Chapter 558

“If you can’t reach this point, don’t eagerly want to produce prototypes. All units are like this, how do we guarantee our funding?” Xie Kai said here, his face was full of sternness.

“I hope that when you spend money, you will think about how the money came. Think about the days when you didn’t have any money, and you didn’t engage in technology and went to various higher-level authorities all day long to ask your grandpa to ask your grandma for funding. !”

The words behind Xie Kai have already made Ma Fengshan and others embarrassed.

Now that they have sufficient funds, they have not considered as much as before.

It’s not that they are spending money randomly and don’t care about funds, but they want to use more funds to make up for the time loss caused by insufficient funds.

They only considered their own team’s projects, and did not consider whether other team projects would have problems because they asked for more funds.

“Everyone has different positions and different ways of thinking about issues. I understand everyone. But I hope you can understand us more. 404 has not been easy until now. Many projects are not the country’s willingness, but have to reluctantly dismount. We What we can do is to use the funds we have earned to support more projects that can be studied!” Xie Kai said sternly, and then just got up and left.

Ma Fengshan and others blushed, but they couldn’t say anything.

What Xie Kai said is correct.

Every project needs money. 404 is just a unit, and all money needs to be earned by the whole unit, not directly from the state’s financial appropriations like other units.

Bai Yanjun followed Xie Kai, Zheng Yucheng looked at the back of Xie Kai’s departure and smiled bitterly.

Then he said to everyone, “Everyone knows the situation of the base. Therefore, I hope that when you ask for money, you will think about it from the standpoint of the base. As I said from the beginning, we are not in a hurry to ask for money. Achievements, but to keep the team from breaking up, the previous technical achievements will not disappear, and the development work will continue…”

When the meeting is here, there is no need to continue.

After Zheng Yucheng asked the Yunshi team to re-formulate the next development plan to report to him, he went straight out.

This one went out, and it was incredible. It happened that Xie Kai was fighting with a group of people similar to him. Bai Yanjun stood aside and did not persuade him to fight. Zheng Yucheng couldn’t help but wonder.

Xie Kai is angry. If he hits someone or gets hit by someone, it’s not good.

“What’s the matter?” Zheng Yucheng walked up quickly, trying to pull away the two people who were fighting together, but Bai Yanjun held him back.

“The people in the investigation team, just after I got off, they quarreled and directly said that Xie Kai cheated and asked Xie Kai to follow them and cooperate with the investigation… the mouth was dirty, and then…” Bai Yanjun said.

“You too, something went wrong, how bad it is.”

“The people in the investigation team are very horizontal!” Bai Yanjun’s words made Zheng Yucheng look at him several times.

The two colleagues have known each other’s personality for decades.

Bai Yanjun said that it was very horizontal, then it was really very horizontal.

“Stop! Xie Kai, you said you are a person with status anyway, how come you fight with people like you have no education, or are you still such a rough way?” Zheng Yucheng finally organized the two.

No wonder Bai Yanjun doesn’t stop it, Xie Kai has an absolute advantage.

This kid is also cloudy enough, and he hits people in invisible places, and it is still very painful.

However, Xie Kai never let go.

The other wanted to let go, but was beaten twice by Xie Kai, and had no choice but to continue to fight back.

In the end, Zheng Yucheng and Bai Yanjun worked together to open Xie Kai.

The other person didn’t do anything, Xie Kai had both arms framed, still unwilling to give up, and kicked the opponent’s feet with his feet.

At this time, Zheng Yucheng saw clearly that the opposite was a thin middle-aged man with a Chinese character face. His left eye socket was congested and swollen. The corners of his mouth were also crooked, and there were faint blood stains. He was obviously beaten by Xie Kai.

“Asshole, cheating and not cooperating with the investigation and assaulting investigators, are you going to get a lawsuit! Don’t even think about going to college in this life.” The thin man pointed at Xie Kai with a twisted face.

“Who are you talking about!” Xie Kai was about to rush up again, but was held back by Zheng Yucheng.

After checking, Xie Kai didn’t have any injuries at all, at least not on the surface, except that the clothes were torn by the other party.

Xie Kai also recovered his calm at this moment. Seeing Zheng Yucheng observing herself, he didn’t suffer any losses. Since childhood, he has not only learned how to beat people, but also how to be beaten.

“You are not injured, he has the advantage.” Zheng Yucheng ignored the investigator who was beaten.(Read more @

“Bang!” Xie Kai didn’t say a word, and hit his nose with a punch.

The blood flowed out instantly.

Afterwards, he wiped it with his hand and his face was covered with blood.

All this made the skinny investigator stare at him.

“Old Zheng, is this miserable enough?” Xie Kai’s face was full of blood. In order to stop the nosebleed, he could only ask Zheng Yucheng with his head up.

Zheng Yucheng almost laughed. This kid is really shameless and has his own demeanor.

Bai Yanjun couldn’t laugh or cry.

“I said, you just bleed a little, people’s eyes are swollen, and the corners of their mouths are also crooked…” Zheng Yucheng sighed.

“Puff!” The blood in the nasal cavity poured into his mouth, Xie Kai sprayed out, and then fell softly in the direction of Zheng Yucheng, “Lao Zheng, take me to the hospital quickly, I am internally injured and I am going to die… ”

“Xie Kai, hold on…” Zheng Yucheng hugged Xie Kai and ran towards the hospital without even looking at the investigator.

All this made the investigator who was beaten even more bewildered.

“If I were you, I will pack my things and leave now, otherwise, you will be finished!” Bai Yanjun sighed, and the old man was discouraged by the trouble of going to the investigation team.

“You…you…” The investigator finally reacted, and was suddenly so angry that he couldn’t speak.

Bai Yanjun ignored him and turned away.

In the base hospital, Zheng Yucheng yelled and asked the dean to do it himself.

Seeing Xie Kai’s face full of blood, the dean was also anxious. Work-related injuries occasionally occurred in the base. How many years have you been fine?

“You…” When Xie Kai was found to have only a nosebleed, there were no other injuries, and he was a little speechless.

“Internal injury!” Xie Kai said hurriedly when seeing Zheng Yucheng also embarrassed.

“Yes, Lao Chen, this is an internal injury. You have to check him properly. If something happens, how do you explain it to his parents? He brought everything in our base, otherwise everyone will be paid. If I can’t post it, I’m already bankrupt.” Zheng Yucheng hurriedly echoed Xie Kai’s words.

“Is he Xie Kai?”

“Yeah!” Zheng Yucheng immediately explained the cause and effect of the incident according to his own imagination.

Xie Kai’s eyes were protruding.

In Zheng Yucheng’s words, Xie Kai was stopped by the college entrance examination investigation team when he went out. If he wanted to take Xie Kai away, Xie Kai naturally refused, and the other party did it. Xie Kai was forced to fight back and was beaten like this…

Ever since, everything is fine.

Xie Kai was immediately arranged for various inspections. The current inspection report or something, it is too easy to do some tricks.

“What’s the matter? I asked you to bring someone over to make it look like this.” Investigation team leader Huang Ming looked at Sun Hao with a swollen nose in front of him, and asked harshly.

Sun Hao is in the investigation team and has always been cultivating relationships with everyone, with the goal of making this matter an iron case.

Originally, Huang Ming was a little dissatisfied with the arrangement of such an investigation by his superiors.

However, Sun Hao was the main person who discovered this incident and submitted an analysis report that could impress his superiors. Analysis from various aspects pointed out that Dongfeng Middle School’s college entrance examination results were only due to cheating.

It is almost the end of July, and the national results have not been released.

Once Xie Kai and others really cheat, then everyone has to take the college entrance examination again.

Sun Hao hurriedly said the matter, “Leader, the people here are too arrogant, you have to call the shots for me!”

“Whether you do it first or he does it first? You just ask him to accept our inquiry, he will do it as a child?” Huang Ming obviously didn’t believe Sun Hao’s words.

“Group leader, don’t you know who I am? Although many times I will say something wrong, how can my physique…” Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by an angry voice from outside. .

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of neat footsteps.

A thin, thin old man wearing a washed white Chinese tunic suit and a face with Chinese characters kicked open the door of Huang Ming’s room, and walked in with majestic expression on his face.

Behind him, followed by several armed men in uniforms and armed with guns.

This is Zheng Yucheng bringing the inner guard to make trouble.

“Who is Huang Ming?”

Zheng Yucheng entered the door, obviously saw Sun Hao, but didn’t look at him, as if he didn’t know him at all.

“I’m Huang Ming, the leader of the investigation team, may I ask you? What’s the matter?” Huang Ming frowned, and the people in this base were indeed a bit horizontal.

When they go to other places, they just point their guns at every turn. They can understand that it’s a confidential unit.

But now.

“Your people beat the successor to my base. They are lying in the hospital now. Tell me what to do!” Zheng Yucheng didn’t go to hold Huang Ming’s hand extended.

Huang Ming, who was embarrassed, looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao was furious. “Team leader, he was spitting blood. It was the kid who hit the nose by himself just now, making his face covered with blood. This old guy said it was miserable without me and was not dominant, and then the kid fell. .”

At this time, you can’t help but rush.

The site belongs to others.

“Blood spitting? You go to inquire, I am guilty of it?” Zheng Yucheng sneered, “You are the best here, people are fine, you can go to jail for a few years at most, if something happens to people…”

“This comrade, may I ask you who are you?” Huang Ming’s face was a little uncontrollable.

Anyway, he is also a high-level official in the education system.

Wherever he goes, he will be carefully served. It’s better to be here, even the teachers and cadres in the school are not like him.

Now anyone just breaks in, no matter how restrained it is, it can’t stand it.

For a while, the atmosphere became tense.

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