Chapter 656

“130 million U.S. dollars, 30 million U.S. dollars for the expansion of the Kaisheng design department and new game development, and the remaining 100 million U.S. dollars, ready to be used for the construction of the African side in advance.” Xie Kai confirmed that the two parties will eventually invest in Kaisheng After Sheng’s quota, he said to Liu Dongsheng. “So, 100 million U.S. dollars must be transferred to my personal account.”

“Do you have a personal account?” Liu Dongsheng asked.

Xie Kai has always used the offshore company that controls Kaisheng to transfer accounts, and now suddenly said that it was transferred to his personal account, why is Liu Dongsheng not surprised?

Do you dare to transfer this money into a domestic account?

“I am going to open a personal account with a Swiss bank.” Xie Kai said. “Otherwise, it will become more and more troublesome in the future.”

As the time for the disintegration of the Soviet Union approaches, the demand for funds will naturally become larger and larger.

Domestic accounts cannot be used at all.

Especially with foreign countries, you have to always use US dollar accounts for transactions.

“It’s time to make one. I have opened a Swiss bank account, which is really good.” Liu Dongsheng nodded and said, “My account manager happens to be in Xiangjiang. Would you like him to come over?”

That’s the purpose of Xie Kai’s approach to Liu Dongsheng.

Liu Dongsheng is now outside and has become a Hong Kong registered permanent residence. He has transformed into a Hong Kong compatriot.

For Swiss Bank, Xie Kai’s knowledge is limited to the Internet.

Regardless of whether it is a novel or a TV series, the rich use Swiss banks to deposit their wealth.

More importantly, Swiss banks do not ask about the origin or whereabouts of customer funds. This is what Xie Kai urgently needs.

A quarter of the world’s private wealth is deposited in banks in this country, and Xie Kai has no reason not to believe it.

The strength of the two major banks, Citi and HSBC, is actually not bad, but Citi is American. People like Xie Kai will definitely be blacklisted by the US CAI. With the urine of the US government, they will definitely get the details of Xie Kai through Citi. come out.

As for not depositing HSBC, it is that Xie Kai’s interest in this bank is not as great as that of Swiss Bank. He always feels that Swiss Bank has not been pressured by governments in the past few decades and cannot hold back pressure to release some customer information. Swiss banks are still reliable.

Otherwise, the rich people all over the world, mercenaries, etc. will not deposit their money in Swiss banks.

The only bad thing is that the Swiss Bank embezzled the wealth of Jews who were imprisoned in concentration camps during World War II. But what does that have to do with Xie Kai?

While waiting for the private wealth manager of the Hong Kong branch of Swiss Bank to come over, the Lao Fang found Xie Kai a little angrily.

“African business, are you really going to let Tan Lin and the others join in?” The Lao Fang looked at Xie Kai, a little dissatisfied.

Xie Kai looked at Lao Fang, Zheng Quan had already told Xie Kai about their conflict with Tan Lin and others.

The relationship between the two parties is like Xie Kai and Wang Hao, who have never dealt with each other since they were young.

The only difference is that they play bigger and fight harder.

“Brother Fang, Africa is so big, can you finish it?” Xie Kai said calmly, “Africa is full of gold. Everyone is not too rich now. Only by uniting can we get greater benefits?”

Dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, the Lao Fang knew that he could not change Xie Kai’s decision.

“Ge Tan did not grab your business, they are more interested in copper and iron ore.” Xie Kai said.

In fact, it’s not that Tan Lin is indifferent to the gold and diamond mines, but that Xie Kai hasn’t let go.

Tan Lin and the others want to use Xie Kai’s foundation in Africa as a springboard.

On the Tanzanian side, the government’s relationship is definitely not possible for private use. The country used to help African black brothers build basic projects for free in Africa for decades before tightening their belts.

National projects are not profitable. How can private individuals go to Africa to mess around?

“Really?” Lao Fang didn’t believe it.

“Brother Fang, to say something you don’t like to hear, only the gold mines in the Republic of Zaire, with your current strength, can mine at the same time, how much?” Xie Kai asked Fang Qiang. “You went to Africa to learn about the situation. I spent so much energy and invested so much in the early preparations. I can’t transfer some mining rights to you, but I can’t see any progress, right?”

Xie Kai said this a bit rudely.

The old party was silent.

This time Xie Kai robbed 65 million US dollars of foreign exchange, and they were even worse.(Read more @

What you need to invest in a foreign country is foreign exchange.

Almost all they can borrow are to invest in domestic projects. The country introduces technology and equipment, and the foreign exchange they need is not enough. Where can there be foreign exchange loans to private individuals?

“Brother Fang, let me give you a bottom line. If you have the strength, we can do a lot of business not only in Africa, but also in South America. The oil fields in the Middle East are also good…” Xie Kai said, “In our hands, we can There are many opportunities to get projects.”

“Fuck!” Lao Fang broke out a foul language, “I know that we are poor, short of money, and robbed by you, and now continue to show us more fat.”

Looking at Xie Kai, Lao Fang really has the urge to beat someone.

Xie Kai sells weapons and equipment. In many countries abroad, the economy is not good, but the government has to develop national defense. Otherwise, they are waiting to be overthrown by rebels or invaded by neighboring countries.

Without money, it is natural not to buy weapons and equipment.

The Americans and the Soviets are the two largest arms dealers in the entire world, but their weapons are expensive and the conditions are high.

This gives China a great opportunity for weapons and equipment.

Good price and low price.

What, no money?

If there is no money to solve it, don’t you have abundant resources?

Just use the resources to mortgage directly.

Have resources and cannot be exploited? No problem, joint mining. The people of 404 are helping to find a unit that can cooperate with them. When mining, the country that provides resources can solve the employment problem of a large number of people. The government can have local tax collection, and the joint development can help the government. Part of the profit.

This is a win-win cooperation plan.

No money and no resources?

Then buy a fart weapon, fill up the stomachs of your own people first, what kind of weapons and equipment are you okay to buy?

Xie Kai is not afraid of those governments who return to the mines after taking weapons and equipment without paying money.

The headquarters and bases of the Crab Mercenary Corps have all gotten to Africa, and now the matching fighter planes and tanks for them are almost arriving in Tanzania.

Who doesn’t give money?

The crab mercenary group will bring armored troops, escorted by fighter jets in the sky, armed to collect debts!

Of course, all this was done by Lao Fang and the others when they went to Africa, and Liao Dong, the person in charge of the river crab mercenary group, told Lao Fang and Sister Tao.

Apart from being amazed by Xie Kai’s handwriting, Lao Fang and others, what else?

With frequent wars in Africa, everyone is worried that investment will not be returned.

With the river crab mercenary group, mothers don’t have to worry that investors will lose their money. Besides, Xie Kai actually involved the Tanzanian military.

“Are you sure, Africa will really do this?” Lao Fang licked his lips.

After more than ten years in the army, he felt that he was not as crazy as Xie Kai.

“Otherwise, I’m playing? Kabila, have you seen it? He bought fighter jets, ground attack aircraft, tanks and armored vehicles, that is a joke?” Xie Kai asked, “Of course, I only Responsible for selling weapons and equipment, regardless of the rest.”

The Lao Fang naturally knew that Xie Kai was talking bullshit.

If you don’t care about it, you won’t let the headquarters of the crab mercenary group be near Lake Tanganyika.

Xie Kai is smarter than anyone else and cooperates with the Tanzanian Ministry of Defense. In this way, it has nothing to do with him. After all, the main force of the fighters of the River Crab Mercenary Group is not from mainland China.

There are currently black people in Tanzania, members of the Presidential Guard in Iraq, and members of the Pakistani Special Operations Forces…

“If someone doesn’t pay the debt, what are you going to do?” Lao Fang asked Xie Kai.

“The Crab Mercenary Corps will be equipped with an armored unit with 359 tanks as the main combat force in the future, and it will be equipped with combat aircraft of the same type as MiG-29 fighters, and may even be equipped with Tu-22M backfire bombers…” Xie Kai calmly He said, “Who wants to not give money so much, you have to consider whether his army can be a mercenary armed to the teeth.”

In Africa, there is actually no need for such a strong military strength.

But Xie Kai doesn’t want anyone wanting to challenge their bottom line.

“If a regime is overthrown by the rebels before it has paid its bills?” Lao Fang asked.

Xie Kai looked at him, grinned and said, “Then the mercenary group will help the government army to clean up the rebels. Anyway, it helps suppress the rebellion. It is also the business of mercenaries.”

“I’m going…” The old side couldn’t say anything. “If I am the leader of the small country over there, if there are anti-government forces in the country that cannot be dealt with, I will ask you to borrow money!”

Although it was a joke, Lao Fang never thought that his words would eventually be fulfilled.

Xie Kai looked at him, just smiled and didn’t speak.

The Lao Fang was speechless for a while, and finally left angrily.

From Zheng Quan’s mouth, Tan Lin learned something about Xie Kai’s business in Africa, and it was the first time that Zheng Quan knew about many things.

“Is he really going to do this?” Tan Lin was a little bit disbelieved. “The mercenaries from the United States, South Africa and other countries are fighting in Angola. An ordinary mercenary can’t have much effect. Besides, many countries over there are. Zheng Quan supported by European and American countries.”

The chaos in Africa has become a pot of porridge.

The investment of many companies is lost because of the wars that have appeared at every turn in Africa.

As a result, fewer and fewer companies are investing in Africa.

“This is not clear. It is said that the mercenaries are meant to be used to collect debts armed.” Zheng Quan sighed and Xie Kai told him, answering this way.

In Africa, debts can easily be uncollected because the debtor’s regime is lost.

“As long as the safety of the project can be guaranteed, investment in Africa will produce very large benefits in the future.” Tan Lin said.

Zheng Quan is noncommittal, he prefers the Soviet Union.

That’s where huge gains can be made now.

“If you have any questions, you can ask Xie Kai, he knows better.” Zheng Quan said.

Xie Kai asked him to introduce Tan Lin, but it was just a shot.

“If there is a case over there, it will determine our investment intensity.” Tan Lin said to Xie Kai.

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