
Chapter 307 Pets

Anves did not continue to pay attention to the follow-up of the little boy.

Whether what the little boy said was true or false, it didn’t matter to him. Although he personally felt that the little boy was more likely to lie to gain sympathy.

If true, then as he said to the girl, the little boy’s family will be taken care of.

If it’s fake, he’ll be healed and sent back to the market with a Silver Coin tip he deserved for leading the way for the two.

However, there is no need to explain all this to Fiona. As he said before, the story has a ‘happy’ ending.

That’s all-

After returning to the Academy, the dragonfia was temporarily re-inhabited in Anves’ laboratory.

Because she bought enough Oracle ore, Fia started to eat too much.

Light blue’s ore flew block by block, entered her mouth, quickly decomposed into extremely fine particles, and then absorbed by its core vortex.

At the same time, all kinds of detection arrays in the laboratory are fully opened, recording every detail of the changes in its body,

After all, it is a very precious extraterrestrial high-energy biological data, with special The magic reference value of .

When almost all the Oracle ore was eaten up, the young dragon Feiya’s body finally changed.

The original azure color of the core vortex was dyed with a faint blue light, and at the same time, Fia became a little slack, looking like a lack of energy.

Fiona’s translation: Fiona said she was feeling sleepy and wanted to sleep.

While speaking, the vortex young dragon lay directly in the center of the laboratory, and hu hu fell asleep.

Seeing this, Anves discussed it with Fiona and decided to leave it here temporarily, while recording the data and making sure it doesn’t happen accidentally due to environmental issues.



In less than half a month, Anves’ life briefly returned to normal. Participate in various mysterious courses every day, and occasionally participate in one or two class reunions.

During this period of time, the situation in the Empire began to gradually stabilize from the previous chaos. The high-level professionals calmed down for the time being, and no longer did anything at will.

At least on the surface.

At the same time, due to the increasing number of foreign professionals who went to explore the ruins of the meteorite, the royal family dispatched the most elite group of glorious Knights to be urgently responsible for maintaining law and order in the province of Magna.

Of course, this kind of behavior also means taking over the ruins, removing most of the small and medium-sized forces and scattered people.

At the same time, after open strife and veiled struggle for half a month, several Great Influences finally decided to give up temporarily, but joined forces to explore the ruins to prevent the night from being too long.

It is not wise to fight to the death for an advantage that has not yet been obtained.

Different from the same period in the previous life, the Duke adopted Anves’ suggestion, and immediately arranged for the player to explore the ruins with specialized equipment.

The Mystic Society under Anves, as the aboriginal faction with the most players, as it should be by rights has received many official relic investigation tasks.

As a result, Anves’ fate feedback has ushered in another wave of outbreaks, and the prophet’s professional level has begun to grow again, and it has gradually begun to approach the seventh rank mark.

Under the heroic exploration of many players ‘giving up their lives’, the exploration rate of the half of the ruins has increased rapidly, and the distribution map of the defense mechanism of the small half of the city has been drawn.

At this time, a temporary town had formed near the crash point, which gathered an astonishing number of middle and high-level professionals, as well as a large number of players.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, many professionals who originally belonged to the enemy camp also began to trade secretly, exchanging the rare and special resources of the other camp.

The senior management of both sides turned a blind eye to this. After all, people are selfish, and as long as this behavior does not exceed a certain limit, they do not intend to forcibly restrain all members.

At the same time, a large number of professionals began to go to the endless sea to find the other half of the ruins that fell into the sea.

Among which is included The stragglers who were previously excluded by several Great Influences, as well as people from small and medium-sized forces, and some spies of the Great Influence itself.

No one forgets that the half that fell into the seabed is the most part of the ruins.

For a time, a large number of professionals were flying everywhere on the sea off the coast of the Empire. Some devil beasts who originally lived in the sea and would attack ships entering the territory did not dare to emerge at this moment, for fear of being wiped out.

Under this kind of dragnet search, the remains of the fallen seabed were also quickly found, and then, under the impetus of certain forces, news of the specific location of the landing point spread quickly.

The location of the other half of the ruins is located in the Sea Territory, the endless sea on the southeast side of Yar Continent, near the forbidden area of life, the head of the three major Jedi continents.

Affected by the radiation from the outer edge of the forbidden area, the Sea Territory has a strange spatial structure, and there are many high-level devil beasts living in the environment, which is very dangerous.

But even this can’t stop people’s enthusiasm for treasure hunting.

It was against this background that time arrived at the Frozen Moon, the 23rd of December, the day Anves made an appointment with the Duke.

Leaving the Academy after a long absence, Anves took the Transmission Formation to a small kingdom called ‘Other Kingdom’ on the west side of the Free Federation.

In his memory, during the period after the fall of the Meteorite Ruins, some players encountered a suspected juvenile power dragon in the lost sea of trees in the Western border of Oser Kingdom!

Power dragons are well-documented, and there are several legendary dragons that have actually appeared in Ancient Era.

As one of the Legendary alien dragons, the force dragon is born with the ability to manipulate various force fields, and can directly feed on the force field and magical energy.

Anves chose it because of its ability to manipulate force fields.



Kingdom Federation, Lost Sea of Trees.

oh la la ——

I had a friend who was very unhappy about splitting the vines with poisonous thorns in front of them with a forceful knife.

He got lost.

Although he has the system map guide, he still gets lost.

In other words, there seems to be a problem with the system map. He has been walking for a long time, but the coordinates on the map have hardly moved.

Tsk, how come there are still bugs after the server is officially launched?

Before, in order to find a way out, he had been in this dark and damp primordial jungle full of poisonous vines for a long time, and his stamina bar had lost more than half.

After another slash, he finally felt a little impatient.

I pulled out the one-handed sword from his waist. A friend of mine held the hilt with both hands, poured magic power into it, and swiped it hard to cut a huge crescent-shaped magic slash forward.


The huge half-moon slash with dazzling brilliance instantly cut off several big trees in front of it, leaving a straight and wide attack trail.

This kind of behavior is actually not cost-effective, in addition to venting, it will only lead to a rapid decline in stamina and mana, and even have to spend the night in the jungle to restore stamina.

However, I have a friend’s luck that seems to be finally turning around.

Along the path split by the half-moon, a long-lost ray of bright sunlight suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“I’m the top nmd, finally I’m out!”

A friend of mine was overjoyed and rushed out of the jungle in a hurry.

What appeared in front of him was a hidden valley.

In the canyon, a graceful giant dragon with scales shining like diamonds turned its head slightly, and the face of the Demon Sword player turned pale in fright was reflected in the huge dragon eyes like diamonds.

(End of this chapter)

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