
Chapter 313 The essence of saint ceremony

That night, the latest news from Yanil Bishop finally came again. Happening.

The message was brief, but it soothed Anves’ anxiety.

‘The ceremony has ended, including me, a total of seven people have succeeded, and the strength has not changed significantly.

At midnight tonight, seven of us will leave the City of Psalms and head to the Gloria Empire in secret. ‘

With the exact news, Anves can’t help but start thinking about Holy Splendor’s intentions.

At this point in time, high-level personnel were arranged to secretly go to the Gloria Empire, and the biggest goal of probability was the two halves of the ruins.

However, considering that they are both ceremony successes, it may also be for some changes after the empire tests ceremony.

Out of an abundance of caution, Anves didn’t wait until midnight to contact Yaniler immediately, but delayed a magic hour.

After midnight, Anves right hand gently presses the cover of Old Days Secret Scripture and injects spirit strength to activate it.

With the concentration of his thoughts, four familiar dark green stars gradually lighted up in his spiritual space.

Sensing the one emitting the breath of Yanil Spirit, Soul and Qi, Anves touched it lightly.

As a result, Yanil’s most recent memory of ceremony was instantly transmitted to his consciousness.

Immediately, what came into view was a secret room entirely made of pure white stone and only decorated with a few simple gold threads.

The secret room has no doors and no windows. The only light source comes from a spar on the square pure white stone platform in front of it.

The spar presents a perfect icosahedron and is placed on a miniature pure gold altar at the top of the stone platform, exuding a soft white radiance.

Although the light only shines on the body, it seems that even the appearance of the soul is reflected, which makes people unconsciously want to repent of their past mistakes.

As if feeling the mercy and mercy of the gods, facing the cleanest things in the Human World.

Just staring at the light, a deep sense of admiration and emotion will naturally arise in my heart.

Holy, sacred, inviolable, inviolable —

Facing this spar, Yanil was dressed in a pure black bishop robe, with his hands on his chest, ten fingers He crossed and held the ring-shaped holy emblem of light, bowed his head slightly, and chanted the prayers in the holy scriptures.

As he chanted silently, holy light gradually penetrated into his body. The soul seems to be gradually peeling off dirt and impurities, and is purified and sublimated in this warm light.

It’s a pity that no amount of divine light can expel the darkness in people’s hearts.

At the same time when sensing this memory image, the body of Old Days Secret Scripture suddenly sent a feedback.

An astoundingly craving feedback as I once faced that Faceless Stone Statue!

“That’s… Power of Faith?”

Feeling somewhat surprised by the feedback from the Old Days Secret Scripture, Anves suddenly recalled that Yaniler had mentioned it in his memory. However, the essence of the Sage Project is related to Power of Faith.

At the same time, the mental picture changed again.

The spar in front of him has darkened for some time, and it has become colorless and transparent like a white crystal.

Yaniel raised his head, put down the hand on his chest again, and ended the prayer.

He turned around and walked to the wall, in front of a simple circular light holy emblem, and gently raised his hand and pressed it on it.

A ray of light flashed, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed, turning into a vast hall decorated with a strong sacred style.

The huge spiral crystal chandelier hangs from the dome depicting the magnificent painting, and thousands of candles burn quietly in the golden shrine on the wall, reflecting the sacred and lonely interior environment.

There is no window in the room, and in Yanil Bishop’s memory, it seems to be some unknown underground sanctuary.

Beside him, there were already four silhouettes, also dressed in pure black bishop robes, standing here quietly.

In front of the crowd, there is a simple white altar with ten small oil lamps placed on it.

At this time, seven of the ten lights have been extinguished. Among the three lamps that were still on, the burning flames were white golden, which was very peculiar.

At this time, one of the three remaining oil lamps suddenly flashed, and the white golden flame suddenly went out.


At the same time, a silhouette of the same bishop appeared indoors.

Looking at the number of oil lamps in front of him, he also stood and waited silently.

A moment later, with the appearance of the last bishop, all the ten lights in front of him went out.

Although there are ten lamps in total, only seven silhouettes of bishops finally appeared in this hall.

“The ceremony is over.”

A silhouette of a stern brunette middle age person dressed in a crimson robe with gold thread, appeared silently in front of the altar .

The moment he saw that face, Anves immediately recognized his identity – it was [Holy Inquisition] Yogersen, one of the seven Archbishops of Holy Splendor.

“It’s a pity that not all the brothers were able to seize this precious opportunity to fully receive God’s gift.”

Looking around the room with seven people, Jorgeson spoke slowly.

“However, I am very happy to see that more people can come here.”

“Perhaps you can sense that your own strength has not improved significantly. But , no doubt, the gifts of the gods are not so simple.”

“Next, we will go to Gloria, where the ancient god’s ruins fell. The gifts of the gods will protect you from the evil in it. The foreign objects are completely recovered.”

At the end, Jorgeson waved his hand, and a pure white aperture suddenly lit up beside the seven people.

“Remember, God is watching us in the sky. All that we do will last forever, adding nothing and taking nothing—”

With a teleportation The rays of light flashed, and the memory scene dimmed again.

Immersed in the empty spiritual space, Anves withdrew the spirit strength connected to the Twisted Seed, slightly ecstatic.

This description made him unconsciously think of the silhouette that appeared in his memory and was shrouded in holy white light.

God’s blessing…?



On the evening of the 29th, in the suburbs of Palosia.

The Ever Gold Club is located in a vast private estate on the outskirts of the royal capital Palohia.

The architectural style of the manor is designed by the famous architect Mauric Pierce, which caters to the classical elf-style aesthetics of the Gloria II period, advocating the beauty of natural harmony and absolute low-key luxury.

The original owner was Marquis Draka, one of the founders of the Ever Gold Club. Originally this was just a private club for him and a few close friends, but the scale has gradually become larger and larger.

Therefore, he generously donated a manor in his name as a gathering place for club members.

Because it is very close to the capital and is guarded by high-level private guards, there is enough security here, so there is no need to worry about accidents and disturb the interest of distinguished guests with a status.

At this time, a high-end carriage drove into the manor and slowly stopped at the carriage parking spot near the gate.

Dani in a formal suit pushed open the car door and jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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