Chapter 500

404 City, although it has been downcast before, as one of the most important battle preparation bases in the country, its political status is among the top in the country.

A base where life is not completely separated from work has its own systems. Similarly, in the education system, they have their own college entrance examination sites. Although many times there are only dozens of college entrance examination students a year, there is no problem.

The national college entrance examination was resumed in 1977 and then started in 1979. The annual college entrance examination is fixed on July 6, 7, and 8. Psychological quality.

Since the college entrance examination is in the base, there is no need to go out. The school is off, and the invigilators are all transferred from outside the base. The test papers are also escorted from outside, so no one is allowed to approach the base.

Outside, the college entrance examination is a big deal.

Outside the test center, there are countless parents waiting for their children, because this test determines whether their children can serve the national iron rice bowl and eat state-supplied food. If you pass the exam, the country has arranged for you to work or something. If you fail to pass the exam, it will be troublesome. If you have to go back and forth, if your parents have a job, you can take over. But the parents are not workers, so they can only go back. Repair the earth.

For the parents of the 404 base, the college entrance examination is just like an ordinary exam.

After being admitted, the child works for the country. If he fails, the child also works for the country.

“Have you remembered all the questions I told you before?” Before entering the examination room, Xie Kai called all the students who filled out Huaqing University together and asked them seriously.

He memorized most of the college entrance examination questions, even the additional questions in mathematics and chemistry.

But he didn’t tell everyone all the questions, otherwise he couldn’t explain it. Only those who were closest to him knew most of the questions, and even the additional questions didn’t even tell Mo Qi.

The previous one was enough for Mozi to go to a school with him.

“Don’t worry, brother, if you don’t pass the exam, the admissions office can’t give us the whole good school. It’s a big deal to repeat for another year.” Sun Juan said with a smile.

“Yeah, brother, even if I don’t go to college, I can take over, right? If it doesn’t work, I will join the garrison as a soldier.” Luo Feng’s eyes were always on Xie Kai.

Others are indifferent.

Anyway, everyone’s academic performance is not good.

Mo Qi alone remained silent.

A few days before the exam, the school gave them a holiday. Xie Kai asked a lot of questions from the members of the college entrance examination counseling team for everyone to practice. But this is a sharp shot, who knows if it is useful?

Since yesterday, the school has been occupied by foreign invigilators and security staff. They are afraid that there will be cheating in it and they will all have to lose their jobs.

The school door opened, and everyone went to the examination room they were assigned to.

The test center of 404 base is particularly interesting because each test center is not like there are 30 people outside.

There are enough classrooms. There are only ten students in an examination room, but there are two invigilators, and there are also people who patrol the examinations. There is no chance of cheating at all.

With a high status, there will naturally be higher disciplinary supervision.

This is why there are not many people in the 404 test site, but in the end no one can cheat. After the resumption of the college entrance examination, no one can be admitted to the first-class domestic universities such as Capital University and Huaqing University.

“Everyone, check the test paper, this is unopened…” Before the exam, everyone’s certificates were checked, and after being reminded by the invigilator to discipline the exam room, they waited for the exam bell to ring.

Before the exam, the invigilator showed the sealed test paper bag to everyone.(Read more @

These invigilators were emphasized on discipline before they came. The test paper bag is not like 30 copies in one bag, but special. Each bag contains only ten test papers.

“Teacher, just send the papers. Other exam rooms may be almost finished.” Luo Feng saw that there were people in other classes around him. In the entire classroom, everyone was separated by a few meters. A slight movement would be followed by the teacher. , Could not help being a little nervous.

This environment is too depressing.

The invigilator ignored him and distributed the test papers to everyone after showing the test papers.

After handing out the test papers, the discipline was emphasized again. When the answering bell rang, the answer was announced, and then staring at the entire classroom one after another, so that some of the children of the base were under their noses.

Luo Feng knew his own situation and was already prepared.

When he saw the first multiple-choice question in the Chinese test paper, he felt very familiar. He thought, Nima, this question has been done before. Although the position of the answer is different from the question he did, the options are completely the same.

Ever since, I wrote the answer on the draft paper.

Let’s look at the next question, Nima. I have done it again. It seems that the question is a bit different? Take a closer look, it’s also a special meaning, I don’t bother to analyze the answer, just write the answer that I have done…

Ever since, I wrote the answer almost as soon as I looked at the question, so that the invigilator could only sigh. Without taking the pre-examination, I didn’t know the rare opportunity of the exam.

The first time Xie Kai got the test paper, he read all the questions again. There was no difference in his memory. Even the last composition was “Tree·Forest·Climate” and he was relieved. Start answering the question.

And Mo Qi is also accustomed to reading all the questions in the entire test paper before the exam. In this way, she knows what to do first, what to do later, and how to allocate time.

At that time, when she got the test paper, read all the questions, and read the final reading comprehension and composition, she was stupid.

Actually all of the articles that Xie Kai forced her to read, even the composition “Trees·Forest·Climate”, Xie Kai also asked her to write many times. She clearly remembered that Xie Kai told her not long before the exam. Sun Juan and a few people went to the sand jujube forest that they often go to. Xie Kai pointed to a few crooked-neck jujube trees and guided them, thinking about it as a forest, and what the role of the forest is, for the international start What role does the climate of concern have?

Even use these to extend to domestic reforms, the use of talents, the change of social atmosphere, etc…

Xie Kai knows the high-level exam questions?

As soon as this idea appeared, Mo Qi became a little frightened. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like this. Otherwise, how could Xie Kai dare to enter Huaqing University?

“Classmates, do you have any questions?” A female teacher who invigilated the exam, about twenty-six and seventy-seven years old, saw that everyone else was answering the questions, while Mo Qi was in a daze holding the papers for more than ten minutes without even starting Answered the question, thinking there was something wrong with Mo Qi.

Mo Qi came back to his senses, blushed, and shook his head and said, “Sorry, teacher, I’m lost.”

“If there are no questions, please answer the questions as soon as possible. Ten minutes have passed.” The invigilator didn’t say much.

Mo Qi picked up the pen, took a few deep breaths, suppressing his crazy thoughts, and finally began to answer the questions. Even if they had done all of them, he still analyzed again and again to see if the answer was really the answer they had done before.

The language test was over, and Mo Qi did not find Xie Kai.

Sun Juan and others were discussing with excitement. They had done most of the questions, and they didn’t realize that there was a problem. Most of the students in other classes were sad.

In the afternoon, the science exams chemistry, liberal arts exams geography, Mo Qi and others are all sciences. They found that most of the exam papers were the same as the morning questions. Mo Qi even found that the chemistry exam papers were better than their usual tutoring team. The practice questions are much simpler, most of them have been done, and even the last five additional questions are usually practiced.

Mo Qi didn’t believe in the simplicity of the college entrance examination questions that countless people said difficult. After checking it several times, he found that his answer was correct.

Leaving the examination room, she found that Sun Juan and others who had handed in papers in advance were discussing that the chemistry question was too simple, and she began to wonder if she was wrong to blame Xie Kai. However, Xie Kai was still not found, and Sun Juan and others could not be found either.

In the math exam the next morning, the difficulty of the questions became greater, but for Mozi, most of the questions were still done. Many of the math exercises they usually do are more difficult than the test papers, so she doesn’t have the same ideas as before.

Only the last additional question examines the calculation and geometric meaning of derivatives. This is a high school elective content, and Mo Qi doesn’t pay attention to it at all.

For people like Mo Qi who have received special attention from Xie Kai, these questions are too simple, especially Sun Juan, who usually does not have very good academic performance, but she can make most of these questions, some choices If the problem is not settled, the foundation is not solid, it depends on Mongolia…

In the subsequent exams, everything became easier. Most of the questions were done, but the options of the answers were different.

That’s the end of the stressful college entrance examination.

“How? The question is simple?” After the exam, Xie Kai waited for Mo Qi and others at the door with a smile.

“Brother, people say how difficult the college entrance examination is, how difficult it is. The exercises we usually do are not complicated. I only have some basic questions and I can’t figure it out. I just rely on blindness. I choose whichever is pleasing to the eye…”

“Yes, the teacher who asked the question didn’t know what it was thinking. How high would the nationwide test score for such a question be?”

“Hey, I look familiar with several big questions…”

A group of people were talking about it, and they even had inconsistent answers. They asked Xie Kai. Xie Kai didn’t bother to explain it to them.

“Do you know what?” Mo Qi asked Xie Kai secretly. These questions are too similar to what they usually practice. They do every question a lot.

Xie Kai hurriedly shook his head and denied, “I said, sister, dare you not to talk nonsense? This is mortal! In case you think I really cheated, it will be in trouble…”

“What are you doing with such a big reaction? I am curious, why we usually do most of the questions.” Mo Qi looked at Xie Kai, and she also knew that there was no access to the test paper before the exam.

Looking at Xie Kai with a smile, he found that his eyes flickered a little.

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