Chapter 657

“Case?” Xie Kai frowned.

The current several businesses of the mercenary group are all facilitated by Xie Kai.

He knows the mercenary group’s business well. What Tan Lin asked for was that Xie Kai could provide a case where mercenaries were able to collect debts from a regime. Xie Kai simply couldn’t find it.

At present, the mercenary’s participation in the war in Africa is only because Mobutu’s army was transported by the American CIA to Angola to participate in the civil war. Kabila hopes that the mercenaries will organize a team to clean up Mobutu’s most elite fourth. Talk to the 7th Infantry Battalion.

But so far, mercenaries have not completed the combat training after the formation. After all, the members come from multiple countries, and there are big problems in language.

At first Xie Kai thought Kabila was joking. After all, Mobutu sent personnel to support the Angolan People’s Liberation Front when the Angolan Civil War just broke out. In 1975, they were beaten by Cuba, the Angolan People’s Liberation Movement and the Cuban coalition forces. , Mobutu’s two elite battalions were on the run and suffered heavy losses.

Later, I learned through Kagame that although the Angolan Front was defeated that year, it lost most of the oil fields in northern Angola. It has the support of South Africa and the US Central Intelligence Agency, and Mobutu. It has always been active in the northern region of Angola. The UNITA-South African coalition forces compressed in the southern region echoed each other.

Mobutu reorganized the 4th and 7th Infantry Battalions, equipped with armored vehicles and tanks provided by the United States. This is also the reason why the Angolan-Cuban coalition forces have not been able to completely wipe out the Anji-Zaire coalition forces.

After knocking out the 4th and 7th Infantry Battalions in Zaire, the strength of Mobutu’s army will be much weaker.

The CIA provided funds and weapons, Mobutu’s Zaire was born, and South Africa provided military advisor training and commanded operations.

The entire Angola country is still extremely chaotic.

But these, for the river crab mercenary group, the business is too large.

He knew that Tan Lin and the others wanted to invest a lot in Africa, but they couldn’t provide a case now.

“Boom, boom, boom!” When the two of them couldn’t continue their conversation, a rapid knock on the door sounded.

“What’s the matter?” Xie Kai looked at Zheng Quan who came in.

“General Ibrahim is here, and his plane will land here in two hours.” Zheng Quan glanced at Tan Lin.

Xie Kai doesn’t care, “Does their business or something else?”

“Something happened in Africa,” Zheng Quan said while looking at Tan Lin.

When Tan Lin heard this, he became interested.

Something happened in Africa?

Could it be that Xie Kai’s mercenary group clashed with the Tanzanian government?

“What’s the matter. No matter how big the matter is, he doesn’t have to run to our side.” Xie Kai was even more puzzled, not knowing what Ibrahim was doing here.

“A military coup took place in Burundi. When President Jean Baptiste Bagaza was participating in the first French-speaking summit in France, he was launched by the Chief of Staff Pierre Buyoya…” Zheng Quan knew what he knew. The news came out.

He shouldn’t have told him about this, but Xie Kai could not be contacted with 404.

“Ibrahim is here for this?” Xie Kai frowned. “Is it a mercenary business?”

Tan Lin was still thinking about what this has to do with Xie Kai and the others, but this made him understand.

Looking at Tan Lin, Xie Kai smiled and said, “Didn’t you say that a successful case is needed? If nothing happens, then there will be.”

Xie Kai got up immediately and asked Liu Dongsheng to help arrange the car to meet Ibrahim at the airport.

Tan Lin wanted to go with him, but Xie Kai directly refused.

There are certain things that can’t be done in front of outsiders like Tan Lin.

After understanding the situation, decide what to tell them, otherwise Xie Kai didn’t know how he died.

“They have the ability to help African countries quell the rebellion?” After Tan Lin returned, he asked Mao Wenfeng what he knew about Xie Kai.

Mao Wenfeng had been in contact with Zheng Quan, and Xie Kai had encountered it for the first time.(Read more @

Knowing that Xie Kai has such a business in Africa, they couldn’t help but slap their tongues.

Tan Lin just wants to know if the River Crab Mercenary Group has such abilities. To be honest, he hopes that Xie Kai has it, and hopes it doesn’t.

If so, their investment in Africa can be guaranteed, but this also shows that Xie Kai has more energy than them.

If not, investment in Africa is a gamble on luck.

“Ge Tan, where is Burundi? I haven’t heard of it.” Mao Wenfeng asked.

Tan Lin shook his head, “I don’t know, maybe it’s not a big country.”

There are too many countries in Africa.

Domestic promotion of the African black brothers has always been represented by countries like Tanzania and Zambia that tighten their belts to help them build.

“Weird thing, the coup in Burundi, won’t it happen until the second French-speaking summit will be held in Canada next year?” Xie Kai scratched his head on the way to the airport.

He didn’t know much about the civil war in Burundi.

Seems to wait until the nineties?

Because of the outbreak of the civil war, the mercenaries of South Africa’s EO company, under the cover of a well-equipped rapid reaction force, quelled the rebellion within a few days and earned tens of millions of dollars.

But now, what’s going on?

Everything will be known until Ibrahim comes here.

Burundi is not a big country, less than 30,000 square kilometers, and there are not many troops. The only thing Xie Kai knows is that this country has a lot of gold mines.

There is not much trade with China. In 1981, Burundi established a mixed trade committee with China and expanded to a mixed committee for economic, technical and trade cooperation in 1983. Several Chinese companies entered Burundi to undertake some infrastructure construction projects.

For this country, Xie Kai knows so much.

“Thanks, why did you come here. Shouldn’t you stay in your unit honestly? Fortunately, I borrowed another special plane.” Ibrahim complained when he saw Xie Kai. “China is so big that the plane has to fly for several hours.”

“China is already big. What is it that makes you have to take a trip yourself?” Xie Kai seized the opportunity to practice Arabic that she was not very proficient in.

Speaking of the reason for coming to China in person, Ibrahim said with bright eyes, “Just three days ago, there was a rebellion in Burundi…”

“I know this.” Xie Kai looked at this stuff with excitement.

“Baghazah was so anxious that I approached the door and told him that our mercenaries can help him regain power. He only needs to pay.” Ibrahim smiled on his face, “Just solve it. If we lose these mutinies supported by the CIA, we will not only receive 60 million U.S. dollars in compensation, but also some gold mining rights.”

“Are you settled? Why are you looking for me?” Xie Kai was a little angry.

This guy doesn’t think of himself as an outsider too much.

For the mercenary group, Ibrahim is the smallest shareholder with only 25% of the shares. Tanzania’s General Kovarubi and President Mwini add up to 35%, and the remaining 40% belongs to Xie Kai.

“Weapons! We need more weapons this time. From 1967 to 1975, Pierre Buyoya of the Burundi rebellion studied at the Royal Military Academy and the armored unit in Brussels, Belgium, and then trained in the French armored and cavalry units. November 1980 He went to the Federal Republic of Germany military academy for further training. In 1982, he returned to China and served as the commander of the armored battalion… After serving as the chief of staff, he vigorously promoted the construction of armored forces. The CIA provided more than 60 M48 Patton tanks and more than 40 French-made AMX-30 tanks. …And the AMX-VCI infantry fighting vehicle from France…” Ibrahim told Xie Kai what he knew.

After listening to Xie Kai, he immediately felt the urge to curse.

The performance of these tanks is much better than that of the 59 main battle tank.

In particular, the French AMX-30 tank was only developed in the 1960s!

It’s just a fart, and it’s impossible to take this business.

No matter whether it is quality or quantity, it is incomparable. Mercenaries simply cannot help Bagazza regain power when the disparity in equipment and the number of personnel is too great.

He is the bastard who hates Buyoya, and the country’s poor pants don’t even have to wear them. What are they doing with so many tanks and armored vehicles?

Even if it is second-hand, for a country with a land area of ​​less than 30,000 square kilometers and a GDP of several hundred million US dollars a year, such a huge armored force is crazy.

“Although it seems that there are a lot of them, but Africans, it’s okay to play with bows and arrows. They can’t play with tanks. Didn’t you just transport a batch of tanks and armored vehicles to Africa? There are also 122mm howitzers, right? The ground attack strong -5 attack aircraft, the J-6 that can provide air cover, the 60 million dollars, even if the cost is 10 million dollars, there are 50 million profits.” Ibrahim did not see the expression on Xie Kai’s face. Ugly color.

He doesn’t pay much attention to weapons that were used decades ago.

No one in the world can look down on the combat strength of the Africans.

Of course, except for South Africa.

“We can’t take this business.” Xie Kai sighed, “You can’t take the life of a mercenary to risk it.”

“How come! As long as our armored forces appear under the cover of the air, the war is over.” Ibrahim said easily, “As long as you agree, 20 million dollars will be paid.”

Ibrahim is more concerned about getting tens of millions of dollars.

In the previous transaction with Xie Kai, the $50 million rebate did not get a penny and was cheated by Xie Kai, and only got 25% of the mercenary company’s equity.

It is his goal to let mercenaries make money quickly.

These money are all legal and can be paid into one’s own pockets.

“Those tanks and armored vehicles belong to the Tanzanian government! The fighters belong to Kabila.” Xie Kai shook his head.

With hundreds of 59s against hundreds of tanks composed of M48 and AMX-30, hundreds of 63s against hundreds of AMX-VCI infantry fighting vehicles, Xie Kai had no idea.

If it is all operated by the armored forces of the People’s Liberation Army, he is confident.

But over there, there are more than a dozen instructors in the armored soldiers.

Although the combat effectiveness of African soldiers is not strong, and the soldiers of the armored units can’t even coordinate with the infantry, the current mercenary regiment can’t support this business at all.

“Borrow it and use it. Besides, it’s totally possible to let their soldiers participate in actual combat training!” Ibrahim still did not give up.

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