
Chapter 302 Grey Raven Market

After a while, the girl put the crystal ball down again and looked at the head.

“Fiya said that there doesn’t seem to be the kind of stone she wants in this list.”

Because of the magical contract, the girl and the young dragon can partially sense each other’s feelings , the information that the girl read from the crystal ball, Fia can also sense.


Anves stroked his chin and glanced again at the report of the array’s detection. It includes various data such as the magic density, fluctuation frequency, and so on of the young dragon body.

In general, the variance of each data is no more than 5%.

However, with so few references to terrestrial foreign object species, Anves isn’t sure what exactly this means for vortex drakes.

But in theory, even if this young dragon looks very extraordinary, the resources needed in the juvenile stage should not be too rare.

And his lab warehouse didn’t include it. It’s more likely that the resource is very biased to the extent that it doesn’t work for him.

After locking the search to a small area, Anves began to carefully recall which of the unpopular resources his lab did not have that matched the girl’s description.

After a while, he thought of a total of five different ore and crystal magical materials.

Crescent Stone, Star Tear Crystal, Miasma Spar, Oracle Ore, Empty Spar.

Although the names of these minerals sound like very difficult to deal with, in fact, these things are basically useless, and even used as building materials and lighting.

And the reason why there is a name that sounds awesome is mainly because it is easier to sell.

He didn’t have any of these things in his lab, but if he wanted, he could have someone from the Chamber of Commerce get him a few at any time.

However, Anves suddenly changed his mind when he noticed the young girl beside him looking eagerly at him.

“I think I have some guesses about the resources Feiya needs. However, I don’t have those things in my lab for the time being.”

Facing the girl’s suspicious eyes , Anves closed the lab array and smiled.

“Well, how about I take you to the special material trading market in the capital city and let it sense it?”

“Okay! Brother, I knew you must There will be a way!”

Fiona suddenly cheered and circled like a child. The long, shallow golden hair floated slightly as it swirled, slapping lightly on Anves’ body.

At this distance, Anves could smell the faint scent of the girl.

“Right! Can I bring Kate with me?”

Speaking, Fiona suddenly remembered something again, and the lake blue eyes looked at Anves expectantly.

“Okay, let’s go back and bring it, by the way, change into a normal outfit, and we’ll set off in a while.”

Gently nodded, Anves agreed to the girl’s request.

It’s not a dangerous place anyway. Even if Kate accidentally gets lost, there are players who help to find it.

A moment later, the girl changed into an elegant off-white dress and returned with little kitty in her arms.

Anves takes her on an alchemy vehicle to the imperial capital near the Academy.

Anves is fairly familiar with the major trading markets in the capital.

When he was a story streamer in his previous life, in order to earn gold coins and purchase all kinds of adventure materials in order to be a better runner, he had specialized in researching the trade markets in the main cities of the Great Empire.

And what he intends to show the girl on this trip is the largest special trading market in the capital, the Grey Raven Market.

It is a super-large comprehensive market similar to a flea market. It is named after the gray raven, which is based on its habit of collecting and picking up various sundries.

Whether it is all kinds of ores, devil beast materials, alchemy plants; or all kinds of precious magic potions, equipment, relic items, etc., almost all of them can be found here.

There are a lot of things that may not come from a very clean way, but as long as it is not directly related to the stolen goods of a certain case, the guards just turn a blind eye to this.

As soon as he entered the market, a red-haired boy who looked at most eleven or twelve years old in tattered sackcloth clothes immediately greeted him with his legs and feet.

“Welcome to the two esteemed lords to the Grey Raven Market. It should be the first time for the two of you to come here, right? What do you need to buy? I can lead the way for the two lords, just give me a Silver Coin tip!”

This is also one of the special features here, and you can save a lot of time searching for items yourself by paying a small tip.

For most professionals, a Silver Coin is nothing.

They may buy whatever product they want, and the stall owner will agree to erase a fraction of a few Silver Coins, so many people will agree to hire such a ‘tour guide’.

However, after listening to the boy’s words, Fiona was stunned for a moment and leaned closer to Anves’ ear, her pink lips moved slightly.

“Brother, do you have Silver Coin there?”

“What if I say no?”

Anves looked at the girl, her blue eyes It is interesting and curious.

“Then I can only reject him, I only have gold coin here…”

Hearing what Anves said, the girl holding the cat pity to look the head, beautiful big Eyes filled with regret.

“Hey, don’t worry, Phee—we bought something in a while, and there should be a change for Silver Coin.”

Anves laughed and stopped teasing the girls.

“Yes! I didn’t expect this just now.”

After receiving Anves’ reminder, the girl suddenly enlightened, and then pretended to be mature to the little boy nodded.

“We agree, please take us to buy…”

Said, the girl suddenly blinked her eyes.

She suddenly remembered that she didn’t know what to buy, so she looked to Anves for help.

“Take us to a place where all kinds of special ore materials are sold.”

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Anves thoughtfully helped the girl with additional explanations.

“Okay, Your Excellency! Please come with me!”

After receiving the answer, the little boy immediately led the two to the side of the market.

After passing through several alleys also scattered with sparse stalls, soon, all kinds of stalls and shops full of dazzling ore raw materials appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

Although the name is called the market, in fact, the ‘Grey Raven’ market is a large commercial district.

All kinds of products have their own special sales areas. If you are here for the first time, if you don’t have a tour guide, if you want to find a certain type of specific item, you really need to get familiar with it for a while.

“The area for trading ore materials is here. I wonder what level of materials the two adults need?

If the level is medium or low, these stalls outside may have more types and prices. It will also be cheaper. If it is at a high level, you have to enter the store to sell it.”

After bringing the two to the place, the little boy explained with ease.

“If the two of you need it, I can also recommend a better store here.”

“We need crescent stone, star tear crystal, miasma, oracle. I wonder if you have heard of the five materials of ore and empty spar?”

Anves looked at him and said casually.

“Empty spar?”

However, after the little boy listened to it, nodded seemed to have really heard some of the materials.

“What you said is a little out of the way. It may be hard to find a normal stall, but there should be one in Old Jimmy’s shop.”

After speaking, he took the The two turned east and west, and found a slightly deserted shop in an alley.

The store is housed in a two-story stone building with a slightly quirky exterior. The old wooden token with signs of weathering and damage is engraved with a line of ancient manic script:

‘Jimmy’s Alchemy Shop’

(end of this chapter)

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