
Chapter 317 The Dark Beast Tide

As a result, due to the deductions of the lower-level city defense officials, some of them cannot be replaced and refurbished all year round The inscription array has long since expired, remaining in the state of a Schrodinger’s protective array.

No one knows if it will work or not until it actually activates.

There may be no need for a defense system to deal with those ordinary beast tides, but when the rebellious army approaches the city and storms the City Lord’s Mansion, it becomes a fatal problem.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen in the end.

When the rebel professionals who had infiltrated the city suddenly launched an attack, the city guard officials immediately activated the Defensive Array column.

But the magic shield only lit up for a while, and then went out again directly due to the aging and overload of some inscription materials.

So, realizing that the situation was not right, the city guard arranged for the bottom City Guard to resist desperately, delaying the offensive pace of the resistance army, and passed the secret passage directly and slipped off with oil on the soles of his feet.

It is a pity, however, that he was unable to escape in the end, but bumped into the encircling net that the rebels had set up outside the city to prevent the important figures in the city from escaping, and was captured on the spot after a fierce battle.

This is a very serious provocation to the rule of the empire, and all those who get the news immediately are amazed at the ignorance fearless of the [Spark] organization.

The province of Frey is the domain of the Aslade family.

Under normal circumstances, even if the energy of the Gloria Empire is seriously involved due to ‘friendship’ reasons. The strength of the Aslade family alone is enough to easily wipe out these rebels.

Like a swarm of ants united against a giant in battle.

Perhaps the giant is temporarily busy fighting with another giant and has no time for him. But even if you have a little finger in your busy schedule, it is enough to kill these mob civilian rebels.

But unfortunately, neither the Gloria imperial family nor the Aslade family can even get a little finger out now.

Compared with the resistance army, another more serious matter involved all their energy.

On the evening of the first day of the Newborn Moon, an unprecedented large-scale dark beast tide suddenly broke out in the empire!

Wailing Cave in Frey Province, Whispering Abyss in Palawani Province, Calco Rift in Karlas Province, etc…

Distributed throughout the Empire, The passages and cracks leading to the underground world, as well as some brand-new holes opened up by dark creatures, are now frantically pouring out all kinds of strange black beasts.

The three-headed python, the Dragon Beast, the Shadow Reaper…

The countless dark creatures have gathered into a massive and devastating tide of beasts. Embracing everything in its path, in an unstoppable horrific imposing manner, headed east.

Go straight to where the Meteor Falls in Magna Province, and the endless sea farther east.

It was as if something was calling them out there—

In the beginning, although several high-level prophets made a warning one day in advance, the empire was still beaten. A completely unprepared.

Several medium-sized cities were completely destroyed by the surging beast tide due to the lack of defensive power and the aging and failure of the Defensive Array.

But after the first wave of tragic losses, facing the menacing tide of dark beasts, the big and small nobles of the Gloria Empire immediately reacted and began to defend their territory with all their might.

After all, not all the city defense officers are deducting, and those who deducted the most have disappeared into the vast beast tide along with the entire Defensive Array.

While the more city defense officers are less deductible, the Defensive Array will not be completely inoperable, which allows them to support the arrival of support personnel.

In less than two days, all the high-level professionals spread out, sticking to the large and medium-sized cities throughout the empire, resisting the devastating dark beast tide, and preventing the city from being directly trampled by the beast tide. A white field.

And attached to the small towns near the major cities, the residents have already entered the main city for refuge under the cover of the City Guard and high-level professionals.

But the villagers in some remote small villages too far from the city can only ask for more for themselves.

Under such a severe situation, the Aslade family has no intention of going to trouble with the rebels for the time being.

The beast tide doesn’t care what faction you are, they treat everything in their way equally.

Snatching the two cities at this point in time can, of course, temporarily avoid the sanctions of the Aslade family, but it also needs to resist the impact of the terrifying dark beast tide.

And at this point, how easy it was for the rebels to attack, how much trouble they are now facing.

Although the sorcerer has been arranged to urgently repair the defense array, it is still too late.

And, at the end of the repair, the leader of the Spark Organization found that the value of the rare resources needed to completely repair the city’s defense array was more than the sum of the resources obtained by capturing the city!

That is to say, one addition and one subtraction, the rebels not only failed to obtain resources, but even wanted to defend the city, they also needed to paste resources to repair the array themselves, otherwise they would have to use human lives to fill in.

After learning of this situation, the leader of Spark gritted his teeth, let the sorcerers continue to repair, and let the original city defense officer be dragged out and stabbed to death!

The soul is drawn out as a material for the Necromancer, and the corpse is discarded to feed the dark creature!

It was in this chaotic situation that Anves, who had chosen to reside in the Pamir Academy together with Fiona, finally received a message from Duke Karrot.

After activating the crystal ball on the desktop, the image of Duke Karrot appears from the crystal ball.

Anves could see that the Duke was in an environment that seemed to be in a makeshift alchemy house.

“Very good! Anves, your prophecy came very timely!”

In the crystal ball, the Duke’s expression looked very satisfied.

“You should have heard the news that the Emperor Your Majesty is holding the Saint Messia Empire accountable for the unknown attack on the new moon zero.

And I can tell you now, The location where the holy light column was attacked at that time was the temporary headquarters for the exploration of the ruins, and the formidable power was about the equivalent to the limit of the ninth rank.”

“There are three people in the empire in this incident. The ninth rank was injured, and a ninth rank Elder of the Enoch family, and Marquis Anrita were slightly injured.

A ninth rank of the Aslade family was seriously injured and only temporarily Go back to recuperate. Speaking of which, that guy was also responsible for the safety of your Zhenzhi Society admission assessment last time, but unfortunately it was not very useful.” With a smile.

“Because of your news, the ninth rank of the Alfred family and I left temporarily to investigate the surrounding hidden dangers, and just avoided the attack of the light beam core area.

You Well done, Anves! Some information still needs a prophet with bloodline relationship to be able to predict it as soon as possible.

After this attack, the family prophet sent me news urgently .”

(end of this chapter)

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