Chapter 969

The Israelis are shrewd. Even with psychological preparation for this, Xie Kai did not expect that it would be so difficult to handle in the end.

It has not yet entered the formal negotiation stage.

They have already used all kinds of methods, and the opponent hasn’t even made any moves, so they can’t play it anymore.

It’s not like people in Arab countries where people are stupid and rich. Xie Kai knows what big Middle Eastern dog owners need to give them a sense of security.

The plane flew in the sky for another five or six hours. After Xie Kai talked to the Israelis about the collapse, they couldn’t talk about it. At most, everyone could only talk about the history of the suffering of the Jews. The Jews admired the failure of the establishment of the new China. It is easy to maintain a friendship that is on the verge of breaking down because of the lack of agreement.

The plane landed at Chengdu Taiping Temple Airport.

The reason why I did not choose to land on the test airfield of the 132 factory as before, nor did I land at the civil aviation airport, but at the military airfield that the Rongcheng Air Force has begun to gradually abandoned, just to make the Israelis unable to base the landing on the airport. By going to find out the source of the plane…

Prevent the slightest failure.

Even if the Israelis can’t distinguish the north, south, east, and west at all, they can’t understand the location of the 404 base, and they can’t even analyze the specific location based on the surrounding environment of the base.

In the north in winter, unlike the south, green can be seen everywhere.

The Israelis were arranged in the Rongcheng Hotel. Now the other Israelis have not yet arrived. Xie Kai and Mo Qi did not open a room, but went to the office set up at 404 at the 132 factory.

There are many cooperation projects in Chengdu with the surrounding areas, and there are often many people here.

Xie Kai asked Wang Guilin to set up an office in the capital for the land in the capital. As a result, the wealthy 404 began to set up offices in places where there were a lot of cooperation projects with the base.

This is also to accommodate the large number of idle personnel in the base.

The base originally had 20,000 or 30,000 people unable to settle the work, but now it is almost finished.

“The Israelis want super-7B technology?” Huo Haiyuan has been waiting for Xie Kai. He didn’t expect that after waiting for Xie Kai for so long, he would tell him such news. “The base agreed?”

“This is impossible.” Xie Kai shook his head.

Huo Haiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the base would really sell the super-7B technology for money.

If possible, they are not willing to sell super-7A.

That is the technological achievements of several decades after the establishment of the aviation industry in New China. No one wants to sell them like this.

The design of aerodynamic layout requires too much experience.

“What should I do?” Huo Haiyuan was a little worried. “The Super-7B model that was shown to the Americans before did not do much aerodynamic analysis at all. I don’t know whether the structure is reasonable or not.”

He thought Xie Kai was going to sell fake information to Israelis.

With the aerodynamic layout of the fake data, the problem can be discovered as soon as the fighter flies.

The problem can be found even without flying.

“Super-7B technology is impossible. At the beginning, they cooperated with the 132 factory, they provided auxiliary design software and so on, and then provided training, isn’t it called teaching method…” Xie Kai said gloomily.

Even if the Israelis are willing to exchange for Faircon radar technology, it is impossible to give them the real Super-7B technology research materials.

And the fighter model placed in the 132 factory is not a complete MiG 1.44 aerodynamic layout. Xie Kai has only seen it on the Internet. It is specious. Once anyone wants to study according to this, God knows how much money will be spent. Go in.

Originally, I was going to pit the Americans out. Who would have thought that the Israelis would come to ask for skills in the end?

“There are a lot of Israelis at Factory 132. Although they don’t know the inside story, they also know some of our technical foundation.” Huo Haiyuan reminded Xie Kai that Israelis are not very foolish.

The No. 10 project began to use computer design, which is the progress of the entire country’s aviation industry.

Similarly, the Super-7 project also introduces computer design, which makes the whole speed very fast, no longer need to manually draw as before. It takes a long time to draw an assembly drawing and structure drawing of complex parts. Once an error occurs, it will affect the entire design…

“We have considered this. Anyway, if you don’t sell it, you don’t sell it. What can they do? The base does not have much hope for this cooperation. Tomorrow we have to go over and communicate with the 132 factory.” Xie Kai said.(Read more @

Doing business with people who are too savvy is too easy to die of brain cells.

Unless the Israelis are willing to take the radar technology that 404 wants, although the Israelis have tested Xie Kai.

There was no word for a night. The next morning Xie Kai did not go to the Israelis, but went to discuss and communicate with a group of people from the 132 factory. The Israelis who had cleared the customs normally, accompanied by the relevant personnel of the diplomatic department, arrived in Rongcheng around 11 am and were resettled. At the Rongcheng Hotel.

Ladino and Elbert finally waited for their people and did not identify them. Instead, they told the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who accompanied the Israelis. They were the staff who had been arranged to work here before, waiting for the delegation. Report the situation.

After the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs questioned the people of the delegation, they did not stop them.

“Colonel, what’s the matter?”

The Israeli military personnel asked Elbert eagerly.

Koment also looked at Ladino with hope. Whether the Lavi project can continue to be carried out, or even better, depends on the results of this trip to China.

“Everyone, in terms of fighter planes, the achievements of the Chinese unit have far exceeded our imagination. The United States previously speculated that it was producing prototypes for testing, but we saw a number of them being assembled or in a mysterious base. The twin-engine fighters that have been assembled…” Ladino introduced the situation.

As for the cooperation with China, no one mentioned it.

That is something the military should consider.

The aviation industry company is only considering the introduction of the fighter aircraft production line.

“So, as long as we introduce their technology, our project can continue? Up to now, the entire Lavi project has cost hundreds of millions of dollars…” Koment said excitedly.

As long as the losses can be recovered, they can continue to carry on the project.

Otherwise, in the previous situation, they invested so much money, and in the end all they could get were the radar system and the cockpit system.

“The Chinese side is not very interested in cooperation. According to our temptation, what the other side needs is not funding, but technology, especially technology embargoed by Batumi.” Elbert interjected.

“Aren’t they very deficient in foreign exchange?” someone asked incredulously.

The Chinese are not short of money?

Isn’t this a joke?

“Relatively speaking, they are more lack of technology, because some technologies can not even be bought with money.” Radino also found the problem.

The secret base they went to seemed to have no shortage of funds at all. The entire factory was full of processed parts in various processes.

Xie Kai also consciously or unconsciously told them that it is not the lack of business and orders like other units in China, but the worry of too many orders to be processed.

“How can it be!”

“That is, China is now not only weak in technology foundation, but also in worse economy…”

Many Israelis believe that it is impossible for the Chinese to give up foreign exchange for the sake of high-tech technology.

“Everyone, please be quiet!” Elbert couldn’t stand it anymore. These people, just like him before, felt that China’s technology was backward and the foundation was weak.

The scene calmed down, and everyone looked at the hidden person in charge.

Seeing the expressions of the people, Elbert sighed and said deeply: “Everyone, I know what everyone thinks. China has always been a very backward country in everyone’s understanding, and even they The technological strength of the country is not valued by others… but what I want to say is that in the history of the world, the four ancient civilizations, and only the Chinese have really risen!”

At this time, Elbert truly appreciated the Chinese.

The introversion of the Chinese has reached a level they cannot imagine.

Show others to be weak.

“Col. Elbert is right. In the past two days, we have deeply felt China’s true top technical force, which is far from what they have shown outside…” Ladino also added an explanation. Everything they saw in the two days was introduced.

The complete CNC machining workshop, the research and development and design of some weapons and equipment that people can’t imagine.

On the surface, China is still weak in technology.

The good things in China are hidden and tucked away. Until the critical moment, China’s assassins will never be exposed.

After listening to the crowd, they looked at the two in a somewhat inconceivable way.

They clearly know that these two people are absolutely impossible to lie.

Since the matter is true, then their trip to China this time has become not so easy.

If you want to get China’s fighter plane production line and get more advanced technology, the conditions discussed with them before are completely inconsistent with the current situation.

Can you send the Chinese by just giving some technology?

Obviously, it is impossible.

Give money?

It is impossible for the Israelis to be like the Arabs who sell oil in the Middle East, so crazy that they don’t even care about the cost.

As a result, cooperation becomes a bit difficult.

“General manager, do we have to purchase China’s fighter production line now?” one person asked.

Radino said categorically, “It must be purchased!”

“The Chinese electronics industry is backward. What we really want to impress them is the electronically scanned phased array radar technology developed by ourselves in the Lavi project. This is something the Chinese do not have.” The person who started the question said.

Electronically scanned phased array radar!

That is the best thing in Israel.

“This can’t be given to them!” Albert objected without hesitation. “This kind of technology is considered advanced all over the world. Once China gets the technology, it will even surpass us with their imitating capabilities!”

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