
Chapter 308 Capture

In an instant, a friend of mine suddenly wondered why this jungle was so quiet .

But it was too late, and under his terrified gaze, the giant dragon in the canyon spread its huge, gleaming wings, and with a slam, it rose into the sky in a hazy halo.

At this moment, a friend of mine had an instinctive thought and lost a system detection.

[Name: ? ? ? (red name)]

[Level: ? ? ? ]

[Race: ? ? ? ]

[Introduction: ? ? ? ]

[Challenge level: ? ? ? ]

I have a friend: ? ? ?

The next moment, a terrifying cone-shaped force field breath descended from the sky, engulfing him and the rocks and trees beside him, crushing it into a ball of you and me in me.

This is the habit of power dragons, and although they quite take the initiative to strike, power dragons are often surprisingly ferocious to those who invade their territory.

A white light flashed and a friend of mine died.

But his death was worthwhile. Before he died, he managed to capture a few pictures of the giant dragon lying on his stomach and flying.

If the operation is done properly, the loss of his death this time can be fully recovered by relying on these pictures.

In the resurrection space, a friend of mine calmed down a little bit of the heartbeat that comes with the death of a game character.

He just felt his vision darkened, and then his consciousness entered the rebirth space, and the options for resurrection were in front of him.

Although his body was crushed by there’s no resistance, the pain was adjusted to one percent, which made him feel a wonderful sense of comfort.

It’s as if every cell in the body has done a major health care, it’s numb and itchy.

After his emotions stabilized, he chose to revive at a slightly farther revival point.

Then, he immediately opened the information area of the in-game forum, matched the previous line of text, and posted the previously captured pictures along with the detection results.

‘Look what I found! A dragon whose specific species is unknown! ‘

After his message was posted, it quickly attracted the attention of several large gaming clubs.

The game forum is a very important information acquisition channel. These large clubs all have special personnel who are paid salaries to monitor the development of the major divisions of the forum 24 hours a day.

After the analysis and comparison of the special plot analysis team, several major clubs soon discovered that the unknown creatures in these screenshots are very similar to the description of Linenglong in the in-game data. high.

After confirming this, several major clubs immediately arranged personnel to go to a friend of mine to ask for the specific location of the dragon. As for the payment for providing information, it can be negotiated.

Judging from the size of the giant dragon in the photo, it is obviously only a juvenile dragon, with the most strength of seventh rank, and it has not reached the level of ignoring the tactics of the sea of people.

Although the average level of players in the first echelon is only about Level 30, players can use tools.

Magic Construct Battle Armor, Magic City Breaking Crossbow, High-Order Magic Rare Item, scrolls… all can pose a threat to a seventh rank giant dragon.

Take ten thousand steps back, even if you don’t go now for stability, you can arrange for people to watch from afar, and then explode this ‘rare Boss’ when you have enough strength to hunt and kill. .

While haggling with people from many clubs, a friend of mine rushed back to where the dragon was.

With the lessons learned, this time he doesn’t plan to get too close, and only prepares to take a few pictures of the terrain from a distance to communicate with the people of these clubs.

However, just as a friend of mine was on his way, there was a new visitor in the valley.

Two silhouettes with gray cloaks and no magic breath suddenly appeared, standing in the sky, overlooking the entire canyon, it was Anves and Duke Karrot who were originally searching in the vicinity.

Previously, Anves only determined the location in the Lost Sea of Trees, but did not have specific coordinates.

The scene of the giant dragon falling from the sky and spraying the player to death immediately attracted the attention of the two of them.

Because of his sensitive identity, the duke did not inform anyone of his itinerary, nor did he bring any other subordinates, and only came here quietly with Anves alone.

Similarly, with Duke Karrot as foreign aid, Anves did not bring his own bodyguards on this trip.

Speaking of which, the Duke was able to hide his identity and act in private so smoothly, thanks to the meteorite ruins.

Most people’s eyes are firmly attracted by it, and the people who monitor the Four Great Families are no exception. Only then can the Duke successfully hide his identity and secretly bring Anves to the Kingdom Federation.


Seeing the silhouettes of the two, the shining giant dragon that had just lied down in the canyon stood up again.

However, unlike when it was aimed at the player, this time, its roar carried a strong sense of vigilance, and a hazy halo force field emerged on its body, making its silhouette change. Gotta be a little fuzzy.

“That’s it, father. Do you think there is any danger around here?”

In the sky, after taking a closer look at the giant dragon below, Anves confirmed to Duke Karrot nodded .

In his recollection, this was the only time the power dragon’s trail had appeared in the Yar Continent.

But, this is a juvenile dragon after all.

If there’s a full-grown power dragon in the vicinity, things get tricky.

“I don’t feel any danger, and within a hundred miles, there is no trace of the giant dragon’s activity other than it. It is not clear how it hatched.”

The duke shook the head, he understood Anves’ unspoken implication.

Adult power dragons are at least ninth rank, while ancient dragons are Legendary.

However, the one below seems to be living alone.


When the two were talking in the sky, a fierce light flashed in the power dragon eyes below, and the huge wings slammed hard. , suddenly rushed towards the two.

The breath of a cone-shaped chaotic force field full of twisting power that had been brewed for a long time quickly enveloped the two of them.

The air in the attack path was violently distorted, the light became dim, and began to produce one after another fine frictional lightning.

In the eyes of onlookers, the haloed giant dragon spews a fuzzy cone-shaped trail from its mouth, hitting two small dots in front of it that are disproportionate to its size.

Anves was unmoved by the horrific onslaught, and the duke raised only one hand.

Therefore, the terrifying force field breath stopped in front of the two, as if touching an insurmountable moat.

This amazing scene fell into the eyes of a friend of mine who had already rushed back.

“Damn, what is that?”

After being stunned for a while, he finally reacted, and immediately opened all the chat boxes with him to discuss the purchase price of information, and replied in one sentence. .

“I agree with the price, pay for it!”

Thank you for your monthly pass and reward gu gu

(End of this chapter)

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