
Chapter 325 Disasters and Bonuses

As Anves told Fiona, the dark beast that swept over half the continent, On the fourteenth day after the outbreak, it finally came to an end.

Except for some scattered and wandering dark creatures, most of the dark creatures were killed, another part disappeared into the meteor ruins, and the last part disappeared into the endless sea.

The Gloria Empire suffered the most from this disaster, especially Magna, one of the four major provinces.

To the east of the Luchka mountain range at the junction of the provinces, three large main cities and their satellite cities, as well as seventeen medium-sized cities were completely destroyed by the dark beast tide.

The number of settlements and villages of medium size and below cannot be counted.

The number of casualties cannot be counted.

Fortunately, due to the presence of professionals and players from other empires, the disasters suffered by the Gloria Empire have been much lower than normal.

Although the disaster was terrifying, the people who survived this wave of disaster began to enjoy the dividends after the victory of the war.

Although it comes from underground cracks, dark creatures, like normal creatures, also have crystal nuclei and various other materials. It’s just basically Dark Attribute, Poison Attribute and Chaos Magic Attribute.

A large number of high, middle and low-level dark creature materials hit the market, resulting in a rapid drop in the price of original dark creature materials on the market, and even the prices of other devil beast materials also dropped a lot.

Many industries have begun to vibrate violently, and civilian professionals can also buy the resources they need at a lower price. Only many businessmen who have previously stocked devil beast materials with similar effects will pay for it. a lot of money.

At the same time, the rulers also began to arrange disaster relief to appease the people after the war. All residents can go to warehouses in the city for free to receive food for the next half year.

If a resident’s family is sacrificed to protect the city, they can also receive a unified pension.

During this period, the last dragonborn contacted Anves, explaining that a ‘stranger’ force who had done a great job in resisting the beast wave approached him, hoping to contact the esteemed Lord Anves through him.

In this battle, the subordinate guilds of several major e-sports clubs performed well. Including the [Light and Shadow] of white light, [Eternal] of silver and blue, etc., all show the ability to defend a battlefield alone.

Anves was also happy to accompany him in acting. When the people from the light and shadow arrived, the two sides had a brief conversation, and then confirmed the specific cooperation conditions.

The people of white light are willing to belong to him, become his subordinate forces, and fight for him. Anves acknowledged the ‘legality’ of Light and Shadow as a Stranger faction, and opened the Olivendi family’s faction shop and quest hall to it.

Meanwhile, due to their ‘excellence’ in previous battles, Anves gave them an exceptional purchase certificate.

With this proof, you can buy a plot of land in Uptown Karlas to use as a guild headquarters or something.

It was originally a reward given to Anves by the family, but he felt that it was useless to hold it, and it was better to use it as a bait to attract players.

At the same time, after the forcible exploration of the ruins was completed and the beast tide was basically over, the Aslade family finally freed up their hands and prepared to clean up the [Xinghuo] rebels who had jumped before.

However, the Spark Organization seems to have been prepared for a long time, breaking it into pieces, retreating in advance with all the resources it has collected, and starting a guerrilla war with the Aslade family.

With the help of some unnamed passers-by prophets, the Aslade family failed to predict the specific whereabouts of the rebel army for a while, and could only search through other methods.

The lunar calendar year 2461, the new moon, the 15th, evening.

As the end of the beast tide completely faded, this year’s Freshman Festival also ushered in the last day, and the Pamir Academy is about to officially open.

In the study, Anves sat in front of the wooden desk, his blue eyes stared at the point above his palm, his eyes were deep.

A silver-grey metal Rubik’s Cube with a volume slightly larger than an apple and an extremely sophisticated and complex structure is suspended in his palm. mechanical sound.

This is a device he specially made for the Duke to train the ability to manipulate the force field and assist in casting spells.

The main material of the Rubik’s Cube is a special superconducting magic alloy, which is mixed with a ninth rank of Void Immersion Silver in the pure secret star metal main body of the high-grade material, and then according to a specific proportion and process synthesis.

If it is replaced by an ordinary hero biography protagonist, I am afraid that the process of collecting the materials of this Rubik’s cube is enough to be called a thrilling adventure.

Fortunately, his family has money.

The mind controls the force field to hold up the Rubik’s Cube. Anves tries to maintain the two opposite force fields in the smallest possible range at the same time, so that they repel each other without collapsing, and use this opposite force field. The structure fills the entire cube.

When the force field passes through the Rubik’s Cube, the Rubik’s Cube will give different spirit strength feedbacks according to every subtle change of the force field.

Allows him to confirm the effect of his own force field interference, thereby improving the fineness of the force field manipulation ability.

After carefully understanding the feedback from the Rubik’s Cube, Anves fine-tuned the force field effect little by little, allowing his manipulation to gradually develop to a level that is smaller and closer to the fundamental particles of matter.

Gradually, Anves felt a little tired from maintaining high-intensity force field manipulations for long periods of time.

Gently exhaled, he stopped manipulating the force field, let the cube fall back into his hands, and looked up towards the window.

The last rays of the setting sun have also disappeared, the sky has a pure color like a deep blue gem, and countless distant silver stars twinkle slightly, as if one after another stares at the eyes on the ground.

“The time is almost up…”

Looking back, Anves did not light the lamp, but sat quietly under the bright brilliance of the silver moon, experiencing the brief quiet time.

This year’s New Year’s Day is a demarcation point. With the emergence of the rebel army, the retreat of the beast tide and the exploration of the ruins of the half meteorite, there are more things he needs to arrange next.

The players of the Mystery Society are very fast at spawning monsters. During the 14 days when the beast swarm was raging, although he lost millions of constructs, he gained tens of thousands of units at the same time. fate feedback.

The prophet rank is stuck at the sixth rank limit and has to stop. It seems that not only fate feedback is needed, but also a special opportunity to break through.

At the same time, after the exploration of the ruins is over, after being screened by a group of ninth rank powerhouses, there will be a large wave of new mysterious items flowing into the Academy as a new ‘collection’ in the mysterious library.

One of those items was the target he had been eyeing when he entered school.

gu gu gu

(end of this chapter)

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