
Chapter 311 Unexpected encounter

After searching for a long time, a friend of mine finally found a little bit in the dragon’s nest in the valley Naturally formed gold nuggets, as well as a few low-level magic gems.

It seems to be because the power dragon is still in his juvenile years, and the birth time is not long, there are not many treasures, and neither Anves nor the duke despise this thing.

Of course, even if that’s all, I have a friend who is quite satisfied.

If you sell these things, you can also get hundreds of gold coins. Even more how is picked up for nothing.

And, in the depths of the dragon’s nest, a friend of mine has a new discovery – a dark and wide crack leading to the ground, with an unknown depth.

And when he tentatively threw a magic light into the crack, in the dark darkness illuminated by the light, a cubic space that was obviously not naturally formed came into his eyes.



The Duke and Anves both noticed the deep mysterious crack in the dragon lair i.

However, after exploring with spirit strength, the Duke found that there seemed to be nothing of value in the ruins below the crack.

The crack should be a trace left by an earthquake. The ruins below it were exposed due to the age, the original magic protection failed, and part of the structure was damaged by the earthquake.

Judging from some sharp claw scratches at the mouth of the crack, the power dragon emerged from that ruin.

Even if there were some good things left, they should have all been scavenged by that power dragon.

After handing the power dragon to the duke for processing, Anves returned to the Academy and waited for the duke’s result.

During this period, time passed quietly.

As for the Empire, the exploration progress of the Meteorite Ruins has been steadily improving, and it has approached the magic library, control towers and other core areas.

It is foreseeable that if there is no accident, then this short and peaceful period of joint exploration by several Great Influences will soon collapse.

It was in this situation that on the night of the 27th day of the Frozen Moon, Anves, who was meditating, suddenly unexpectedly received a message from the Saint Messia Empire.

The news was sent back by Bishop Yanil, who planted the distorted seed and put it back.

Because he finally succeeded in bringing back the cup, he also received the attention of the Holy Splendor high officials and became a candidate for the Mysterious ‘Saint Project’.

And tonight at zero o’clock, some kind of secret ceremony related to the saint’s plan will be performed in secret in the chant cathedral.

He and several other elite members in the Holy See will be the first candidates to receive the blessing of Spiritual God, which will last for about one to two days.

In response, Anves temporarily kept his seeds silent, not sending any information to the outside world, minimizing the chance of being discovered.

However, he was also somewhat unsure whether he could hide from the so-called ‘Spiritual God’s blessing’.

Until the second day of class, he always sensed the state of the seeds in the heart, causing the whole person to appear a little absent-minded.

However, he felt a little reassured. In his induction, the distorted seed on Yanil’s body always existed, and there was no special reaction.

After listening to a class with a lot of thought, Anves habitually went to summon Academy, planning to pick up Fiona for lunch.

When he met with Prince Renuo before, Renuo finally received a summons from the royal family, instructing him to try to make contact with Fiona and develop feelings in advance.

So, most recently, in order to show off to outsiders, Anves went to pick up Fiona for lunch, and by the way ‘blocked’ a certain Prince’s actions.

But today, when he just walked near the summon tower, one silhouette suddenly walked out and stopped in front of Anves.

“Are you the one named Anves?”

Suddenly hearing this somewhat unfriendly voice, Anves temporarily interrupted the induction state and glanced at it with a little blankness. come.

The boy in front of him was dressed in an ordinary Pamir uniform, his short golden hair was shaking like a bird’s nest, his head was raised like a cockfight, and his light green eyes were full of arrogance.

The face with no impression is indeed the first meeting.

Looking at this guy, Anves’ first reaction was that someone was going to test him again.

Or because of that star prophecy? Or was it because of his previous private meeting with the Ninth Prince?

“Yes? Are you…”

After all kinds of speculations passed through his mind, Anves tilted his head slightly and replied as if he didn’t react.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is that you have plans for Clivie, right?”

Looking at Anves’ dazed expression, the boy thought He was taken aback by himself, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

What he usually dislikes the most is the useless pretty boy who only uses his face to coax girls!

“Miss Cleve’s noble status is not something that a guy like you, who is nothing but a face, can climb high!

Remember, I will leave you in the future. Stay away from her! Otherwise, something very unpleasant will happen between us!”

As he said, he shook his fist at Anves in deterrent, exuding a touch of third rank Peak powerhouse magic. Breath, viciously warned in a low voice.

He could sense that Anves’ own strength had just reached third rank and was definitely not his opponent.

even more how, Anves is a freshman in the mysticism faction.

He knew very well that the freshmen of these unpopular schools basically had no background, and even came in simply by throwing money at them.

But he is different. He actually entered the school with his innate talent!

Although I also paid a large amount of tuition fees, it is also much less than those who rely solely on throwing money!


Listening to the boy’s warning tone, Anves froze for a moment, and couldn’t remember who the name was.

Having managed to get the attention of this episode, he thoroughly came back to his senses. After searching his memory for a while, he finally recalled the identity of Clevis in the mouth of the boy.

It seems to be a girl from the Summon school. I met him twice during lunch at the Tower Restaurant half a month ago, and once tried to invite him to dinner, but he declined.

Anves suddenly felt a little ridiculous when he recalled it.

After coming to Pamir Academy for more than a year, the battle for love, which is common in campus love stories, is finally my turn.

A group of little children, what is there to fight for?

However, thinking about it, Anves suddenly realized that his mentality seemed to be out of touch with his peers.

He had been busy planning future development all day long, collecting high-level talents, participating in the parties held by the imperial princes and descendants of some other great nobles.

Before Fiona entered school, the only time he had left was spent in meditation and magic experiments. Various schedules are full, no less than his big brothers elder sisters who already have their own territory.

gu gu, gu gu gu gu, gu

(end of this chapter)

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