
Chapter 310 Personal Efforts

Soul Splitting Secret Technique is a very difficult and obscure special secret technique.

It is capable of transforming other creatures of its class into Avatars of casters through a series of rigorous secret technique ceremony. Upon success, the Avatar will permanently occupy the caster’s initial summon position.

Although it is finally classified as the Summon School of Mystery, it requires advanced knowledge of the Necromancy School of Souls in addition to the advanced knowledge of the Summon School.

The most important thing is that this secret technique needs to be completely guided by one’s own spirit strength. That is to say, you cannot ask other high-level professionals to cast it on your behalf.

Even as a descendant of the Olivendi family, it is extremely difficult to successfully master this secret technique without lacking various key knowledge.

Of course, the effect of this secret technique is equally terrifying, corresponding to the difficulty of its operation.

The caster can fully obtain all the abilities of the original Avatar owner, achieving almost body possession-like effects.

And, when one of the bodies is mortally wounded, the caster does not die, but is resurrected on the Avatar.

“Have you really mastered the secret technique of splitting the soul?”

Looking at the ring that Anves handed back, the duke could not help but confirm it again in surprise.

Although in his opinion, as long as he has enough knowledge, it is not difficult to perform this secret technique, but it is based on his ninth rank strength.

Anves is only third rank now, and the distance to breakthrough is less than a year away!

It is terrifying to be able to maintain this amazing breakthrough speed, and to master advanced knowledge of two different schools at the same time.

“Yes, Sir Father, as long as you work hard enough, mastering this secret technique is not difficult.”

Anves calmly nodded, all the achievements he has achieved now All stemmed from his own unremitting efforts.

After the Avatar matter is finished, I will recall the information about the seabed part of the relics in my past life memory. The Old Days Secret Scripture should be able to use it.

Then let the duke take him on a trip, and find an opportunity to seal the contents with the pages of the book. Maybe the power returned can make his own rank truly break through to the seventh rank or above.

“…Well, I can help you.”

hearing this, the Duke was exhaled, his blue eyes were slightly closed, and his emotions were a bit complicated.

Maybe he is really too old to keep up with the geniuses of this era.

But fortunately, Anves is his biological descendant after all.

Opening his eyes again, Duke Karrot takes the ring, nodded.

“However, the spirit of dragons is very tenacious, and the process will take at least half a month without harming the integrity of their souls.”

“As a special I’m not sure if Dragon Island is aware of its existence. But if you do choose to use it as an Avatar, then try not to expose its existence.

Otherwise, once word spreads Go out, and the relationship between Dragon Island and you will become a mortal enemy.”

“Although the giant dragon has declined at present, its remnant forces cannot be underestimated. I hope you can remember!”

“I understand what you mean, father.”

Listening to Duke Karrot’s solemn warning, Anves earnestly nodded, he understood the Duke the meaning of.

The prototype of this secret technique was actually created by a seventh rank sorcerer who was unwilling to innate talent at the end of the ancient Magic Empire in order to replace a new body.

And, he also put his mind on the giant dragon.

After a series of investigations and preliminary preparations, he cooperated with a village that had been attacked by a giant dragon and successfully captured a young red dragon.

It took a year for this sorcerer to slowly wipe out his consciousness through the soul secret technique, and refining as his second Avatar.

Relying on the innate talent of the giant dragon, he finally succeeded in breaking through the Eighth Rank, and hid in a remote place on the southwest side of the continent, surviving the next day of destruction and the year of bloody turmoil.

But the good times didn’t last long, and his use of giant dragon as Avatar was exposed in an accident.

The Long Island side directly issued a killing order to him, and any existence can exchange his soul for benefits from the Long Island side.

In the end, this sorcerer was discovered by the Aslade family who cooperated with Long Island, and then was directly killed.

The Duke brought this up at this time to prepare Anves.

If you want to use the giant dragon as an Avatar object, you will one day be hostile to Dragon Island and the Aslade family.

And Anves also thought about these two issues carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that, for him, the hostility between the two forces was not a big problem.

The relationship between the Aslade family and the Olivendi family has been strained, and he is a direct descendant of the Olivendi patriarch. The people of Aslade shot him, the meaning is no different from the direct war.

Dragon Island is far from the Yar Continent, somewhere in the Unknown Sea of Endless Sea. And there seems to be some kind of restriction, the ninth rank limit giant dragons on it can’t come to the continent at will.

In Anves’ impression, the Dragon Island map was officially opened when the game was updated to the third expansion. Previously, it was always a hidden map, or the kind that could not be re-entered when offline.

In other words, he used the secret technique to transform Avatar’s ability. Even if it is really exposed, there will be no trouble in the short term.

In the long run, the top forces in the continent, such as the Holy Splendor Holy See and the Continent Magic Council, all belong to the hidden hostile camp of the Four Great Families. It doesn’t matter if there is one more Dragon Island.

If he fails to reverse the fate of the Olivendi family’s destruction, then there is a high probability that he will not see the day when the ninth rank giant dragon on Dragon Island comes to the continent.



After the two in the sky disappeared, a friend of mine threw away the green melon rind in his hand, and the sky did not After chatting, I hurried to the valley I discovered earlier.

The strange dragon was obviously captured by two bosses, and the two NPC bosses grabbed the dragon and left.

In other words, there are no guardians in that valley now!

Very good, it’s important to pick up the trash!

After rushing to the valley with sprint speed, I had a friend gasping for breath, and the stamina bar was reduced by a full half.

But he didn’t care about it, but started to search within the valley with high spirits.

In the legend of the game, all giant dragons have greedy personalities and will collect a lot of valuable and shiny treasures.

The giant dragon guards a treasure, something that drives everyone crazy.

Even if the two bosses took away most of the good things and left him with only a few corners that he couldn’t look at, it would still be a good profit!

The rubbish that the boss can’t despise is a treasure to him!

(End of this chapter)

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