
Chapter 312 Follow-up

The appearance of this boy now reminds him again that he still has The identity of a junior Pamir student.

Students, at the age of youth, young and frivolous, cynical, for the sake of girl rival for love is the normal situation.

It seems like he is the real anomaly who worries about the future of his family all day long.

The only question is, how did he know his name when the guy wasn’t there for the two lunches he met with Clivie?

“…if you came to me just to talk about this, then you can leave now, I’m not interested in what you say about Clevis.”

Confirmed There was only a small character in front of him, Anves replied with a little disinterest, and then prepared to leave to pick up Fiona.

“I think you should show more respect than you do when facing a senior who is stronger than you!”

Listening to Anves’ casual tone, the boy Immediately provoked, he raised his hand to grab Anves’ collar.

However, his hand didn’t touch Anves. No matter how hard he tried to reach out, he was always tens of centimeters away from Anves.

“I advise your Excellency, don’t jump up and down here like an arm monkey, and don’t wave your fists at every turn. It won’t do you any good, it’ll just make you look like someone who doesn’t understand magic. Rough farmer.”

Looking at the boy in front of him coldly, Anves raised his index finger wrapped in a white glove and pressed it lightly on his hand.

“Damn it! I want to fight with you! Do you dare to take it?”

This contemptuous action made the boy even more furious. The right hand changed to slap, trying to slap Anves’ fingers away, but Anves retracted his hand before he could touch it.

“I’ve often heard people say ‘stupid like a beast’. But now it seems that even the most stupid beast will feel ashamed after learning how stupid you are Absolutely, I sigh.”

Originally, Anves was a little upset by Yanil’s incident, but when the guy in front of him bumped into the muzzle of the gun, he directly retorted.

“Unfortunately, you are not qualified to duel me. The seniors are invited to fight with the juniors, and the juniors have the right to refuse. So please get out of the way now, you are blocking my way. “

“I’ll ask you if you dare! Coward!”

The boy’s face turned red, but he didn’t dare to use attack magic because he was afraid of the Academy’s regulations. .

Facing his impotent fury, Anves shrugged, raised his index finger again.

Therefore, in the eyes of the boy in front of him, there was a sudden flash of obscure fanaticism and admiration.

For those with much lower spirit strength than Anves, Twisted Seeds grow surprisingly fast.

Looking through his recent memory, Anves finally understands what happened.

The boy’s name is Dani. He is a descendant of a viscount directly belonging to the royal family, and his innate talent is not bad.

But the point is, this guy isn’t actually interested in Clevis, and the reason he’s coming to trouble him is because of a promise from a Fifth Rank Senior.

‘Let mysticism send a guy named Anves, stay away from Clivie, I don’t want to come forward for this little thing. If you do it well, then I can get you an invitation letter from the Ever Gold Club! ‘

Eternal Gold Club is one of the high-end clubs in the circle of descendants of the empire. The Eighth Prince, as well as some descendants of the Four Great Families, are all members of this club, and the descendants of those small and medium-sized nobles dream of being squeezed in.

Getting such a promise, Dani was as excited as a chicken blood, even if he boasted, he promised to complete the task.

Because of Anves’ dislike of publicity, the party is only held by people who are similar to him. As a result, there are not too many people in Academy who really know him and know his specific background.

Overall, silly, but not quite.

The reason why I say this is because Danny has a lot of heart. He also knew that in the crouching tiger hidden dragon in the Pamir Academy, it was easy to offend anyone who could not afford to offend by making enemies casually.

So, before coming to trouble him, Dani changed his appearance and made up his mind not to reveal his name.

‘Don’t expose exceptions, follow the script you originally prepared. ‘

In spirit, Anves gave him direct instructions.

“…you’re fine, I’ll remember your face, don’t let me run into you outside of school!”

Finally, with a harsh sentence, Dani turned and left. go.

Watching Dani leaving, Anves was a little speechless.

Dazzled by greedy desires, and by a little temptation, lost the most important reason of the sorcerer.

Thinking that if you change your appearance a little and don’t mention your name, you can avoid revealing your identity?

Really…as innocent as his actions.

However, the Fifth Rank Senior in his memory, Anves had a bit of an impression, and he seemed to be a member of the Eighth Prince faction.

Anves reckons that what just happened between him and Dani should have been fully recorded by the Eighth Prince as part of his model of behavior.

And, I’m afraid many people will be staring at him to see how he will handle the follow-up of this matter.

This matter is not too big or too small.

Because if he doesn’t do anything after that, then this can be read as: ‘Anyone can provoke the offspring of Olivendi patriarch, and then retreat. ‘

As the Duke of Karrot told him before leaving Moonlin Castle: after leaving the province of Karlas, he was the face of the Olivendi family.

If he doesn’t handle this properly, the family will be very disappointed in him.

Generally speaking, he needs to show part of his means to let the outside world see his resilience.

And, this means cannot be too strong, nor too weak. Whether it is too strong or too weak, it will cause extra vigilance because it does not match his own identity.

The most recent large-scale gathering of the Ever Gold Club was on the 29th of the Frozen Moon, which is the day after tomorrow.

As this year’s year-end exchange party, the descendants of the Eighth Prince and some other great aristocrats will attend that night. The reason for not choosing the 30th of the Frozen Month is to stagger it from the year-end celebration of the Pamir Academy.

Alright, since the eighth Prince has already settled, it’s his turn now.

When he was thinking about how to arrange it, the gate of the Summon Tower opened wide, and many students filed out of it.

Among the people walking out of the tower, Fiona noticed the silhouette waiting for Anves and hurried over.

“Brother, who is he?”

Looking at Dani’s back, the girl couldn’t help but be curious.

When she just walked out of the tower gate, she seemed to see the boy say something to Anves.


Anves laughed and waved his hands indifferently.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a clown-“



The hard drive of the pigeon blew up last night , has been restarting, but today I can only use my mobile phone to code words.

Fortunately gu gu did not save the manuscript(?)

(end of this chapter)

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