
Chapter 324 Heroes

“…So, Dragonborn, I’ll trouble you to represent us next Contact the NPC named ‘Anves’.

Because you have the status of his follower, we need to use your way to contact him.”

Simply recounting the decision of the club, the sharp sword Shaking the dark red low-quality wine in the glass, he didn’t take a second sip, and looked at the dragonborn with a serious face.

The professional players of white light competition have a very clear division of labor. For all kinds of things that need to be negotiated with players or NPCs, the salted fish poet who has no sense of existence in front of them is usually represented.

“So, what’s in my favor, Xiaojian?”

Glancing at the bard in a businesslike negotiating attitude, the last dragonborn leaned back, leaning against the bard. On the creak old wooden bar chairs, a lazily smile.

“Are you willing to come back? If you want, the club can immediately sign with you again, and all terms are negotiable.”

It is no surprise to the question raised by Dragonborn, the sharp Jian habitually pushed down his glasses, and then realized that he was not wearing glasses in the game.

“Sorry, when I terminated my contract with the white light club, I was no longer ready to be bound by any club.

Now, I hope to be able to play the game exactly as I want. , instead of having to perform the tasks assigned by the club.”

Listening to the sharp sword’s invitation to him again, the elf was silent for a while, and simply rejected his proposal.

“I knew your choice would be like this.”

Hearing the answer of the last dragonborn, the sharp sword was nodded by surprise.

“So, according to the research and decision of the club’s top management, I hope to hire you as a special foreign player of white light.”

“Every month, the club will give you a fixed payment. A salary, and it does not interfere with your normal game.

Of course, this salary is much less than that of a regular team member, and it is impossible to compare with your former Captain treatment, I hope you can understand.”

After a brief introduction to the treatment, Sharp Sword began to explain the responsibility of this identity.

“As a special foreign aid, you need to help us with some things, and we will also give you extra bonuses relative to the importance of your help.

This The bonus is not limited to real money, but can also be converted into in-game materials. Or when you need it, it can provide you with support from the club.”

“The style of this proposal should be Those guys in the strategic analysis department proposed it?”

After listening to the bard’s proposal, the Dragonborn thought for a while, and finally nodded.

“That’s fine, I promise.”

“Also, if you need to do anything else, you can do it now. I’ll be there at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. Get in touch with Anves.”

The collaboration was successfully reached in a few words, and the atmosphere at the wine table relaxed again.

“However, Dragonborn, I heard that you are running a force called [NPC Protection Association]?”

The tone casually mentioned the latest news, The sharp sword gaze looks at the center of the tavern, standing in the orange red fire of the stone fireplace, the impassioned bard who tells the story, the gaze of his peers, will always be attracted by another peer .

“It’s nothing, it’s just for fun.”

The elf spoke flatly, then drank the wine in one gulp, and looked at the poet who was telling the story. .

He understands that his former team member, the sharp sword is the type that completely treats the game as a job, and the benchmark for all choices is for the most efficient and profitable.

So, he’s not going to go any further on this topic.

At this time, the bard’s story is gradually approaching its climax.

“…’I’m here to fight wild beast!’ in the tavern, the drunken female warrior said loudly. A mercenary in the tavern stood up jokingly.’ I’m here now There is one.’

The female warrior took a few steps and came to the mercenary, her hot eyes staring at him gradually losing confidence.

‘Let me see the other side wild beast.’ She said resolutely, ‘I will keep attacking it until it falls down!'”

Hearing this, the noisy voices in the tavern were a little quieter. The mercenary held a glass of wine and concentratedly waiting for the follow-up development.

The last Dragonborn instinctively glanced at Tiramisu, worried that the girl would feel uncomfortable about the story,

As a former Captain, he always used to take care of each team member Emotions.

However, when she turned her eyes, the elf found that she seemed to be more attentive than those aborigines mercenaries.

“What? Do you need elder sister to help you with your ‘wild beast’, the weak crit type?”

Noticing the dragonborn’s gaze, the cat-eared girl His little finger hooked provocatively, and the pitch-black little dagger in his hand spun around silently.

“Thank you, no need…”

Twitched, the elf turned around, unable to complain about Tiramisu’s bad taste.

He probably suffered from a mind-blinding technique just now, so he was worried that the kitten would not adapt to this atmosphere.



After a brief rest in the tavern, everyone left the tavern and went back to the supply point in the city to collect the overhauled combat equipment. Then rushed to the front line of battle outside the city.

The dark beast tide has not receded, they are only temporarily retreating from the front line and taking a little rest.

Wearing a burst of dark red blasting wyvern armor, the elf rushed out of the city along the snowy streets alone.

The surroundings are very deserted, there are few pedestrians, and most of them are nervous. Occasionally a carriage appeared, also hurried by with a rumble.

In the sky, fine white snow floats, and the howling north wind swirls through the streets and alleys, covering everything in a cold silvery white.

Wreaths of holly twigs and edelweiss are hung on the walls of the surrounding houses, and from time to time you can see fixed stalls that have been temporarily demolished.

People were already ready to celebrate the arrival of the annual Newborn Festival, but it had to be hastily canceled due to the sudden tide of dark beasts.

“mother, look! What is that?”

In the distance, a little girl about four or five years old who was held by her mother pointed curiously all over her body. The last dragonborn of the strange armor.

She was wearing a slightly shabby but very clean burlap coat, wrapped tightly like a zongzi, and her little face exposed was flushed red from the cold.

“That’s the ‘construct’, the special armor made by the master mages, child. The ones who are controlled inside the construct are the same people as us. And they’re going out of the city, with those outside the city. terrifying devil beast.”

The mother, who was also dressed in tattered sackcloth, looked at the direction her daughter was pointing, and a look of respect appeared on her face, and explained to her in a low voice.

“Is that so? Wouldn’t Mr. Construct be afraid when he saw those terrifying rare beasts?”

The little fellow was ignorant nodded, thought for a while, and then had some doubts ‘s question.

“Of course I’m also afraid. In the face of countless monsters outside, even the legendary powerful professionals, I’m afraid they will feel afraid.”

gentle mother stroking her little head, whispering.

“But, for the safety of this city and ours, they stood up. So, like your father, they are heroes who protect us!”

The little girl was clearly nodded, her big eyes flickering at the dragonborn’s armor.

Then, under mother’s surprised eyes, she suddenly broke away from mother’s hand, waved her hand in the direction of the last dragonborn, and let out a crisp cry.

“Mr. Construct, may the north wind bless your footsteps!”

Hearing her cry, the hurried footsteps of the last Dragonborn stopped.

Turning his face to the little girl, under the uneasy gaze of the mother beside him, he gently lifted up his dark red visor, revealing the young face below.

The pale green eyes looked at the little fellow, and in the whistling north wind, the elf smiled and waved to the innocent little girl as well.

“Thank you, little girl, may your future lead to a bright future——”

Last night, the power of pigeon’s community was cut off, and the result was not finished. This is yesterday’s share.

(End of this chapter)

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