Chapter 534

Xie Kai was dumbfounded.

The grandson of Ibrahim actually scammed himself several million dollars, but he said it was a military transport aircraft of the Iraqi Air Force.

“Why?” Xie Kai doesn’t believe that there is a good thing in the sky. “Just to purchase five hundred missiles?”

“Or? Mr. Xie, you don’t need to think too much about it. Our president just wants to establish friendship with you.” Abdullah said. “How much is the missile price? How about the advance payment?”

“Each piece is 750,000 US dollars. If it is a conventional 500 kg warhead, the price per piece is only 600,000 US dollars.” Xie Kai didn’t think so much, and directly quoted an increase of 100,000 US dollars. “50% of the advance payment. Moreover, the signing of the contract and the accounting cannot pass through Libya.”

Without knowing the other party’s purpose, Xie Kai is not vague at all.

Now if he can’t reach an agreement with the other party, he probably won’t let himself go back. He must go back and figure out how the Libyans had contact with the country.

Abdullah looked at Xie Kai with a complicated expression.

“This condition…”

“Sir, you should be aware that our government cannot approve such a large-scale arms transaction. The price must be higher. As for the prepayment ratio, this is an international practice…” Xie Kai also felt a little heartbroken. black. “I need to open up some relationships to deliver these products.”

“Aren’t we looking for other countries to help purchase?” Abdullah asked Xie Kai, “This is also a normal international transaction.”

“What if the country you are looking for has a bad relationship with our government? So, I decided, it’s better for me to find a way.” Xie Kai is completely fooling around.

“Who are you looking for? Who can help us purchase?”

“Pakistan. They are getting in touch, don’t they need labor costs?” Xie Kai didn’t hide it either.

Pakistan is better at doing such things.

And they have always wanted to be an intermediary in weapons transactions, so that they can earn a considerable amount of intermediary fees.

“How do I know you didn’t lie to us?” Abdullah was a little moved.

The price is higher, this is not a problem.

As long as these missiles can be obtained.

Xie Kai launched Pakistan, not without its own purpose.

“This time I go back, I have to transit from Pakistan. The plane needs to be refueled and overhauled in Pakistan. You can arrange for the person in charge to go with me, or you can do this. I will reduce the price of each piece by US$50,000. As for what price you negotiate with Pakistan , That’s your business.” Xie Kai didn’t want to have too much contact with Libya at all.

After all, the relationship between China and Libya is lukewarm.

There are frequent military conflicts between the United States and Libya, and Libya is being sanctioned by the United States. There is absolutely no problem in letting Pakistan, whose relationship with the United States is not too bad, to be the intermediary.

“I need to think about it. Are you not going to Iraq?” Abdullah asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai shook his head. Since the plane is from Libya and the ground handling and pilot are provided here, he is not going to go to Iraq anymore.

Gaddafi looks down on these twenty tons of gold, who can guarantee that stupid people will not be tempted?

Even Ibrahim and Xie Kai felt that he had to be on guard. He had to communicate the flight route with Fatoriak himself and kept staring.

“Are you not going to Iraq? Let me buy my own ticket to go back? No, thank you, you have to reimburse me for the ticket!” Ibrahim heard Xie Kai say that he could not go back, and suddenly became anxious.

He was still thinking about getting some gold in Xie Kai’s hands when he arrived in Iraq.(Read more @

“Are you ashamed?” Xie Kai snorted coldly, “That Il-76 belongs to Libya!”

“You got it from me. The relationship between your country and Libya is not very good, and Libya is now sanctioned by the United States, and the relationship between your country and the United States is very good…” Ibrahim didn’t seem to care about Xie at all. Kai defrauded millions of dollars. “What can the Americans say about buying a transport plane from us? A few million, don’t you buy a peace of mind?”

Xie Kai couldn’t wait to smash this shameless old guy.

Actually even dare to cheat his own money.

“Thank you, you make so much gold, hundreds of millions of dollars in profits, but I can’t get 10 million, and even a 20 million US dollars plane is included. What a cost-effective thing? Even Kovarubi is capable. What’s the matter? The profit he gets is only a lot more than mine…” Ibrahim complained, and he didn’t get any benefits by staying with Xie Kai.

Xie Kai didn’t want to have too much entanglement with him either.

He clearly knows what will happen to Iraq in the future. When the time comes, the U.S. imperialism and the foolish big wood will fall out with sanctions against Iraq. He may also be blacklisted, but is it much better than the current situation with Libya?

“For this airplane, let’s forget it. You promised my ground crew and pilot, and you have to give it to me!” Xie Kai coldly dropped a word, turned and left, “If you don’t give it, we won’t have it in the future. How to be friends.”

Ibrahim almost jumped up and scolded his mother, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

In this matter, he did a little bit innocently.

After staying in Tripoli for two days, even if Li Li and the others were taken to experience the customs of the Mediterranean coast, they were ultimately uninterested, and they didn’t know the inside story at all.

They waited until Abdullah got a reply and told Xie Kai that the president agreed to transit through Pakistan, but he disagreed with Xie Kai’s proposal that Pakistan directly negotiate with China, and then they sighed with Pakistan.

Instead, the three parties directly sit together and talk about the process of how Pakistan will change hands.

Xie Kai thought about it for a while, but didn’t worry about it, nodded and agreed.

The landing gear and hydraulic shock absorption system of the Il-76 were overhauled by Soviet consultants in Libya without any problems.

The gold above has always been guarded by Gaddafi’s most trusted beauty squad, and no one is allowed to come close at all.

Xie Kai always thought that it would be difficult for him to get this lot of gold.

When the plane was about to take off, these mighty beauties carried a box weighing more than 50 kilograms in pairs on the plane one by one, causing the Soviet ground crews around the airport to look at them. They didn’t know whether they wanted them. The beauty girl still figured out what was in the box, and took the initiative to step forward to help, but was directly pointed at by the beauty squad members not to approach her.

These beauties are all used by Gaddafi’s queen. Only Gaddafi can touch them, so don’t count on others; as for the gold in the box, it is impossible for people to know.

“What are you doing with you? We went directly to Pakistan!” Xie Kai saw that Ibrahim also followed brazenly, and couldn’t help being a little angry.

The latter said with a smile, he went to Aden, Yemen for a transfer, it would be more convenient to go back there.

Abdullah didn’t speak, and took a dozen people on the plane, and then went back.

Luo Feng and others have not seen Xie Kai in the past few days. Although they are entertained by delicious food and drink, there are beautiful women taking them around Tripoli every day to experience the Mediterranean style or something, but they all think this is the enemy Want to knock them down with sugar-coated cannonballs, Xie Kai is suffering or something, without any thoughts…

Seeing that Xie Kai is intact, there are countless words to ask, but there are more than a dozen Libyans on the plane. If you have any questions, you can only hold back.

The plane flew directly to the airport in Karachi, a city in southern Pakistan, with a straight-line distance of more than 6,000 kilometers, and it had to cross the airspace of many countries, which would be troublesome.

“You don’t want to plan my gold again, do you?” The lost gold made Xie Kai more concerned about gains and losses.

Ibrahim was speechless.

If you want to plan, Xie Kai also has to give himself a chance, right?

How do you plan in Yemen?

After receiving a call from Xie Kai, Mubara reported the situation to his superiors. The Pakistanis were very curious about Xie Kai’s hooking up with Libyans.

Had it not been for Xie Kai’s claim that he had huge profits, Mubara would not have been to Karachi.

I don’t know exactly how to cooperate, but Xie Kai said that he has built a huge military transport plane that will arrive at the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, which makes people look forward to cooperating with him and Libya.

Originally, Xie Kai was going to land the Il-76 at Jinnah International Airport. Finally, under the coordination of Mubara, the plane landed in the military airport of Karachi Air Force Command.

“Thank you, there are Americans there.” After knowing the landing destination, Vertoriak said to Xie Kai with a worried look. “Although we have no objection to selling planes to China, the US empire is absolutely forbidden. People approached our plane.”

“Don’t worry, my comrade, it is impossible for people from the American Empire to approach my plane!” Xie Kai said firmly.

Even though these guys are no longer Soviet soldiers, they still insist on treating the Americans as their enemy.

I just don’t know what they would think if they knew that they would be transported back to prepare to imitate the Il-76.

“F-16 fighter jets? Did the Americans provide Pakistan with the second batch of fighter jets again? History has gone wrong?” The Soviet transport plane landed on a military airport full of fighter jets. Xie Kai clearly saw the runway next to the airport. Several F-16 fighters are parked!

Xie Kai had such thoughts in her mind.

He never thought that he could see the first batch of F-16 fighters obtained by Pakistan at the Karachi military airport.

It stands to reason that Pakistan should arrange this state-of-the-art fighter plane to protect the air base in the capital. There is no other explanation except for a new batch of fighters.

No matter so many, the F-16 fighter planes that Pakistan has obtained are definitely something that fascinates Xie Kai for the current Chinese fighter plane industry. These fighters are equipped with the ANAPG-68(V)X fire control radar produced by Northrop Grumman, which has terrain tracking and target discrimination capabilities. The maximum search distance is 140 kilometers and the maximum tracking distance is 120. Kilometers can guide AGM-65 guided bombs and other weapons to strike against ground and sea targets…

“Perhaps, I can find a way to get one back?” When the plane stopped, Xie Kai looked at the F-16 in the distance and thought.

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