
Chapter 306 Choices and Results

“Then, this is for you~ It should be enough to ask healer to see a doctor for your mother-”

Understanding what Anves meant, after thinking about it, the girl directly handed her purse to the little boy and laughed to him sweetly.


Holding the heavy purse in both hands, the little boy Pace was stunned and forgot to wipe his tears for a while.

“Thank you! Thank you elder sister!”

After reacting, he immediately knelt down for the girl excitedly, his red unkempt hair trembling.

“No, it doesn’t have to be like this, it’s just some gold coins…”

Seeing this, Fiona was also a little flustered, and hurriedly stretched out a small hand wrapped in a fine white lace glove and placed him Get up.

Watching this scene, Anves was not surprised by the choice of the girl.

After a moment of silence, he glanced at the surrounding environment, took out the crystal bird nameplate, and sent a brief instruction to his guard.

Grey Raven Market fish and dragons mixed in together, and since they were in the central square at this time, he was not the only one who saw this scene.

At the same time, after thanking Fiona repeatedly, the little boy reluctantly left.

The girl also waved to him with a smile on her face, looking very happy.

Watching the silhouette of the little boy gradually disappear from the crowd, Fiona turned back to Anves, gently tugged at his sleeve with her little hand, and spoke in a greasy voice, with a slightly coquettish tone in her voice.

“Well, brother~ I’ll handle it like this, shouldn’t there be any problem?”

“I just think that with this money, he should be able to cure his mother, You can also eat ice cream for yourself and your younger brother younger sister—”

Looking at Fiona’s expectant look, Anves smiled slightly and nodded lightly.

“From the point of view of your choice, there’s nothing wrong with this approach.”

But, before Fiona is happy with her brother’s praise, Anves’ next sentence The words suddenly made her heart skip a beat.

“But, Faye, let me show you what’s going to happen-“

“What’s going to happen next…?”


The girl repeated it a little uneasily. The tone of Anves’s words made her keenly feel that something was wrong.

Without waiting for the girl to continue thinking, Anves gently held her little hand, the diamond-shaped gemstone on a ring between her fingers lit up, and the magical aura of light azure immediately surrounded the two of them.

sixth rank Wind Element spell —【Group Flying Spell】

With the spell in effect, the two floated in the wind like a light leaf.

At the same time, another ring of Anves lights up, and the colorless aura of the advanced Invisibility Technique diffuses silently, making the silhouettes of two people and one cat dissolve in the last rays of the sunset.

Around the square, two or three people looked up and glanced at the disappearing two people, but more people didn’t care. The Gray Raven Market in Midtown was not empty.

Flying in the sky, Fiona squeezed Anves’ hand curiously.

In theory, she shouldn’t be able to see Anves until her fourth rank. But the real vision ability brought by the awakening of Legendary bloodline allowed her to vaguely perceive the outline of Anves.

After sensing the direction indicated by his guard on the nameplate, Anves took Fiona and slowly flew towards the southwest side of the central city of the royal capital.

At the end of that direction, in the Lower City, which is separated from the Mid City by a wall, is the slum of the royal capital Palosia.

In the context of the Magical Middle Ages, the appearance of slums is inevitable, even in the capital of Gloria, one of the three Great Empires.

The residents of the slums are mostly refugees from other places, usually because they admire the life in big cities, or because of various natural and man-made disasters, they have to leave their hometowns.

Penniless, they hope to find a way to make a living in a big city, but they cannot afford any housing, so they can only gather outside the city wall of the capital and build shacks at will.

Therefore, with the increasing number of these people, there will be more Xiacheng Districts and slums in the capital. The difference between the two is only the density, quality and crime rate of houses.

However, with the emergence of a large number of players with just-in-experience, vicious public security cases in the slums have decreased a lot in the past six months.

After letting a group of white pigeons fly over the imperial clock tower in the sunset, Anves led Fiona to the sky above the slum area.

The environment around the slums is extremely messy, and on the roads in disrepair, can be seen everywhere litter and excrement.

The houses are also very cluttered and crowded, and the air is filled with a pungent smell, a world away from Midtown, which is separated by a wall.

Sensing the specific coordinate direction, Anves adjusted the flight direction slightly and headed to the coordinate position.

For a moment, at the end of a dark alley in the slum, the little boy before, reappeared in the eyes of the two of them.

However, now he is pale and tired, his eyes are dark blue, his red hair is covered with mud, and his left arm is bent into an unnatural shape.

The clothes on his body were also torn and covered with dirt and blood. His right hand tightly covered a bleeding wound on his abdomen, and the original purse had long since disappeared.

“How could he…”

Mumbling, Fiona suddenly raised her hand to cover her lips, and Hu Lan’s big eyes were full of shock and sadness.

“No, it’s all my fault…I shouldn’t have given him that much money…”

The girl is not stupid, when she saw this scene, she immediately Figured out the entire process of development of things.

“You see, Phil? Every choice we make has consequences. Even well-intentioned, missteps in execution can have huge consequences. Distorted.”

Anves looked at the scene below with a flat expression, his tone was serious, he had long expected that the final result would turn out like this.

When the little boy left before, he informed his bodyguard and asked him to take care of the child temporarily.

The money can be robbed, but keep his life and don’t let him really get killed by the robbers.

After finishing speaking, Anves’s tone softened again, and he comforted the depressed girl.

“However, you don’t have to blame yourself too much, Fei, the main problem in this matter is not you. When he got the gold coin, he was not satisfied, but asked you for more. This is the sin of greed.

Wealth beyond the protection of one’s own strength is synonymous with disaster. His current fate is also the result of choice-“

said , Anves laughed, looked at the little boy below whose breath was fading, and sent a message using his identity plate.

“And, he’s actually lucky because he’s at least alive and still has a precious life. Even luckier, he met you, smart and lovely Miss Fiona—”

Following Anves’ words, a silhouette in civilian clothes suddenly appeared in front of the little boy, and a milk-white light ball of healing appeared between his hands, quickly healing his injuries.

Then, with the little boy, the silhouette disappears again just as it appeared.

“After you gave him a bag of gold coins, you realized your mistake in time, and quickly sent someone to rescue the dying little boy, and arranged for someone to investigate his family situation.”

In midair, the Invisibility Technique on the two was lifted, and Anves winked at the girl.

“His mother will be rescued, the two younger brother younger sister will also be well taken care of, and his father will be a little mentally punished and will lose any interest in gambling in the future, the story ends We have a happy ending.”

“…Thank you, brother.”

After a little silence, the little girl with light blonde hair suddenly buried her face in the boy’s face. in the arms.

(End of this chapter)

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