
Chapter 318 Avatar

“Also, regarding the dark beast tide, the family has enough strength to guard Karlas Province is not a problem at all. You don’t have to worry, you can stay at the Pamir Academy with Fiona at ease.”

Speaking, the Duke casually mentioned the recent black beast tide, and he was very confident in his words, as if Not taking it seriously at all.

“I see, father.”

Listening to the Duke casually, Anves nodded.

In fact, he knew very well how difficult it was to resist this beast tide.

The large scale of the beast tide means the existence of many ninth rank and ninth rank extreme dark creatures.

Although Olivendi’s prophet has predicted the emergence of the beast tide before, but being able to predict it does not mean that it can be easily stopped.

The Duke mentions this just to reassure him and avoid pointless fantasies.


Suddenly, in the crystal ball, a dark energy ray of Dark Attribute suddenly penetrated into the room, and then was automatically erased by the Duke’s defensive power field.


Anves and the Duke staring at small eyes with big eyes, fell silent for a while.

After the house was hit by an energy ray, a hole was opened in the wall, and a large number of dark creatures outside the hole could already be vaguely seen, as well as the faint sounds of fierce battles coming from outside.

“…There may be a little trouble, but it’s not a big problem!”

After a moment of silence, feeling a little dull, the Duke forcibly changed the subject.

“By the way, your power dragon has been dealt with, and someone will send it to you next, you can start preparing your ceremony in advance——

Ok Now, I have something to do here, so that’s it for the time being!”

Speaking, without waiting for Anves to say anything, the Duke closed the crystal ball directly, and seemed to leave the trouble of finding the owner of the ray.

Staring at the crystal ball reverted to its original shape, Anves pondered.

Duke Karrot is located near the ruins at this time. If even his residence can be affected by the aftermath of the beast tide’s attack, it can only mean that the advance speed of the beast tide is actually faster than he originally expected. faster.

He knew in his heart that in this beast swarm, the target of several dark creatures was precisely the two halves of the ruins, something that was calling them.

But it’s clear that ninth rank professionals from the Great Empire don’t seem to plan to let them go.



On the morning of second day, a special space ring containing a dragon was delivered to him.

Although this behavior may seem a little evil, this giant dragon is not good either.

According to his memory, this dragon changed territory after being disturbed by the player, but in the process it retaliated and destroyed many small villages and towns on the flight path.

When the kingdoms that belonged to the villages and towns noticed the tragedy and sent people to encircle them, the power dragon had long since disappeared.

After a brief investigation with spirit strength, Anves took the ring and entered the depths of the underground laboratory, in the airtight room he specially prepared for the soul split ceremony.

Pamir Academy has a fifteen-day vacation during the New Year’s Day, which gives him plenty of time for ceremony.

Walking to the center of the room, Anves moved his mind, released the power dragon in the ring, and placed it on the huge array occupying most of the floor of the room.

Although it was placed on the ground, its eyes were still closed, motionless, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep state.

Although it is only a juvenile, this power dragon already has a body length of nearly ten meters. If you look at it from a close distance, you can see countless diamond-like shining scales on its body.

A force dragon has smaller scales than most other chromatic dragons, but is more rigid and has a natural stance defense.

Anves tried to swipe hard with the mithril knife. The first thing he felt was a strong rebound resistance, and then the hard touch of the blade cutting the scales.

Because he didn’t use his magic power, the mithril cutter’s blade was in vain before the sturdy dragon scales.

After a brief test of its sturdiness, Anves poured magic power into the carving knife and stabbed it hard along the weak point of the gap of the dragon scales.


With the support of magic, the tip of the carving knife immediately penetrated the dragon scales and pierced into the thick dragon skin.

After the magic power of the blade surged, making the wound bigger and deeper, a dark red dragon blood glowing with strong magic power finally flowed out from the wound caused by the knife.

The power dragon lying on the ground did not respond. Although it can feel pain now, compared to the huge dragon body, this small wound is tantamount to a human being stabbed by an embroidery needle. skin.

Carefully catching the spilled dragon blood in a crystal container, Anves took a cup about the size of a basketball before pulling the knife out of the wound.

Without the stimulation of foreign objects, a large stream of blood spurted out of the wound, and then the bleeding stopped immediately. The nearby muscles naturally squeeze to seal the wound.

After collecting enough dragon blood, he released a cup of his own blood again, and mixed it with a variety of precious high-level materials such as deep crystal and star soul mercury to prepare the special magic ink needed for ceremony.

The validity period of this ink is very short, even less than a magic, and must be temporarily deployed while the ceremony is in progress.

spirit strength Manipulating several special rune brushes, Anves quickly begins to draw the inscriptions and magic circuits needed for the ceremony of the spirit split on the surface of its scales.

What Anves is currently using is an improved version of the ninth rank sorcerer from the Olivendi family. Compared with the original soul split ceremony, the conversion rate and adaptability are much higher.

Soon, a strange array of precision and difficulty enveloped the whole body of the power dragon.

Dim-blue lines flickering with little starlight, look extremely mysterious.

With all the preliminary preparations, Anves opened the highest level of protection in the laboratory.

Then walk into one side of the room, in another small array connected to the main array, the spirit strength extends out, activating the entire ceremony array.

The dark red rich magical brilliance lit up from the dark lines, making the whole array seem to be soaked with blood.

For a moment, the giant dragon, which was lying prone on the ground as if it had fallen asleep, suddenly opened its eyes like an ice-cold dragon carved with diamonds—

“It’s… marvelous…”

The height of the viewing angle has changed, the originally spacious room seems to suddenly become narrow, and the self standing in front of him also becomes very ‘small’.

Something novel moved the giant dragon’s body, Anves wiggled his wings and tail clumsily twice, and then slowly became more flexible.

This feeling of manipulation is very different from the original humanoid body, but due to the previous experience of manipulating a flesh-and-blood Avatar, he quickly adapted to the difference.

After looking at his own body, Anves suddenly felt a special sense of connection.

It seems that one can vaguely perceive the existence of a certain space.

Following this impulse, the giant dragon in the room suddenly turned into a stream of light and merged into Anves’ body.

The split consciousness reunited, Anves blinked and walked out of the array slowly.

He already understood at this time, what he just felt was the summon space of the initial summon thing.

Except for some special initial summons without entities, the overwhelming majority entity summons are usually located in the summoner’s summon space, and only a trace of consciousness is connected to the summoner.

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(end of this chapter)

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