
Chapter 319 Power Control and Dragon Treasure

In fact, the main body of the Soul Splitting Secret Art is actually the accompanying summon of the variant ceremony.

It’s just that this secret technique replaces the self-awareness of the summoner with the consciousness of the summoner.

The caster needs to separate a trace of his own soul as a seed to fuse with the summon soul whose consciousness has been erased, so as to control the body of the summon.

The reason why the soul is not completely wiped out is because some powerful abilities are often associated with the soul.

If the difference between the soul form and the body is too great, then even if the body of the summon is obtained, these abilities cannot be obtained.

Leave the ceremony room and enter the spell testing area of the lab, where Anves re-releases Avatar, the power dragon. The ontology enters the summon space in reverse according to Avatar’s feeling.

The reason why he likes the power dragon is the terrifying ability that the power dragon can manipulate all force fields at will.

The knowledge he learned from Blue Star in his previous life told him that there are four fundamental forces in nature, namely the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force.

The forces required to drive all things in the world are composed of four fundamental forces.

And the force field control of Li Nenglong can be extended to the concept of the four basic forces if you continue to dig deeper.

And then obtain a series of derivative capabilities such as material cracking, making ultra-high-density materials that do not exist in nature, and distorting space-time.

When his consciousness manipulated the power dragon’s body, he could clearly feel that the environment was filled with a strange force field.

These force fields envelop his body like water, and he can also distort and manipulate it with his own thoughts.

Anves attempts to interfere with the force field in the environment with will, turning the direction forward and amplifying it with his own abilities.

According to his will, the huge dragon body floated up without warning, and began to make random high-speed sharp-angle changes in the air.

Then, he hovered in the air, an invisible force field wrapped around his body, distorting the light in the environment, making his silhouette become intermittent.

Next, the range of this force field gradually expanded, forming a huge force field sphere wrapped around him.

Next moment, with a solid force field ball around him, Anves slammed into the ground on the proving ground.

At the point of impact, the solid ground made of demon-loathing alloy was slightly deformed by the impact of sheer huge force in an instant.

In the end, he opened his mouth somewhat unskilledly, and spewed out a cone-shaped decomposition force field dragon breath toward the black yao crystal tablet in the center of the test field, which detected the attack damage level.


Faced with this terrifying attack, the black crystal monument trembled violently, and a purple beam of light instantly lit up, rising straight up to the point of approaching the top of the monument.

This result means that the damage of Dragon’s Breath has reached the attack level of the high segment of the seventh rank.

However, his use of the force field ability currently only ends there.

Until he is thoroughly familiar with the ability to manipulate the force field, he cannot perform higher-precision operations, and can only perform the most basic interference such as twisting and shaping.

Returning to his own body, Anves sensed his newly mastered force field manipulation ability again.

Due to the synchronization of his soul, although he has recovered his human form, he still retains the ability to control the force field, but he does not have the natural feeling of a dragon body Avatar like a fish back in water.

Gently raised his hand, the invisible gravitational ripples suddenly began to collapse inwardly with a point above the palm as the core, causing the light in the air to gradually begin to distort slightly.

Theoretically, if this collapse is extreme, it is enough to achieve a black hole-like effect where not even light can escape.

Only with Anves’ existing strength, it can only slightly distort the light.

And, after taking full control of this Avatar, there seems to be a surprise.

After testing the newly acquired skills, Anves glanced at the field and reached out lightly.

As a result, a small pile of things appeared out of thin air on the empty ground like a system refresh.

This is the item in the power dragon’s carry-on space. After he initially took control of Avatar, he also gained the ability to open the carry-on space.

These advanced devil beasts basically have a portable space to store the collected items.

And when they die, the personal space will also disappear with the death, some of the items will fall out directly, and the other part will fall into the space turbulence and be teleported to something unknown. place to go.

Usually, some adventurers can’t kill the devil beast, but are swallowed by the devil beast. Some magical items and props they carry will be collected by devil beast instinctively.

Therefore, in the future, after players’ level and equipment have been improved, they will occasionally join hands to ‘push the boss’, and then all kinds of magic equipment such as staffs, giant swords, etc. can be exploded from the boss’s corpse.

Those are actually items stored in the portable space, not really hard to pull out from the four-dimensional chrysanthemum.

According to the age of the pile of things on the ground, Anves judged that the overwhelming majority of these things should be the items that Li Nenglong scavenged from the ruins.

This is a good explanation for why there is no treasure in the power dragon’s lair, and why there is also nothing good in the ruins.

Under normal circumstances, giant dragons will put the collected treasures in their nest i, and enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by various precious treasures.

This power dragon should have been preparing to leave at that time, looking for a new area as a nest and territory, so the treasure was put away. It was just unfortunate that I encountered a player who could not be killed, and the news was leaked.

After sorting through all the items, Anves was quite satisfied with the quality of this unexpected harvest.

The ruins originally seemed to be the underground base of an unknown Ancient Era civilization, which contained many special collections.

The dragon egg of the power dragon was probably one of the collections in the ruins originally. It was only because of some kind of problem with the container that the eggs were kept that they hatched unexpectedly.

In Anves’ view, the most valuable harvest this time was the four still-preserved, crystal-like ancient enchanted plant seeds.

Because the container that kept them was made of precious Eternal Gold, and exuded a strong magical energy, they were also collected by that power dragon.

Secondly, it is a black cloak with a light matte luster.

Although it doesn’t look very conspicuous, it vaguely exudes the fluctuation of high-level magic Rare Item.

This is the only non-Metal Attribute magic item in the Power Dragon collection. It can resist the erosion of time for countless years and has been well preserved to this day, which is enough to prove its preciousness.

Anves tried to put it on, and the world around him seemed suddenly cut off from him.

(End of this chapter)

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