Chapter 535

The more Xie Kai thinks about it, the more enthusiasm he gets. If he can really make a return, it will be of inestimable significance to the Super Seven Project.

He knows that even Pakistanis have difficulty in accessing the core parts of these aircraft. They are all handled by ground crews provided by the United States. Just as the Soviet fighters sold by the Soviet Union are maintained by technical consultants, just to avoid them. The core components are obtained, and then the equipment to be dealt with is studied in a targeted manner.

Pakistan’s first batch of F-16s was obtained in 1983, and the number is only nine. Up to now, the subsequent fighters that should be delivered have not been delivered. Therefore, the Pakistan Air Force hopes that China will help develop a fighter. They can do it themselves. produce.

For the Super Seven Project, up to now, Pakistan has not fully determined whether to invest, let alone how to invest. Xie Kai has bought two hundred Soviet engines.

Once the ANAPG-68(V)X fire control radar on the F-16 can be obtained, it has very strong anti-jamming performance, superior electronic warfare performance, and can track 10 targets at the same time.

Although the performance of this kind of radar is much worse than that of active phased array radar, for the Chinese Air Force, once such technology is obtained, there can be a qualitative breakthrough.

Engine or something, Xie Kai is not so urgent.

The ANAWG9 pulse Doppler radar used by the Tomcat F-14 fighter is already available in China. Although this radar can track 24 targets and attack 6 targets at the same time, it must be used for heavy fighters.

There is no heavy fighter in China now.

Even Xie Kai just wants to improve the Super Seven Project, not to get a heavy fighter. It is very difficult to imitate.

“Thank you, welcome to Pakistan, I want to kill you!” When Xie Kai got off the plane and thought about how to get the F-16 in Pakistan’s hands, Mubara had already opened his arms tightly. Hugging Xie Kai tightly, “You actually got a Soviet transport plane!”

“Do you think I will bring you the opportunity to make a fortune?” Xie Kai pushed Mubara away with some embarrassment.

This product is too enthusiastic.

“This is Abdullah…” Without much greeting, Xie Kai pointed to the Libyans who followed and introduced him.

For Abdullah, Mubara did not show his enthusiasm for the benefactor, but after a slight greeting, he invited everyone to go to the side of the airport.

“General, I don’t want anyone to touch my plane, especially Americans!” Xie Kai saw several burly American soldiers pointing at the plane in the distance, afraid of conflict. “This aircraft belongs to my personal property, and there are Soviet pilots and pilots that I hired at a high price…”

“Don’t worry, I have already emphasized this issue before. Even the people who supply you with fuel are our own air force. These Americans are only responsible for our F-16 fighters.” Mubara said of the Americans with a face. Some are not good-looking.

Obviously, they are not very friendly with the American soldiers here.

“General, if the business is done properly this time, at least, the Pakistani military can get a profit of 25 million US dollars…” Xie Kai put his mouth to Mubara’s ear and whispered.

Mubara looked at Xie Kai in disbelief, “Will you separate the benefits?”

“Look at what you said! General, when we met from the very beginning, we hoped to achieve a win-win situation, so as to make our cooperation lasting. Isn’t the Persian tank orders enough?” Xie Kai said, frightened Mubara became nervous all over.

Fortunately, Abdullah and others are far away from them.

The 359 tank trade between Pakistan and Persia is not something that can be announced.

The Americans and Khomeini disliked each other, and they have always been out of sanctions.

Pakistan wants military assistance from the United States, so it cannot leak such things out.

The reason why they dare to trade is because Xie Kai gave them a bad idea. Although this idea is not a very good idea, the risk of being discovered by the outside world is not too big.

Now Pakistan and Persia have begun to garrison troops at the border, and the relationship has become tense.(Read more @

“Thank you, there are some things, you can’t talk nonsense…” Mubara has no way to deal with Xie Kai. “How can you be with the Libyans and talk about arms export cooperation? Don’t you know that the Americans don’t deal with them?”

Just because of this, even if things are not complicated and the profits are very high, Pakistan can’t proceed with fairness.

“I’m a professional weapon salesperson!” Xie Kai said, “What’s the big deal? Even if the Americans find out and make accusations, there is no way it can be? After all, this is not an official transaction…”

The two didn’t say anything, and went straight to the room specially arranged by the headquarters next to them.

Mubara did not make contact with the Libyans first, and arranged for his subordinates to contact him first. Instead, he pulled Xie Kai aside.

“What are they going to buy? Tanks?”

“No, missile!” Xie Kai said with a smile, “500 ground red flags, or ground red flags equipped with cloud explosive bombs!”

“They are crazy? There is no one over there who deserves them to equip so much. Are you afraid that they are helping others to purchase? The relationship between Libya and Persia is not bad…” Mubara did not expect at all, the Libyans did. To fix this stuff.

“They give money, and I sell missiles, no matter how they use them. You act as middlemen…”

“You are pitting us!” Mubara gritted his teeth and looked at Xie Kai, “Do you know that the deal with Persia has already put us at great risk!”

“Operation is good, there is nothing wrong at all. The contract is signed by the two parties, without the responsibility of the government department, and the funds are not transferred through the government… Even the missiles, when the time comes, the Libyans will directly ask for the cargo ships of neutral countries to help transport…” In order to fool the Pakistanis, Xie Kai made things simple and simple.

It seems that Pakistan only needs to transfer some funds, and there is nothing else to sign two contracts.

But Mubara is not that easy to deceive.

“General, if you have any opinions, you can make a decision after discussing with the Libyans.” Xie Kai wondered whether he could get the F-16 from the opponent. This thing is too important for the Super Seven Project.

Even the No. 10 project that the 611 Institute is currently engaged in is also very helpful.

The F-16 fighter is the most equipped light fighter in the world in the coming decades. Although it has something to do with the American emperor’s bragging rights, in terms of performance, there is really nothing to say.

In the 21st century, the newly built J-10 could not be compared with the ordinary F-16 model. It was not until the localization of the engine was completed and breakthroughs in electronic technology, etc., that it was equal to that of the United States after decades of service. The gap between the F-16 that has been transformed for decades.

Now, Xie Kai can’t guarantee how much the J-10’s performance will be promoted, but if you encounter it, you can’t help but work hard.

“General, what is the attitude of your Air Force regarding the Super Seven Project? If we have not decided to invest, our project may turn to… The initial technical indicators may still be a bit behind for our needs, but for For our African customers…” Xie Kai went to Africa this time, and Mubara didn’t know it.

“Thanks, you know, our air force is also very embarrassed now.” Mubara sighed, “I said before that the joint project was carried out, but the air force has not had sufficient funds.”

It is not that the Pakistan Air Force does not have sufficient funds, but that they want F-16s more.

“Even if the Americans are willing to provide F-16s, how much can you equip? The negotiations between the Soviets and India on the MiG-29 have entered a substantive stage. According to our intelligence, the Soviets are willing to sell the production line of the MiG-29!” Xie Kai said calmly.

In this matter, he did not brag.

The Soviets did want to sell production lines, but the target was China, not India.

The number of MiG-29s purchased by Indians in the Soviet Union was not large, although this was the first country to purchase MiG-29s abroad.

“…” Mubara didn’t know the truth of Xie Kai’s words.

Before contacting Xie Kai, this kid has always made some indistinguishable news.

“General, if the F-16’s avionics system is added to the Super Seven Project, what do you think your air force will do?” Xie Kai sees the other party and simply doesn’t apply it, directly explaining the goal.

Nima, although he knows that the Americans regard the F-16 as dead, it is impossible for the Chinese to get close to their fighter jets, but it is not impossible for the Pakistanis if they want to.

If Iraq or Persia had F-16s, Xie Kai wouldn’t have to be so troublesome, right?

“Do you want the idea of ​​F-16? Don’t even think about it. Even our own pilots have to get American approval to get on the plane…” Mubara’s words were almost squeezed out of the gap in the teeth. , Full of hatred.

“This is what you purchased!” Xie Kai didn’t expect it at all. Things have reached this level.

The Americans are so dead, how can they get the F-16 back to China?

“Most of these are American military aid, because the follow-up funds are not in place, so the remaining fighters have not been delivered to us so far. The Air Force is currently embarrassed here, if we invest in super-7, get the technical performance If it’s too bad…” Mubara didn’t hide Xie Kai.

The Pakistan Air Force has been struggling until now.

“So, I said that I want to invest. Up to now, there is no definite plan?” Xie Kai was a little angry, “You proposed it at the beginning!”

“But that is your own technical performance index. Thank you, if Super Seven wants to get the investment of our Air Force, it is best to show enough performance after the prototype is made!” Mubara doesn’t care about Xie Kai’s anger.

For the Super Seven Project, the two parties had not negotiated well before. The Chinese side launched it directly, and even went to the Soviet Union to purchase two hundred engines!

“Is it really impossible to get an F-16?” Xie Kai didn’t give up, “One hundred million dollars!”

“A billion dollars will not work. The Americans are too tight-minded. Even the logistics maintenance is done by their people, not by training our technicians…” Mubara shook his head.

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