
Chapter 303 Special Ore

The three entered the store door covered with barrier magic, a smell unique to alchemy stores The mysterious breath suddenly asserts the senses. It seems to be an ancient relic from the age, dull and vicissitudes of life.

The interior of the store is almost isolated from the outside world. With the two wooden doors re-closing behind them, the slightly noisy outside world completely disappeared, leaving only the ticking sound of the old clock in the store.

Like all alchemy shops, this one displays something bizarre.

A peculiar rag doll in a gorgeously layered dress, an exquisitely artistic hanging painting, a strange log half-dipped in dark green slime, a black and red beaded gem that looks like an eye…

All kinds of mysterious items with different flavors are placed in a slightly messy row on the stacked shelves, waiting for their possible buyers.

“Old Jimmy! There is a customer coming!”

The little boy walking in front greeted skillfully, breaking the quiet atmosphere that had just gathered in the shop.

Apparently, he has brought guests like this more than once.

“It’s Little Pace…”

Hearing the voice, a man was wearing a dark red alchemy robe with some oil stains and wear marks on the corners. The hunchbacked old man walked tremblingly from the back of the shelf.

The little boy knowingly stepped aside and revealed the two.

“…and two lovely new guests, welcome to old Jimmy’s alchemy shop, how can I help you?”

Slightly cloudy Brown yellow eyes glanced at the three of them. The old man turned over a thick black book in his hand, and clicked a page with his finger.

Taking this scene into his eyes, Anves is well aware of the doorway inside, the shopkeeper is actually recording the behavior of little Pace.

This can be considered as one of the unwritten rules of the Grey Raven Market. Some shops located in remote areas will hire these children to attract customers.

If the customer who brought the customer has made a transaction in the store, the child who brought the customer can get an additional rebate afterward.

“Hello, great grandfather, we need five kinds of empty spar, oracle ore, miasma spar, crescent stone, star tear crystal—”

Hear the old man The owner’s inquiry, Fiona politely answered.

It was the first time that she brought money to buy things without the company of the maid Annie. It felt strange at this time.

After I couldn’t wait to finish speaking, the girl holding the cat quietly glanced at Anves again, as if she wanted to get confirmation from Anves.

“That’s right, that’s it.”

Under the girl’s searching gaze, Anves nodded, confirming her words.

“You need these ores, come with me…”

The old shopkeeper nodded closed the thick leather book in his hand, and suddenly a long-handled wand appeared in his hand. There was a pause on the ground.

So, the rows of shelves grew their own calves and moved themselves away, revealing a descending ladder.

“In order to save space, minerals and other raw materials are underground.”

Speaking, the shopkeeper himself went down the stairs first, and Anves and Fiona also followed.

The little boy named Pace did not follow, but just stood in front of the store and waited.

The basement of the store is as spacious as the ground floor, and is also lined with shelves.

Metal Attributes, minerals, devil beasts, plants… all kinds of different kinds of raw materials are placed on the display shelves in the corresponding areas.

Although the store is small and the location is remote, the variety of materials is unexpectedly complete.

“Well, brother, it seems like this!”

When he got here, Fiona seemed to suddenly feel something, and quickly walked to the area where the ore was stacked, and picked up a piece of light on the surface. azure ore.

It doesn’t emit light on its own, but its smooth surface reflects an extra radiant glow under the magic lights of the basement.

Because the distance is close enough, the young dragon Fia attached to the girl can already feel the breath of that ore.

“Do you need ‘Oracle Ore’?”

Seeing this, the old shopkeeper smiled, his yellowed teeth gleaming slightly, and he seemed to see the yellowish ore. gold coin beckons to him.

Although the two had already changed out of their Pamir uniforms at this time, the shrewd shopkeeper could tell at a glance that they were definitely two inexperienced students.

Especially the girl doll, who was a little curious when she looked at the goods in the store.

But whether she saw a piece of relic worth a gold coin or two, or a demon eye gem worth thousands of gold coins, her eyes basically didn’t change.

No, it should be said that when she saw those fragments, her eyes were even more interested than those precious gems.

Old Jimmy had a few of these clients before, all of them his favorite type: rich and barely conscious of prices.

“This ore is not Mortal Grade! According to legend, a true Spiritual God of Ancient Era blessed the earth to become rich and fruitful.

And some of the stones that were soaked by the escaping Divine Force became the current Oracle ore…”

Taking out his housekeeping skills, the old shop owner touted it like a hype. The incredible treasure made Fiona froze for a moment.

“So, these stones are not much use as surplus leftovers blessed by gods.

More are only used as high-end building and decoration materials and low-level bull power potions. Auxiliary materials, and the current market price is around twelve Silver Coins per Paso four gold coins.”

However, Anves ruthlessly debunked the trick of the shopkeeper Jimmy, and by the way quoted the market reference price.


Looking at Anves a little unhappily, the old shop owner suddenly realized that he had just gone a bit off the mark.

The girl doll is really inexperienced, but the boy doll is knowledgeable!

“…Tell me, how much weight is needed.”

Confirmed that Anves is not easy to fool, the shop owner lost interest immediately, after all, it is a transaction of a few gold coins.

“Come first… um, just come to 5,000 Paso first!”

Thinking about Fia’s possible food intake, the girl said tentatively.

“Okay…wait, little girl, how much did you say?”

For a moment, old Jimmy suspected that he had heard it wrong.

In general, people who buy this thing basically need to refine pharmaceuticals. At most, they can only buy dozens of Paso, which is enough for two or three months of continuous refining.

“Five thousand paso? Is there any problem, great grandfather?”

Fiona gave the old shopkeeper a puzzled look.

“Nothing…just a little surprised at the amount you need.”

Touching his nose, old Jimmy became enthusiastic again.

Although the unit price of Oracle ore is very cheap, if the quantity is enlarged to 5,000 Paso, it is a big transaction of more than 20,000 gold coins.

After all, the unit price is cheap, but it does not mean that the profit margin is low.

“Buy 5,000 units at a time, there should be a discount, for example, erasing fractions or something?”

“Uh… of course! Then erase the fraction of 3,000 gold coins, and make 20,000 gold coins!” dripping blood.

With such a swipe, his profit from this order is only 5,000 gold coins.

Next, Fiona, who was signaled by Anves, stepped forward and paid for the goods with the magic crystal card of Olivendi Trading Company.

As the Elemental Drake has become Fiona’s pet, Anves will not pay for her.

“Do you have any other needs for the two guests? Would you like to come and see the new unknown ruins item in our store, the price can be 20% off for the two of you!”

Do It became a big business, and the old Jimmy, who got the money, was in a good mood. While calling out the corresponding Oracle ore from the magic warehouse, he tried to strike another order while the iron was hot.

Although 5,000 Paso ore sounds like a lot, it is actually less than two cubic meters in size, and a space ring is enough to hold it.

(End of this chapter)

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