
Chapter 309 Rule Power

“Can you tell me your source of intelligence, Anves, this time can’t be a prophecy Right?”

In the sky, breathing in the force field of the Power Dragon with one hand, the Duke did not pay too much attention to its attack, but asked Anves’s intelligence channel with great interest.

As a kind of alien dragon whose strength can reach the Legendary level, the news of the power dragon is not trivial.

Any force that gets this news will immediately seal the news tightly, and then try their best to catch or hunt it down.

According to his knowledge, Anves does not have his own intelligence force, and if the one who gets the news is the intelligence agency under the Olivendi family, then he should be able to know it immediately.

“Of course, father.”

Under the hood, Anves laughed, spread his hands slightly, and quietly clapped a flattery.

“Actually, as you wisely guessed, this news has nothing to do with prophecy magic, but was previously learned through the information channels of those strangers.”

“You too You know, they basically only have the strength of the second third rank now. Even if they know the existence of this power dragon, they can’t do anything about it.

And if it drags on for a long time, they may be caught If other forces found out in advance, they might as well sell this news for a good price now.”

This Anves said with confidence, because every sentence he said was the truth, even if it was tested with lie detector magic , and can only draw unproblematic conclusions.

Before = past life; news channel of strangers = game forum

Every sentence is true, there is no problem——

“Look, it’s not there. There is a stranger who is stalking.”

Speaking, Anves also gestured with his eyes to a friend of mine who was sitting on a treetop in the distance, holding half a Loren golden melon and watching. .

“Strength of strangers…”

Realizing that Anves was indeed ‘speak frankly’, Duke Karrot froze for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

Anves was aware of his previous actions to build the alien force, and he wasn’t even optimistic about it.

Just didn’t expect that they could bring such a surprise.

Indeed, after these foreigners are injured to a certain extent, they can be fully revived, allowing them to explore all dangerous places fearless, and truly exchange their heads for money.

In addition, the family also has secret research to confirm that these strangers have a special way of contacting each other,

Maybe it is really necessary to invest more energy in the stranger’s intelligence agency …

While the duke was thinking, the power dragon on the opposite side gradually stopped his breath.

I noticed that the dragon’s breath attack was completely ineffective on the two ‘little dots’ in front of me, and didn’t shred them as imagined.

This juvenile capable dragon suddenly understood that the strength of the enemy who came this time was probably far greater than that of their previous counterparts.

The huge dragon’s eyes like diamonds swept across the two of them coldly.

The huge and repressed magic wave radiates from its body, and it seems that some kind of terrifying and devastating attack is brewing.

Duke Karrot couldn’t help being a little surprised when he sensed this condensed level of magic.

Its true strength is only about seventh rank, but the magic power condensed now is infinitely close to the level of Eighth rank.

Somewhat curious about what kind of attack it will launch, the Duke thought about it, and decided to use a little rule power to achieve a foolproof effect.

“Sir Father, does it want to run away?”

As his words fell, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

A giant dragon with a dazzling white light flashed across it, and the rays of light all over his body suddenly went dark. A twisting force field wall nearly a thousand meters long and wide condensed out, pressing down on the two of them like a collapsed mountain.

Behind the force field wall, the surface of the diamond-like scales of the force energy dragon has begun to wave the Spatial Teleportation force field.

Although it was only a few years old, it has a very high intelligence.

Faced with an invincible enemy, this juvenile capable dragon immediately made a choice to contain the enemy with powerful attacks, and then took the opportunity to teleport to escape.

This is indeed the best solution to face the general strong enemy, but unfortunately, the enemy it encountered this time has far exceeded its response range.

As a frosty ice cold aura flashed past, the whole space fell silent.

The giant dragon flapping its wings, the flying dust, the chaotic force field fluctuations, and even the surface space itself that is about to be penetrated, everything slows to a near standstill.

At the same time, the frost-white frost effect quickly spreads on all visible and invisible things within the scope of action, freezing the entire power dragon and the force field surrounding it in ice.

“Don’t worry, it can’t run away.”

Duke Karrot withdrew his hand flatly, and raised his head slightly to make his posture look more handsome.

Ice Rule Power, most suitable for sealing and imprisoning opponents.

The force field wall didn’t have any effect on the duke. It was just like the previous force field breath, and it became invisible before they got close to the surface of the two.

Standing at the Duke’s side, Anves carefully sensed the impact of the Duke’s shot.

At that moment, the world in front of him seemed to suddenly have a magical void. All the magic was gone, replaced by the Duke’s will.

This is the essence of the power of the rules. First of all, the ninth rank powerhouse achieves the spiritual strength of qualitative change, and initially understands the circulation method of some basic rules of the world.

And then with his own strong will, he forcibly distorted the basic rules of a small piece of the real world and made it operate in a way that was beneficial to him.

For example, the Duke’s ice rule, the simplest and crudest way to use it, is to instantly and infinitely reduce the temperature in a certain area with will, creating an Extreme Cold that can freeze even time and space.

And as professionals get deeper and deeper into Rule Power, they can even gradually freeze some conceptual things.

If you switch to an adult power dragon, you may be able to break through the Duke’s Ice Rule with no difficulty.

But at present, the juvenile power dragon, whose strength is only seventh rank, is frozen without resistance under the rule of ninth rank, and even his mind is also in a deep freeze state.

“Okay, I’ve caught it, you want to contract it as an initial summon, right?”

Just throw the frozen dragon into the space ring for magic pets , the Duke handed the ring to Anves with a slight reminder.

“It’s potential is indeed worthy of you, but Anves, it has the strength of seventh rank now. Even you, I am afraid you have to wait until the limit of sixth rank before you can successfully sign with it. The possibility of a contract.

If possible, it is best to wait until the seventh rank before signing a contract. Otherwise, the probability of contract failure will be very high.”

“I understand, father .”

Taking the ring handed over by the Duke, Anves seriously nodded, and then the conversation suddenly changed.

“But, Sir Father, I don’t actually plan to sign a contract with him. So, can you help me erase its consciousness without hurting its soul?”


“Don’t plan to sign a contract? Erase consciousness… Do you want to use the soul-splitting secret technique?”

Hearing the end, the Duke hesitated for a while, and suddenly had a guess in his heart .

“Yes, father.”

Anves nods

, confirming the Duke’s conjecture.

“I liked its force field manipulation ability and hoped to develop it as my special Avatar.”

(end of chapter)

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