Chapter 557

For the first flight, the 404 did not give money and flew for more than 300 hours.

For the second one, the 404 was given 30 million yuan. It has been flying for more than 100 hours, and it may be able to fly for 500 hours or more, but the cost…

The third aircraft, the 708, required 50 million yuan, and the aircraft has begun to enter the substantive stage of production.

As for the fourth plane, I don’t know what the situation is, it actually started to cost 80 million.

Even the Yunshi team felt embarrassed.

Every year, their budgets are increasing, and the results are also coming out, but the results are unacceptable.

“So, we can bear the consumption of these funds for the sake of technology, but we must not use our limited funds to support their unlimited needs for the sake of other units.” Xie Kai said that, Ma Fengshan and others finally understand his What is the intention.

Agreeing to continue the flight test of Yunshi and agreeing to the modification test of Yunshi means that they do not agree to expand the production line.

“Xie Kai, if you don’t upgrade the production line, the production problems of wide-body airliners will be more serious.” Cheng looked at Xie Kai from time to time, resisting his embarrassment and unnaturalness.

“Then no production! Design it and use it as a technical reserve.” Xie Kai clarified the powerful relationship, and he understood.

As long as the military wants it, they will find a way if they have no money.

Qin Fei will obviously take on the production task, but he is unwilling to spend any money on the construction of the production line and the upgrading of the production line. His own small treasury is well locked up, and 404 is no good!

“It can’t be produced. In the end, no matter whether the design is reasonable or not, there is no way to continue to modify it. Once the Yun-10 technology is mature, the new generation of passenger aircraft must be wide-body to meet our needs.” Ma Fengshan argued for reasons. “We have put in so much energy, so much money…”

“I didn’t say to give up. The production line must be invested by Qin Fei, the Ministry of Aviation Industry, and the Air Force itself. In terms of aviation, we also have a Super Seven fighter jet project and an engine project. Which one does not require money?” Zheng Yucheng asked rhetorically.

Everyone saw that Zheng Yucheng firmly supported Xie Kai and knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion.

If Zheng Yucheng wants to engage in any project, it will cost money, it is not easy, Yang Qian and others will desperately oppose it.

Now it is different. Zheng Yucheng wants to spend less, so naturally no one will stop him.

“Let’s talk about the issue of the military transport aircraft being transformed into the transport aircraft. Whether it is an early warning aircraft, a transport aircraft, or a carrier aircraft, it is not appropriate.” Xie Kai changed the subject. “Everyone should have seen the Il-76 parked on the airport runway.”

“We can’t solve the engine problem. Even the Yunshi engine in China has not been solved. To widen the wide-body aircraft, it must be at least 200 tons.” Cheng raised the problem of wide-body aircraft from time to time.

“Is there any problem with shape design and aerodynamic layout?” Although Xie Kai doesn’t understand airplanes, he knows where the problems are. “There are also various internal systems, structural strength.”

“Structural strength, design, no problem, production and processing technology can not be guaranteed, as long as the big press comes out, the problem is not big; the aerodynamic layout and other problems are not without, now there is a model, start the wind tunnel test to verify…” Ma Fengshan The situation of the modified design project was introduced. “Here is an outline structure drawing, which I will bring for everyone to see.”

At the sign of Ma Fengshan, a young man in his thirties took a rolled up picture and walked to the place where the blackboard was hung on the side of the office, and hung up the picture.


Xie Kai saw that the appearance was very similar to the Il-76.

He couldn’t see any difference anyway.

“Although it is similar to the Il-76, on a wide-body aircraft, the appearance is not bad.” Ma Fengshan smiled and nodded. “We didn’t see the detailed layout design of the Il-76 before.”

“Yes, at the time our Yunshi was considered to be an imitation of Boeing 707.” Xie Kai nodded and said.

Airplanes, except for fighter jets, have obvious differences due to different aerodynamic layouts. Large jet airliners, unless they are of different types, will not be much different.

At the beginning, it was said that the Yun-20 is similar to the Il-76, and that is just the same in appearance and aerodynamic layout.

“The difference in appearance from the Il-76 is that we communicated with the Soviet pilots just now and learned some of the most basic data. The Yun-10 variant is shorter in length. Traditional airfoil, but we use supercritical airfoil. This airfoil may be more risky. At present, in wind tunnel experiments, no major problems have been found…” The middle-aged man pointed to the plane Turned around to become an instructor and introduced to Xie Kai and others.

“What is a supercritical airfoil? What are the benefits? Since you know the risk, why use it?” Zheng Yucheng asked.(Read more @

“Leadership, supercritical airfoil, is a special wing profile structure. It can greatly improve aerodynamic performance in the transonic range, reduce drag and improve attitude controllability…” said the instructor.

“New technology?” Xie Kai asked.

If so, it would be a bit risky.

Yun Shi was originally dismissed, and it was not unrelated to taking risks to produce prototypes when they were incapable.

“For China, it is a new topic. Worldwide, Airbus A300 has adopted this type of airfoil in 1972, which can effectively reduce the structure and so on…”

When Zheng Yucheng heard this, his head was big.

Xie Kai was very interested and listened patiently.

He regretted it, why didn’t he pay more attention to some news about Yun-20.

There are many differences between Yun-20 and Il-76.

Even many people think that this large domestic military transport aircraft is more advanced than the Il-76.

“In addition, the internal cargo compartment of our aircraft may be smaller. This is also based on our current domestic equipment in service. In the control system, the mechanical control system was initially adopted, and the research on the fly-by-wire control system was carried out at the same time. If it breaks through, it will be replaced, and the weight of the aircraft can be effectively reduced at that time…” The instructor explained the current situation of wide-body aircraft.

The content is not very detailed, enough to make people understand.

Unless someone asks a question, he will speak in great detail.

“In other words, while we use the most reliable technology to achieve faster results, while conducting research on new technologies, can we understand it this way?” Xie Kai asked.

The instructor looked blankly at this young man who was much younger than himself, not knowing how to answer, and looked towards Ma Fengshan and Cheng from time to time.

Ma Fengshan nodded to make him feel nervous, and said to Xie Kai, “It can be understood this way.”

“The wide-body type used by the early warning aircraft, or the extended type we are flying now?”

“The current model.”

“How to install the electronic equipment inside? How to distribute the personnel?” Xie Kai continued to ask. “The early warning aircraft, I personally suggest to stop first. After the wide-body aircraft is out, get the early warning aircraft.”

“Then stop first. For the orders placed, the production progress has slowed down, and a complete supporting system is maintained. When this Yunshifei aircraft is scrapped, it will fly again.” Zheng Yucheng nodded and said.

You can’t worry about the early warning aircraft.

There is no foreign early warning aircraft that uses a narrow-body aircraft as a carrier.

Nothing else, just because the internal space of the cabin of this kind of aircraft is too small, it will cause trouble in the layout of various electronic equipment, and it is not easy to arrange the operators on it.

Seeing that the carrier of the early warning aircraft was changed, the people in the Yunshi team didn’t have any comments.

“Wide-body airliners need a production line, and money is needed to produce prototypes…” Speaking of wide-body aircraft as a carrier?

Just asking for money isn’t it.

“When I was in Africa, there was no airport runway on the grasslands, but the Soviet pilots drove the huge Il-76 and landed directly on a runway that was only flat and compacted; and then on that runway , Without any assistance, take off, the entire aircraft weighs more than 150 tons. Our large aircraft must also have such a take-off and landing capability!” Xie Kai did not say whether it would be funded, but began to ask for it.

The faces of Ma Fengshan and others suddenly became serious.

“What? There is a problem?” Xie Kai asked.

“Comrade Xie Kai, this kind of take-off and landing is not used at all in normal times. The structural strength of the entire aircraft is too high. If the quality of the landing gear is not good, it will even break directly under the impact of the huge impact during landing.” Cheng from time to time Explanation.

“If it’s our current transport ten, under such circumstances, it will even disintegrate, right?” Xie Kai asked.

The embarrassment on the faces of the Yunshi team is even worse.


The meeting room used by the entire office became somewhat silent.

Xie Kai’s requirements are very high and even somewhat demanding for the current Yun-10 team and the entire domestic aviation manufacturing industry.

If so, where do so many airports need to be built?

“You guys, I know you will find this demanding. At the beginning, the wide-body airliner we positioned was a military modification of the new generation, right?”

Everyone nodded.

“Military transport aircraft can land at various airports in peacetime. What if during wartime?” Xie Kai asked everyone.

“We are in civil aviation.” Cheng whispered from time to time.

Unexpectedly, Xie Kai heard these words.

Immediately rolled his eyes, “Cheng, you are right. But can our civil aviation aircraft be sold?”

From time to time, Cheng did not dare to speak any more.

No one is so stupid, spending tens of millions to buy a plane, only to fly for a few hundred hours, and may disintegrate at any time, and lose his life.

“Moreover, large passenger planes are not divided into military and civilian use. The difference between the two is that civil aviation passenger planes have higher safety requirements than military aircraft!” Xie Kai said.

Military transport aircraft must be durable!

It can take off and land in any harsh environment, although it is unlikely to be used, no one can guarantee when a war will come.

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