
Chapter 323 Bet

In fact, from a purely bystander perspective, the current battle in the web of destiny It’s hard for Anves to make an assessment of what the two sides have done.

Fighting with innocent lives as pawns is definitely not an act of kindness.

But without the two constructs they provided, these soldiers would not even have the qualifications to fight the beast tide, and could only resign in the city.

Ready to charge as cannon fodder at a critical moment, relying on flesh and blood to delay the advance of the beast tide and delay the cooling of the defensive array.

The appearance of the two standard magic guides made them qualified to resist the beast tide and survive, which was equivalent to saving their lives.

Wearing the construct, you will become the pawn of the high-level prophet, but also have the power to guard the homeland.

I’m afraid that even if they know this, they will still choose to wear the construct in the end.

And for both sides of the war, this kind of ‘accidental injury’ is not even evil.

The continents between the three Great Empires were originally potential opponents. While the Federation and the Parliament are fighting, they can also weaken the national power of the Gloria Empire, which can be called killing two birds with one stone.

The high-level prophets of the empire also tried to stop them after they noticed all this.

But the problem is that the two Great Influences prophet’s secret hand is present on the construct. They simply guard against fate, simply half the results for twice the effort.

From a practical point of view, it is unrealistic to prohibit Imperial soldiers from using these two constructs.

Fate interference, equivalent to making soldiers extremely unlucky in an instant, problems that may occur with ordinary equipment, appear together at this moment.

If the soldiers themselves are capable enough, there is still hope to overcome unexpected problems and survive.

You may die if you wear a construct, but you will die if you don’t. This is a complete conspiracy.

Although the Empire’s prophets are also fully intervening, their effect is very limited after all.



This war between high-level prophets has little impact on the current Anves.

He chose to establish a secret guild, and harvest the fate feedback through the actions of the players to influence the net of fate, and there is no conflict with the two sides fighting at this time.

No matter which construct the player is wearing, he can pull a wave of wool down from it.

Anves actually thought about it at first, whether he wanted to get a new set of constructs for his provincial guard.

In his memory, there are indeed some new construction designs in the future.

But considering the delicate situation facing his own faction, he ultimately did not make any move.

Buy the constructs from the Federation, the imperial family can turn a blind eye, and the default is that it is difficult to supervise the place during the beast tide.

But you directly set up a military magic guide construction factory yourself, and the things you produce are even more advanced than those of the Federation. Isn’t this a bit unreasonable?

Magic Constructs, not only can be used to resist dark creatures, they can also be used to fight the royal army.

Re-investigate the forces behind the factory – oh well! The people of the Olivendi family!

The previous marriage between Olivendi and the Alfred family has made the relationship between the family and the royal family very tense.

Now if it is discovered that he is building a military construction factory without permission, the accountability and sanctions from the royal family are inevitable.

Maybe Anves is not afraid of this for the time being, but he doesn’t want to uselessly compete with the royal family at this time, emptying the empire’s national strength, and finally let other forces harboring malicious intentions take advantage of it.



Downtown Karls, ‘Wet Cat’ Tavern.

After the original Boss ran away, the new Boss quickly took over the tavern, and by the way, simply renovated the decoration and signs.

It even recruited two new hot dancers, as well as a rather special bard who is good at telling erotic stories.

“You said, what would have happened if we didn’t come here?”

In the noisy tavern, the last dragonborn, tiramisu, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, The four of them with sharp swords were rarely gathered at the same table.

A few people have just returned from the brutal battlefield outside the city. I don’t know how many dark creatures they have killed with their own hands. They seem to have the negative energy aura of blood and Resentful Soul on their bodies, which makes the people nearby instinctively react.

A little afraid to approach.

The sentence just now was said by the last dragonborn, and he suddenly felt a little emotional when he saw the aboriginal people who were no different from a daoist dying beside him.

“It won’t be so good, it will only make you unable to drink the wine here.”

Hehe smiled and held up the colorful Cocktail glass in front of him, and the tiramisu elated sucked. took a sip.

“pu ha~ a glass of wine afterwards, it tastes great!”

“You misunderstood me, kitten, I mean, if we hadn’t come to this world , what will happen?”

The elf sighed helplessly, and also took a sip of the gray and bubbling wine, feeling complicated.

“You won’t be able to drink the wine here!”

The dwarf said in a rough voice, then raised the big wine glass and filled it with a big mouth. of spirits.

“There’s no need to think so much, Dragonborn. It’s not a good thing to be too involved in the drama.”

Shaking the goblet, he took a sip of the red wine. , the elf bard [Sharp Sword] with a rapier on his back smiled and concluded.

“Yeah, whether it’s killing, or saving, it’s just a role-playing game for us–“

Drinking the Black Forest Cocktail from the glass again, Dragonborn He looked around at several aboriginal mercenaries who were drinking and wrenching their wrists, casually laughed.

“But everyone’s gameplay is always different, isn’t it?”

Hearing the answer of the last dragonborn, the sharp sword shook the head, no longer entangled in Dragonborn thoughts.

“Forget it, let’s get down to business.”

After speaking, the elf bard’s tone became a little serious, and the three around put down their glasses and turned their eyes to him.

“According to the information from the plot team, the club has basically understood what level of power the Olivendi family belongs to.”

“The Boss has made a decision to invest heavily in this line unearthed by Dragonborn.”

Previously, Tiramisu submitted information about the Anves and Olivendi families. after the report.

After analyzing and comparing the Olivendi family and other forces of the same level in the plot background, including the special products, allies, and hostile relations among the Great Influences, they reported to the club. The senior management submitted an analysis report.

The final decision is made by the Boss of white light e-sports, who can bet on the Olivendi family.

However, even if this is confirmed, there is knowledge about when to bet and how to bet.

It is the most inferior way to go directly to the door and cooperate with others spontaneously.

It is the best choice at present to make a name for yourself in the beast tide, and then take this reputation to Anves.

(End of this chapter)

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