with him are willing to accompany him to gamble regardless of the consequences because of his “crazy”.

“Brother, rest assured, nothing is wrong, even if the first choice is not accepted, the teachers of the school admissions office will help us get the university, don’t they?” Seeing Xie Kai’s serious expression, Sun Juan said indifferently, “Although Our grades really failed to pass the exam, at least we can brag about it in the future, my mother had applied for the best university in the first place!”

“That’s right. When I get old, I can brag to my grandson.” Luo Feng said with a smile, and then turned to ask Fatty Qian, “Fatty, how about you?”

“I don’t want to go to university, I want to go to work directly and contribute to the modernization of national defense…” Fatty Qian said embarrassedly, “Brother, I…”

Xie Kai turned his head to look at Fatty Qian. Fatty’s eyes did not dare to meet him.

“Fatty, to be honest, where are you and Li Li?” Xie Kai called the fatty outside, and the college entrance examination was about to go. The teacher would not care about them anymore. He handed a cigarette to the fatty and lit it. Asked the fat man seriously.

“Brother, I…” Fatty’s eyes flickered, and his face was even more embarrassing.

“Relax, there are not many who know about this. I am looking for you, not because you are not going crazy with me.” Xie Kai said sincerely, “It is your own choice between you and her. No matter it is me, She still hopes that you can go to university. University is not a must in life, but it is an indispensable experience in life…”

“She really wants me to go to college, but I just want to stay with her.” The fat man struggled for a long time, after smoking a cigarette, and then another, “Brother, if this thing about us spreads…”

“As long as you don’t die, you can’t spread it.” Xie Kai thought that the fat man and Li Li back then were also forced to go abroad because of Li Li’s big belly, and never came back.

Li Li even severed ties with her family.

“During the Chinese New Year this year, she was in a bad mood. I was always with her and was drunk…” The fat man gave the general situation.

Although this happens between teachers and students, although it is because of love and concubine’s intention, in this year, once it is known, it will cause a big disturbance. The domestic thinking is far less civilized than decades later, especially 404 base is such a closed place.

“So, you can’t stay in the base. You know what the consequences will be if something like this happens in the base.” Xie Kai said solemnly. “If you want to be together, you have to go to college and then go to work outside…”

Xie Kai gave his friends the most suitable suggestions.(Read more @

“Are you not against me and her?” Fatty Qian had an incredible face.

This kind of thing puts tremendous pressure on both him and Li Li, but they can’t break the relationship.

“Why do you oppose it? It’s your own choice. Whether you like it or love it, it’s not unreasonable.” Xie Kai sighed, “Because this thing is not clear.”

Just as he did to Mozi.

Many people feel stupid and naive.

“But I haven’t even thought about reviewing in the past six months…”

“That’s not a problem.” Xie Kai said, “The grades are not good, even if you can’t pass the exam in a junior college, let’s talk about it. Isn’t the base going to provide education aid in Africa? Then you and her can go to Africa…”

Xie Kai knows that it is difficult to get Fatty Qian to go to college.

Men in love can’t wait to be together all the time, not parting for a minute.

Xie Kai is not without selfishness. Fatty Qian goes to Africa. It is much more reliable than the people at the base. At least, he will not cheat himself.

This is not a use. If Fatty Qian is willing to go to college, and Li Li is only-occasionally together, the chance of being discovered is much smaller. Both of them are the masters who are not afraid of things, otherwise they would not have made such a storm at the base, and eventually they would not even be able to return to the country.

Li Li humiliated her family.

At this time, Li Li was so angry that she was so angry that she had received a lot of volunteers, but she had no right to change the student’s wishes. Anyway, she knew the situation in the class, and there were not many who could be admitted to the undergraduate course. In addition to the affair with Qian Duoduo, she did not persuade these students who have always been disobedient to discipline. She just raised her concerns for everyone.

As a result, everyone has a firm face, and the choice is well thought out.

“Teacher Li, you are the head teacher, you look at the situation. All the more than 20 people in this class apply for Huaqing as their first choice. This…” An old man from the admissions office looked at Li Li, a little big head, “This Although the results of this year’s students are better than any previous year, none of the other classes dare to report to this school.”

Obviously, this is making trouble for the admissions work.

“There are already many students in this year, and the director will have some opinions…” the teacher of the admissions office frowned and said.

However, there is nothing he can do when the student fills in his volunteers like this.

“What stuff? Fill in Huaqing?” Niu Fei, the director of the admissions office, is a thin old man over fifty years old. He was shocked when he heard the report, but he didn’t feel dissatisfied. Anyway, it’s the same every year. When the time comes, see which schools haven’t recruited enough and just make up the enrollment.”

“Director, don’t you report this to the principal?”

“What to report? It’s not a big deal. What if someone gets admitted? The conditions in our base are difficult, don’t you know what the situation is…” Xiong Fei sighed, “Anyway, we just work like this every year?”

“Our base should be the same as outside, pre-selection first, and those who fail the pre-selection will not take the college entrance examination!” said the enrollment teacher.

The director glared at him and stopped talking angrily.

“He really entered Huaqing University?” For Xie Kai’s volunteer, the management committee has been very kind for half a year. After knowing this now, Zheng Yucheng is a little worried. “Can he pass the exam?”

“Who knows. I should have felt relaxed. The problem is that I can’t relax.” Wang Guilin also frowned. “Should I contact that side first?”

“I’ll talk about it when he fails the ranking.” Zheng Yucheng was really relieved.

Xie Jianguo returned to the base, but Liu Xu did not return and went to Ukraine. I didn’t see Xie Kai for my usual busy work. When he solved the accumulated work, he would take the college entrance examination in less than half a month.

“Did you fill in Huaqing? Have you estimated your grades? Huaqing University is among the top in the country, and the number of students admitted nationwide is too small. After the resumption of the college entrance examination, our base children no longer enjoy the same as students from the capital. Treatment…” Xie Jianguo did not expect that Xie Kai would fill Huaqing University.

Xie Kai grinned and said, “Dad, it’s okay. Even if you can’t get your first choice, there are still other volunteers. If you can’t get a bachelor’s degree, can you still have a junior college?”

“…” Xie Jianguo didn’t know how to answer for a while.

Such scenes are staged in many families.

“Mom, don’t worry, my brother has filled it in, and he will come back to take over if he fails the exam! Isn’t the admissions office of our school still able to help us find schools that are not fully recruited?” Sun Juan faced the seriousness of her parents, but didn’t care at all. .

She originally wanted to take the Beijing Film Academy. In order to support Xie Kai, she also filled in her first choice as Huaqing.

This makes her parents who have always ignored her very kind.

“Girl, tell your mom honestly, do you like Xie Kai?” Knowing her as a mother, Sun Juan’s mother asked her quietly when she slept with her daughter at night.

Sun Juan was silent.

“Even if you like him, you can’t bet on your future, right?” Mother sighed. “Besides, you like it, does he know?”

“He has a girlfriend.” Sun Juan replied quietly, “Mom, there are things I want to get closer to him and give him some support. Whenever I get mature, I will go there too. Find your own life. Isn’t this what you told me?”

“Girl, it will be very painful.”

“Mom, go to bed, my own choice, I know the consequences. Just like when you didn’t hesitate to ignore your grandparents’ objections, you relentlessly followed my dad, and then went to this place together… You, my dad, and other uncles and aunts built the base together. ……Sometimes, it is also happy to guard a person.”

Sun Juan said and fell asleep.

But what she said brought her mother back to her youth…

Time passed day by day. In the end, the college entrance examination in 1986 was ushered in, a college entrance examination that changed the destiny of countless people.

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