Chapter 968

“Trade it with technology?” Elbert asked Xie Kai warily.

All this is a conspiracy!

It’s no wonder that only the production line of fighters is purchased, and the missiles are shown to them as well as the defense system.

It is for their technology.

“Radar technology?” Radino also wanted to understand the truth.

“I don’t know either.” Xie Kai didn’t expect the Israelis to react so quickly, so shrewd, is it really good?

Fortunately, I have been thinking about it for days, and all kinds of methods have been used.

The Israelis said nothing.

Xie Kai took them back to the guest house without too much contact. It is not the time to negotiate.

“They were for technology at the beginning, and it is very likely for our radar technology. China’s technology in the electronic field is very poor…” Radino looked at Albert with a worried look and said.

Albert also knows, “Some of their technologies do have their strengths. The weapons and equipment bought by the Arab world have fully demonstrated their performance. The Patriot defense system cannot intercept the Scud missiles, but the Saudi defense system can intercept …”

“Fei Dun-359?”

“I didn’t know before. The Arabs guarded this very tightly, and even the Americans could not approach it. To understand the specific details.” Albert said.

When Xie Kai took them to visit Feidun-359 before, he simply described the operating mode of Feidun-359, and even the actual objects were not shown to them.

That thing, obviously the Chinese did not intend to sell it to Israel.

“We must find a way to get these weapons and equipment equipped with the Arab world from China, otherwise, if war breaks out again, it will be a serious disaster for us.” Albert said solemnly.

No country in the world has such a profound understanding of war as Israel.

Since the founding of the country, they have been engaged in wars with surrounding Arab countries, and even invaded and occupied the territories of many neighboring countries, only to have the territory of Israel today.

Once the Arab countries have the technical strength to crush Israel, then war will break out again.

When the Israelis were worried, Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng were also having headaches.

“The Jews are really smart. If we take the initiative to ask for something, it might not be so easy.” Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai and said sadly.

Before, they were all thinking about getting a lot of technology that the Israelis lacked in 404. Now it seems that it is not that easy.

“What do you think? If it doesn’t work, just forget it. Anyway, let’s study it slowly by ourselves, and it’s not a problem. The original Air Alarm No.1, although it was dismantled because of its backward technical performance and the lack of various supporting facilities, it is now technically based. A lot has been developed…” Zheng Yucheng felt that it didn’t matter if he didn’t get the technology from the Israelis.

So far, 404’s various weapons and equipment are almost the integration of domestic technology.

“The miniaturization of the 110 ultra-long-range tracking radar and 7010 ultra-long-range early warning radar technology has now completely fallen into a bottleneck. It is not so easy to install into the ultra-7B. Not to mention the large detection range required by the early warning aircraft What about this?” Xie Kai doesn’t know if it will continue to do it, it will be done in China, and it will take longer at most.

He is not a radar expert, and even because of his original job position, he rarely comes into contact with radar. Apart from providing some theoretical directions, he is also helpless.

The domestic ultra-long-range radar was equipped in 1977 because of the 640 project, but it was too big.

“This is a problem, do it if you can get it, don’t force it. The Israelis are not as easy to handle as the Arabs, and they will not spend a huge price on certain weapons and equipment like the Arabs.” Wang Guilin does not hold the Israelis. There is too much hope. “At noon, the 132 factory and the units that cooperate with Israel reported that although the Israelis’ things were good, the prices were too high.”

Xie Kai’s way of nature.

The Israelis will never help China in order to do good.

Even if the Israelis have the same ideology as China, they have never been classified into the socialist camp because of the Jews’ relations with Europe and the United States.

“Anyway, it is not in our interests, there is no possibility of cooperation.” Xie Kai also knows.

The Jews are too shrewd, and they are not like those Arab countries in the Middle East. They are rich and do not have any technical foundation. Even Europe and the United States will consider Israel’s security and refuse to export to the Middle East.

It’s not easy anyway.

“I showed them all the family property. If you don’t get something out of their hands, it’s a bit uneconomical.” Zheng Yucheng was a little bit painful.

Even if the Iraqis and Arabs gave so much money, the core things in the base were not shown to them.(Read more @

“Don’t worry, unless they don’t want benefits.” Xie Kai gritted his teeth and said, “Wait until the evening, and take them to the 132 factory. Have the other Israelis entered our country?”

It is absolutely impossible for him to be reconciled if he doesn’t get some good things out of the hands of the Jews.

“I entered the customs this morning, and we are still waiting for arrangements.” Wang Guilin nodded, “Should we go there?”

“Don’t worry, we must show that we don’t care about them.” Anyway, they have reached this level. “Anyway, they will have at least dozens of Super-7A in their hands. If you sell this, it is estimated that the possibility is not too great. ”

There is no need to act eagerly.

The performance is eager, but the other party will speak loudly.

“The 053 frigate leased to the Arab Navy has not yet been settled.” Zheng Yucheng suddenly changed the subject.

Xie Kai was stunned.

Last time I was in Oman, Saudi Arabia was asking myself about the warship.

What Xie Kai said will be fine soon…

Although the money is collected, the reputation will be ruined by then.

“What’s going on? Logically, this distance from China to the Middle East should have been reached by now, not to mention that the Navy also supports it.” Xie Kai was puzzled. “Is it so difficult to integrate the flying escape system into the battleship control center?”

“It’s not that problem. Saudi Arabia requested to join the ground attack missile system, so…”

“…” Xie Kai was speechless.

Since Saudi Arabia requested him, he didn’t bother to take care of it. This cannot be blamed on their failure to perform their duties in accordance with the contract.

“In fact, it is not only this problem, but also some problems with ocean replenishment. From the East China Sea to the South China Sea, the problem is not big, but once it enters the Indian Ocean, then from the Indian Ocean to the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf, hydrological conditions, etc., we The navy is unfamiliar. Therefore, we must be fully prepared, otherwise, it will be a joke…” Zheng Yucheng said.

Xie Kai is also understandable.

Unlike the navies of other great powers, the Chinese Navy has always been an ocean-going navy. Its navigation experience has a history of hundreds of years of accumulation, and it even has a wealth of combat experience.

One year for the army, ten years for the air force, and one hundred years for the navy.

“Does Israel have any naval technologies that can be used?” Wang Guilin asked suddenly.

Xie Kai shook his head.

The Israeli Navy?

He really didn’t think what the Israeli navy could do.

It seems that in the original world, the “Hanet” stealth light frigate, which the Israelis tried so hard to study, was hit by a Chinese C-802 anti-ship missile launched by the Lebanese Armed Forces on the tail helicopter platform, then exploded and caught fire. The internal operating system It was also destroyed, and eventually had to withdraw from the combat sequence.

Thus, the myth of the Israeli navy was shattered.

Xie Kai never thought about getting a warship system from the Israelis.

They simply don’t have strong shipbuilding technology.

“That’s all right, just look at it. Anyway, it’s not very short of funds now…” Zheng Yucheng was a little disappointed.

The warship is the big money maker.

That night, when night fell, Xie Kai took the Israelis on the plane again. This time it was not the transport of the -10, but the Il-76.

“Do you also have technical cooperation with the Soviet Union?”

Xie Kai did not answer the question of the Iraqis.

“Xie Kai, what’s the matter with your unit leader? It seems that you are not very satisfied with this cooperation?”

“Super-7A is the most advanced fighter in our country, and the superiors didn’t agree to export it…” Xie Kai said as if it was really the most advanced fighter.

The Israelis didn’t believe it at all.

What is the dual-engine fighter that has entered the stage of small batch trial production?

I really thought it was covered with a tarp, but no one knew it.

“Your base tarp is covered, is the super-7A dual-engine version, right?” Radino asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai suddenly looked surprised, and then tried to calm herself, “Sir, there is nothing. Until now, the super-7A technology has not been completely finalized.”

“In what way?”

The Israelis did not believe what Xie Kai said.

The Chinese can’t figure it out, don’t they have the help of the Soviets?

They have now found the reason why the United States has to purchase so many fighters from China.

Not only to be an imaginary enemy, but to study the development direction and combat performance of the Soviet fighters. How could it be possible for China to develop such an excellent aerodynamic shape and layout without outside help.

“Aviation system and fire control radar system?” Albert looked at Xie Kai, “We can cooperate in this area.”

“Cooperation? How to cooperate?” Xie Kai was not surprised, but became a little wary.

What do the shrewd Jews want to do?

They offered to cooperate on the avionics system and the fire control radar. What do they want to do?

“We need the technology of dual-engine fighters!” Elbert said directly.

The single-shot Super-7, apart from the appearance and aerodynamic layout, is not very good at all.

“Really not.” Xie Kai shook his head in denial.

The Jews are indeed shrewd.

With the super-7B technology, plus the fighter production line, go back and replace the western engine and avionics system, and use their own radar system. It won’t take much time and money…

“That way, I can’t talk anymore.” Ladino looked at Xie Kai with a calm expression on his face.

“It doesn’t matter. Anyway, those old guys don’t have much interest in this cooperation.” Xie Kai is equally calm, “This is a waste of time for both of us. When we come to visit our Super-7A production line, we will part ways.”

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